We’re beginning to get a better idea of what the PlayStation 5’s devkit looks like, and these visualisations based on a leaked photograph give us the best view yet. Rendered by Dutch website Let’s Go Digital, the images are based upon official illustrations submitted by Sony and the aforementioned snap which was unveiled over the weekend.

As we’ve reiterated numerous times already, the devkit is unlikely to reflect the final retail product. While the cut-out ‘V’ shape on the top of the chassis looks particularly iconic, we’ve seen it hypothesised that Sony may have included this detail to allow units to be stacked on top of each other more easily – a nice space saving feature if accurate, but not the kind of thing you’d necessarily need at home.
Perhaps the most exciting thing about all this is that we now know PS5 devkits are out in the wild, and software is actively in development for the next-generation device. The Japanese giant’s pinned a Holiday 2020 release date to the hardware, and we can’t wait to learn more over the next year or so.
[source nl.letsgodigital.org]
Comments 40
I personally love the space-age look, even if it probably won’t look anything close to that on arrival.
Looks like an office air purifier...
I don't get why Some people get riled up about the ugly look of the devkit.
It's a devkit so you Will never see it at your own home.
The final product won't look anything like this.
The ps4 dev kit did not look like the ps4 at all either.
So people realy seem to be unhappy with this devkit's design for no reason.
@jdv95 Some people will get riled up about absolutely anything, unfortunately.
@get2sammyb @jdv95 welcome to the internet, as Obi-Wan once said, "you will never find more wretched hive of scum and villainy"
Err, are there any reason devs want to stack ps5 devkit on top of each other beside to make really expensive game of jenga?
I also like the look. It’s something different.
Honestly id prefer something like this to just a standard black box lol
Wouldn't it make more sense to have all of those vents pointed towards the back to cut down on the sound being blasted into the room?
I know a lot of consoles are in enclosed places so the heat pumping out of the back would be stuck back there, but I'd rather have it stuck back there then blowing straight into my face and living space.
Of course it wouldn't look as cool then but I think it would function better in the home that way.
I hope the PS5 has a ton of ventilation similar to the devkit.
Having a lot of airflow helps prevent any problems within the console.
Let's go digital pics dont look the same though. In particular the larger U shape vs a narrower V shape. (In contrast in the first top pic)
Gotta keep the "V". Its the Roman numeral for 5! And V is for Ventilation! Coincidence? I think not, PS V!
Ps5 all I wanna here is backwards compatibility. Sure we all know it will be powerful (well until ms release the $800 scarlet) but good bc possibly upscaled to 4 k will have ppl lose their s**t.
Many are obsessed about the V shape, but for me it's just for ventilation purposes.
As dev kits go, it's actually not bad to be fair.
I'd quite like it if Sony implemented the big V in the final design somewhere though.
Doesn't have to be the valley like it is atm, but some sleek design would be cool.
It looks cool, but I’m hopeful the retail version won’t look close to this. I’m having enough trouble keeping my consoles dust free as it is.
I really don't care what it looks like because I just want it whatever it looks like That does look like a heater I have in my Attic tho I might get it out and paint it and put a PS5 Logo on it and pretend it's a PS5 then
@rjejr I think cool air is goes in from the center and sides and out the back. So hot air is not blowing into anyone's face, unless it's onto a co-worker sitting behind the dev kit.
The open V shape would be cool if it also had a secondary meaning, like if the PS5 was also known as the Sony Victory.
@wiiware stacking computer systems is a common thing to do to save space. And one developer may need access to multiple dev kits at the same time (eg: multiplayer, different builds, server/client, etc) or the dev kits are centralized and shared in one place instead of being allocated to specific individuals.
Looks like they have sorted the air ventilation issues anyway lol
The power of the device is a secondary concern for me. I'm more concerned with it having adequate ventilation and being quiet.
And, considering its arrival being during the year of the PlayStation 25th Anniversary, atleast in Europe, it would be nice to see a launch Limited Edition. I'd be all over that.
@Danloaded Same. I'd like these next consoles to have more personality
I just hope the next consoles actually look cool instead of yet another boring black box
@GADG3Tx87 it would be nice to see the console release in europe the same date it does in the us for ones. the pro and PSVR did it,so why not the ps5.
and yeah considering that next year marks the 25th european anniversary for the ps5,that enforces my first point even more. no need to keep europe waiting this time.
I heard it's going to play the Victory Symphony when you turn it on dum - dum - dum - doooohh!!!
It does look like cooling is a major priority and of that does end to be the design, then I wouldn't be 'disappointed' - at least not if its all black and as quiet (or quieter) than the XB1X which is easily the quietest console I currently use.
Regardless of the Power or the Price, I am certain to buy it. Those 2 aspects may well determine when I buy. I definitely won't want to miss out on PS exclusives and at the best possible spec so its an essential purchase. If MS and Sony release in the same quarter, things like power and price will be a factor in deciding which I can afford to buy first. Exclusives will still be available regardless so they will factor in but not the biggest factor.
Ideally I would buy both as soon as the release but if I have to choose due to my own financial situation, then I will consider numerous aspects to decide which works out to be the best buy for me first but I will certainly add the other too...
@badbob001 Never ever thought of that, but your way does make a lot more sense, so thanks for that. Guess now that I think about it it does make much more sense to have 1 small fan shooting air out of a tiny whole than 4 or 5 fans shooting hot air out all over that vent.
Good thing I don't design cars, huh.
@get2sammyb Sammy when would you guess the PS5 blowout reveal will be? Sometime around February/March?
@jake99691 Yeah I would say it's pretty obvious they went with the "V" design as a play on "5" while also allowing for different air flow.
@jgrangervikings1 I'd say the most obvious is that "V" is the Roman numeral for the number 5.
It's not a 'V', it's two fingers to Microsoft.
V for victory.word up son
I just hope its quiet. I've had a OG ps4 and a ps4 pro and both sound like a jet engine taking off when playing a lot of games.
I remember the PS3 dev kit looking like a CCTV system box...
It looks like you could invade a planet with that. If the released console looked like that, I would buy it in a heartbeat.
"As we’ve reiterated numerous times already, the devkit is unlikely to reflect the final retail product."
And for every post/comment from Joe Public saying they hate the look of it, when the console is revealed there'll be at least two saying they're 'angry' that it doesn't look like the prototype. 🤣
@Sinton My glossy consoles will never be free off dust. They are magnets to it
@HenFjo Oh, no doubt about it, but it’s easier to give a quick wipe over on a simple/plain console.
I need my console to stand vertically
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