The western fanbase is going to have to wait a little bit longer before it can get some hands on time with Yakuza: Like a Dragon, but the Japanese release of the game is just around the corner. Thanks to that, we've gotten a glimpse of the title's first review score and it once again makes for very positive reading.
Famitsu has awarded the franchise's eighth mainline entry a very respectable 38/40, with the four reviewers in question either handing the experience a ten or a nine when it came to scoring. This will be welcome news for fans who feared the game would be negatively affected by its new turn-based mechanics as this ranking very much lines up with past Yakuza titles. Yakuza 5 is the only game in the series to get a perfect 40/40 from Famitsu, while Yakuza 6: The Song of Life is just a single point behind. The original Yakuza 2 and Yakuza 3 both share the 38/40 Yakuza: Like a Dragon has been awarded.
Does this fill you with confidence? Are you excited to check out Yakuza: Like a Dragon when it eventually comes to the west? Take your turn in the comments below.
[source gematsu.com]
Comments 15
Seriously excited for this, I just started Judgment finally and I’m loving it, it’s different enough to feel fresh after the rest of the series. This should be a nice change of pace too.
Well i have played 0, 1 and half of 2 so far, and also nearly finished judgement, and i have to say although i am enjoying them, i am getting a little bit of a burnout from it atm, just rushing through judgement to finish it atm. So yea think a change is needed, not sure if this is set in same place, but would welcome a new city, everytime i start a new yakuza, everything just seems to be exactly the same just with a few additions, so yea would welcome some changes just to freshen it up. But have to say the stories are great and some of the side missions are hilarious.
@nessisonett i felt totally opposite to you about judgement, thought it was pretty much yakuza games but playing a cop, you still have to beat the yakuza up, i think they should have taken the story away from yakuza and just started it a new, just felt like they were playing it a little safe, dont get me wrong still liked the game but yea just felt too familiar to me.
I am not a fan of turn-based mechanics, therefore, I am not interested in this title.
@gusglez id wait to see what its actually like before judging too soon. It may surprise you
@Daleaf @KratosMD Totally agree that the change will be good for Yakuza. This is one of the big problems of having released all the games in such a short space of time. It becomes so easy to be burned out. The gaps were greater between releases in japan which will have helped avoid this.
Excited to see how this turns out.
Daleaf - the game is set in Yokohama rather than kamurocho this time out 👍
I can’t wait. I’m very hyped for this game. I’m just waiting for the Yakuza Remastered Collection to release next month so I can finish Kiryu’s story.
@Rob_230 i only started playing yakuza last year on an impulse buy, definitely agree with the burnout, think im going to play a few other games from my backlog b4 finishing 2 and going on to 3. Good to know it is in a different location this time. Always seem to get bored by the end of the games as it is all too familiar. Just imagine if gta had been set in same location and same character from the begining. Will be interesting to see how the turn based changes the game, will defo pick it up though, might get it inbetween 4 or 5 just to break things up as its a different character and new story.
The Yakuza reminds me of Rooney just when it makes a change people question if it can still compete but as usuall quietly gets on with it with Pride.
this game is like a dream come true for me.
Sounds like a good game. Sadly for me . The turn based combat killed it for me . But I hope people enjoy this. This studios deserve that for being so good on making this franchise
Yakuza flair turn-based. This game can't get in my hands soon enough.
I don't suppose the game also happens to have a cameo of a Famitsu executive?
Didn't expect anything less. I'm glad for the change of gameplay. Strangely as I played 0-6 over the course of a year I never got tired of it, even though they do reuse many assets. But once I played fist of the north star and judgement I got burned out.
Bit behind on Yakuza having just started 6 which is great so far (how did they get away with the live chat mini game???). Looking forward to this when it comes over.
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