Yep, the PlayStation 5 development unit appears to have leaked once again. Posted to Twitter by @Alchoholikaust, a photograph shows not one, but two PS5 devkits sitting next to a monitor. Also pictured is the supposed PS5 controller -- the design of which matches a recently uncovered patent from Sony. It's a lot like the DualShock 4, but perhaps a tiny bit bulkier at the sides.
The bottom line is that while we do have to tag this story as a rumour, the image seems legit. The devkit's 'V' shaped design has now cropped up way too many times for it to be fake, even if these two units somehow turned out to be an elaborate hoax.
It's worth keeping in mind, though, that devkits do not reflect the finished product. As much as part of us thinks that the V design is kind of cool, we highly doubt that the PS5 will look anything like this when it hits the market in late 2020.
In any case, we may only have a few months to wait before we finally get to see something of the PS5. There are numerous rumours going around right now that suggest Sony is planning some sort of reveal event in early 2020, followed up by a blowout at E3 in the summer.
Exciting times.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 37
I'm not gonna lie. I like the design a fair bit.
It looks ugly as hell to me, and I hope it doesn’t look like that as the final product. Regardless, I’m still getting one despite how it looks. Lol.
It' ugly but I like it. It has personality.
@Nerdfather1 i honestly don't care how it looks, i don't buy a console to look at it, i buy it to play games so if it looks like the dev kits that's fine by me
It reminds me of the head of the robot in Short Circuit...
Johnny (PS) Five alive...

I think it's actually... Kinda cool?
I really hope they make it all smooth, slightly robust, and with a patent polish. Like how I like my lovers.
Jokes, but really, I can't say I'm a fan of that v shape! Something minimal is always my preference
I love that design, hopefully they release a special edition that looks somewhat similar
Looks good to me. Anyone else think BD1 looks like the robot in Short Circuit ?
I don't think it looks bad. I wouldn't be upset if that turned out to be the final design. I would be more upset if its only available in white!
now I see it like that I think it looks quite good! plus the new controller would never look that way or this could happen they are just DS4 with the tech in for now I reckon.
And you may tell yourself, this is not my beautiful console.
(Okay, a bit of a reach.)
I still think it looks absolutely terrible, but I guess what really matters is what's inside.
Looks like a mean gaming machine! Honestly I could care less what it looks like. As long as we get 4k @60fps I'll be a happy camper!
I know a Cylon device when I see one!
Do people really expect it to stay like this? Have you guys not seen a Dev kit before 😄
Please not a bigger controller.
Why do people keep saying it's a V (out side of v=5 aspect)? Considering the pov, it looks like a stylized A or point, pinnacle. Like we have hit the pinnacle of gaming with the ps5.
But is that the back, and the slot is for the rumored ssd drives perhaps?
For those worried this is the final design, that’s a PS4 dev kit top right.
I hope it has as many USB ports shown in the image but around the back.
i like the design its like something from the 60's cadillac space age
Looks like a jet engine.
No surprise really.
Looks like an aircon unit that plays games.
The screens are cool but the interesting news are the controllers, right?
I like the design. It's weird, but the kind of weird I find neat.
That and the ventilation. All that sweet, sweet ventilation.
I like the design, it's like star trek tng ship or phaser
I see the ps4 devkit behind it, leading by example 😉
Horrible design wouldn't want that under my table or on my wall. Ps Pro smashes that v shape all the day long. But give me the v in matt black and grey but smaller and alot flatter. That devout looks more retro than ever but I'm just hoping it's a beast of a system and taht it beats xbox hands down with power if not than il buy both consoles on realease date, i have a base ps and pro for living room I own all exclusives and more so I trully hope the next gen tko xbox like they did this season.
Looks very 2003. Not the prettiest thing around but the final product will probably look a lot different.
Now that I think of it, I can't recall one home console in the history of gaming that actually looked nice. All the PS4 iterations look just OK because they're very low-key. Switch is probably my recent favorite for the same reason.
@ToniK The Super Nintendo is a really nice looking machine
and i'm talking about the UK/EU version which looked just like the Super Famicom and not the ugly American version
I wonder if the disc slot is for backwards compatibility or ps5 games- cause it would be great if we went back to cartridges as a whole.
So seeing the controller is almost exactly like the current one I take it ps4 controllers will work with the ps5 as well as the games.
@FullbringIchigo Actually I have one of those as a decoration piece
@ToniK i have the both the Nintendo Mini's and PlayStation Classic for the same reason, they just look so nice
still gotta get the Mega Drive Mini though
It looks like the same stuff made out of my hair dryer the little screen is cool though thats about it.
There's no accounting for taste I guess.
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