It makes more sense than perhaps any other game in Sony’s portfolio, but it’s starting to sound like Dreams could be the next PlayStation 4 exclusive to make its way to the PC. Reports today emerged that Guerrilla Games’ epic open world opus Horizon: Zero Dawn would be making the jump to Steam and the Epic Games Store, and now Eurogamer journalist Tom Phillips has hinted that Media Molecule’s creation engine could be next.
To be fair, the Guildford-based developer has teased something similar in the past, and given the nature of the title – well, it does actually make sense. Of course, the more exclusives that jump ship, the more people are going to question the platform holder’s commitment to its own hardware.
It’s perhaps worth mentioning that, at this stage, nothing has been confirmed. The Japanese giant has clearly been caught out by these reports, and assuming they are accurate, it’ll need to get its own message out swiftly, as this story is only going to snowball.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 49
Sammy how about you rename to push ctrl alt delete.
Sony need to come out and reassure fans because there running the risk of losing a lot of faith in PlayStation as a platfor. Imagine the outcry if Nintendo did this. Wouldn't be surprised if Shawn Layden left over things like this.
Honestly, I could see Horizon a little more than Dreams.
Just go ahead and put all games on PC like Microsoft that way I’ll just buy a PC.
@AdamNovice us poor fans need some mollycoddling from the Overlord, eh?
@themcnoisy I know right? Google Stadia exclusives, discounts on Witcher books...BOOKS! IT MAKES ME PHYSICALLY SICK.
'In an interview, Shawn Layden, chairman of Sony’s game studios worldwide, said exclusive titles will still be a part of the company’s strategy, but that some games — particularly multiplayer titles designed to be played on personal computers — may see broader distribution.'
@kyleforrester87 I think it's reasonable for many PlayStation gamers that would like to know if PS5 games will remain exclusive, otherwise what's the point of the console?
@JJ2 thanks for that, my heart rate has gone back down to its regular 130bpm
@JJ2 Yeah and he left not too long after that, he was probably just saying what he was supposed to say.
Besides Horizon doesn't exactly fit that bill.
@AdamNovice nice and cheap? One off investment every 5-6 years? Plug and play? But I mean, if they release these games on PC and that becomes a more attractive option as a result that’s good for the consumer, right?
@AdamNovice - because consoles generally offer a much better bang for buck on performance than PCs. to get the reported PS5 specs on PC, you'd be lucky to find it under £1000 - there's no way sony is going to price PS5 at that kind RRP. but i do agree your point, having exclusives is important to building a brand, and retaining loyalty to a brand. if sony playstation became a service amonst others on PC, i'd be out.
Yea I know. HZD is surprising but I actually understand games like Dreams.
Still, until proven otherwise he started the trend.
@BarefootBowser - so does the software of 3rd parties from licensing fees. sony probably makes more money from call of duty or grand theft auto than it does from half of its own worldwide studios games. if people are going to play the first party games elsewhere, they're sure as hell not going to buy a console to play the 3rd party games on it.
@KratosMD Generally I’ll go where the games are - I got a 3DS just for Bravely Default, that and the second are the only 2 games I really played on that system. (I actually started BD up again earlier this week!)
I Don't think the mass audience cares whether or not PS 1st party titles remain exclusive or not . At the end of the day A parent is more likely to buy a console for their kid than build a PC for them . Before console sales was very crucial , but times have changed and now its more important to get enough people as possible signed up to services whether that be PS Plus/PS Now or Xbox Live/Game Pass .
To me , despite the news of Dreams or HZD going to pc, I am still a primarily a console user even though I have a gaming pc . Console still caters to me most and that is where all my friends are. =)
Good idea, Dreams is such an incredible concept that the more people with access, the better for all of us. As long as experiences are shared cross-platform, it’s good for us in the long run as we can play them.
As long as its 3 years after release lol. Nah its cool but I like that SONY is unique with the amazing exclusives on their platform.
@kyleforrester87 The thing is, as we have discussed before. You can get a PC setup with a 55 inch monitor and use a PS4 pad.
