Alongside our staff-voted Game of the Year awards, each of our writers have crafted their own personal lists, covering their top five PlayStation 4 titles of 2019. Today, it's the turn of reviewer Graham Banas.
5. Luna
Not everything needs to be about shooting or being scared. Every once in awhile, I just want to curl up with something that makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Enter Luna, a VR game with such strong meditative qualities that it made me feel like a kid with a colouring book again. The art is gorgeous – particularly in its use of colour -- the music is simply divine, and the charm is immeasurable. Donning the headset to be in the world of this game was one of my greatest delights of the year.
4. Super Blood Hockey
Hockey games are rare. Good hockey games are even rarer. Between EA’s stranglehold on the NHL and a lower level of interest compared to other sports, I always find myself craving hockey games, and Super Blood Hockey is the best I’ve come across in quite some time. A twisted, tongue in cheek narrative that pairs insanely violent brawls with old school hockey fun, rarely have I come away from a sports game having had as much fun as I did here. Super Blood Hockey is likely going to be the first and last great hockey game of this console generation.
3. Audica
When it comes to VR, rhythm games seem to rule the roost. Between Beat Saber, Thumper, and now Audica, those are three incredible experiences that really help to sell the idea of just how fun VR can be. Audica is from rhythm game vets Harmonix, so I was expecting a quality experience, but what I got blew me away. A fantastic gameplay loop that kept drawing me back in, coupled with a surprisingly robust and varied soundtrack, this is one I’m planning to keep front and centre on my PS4 for a long time to come.
2. Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil is one of the first PSone games I ever played. And I loved every bit of it as a kid. But I never touched another until Resident Evil 5 for no particular reason. The remake of 2 gave me another chance to rekindle my love for the series, and rekindle it did. A masterclass in tension, paranoia, and level design. The spooky halls of the Raccoon City police department were my home for 20 incredible hours at the start of the year, and that experience would fail to be topped by virtually anything for the rest of 2019.
1. Control
Remedy being my favourite developer, I had extremely high expectations for this foray into intrigue and brutalist architecture. Despite those lofty goals, I was blown away by the richness of the world, and the wonder that I felt exploring the ominous, mysterious Bureau of Control. And that’s to say nothing of the incredible music or the extraordinary combat that delivered on what I wanted but didn’t get from Remedy's last title, Quantum Break. Control was everything I wanted and more. Because on top of everything, it might wind up being a stealth sequel to my favourite game of all time; Alan Wake.
Do you agree with Graham's personal Game of the Year picks? Whatever your opinion, feed us your thoughts in the comments section below.
Comments 17
Hi, this is an interesting list with a couple of games that flew under my radar, thanks for adding to my ever expanding wishlist/backlog. 😄
I feel like I am missing something as I really didn't care for Control. While the powers were cool and fun to use, I thought the shooting felt off and quite stiff. I also hated the map, it made navigating far more complicated than it needed to be.
It was a nice looking game and it ran well enough on my Pro, but by the time I got to about 3/4 of the way through it I was forcing myself to play it and ultimately stopped before seeing the credits roll.
Super Blood Hockey is amazingly fun. I grew up playing Blades of Steel on NES-it is like that but with a dark humor twist. So great!
It is on sale in the holiday sale for cheap. I recommend it highly.
I am going to give this Super Blood Hockey a go looks neat. It is about time SWOS came to the PS4 one can only dream.
Resi 2 for overall game of the year because it's been in virtually all of the Push Square staff's top 5.
Control is one of my favorite games this generation. It is incredibly stylish and has one of the best stories in a long time. It’s one of those rare games (for me) that I actually wanted to find/read every note. The lore and history is just fantastic, and I can’t wait for the two DLC expansions coming soon.
Huh, I actually liked Quantum Break very much, same with Alan Wake. Gonna snag Control later down the line as I have only just started RDR2.
Super Blood Hockey seems right up my alley, so to speak. NHL '94 is incontrovertibly the greatest game ever made, and I haven't found a suitable replacement in the fun department since. Might give it a go. Is it any good as a single-player game?
Dig the list.
Edit: Wait a minute - ESRB warnings are Strong Language and Use of Drugs? Not that I have a problem with either, mind, but unexpected.
@Westernwolf4 Thanks for the heads-up.
@Ichiyama I hope you enjoy the game! I had a lot of fun with it.
@Number09 absolutely give it a go. I highly recommend ir and like @Westernwolf4 said, it's massively discounted right now!
@Westernwolf4 good hockey games are so rare n9w, but it's so good!
@Lovespuds Everyone needs a massive backlog
I.absolutely agree about the map in control. It wasn't too great, but I was content to overlook it cuz.of how much Ioved the environment and narrative stuff!
@RogerRoger yeah some of the picks are all over the place!
@gollumb82 i didn't necessarilly dislike Quantum Break, but coming from my favorite dev I was let down. I bought an Xbone just to play it!
@Nerdfather1 yessss! Every little tidbit i wanted to find! Alan Wake made me feel that way too!
@b1ackjack yeah Remedy's my favorite dev and it's really great to see just how many people loved it!
@m1349 this should be right up your alley then!
@Ichiyama yeah the language and drugs come from the games campaign. I'd say it's great as a singleplayer game! (There's no online muliplayer though, so just be weary of that!) And naturally. Nothing's gonna top 94!
Love when someone includes completely off-the-wall choices in these lists.
@gbanas92 Thanks, man.
I really enjoyed reading an atypical top 5 ps4 games list. Really enjoyed Super Blood Hockey and Control, but feel guilty for not playing RE2. Will definitely give Audica a try...
Some days I feel like I'm the only person who really appreciates Ace Combat 7
@BrettAwesome I absolutely adored the VR stuff. I wish the full game was that like they originally implied was going to be the case!
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