Square Enix has released a number of very high quality character (and creature) renders for Final Fantasy VII Remake. As you'd expect, the remake has given each member of the cast an overhaul, while also staying true to the original designs. Up to this point, we think everyone looks pretty much perfect.
Below, you can find all of the character art that's been published so far. Naturally, we'll keep adding to this article as more and more renders are released. Perfect for a wallpaper or two, if we do say so ourselves.









Don Corneo

Madam M

Andrea Rhodea

Leslie Kyle

Chocobo Sam

Chocobo and Moogle

Chocobo Chick





Other Character Art

Are you liking the character designs in Final Fantasy VII Remake? Battle your way through the streets of Midgar in the comments section below.
Comments 57
Square saving E3 for me, FF7 and Avengers game with a possibly Spiderman ps4 tie in, 2020 could not come soon enough.
Pretty cool. Cloud's earring is a bit Suicide Squad, amazing artistry though!
Aerith? Where do you live, again?
they just look so
@kyleforrester87 Shut it Kyle, you think I like writing "Aerith" anymore than you like reading it? It's a disgrace and I'm ashamed but this is the twisted world we now live in.
No DemonsSoul remake anouncement? hella sad (
does Sony have any more "StateOfPlay" streams coming?
Since this is only the first part, will this be the first FF7 game where Aerith lives until the end?
@ShogunRok you make me physically sick
@Frigate woah spoilers. No but really, while Aeris is common knowledge the guys you’ve mentioned are likely much less well known for people playing it the first time. It’s bound to be the most emotional moment in this part of the remake, actually. Other than when you finally get into the Honey Bee Inn.
@pimpjuice Sony will definitely be doing more stuff before the year is out. I guarantee it.

Pass me the tissues, already!
The cast looks great.
It is going to be interesting to see how Square reframe Avalanche so that we are still sympathetic with them, as they are a bunch of terrorists, which was a bit different in the mid-90s. It’s pretty clear Tifa isn’t chuffed given her dialogue at the bar.
I'm just waiting for @FullbringIchigo to change his avatar for the 5th time in two days to one of these guys.
They did an amazing job keeping the designs pretty faithful to the original. I was a bit concerned about Tifa, but she looks fantastic.
Can't wait to see what Yuffie and Vincent look like in the sequel.
Oh! And the Turks. Can't wait to see their designs.
Only saw a bit of Heidegger in the trailer, but he looked pretty faithful to the original as well.
@JohnnyShoulder done
It will be interesting to see what they do with Red XIII. Does appear much later in the game, will he be seen in the first episode?
They all look so good. Can't wait.
They do look great. Can we have Balthier, Fran, Ashe, Basch, Penelo and Vaan next please, SE?
@JohnnyShoulder well they said that the whole of the Midgar segment is in this release (but wouldn't say what else is in it) so Red XIII will be showing up at some point
but i imagine he will be similar to his Advent Children design