Loads of fresh games, backwards compatibility and a choice of Xbox, Steam, GoG and now Sony games. PC upgrading is a rabbit hole we've avoided, my half decent PC from 7-8 years ago struggles with every new release, on my part due to the cash, time and technical know how involved. I buy a PC as if its a console, swapping the whole thing when it's defunct. My Hasse god of war laptop from China is ace, but often games don't work well - inside had strange frame drops, Elite stutters, Age of Empires HD stops selecting units as it freezes. Others games are fine but it's a total gamble.
If this carries on I may as well start building and set up a proper PC entertainment centre with easy swap out parts. I don't really want to do that as I have no idea how to even get age of Empires running properly - but it's becoming inevitable.
@kyleforrester87 You planned this all along didn't you Big Boss The Games Without Borders Initiative where every game is not tied down to one company no wonder you always have that cheeky grin.
@themcnoisy I would totally move over to PC gaming if it made sense, but let’s be realistic - HZD is already several years old, no one is talking about Sony’s biggest and best games coming out on multiple platforms day one. But like I said, if they did start doing that, I’d just consider making PC my main platform. I don’t really need a hug from Sony (no disrespect @AdamNovice!)
@Areus this is good...isn’t it?
So no PS5 for me then. Dreams coming to pc makes the Playstation version of the game handicapped and literally worthless. Just look at Skyrim mods on pc and Skyrim mods on PS4.
@kyleforrester87 None taken. I just feel if Sony are doing this then they need to explain the reasoning and the plan going forward. MS I'll give them this at least told everyone that all there games were going to PC day one. Sony can't afford to keep people in the dark otherwise we'll get more rumours and unconfirmed reports.
Yep if this is confirmed it just means this is the beginning of them doing most if not all there titles that way. That would mean a hard pass on a PS5 for me. I'll just play everything on my PC.
@kyleforrester87 Everyone keeps saying bc HZD is years old that it doesnt matter. Yes it does! It's clear sign that they will start to do all there titles eventually.
@BarefootBowser IMO, first party games exist to sell consoles. Because Sony/MS/Ninty make a ton of money from third party sales (royalties). A first party game doesn't have to be profitable because of that. That's why Sony can release something incredibly niche like The Last Guardian that was in development hell for years. A third party company would never allow that, because it's all about the money.
@Areus, @kyleforrester87, big boss's dream Outer Heaven. I kinda have mix feelings about this, but i will do the same as @kyleforrester87 if that happens.
Does it really matter that others get to play some great games that you can also enjoy? At one point, PS fans were citing games like Nier and Nioh as PS 'exclusives' and it didn't matter that PC gamers could also enjoy them because they had 'console exclusivity'.
The bigger the target audience, the better the chance of sales. This can also help with the initial investment in games - allowing Sony to invest more - especially in games that may not have a 'wide' appeal. There is also the aspect that as PS gamers, you get to play first and, if HZD does come to PC, with years of exclusivity. The game cannot be selling in big numbers anymore so why not release on PC and generate more sales? It also doesn't affect my enjoyment of it or annoy me as someone who bought it on day 1.
Any extra money Sony can get from selling games on other platforms is a good thing for Playstation owners as Sony will no doubt invest that money into their products which in turn benefits us...
Hey, at least Sony isn't embracing microtransactions like Nintendo from what I've read with pokemon. Be happy about that. I own an Xbox One and have never been bothered about games going to pc. I also have a ps4 but other than Earth Defence Force I don't really know what other games I want for it as they all seem too emo and weeby for me personally. If anything the extreme fanboys will have less things to brag about.
@Ken_Kaniff then it might make sense to get a PC.. if we get to that point I don’t see the issue? What’s the problem exactly for the consumer? But until then, a PS console works best for me.
While Playstation losing exclusives probably won't be negative early on (Playstation 5 will sell like hotcakes), it is definately a two edged sword in a long run.
Personally i'll stick to Playstation, it's cheaper, can use the second-hand market for cheap deals on games, can game-share with friends both digitally and physically, it has better price-per-performance ratio in comparison to PC.
But, it is also quite possible that Playstation 5 might be my last console, if things are heading where i think they are heading.
@Lobbo95 I’ll be fultoning out anyone who disagrees with me, anyway.