They all looks good, especially tifa
@NintendoFan4Lyf I'm guessing it looks something like this now.
Perfect. So, so much better than Advent Children.
@Ralizah Agreed. I give a lot of credit to the art direction here. Amazingly reminiscent yet modern.
I played FF7 when it released and knew her as Aeris, but a few years later decided I liked Aerith better so glad they stuck with it.
Why no pic of Sephiroth? He's only freakin' Sephiroth!
Every time I see that FF8 trailer, as glad as I am to see it again, I'm reminded of how weak those villains seemed after Sephiroth. Really kinda wish I had played 8 first. Actually 9 first, then 8, then 7. I really didn't like 9 much at the time but I think it just couldn't compete with both 7's story and 8's love story.
@rjejr well it's not that they stuck with it, just that they realised they mistranslated the name so changed it from Aeris to Aerith (which is what it should have been) in the first Kingdom Hearts
and besides Aerith is a better name anyway
YEAH I SAID IT, Aerith>>>>>> Aeris
Aeris will always be Aeris to me.
We've come so far in 22 years, guys. It feel like in another 22 years we'll have the Star Trek holodeck if we keep going at this rate.
@FullbringIchigo This comment made me realise we're not gonna get Yuffie until the next part. Ah damn it. Maybe they'll sneak her in, having her spying on the party as they move around Midgar. Actually, it does make me wonder if Yuffie and Vincent will still be hidden characters.
@NintendoFan4Lyf You know, one amazing random thing that happened made it more impactful for me. After the cutscene where she died, something went wrong with my PS1 - not that I realised at the time - and the music didn't play during the Jenova fight right afterwards. It was silent apart from sound effects, quite eerie and sombre. For years I thought it was intentional until I played it again on my PS2 and there was music this time.
@Matroska Oh Square have already said they won't be but you can get them early but if you don't have them by a certain point you will automatically get them
they are going to be much more involved in the story this time round
plus rumour is that the first part will cover up to the death of Aerith so IF that's true (and it's a big if) they should be in your party by that point
I want them all as posters and Barret looks that RnB artist The Game lol
@BowTiesAreCool He's had an earring from the start in official art, it seems. I didn't realise either but your comment inspired me to check if older art portrayed it and, apparently, it does.
@FullbringIchigo Ah that's cool. To be fair, I was surprised how much stuff they had to say in the original, what with their own unique quests and comments throughout the story. The fact that Vincent was in love with Lucrezia, who it turned out was Sephiroth's mom, but you only meet her as part of his story. Even nice little touches, like if you get Yuffie before Junon, she gets seasick on the boat across whereas normally that isn't mentioned until you get Highwind.
@kyleforrester87 Funny thing is the Original Avalanche that came before this one was worst
@Bliquid Nah not really. He's 35 in FFVII. Me and most of my friends are 35 or 36 and he looks at least a few years older than us. (God, when I first played the game, Yuffie was "a cute older girl" and Barret seemed ancient. Now I'm older than Barret and Yuffie could be my daughter.)
@NintendoFan4Lyf Oh, sorry for the spoiler. That's not actually from the movie. Well some of it is, but it's been doctored up a bit.
@FullbringIchigo YEAH I SAID IT, Aerith>>>>>> Aeris
Gonna get yourself banned. Though I agree.
Pfft. I'm not even as nutty on Final Fantasy games as some of you lot are but it has and always will be Aeris for me.
@rjejr worth it though
@Matroska I used to read the manual every day going to and from school for about six months, never once clocked he had an earring!
Moogle teeth?? XD
Rude looks like Keegan-Michael Key.
why does Tifa look so good, tho? Kudos to the art team.
I wonder if this extends a little further than just Midgar. Choco/Mog and Ifrit are a little bit past that.
So amazing. The feels that bubbled up at that pic of Aerith facing out. I'm so ready for all of this.
@SnowTiesAreCool finally someone other than me sees creepy ass moogle lol
moogle got punched in the mouth.
@eltomo I'd say it's more that there's no summon materia until the Chocobo Ranch so there'd be no summons at all in the first remake unless they brought some of it forward.
If they're sticking to the original order, Shiva should be in it as well since she's before Ifrit. They'll probably have at least 3 so that each active party member can have one.
If Reno and Rude are comic relief in this game like they were in Advent Children I'm going to flip a table
Why no Red, Vincent or Yuffie yet still wish the voices from FF7 Advent Children where doing it they were all perfect especially Cloud and Sephiroth
@kyleforrester87 so ridiculous, but so good!
Looking so good!
The wait is getting to be unbearable.
Wait, where the hell did Carbuncle come from? And why does it look so weird??
Carbie in FFVII....
**Raises Eyebrow**
@Bliquid Not really, he's 35 I believe in the original FFVII, which is probably just pre grey hair period, so he looks about on target for his looks.
He's got that rugged marginal aged look to him when you compare him against the likes of Cloud for example.
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