This future hurts console gaming. Sony either have a huge ace up its sleeve or console or console gaming will be replaced by subscription gaming.
Don't become Stadia, PlayStation....
It's gotton so bad I need to detox on Top Gear on the advert infested Dave and dream of better days on the B.B.C.
No problem, I'll just skip the PS5 and play all the PlayStation exclusives on PC at max settings. Who's ever in charge of these decisions should fire themselves seriously, why play HZD on PS4 when you could play it in 8k 60fps on PC?
If this all turns out to be true than Nintendo will be the last real console maker with games you can't play anywhere else.
@kyleforrester87 I have a PC is what I was saying, and the only reason to buy a console was for exclusive games. If those are coming to an end then theirs no reason to get the PS5.
Exclusives are a big part of which consoles I choose to buy. PS5 will likely have plenty of great exclusives. If however they start releasing most games on PC then I may as well enjoy the games there instead.
@JON22 microtransactions in Pokémon? Where did you get that (completely false) info?
I mean, Pokémon Swoosh were a trainwreck in so many ways, but MTX are not a problem it has.
At least for now, let's not give TPCi even more predatory ideas...
(Yes, it's The Pokémon Company that decides pretty much everything about Pokémon, hence why the games Game Freak develops are way less polished than the other 1st party games.)
@AdamNovice Yeah, porting sony 1st party exclusive to other platforms is big, maybe layden want to port only games that make sense like multiplayer games and dreams while still having exclusives, while the higher-up want to port all games.
@wiiware if True the higher ups are going to shoot themselves in the foot in the Long run when people stop buying PlayStation versions of games when they know a better version Will be available if they wait
@Areus We know what sony strategy is this february, I didn't think they expect the news to leaks out and give them bad publicity like this.
Your misunderstanding. Some games are console exclusive releasing on pc, which is fine, but Sony doesn't divert resource to cater to pc gaming. In the case of first party studios, I d rather they focus exclusively on consoles. It's not because of better enjoyment or being 'mean' not to want pc gamers enjoy them. It s a consumer perspective and interest to have a company dedicated to console gamers as much as possible.
IF they make more money in the pc market. That would be re invested in making even more money in expanding the pc market. Dont trick yourself thinking that would benefit the console market.
And why do you think xbox hardware sales completely collapsed after the first couple years this gen?
First off, this is an incredibly dumb decision on Sony's part in the year when PS5 launches. Angering your fanbase is not a good marketing strategy.
That said, let me tell you PC gaming isn't what it's cracked up to be. I've got a gaming PC with an i7 and a GTX 1060 6GB so a bit more powerful than the PS4 PRO. However, I game on my PS4 mostly as many games that are available for both platforms run worse on my PC. This includes RDR2, Dirt Rally 2.0 and Tomb Raider. HDR on PC is almost non-existent (and it makes a big difference for me), games play better/worse depending on your GPU maker (some run better on AMD, some on nVidia cards), there are driver issues, online is full of cheaters, the storefronts are multiplying like rabbits, gaming PCs are way more expensive than consoles. That is why I will stick to Playstation as long as they keep launching next hardware iteration. If they decide to go streaming only, I'm out. Thanks for reading.
@BarefootBowser Yeah, but those are short-term sales. What about the long run? What if people say; Hey, why buy a PS5 when everything comes to PC eventually? It just doesn't make sense to me as a long-term strategy.
well i absolutely f***ing detest windows 10, so PC gaming is not remotely an option for me, so sony making any moves in that direction is entirely undesirable as far as i'm concerned. if every big game, or sony first party, came out on a different o/s it might be different.. who knows, maybe PS5 is going to get some form of steam integration - it and steam o/s are both linux based, right? and gabe's not a windows 10 fan either.
@BarefootBowser I dunno. If PC becomes effectively PS4 + Xbox + PC exclusives, that's essentially three systems in one. Whereas on PS4 I'm missing out on Xbox and PC games.
This is great for gaming tbh gives people the choice to play these games as they were intended with the highest possible fidelity and performance
more sales equals more games from the same development studios it's stale now having games locked behind one specific piece of hardware.
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