If you had a hunch that PlayStation 4 backwards compatibility on PlayStation 5 would effectively kill the concept of the remaster, think again. Before the console itself has even been revealed, the next-gen machine already has its first officially announced rerelease. Bloober Team is teasing a remaster of Observer on its Twitter account, dubbed Observer: System Redux.
We weren't fans of the original game in the slightest, so we're struggling to mount much excitement for this reveal. It's probably safe to assume that the title will now take advantage of the PS5's 3D audio, high-speed SSD, 10.28 Teraflops, and the all-new features that the DualSense controller brings with it, but that's only going to go so far when the experience itself is incredibly lacking.
It's cool that we have another game confirmed for the PS5, but a remaster of this particular title is not what's going to sell the system whatsoever. Are you more positive about Observer: System Redux? Hack into the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 30
I find it funny that they used a Cyberpunk 2077 hashtag in the tweet.
Edit: Someone must've gotten an ear full, cause they took this tweet down and replaced it with one that doesn't have 2077 in the hashtags.
@Deadlyblack Seems kinda dirt-bag-ish.
@OmegaStriver I'm leaning more towards it being an accident.
A whoopsie of sorts.
This wasn't an exclusive title was it? Not sure what the point of the remaster is when this doesn't seem to have notch of a fan base.
I'll hold my judgement until we know Sony's approach to this kind of thing.
We already know Microsoft has the option of Smart Deliver - whether Bloober Team utilizes it is a different story.
With the system's being backwards compatible, I just don't see this flying off the shelves - especially if it needs to be bought a second time.
Umm why tho. Seemed like an alright game but nothing remaster worthy. Maybe Blooper team need money to make a game thats not a horror walking sim
This was quite the experience! Not perfect perhaps, but worth it for Rutger Hauer alone.
@ShaiHulud agree I really enjoyed it and I’ll buy this day one
It had a good story but had some brutal frame rate drops. RIP Rutger Hauer
I expect a crapton of remasters for PS5.
Prepare yourselves, people.
Who asked for this?
Wake me up when they remaster Mass Effect.
I can honestly say I don’t think I’ve even heard of this game before if that says anything about it lol
Never played this and after seeing a walkthrough on YouTube for five mins a few months ago I have absolutely no intention too.
I honestly do not remember this game at all
CDProjektRed set a standard with Cyberpunk 2077's free next-gen patch on XSeX (and, presumably, PS5) that other developers should rise to. I don't mind remasters of games not playable on PS4, but I won't be purchasing any "next-gen versions" of games when we know the companies behind them could issue out free patches instead.
Now that I think about it they must be going for the people who wanted Bubsy back. The gamer who really wants remasters of games that were 99.9% forgotten
I played this recently and really enjoyed it, but even I’m struggling to see what would make it worth remastering....
Great little game, and severely underscored by Push Square. Also, more and more examples of using "We" to share your opinion. I.e. "We weren't fans of the original game". I thought that the scores were reflective of the individual reviewers experience, rather than a collective score of the team?
@NinjaWaddleDee I’m playing Mass Effect 1 right now. It still holds up, but it’s definitely showing its age. A proper remaster would be more than welcome.
Never heard of the game, however I would love a remaster of war hawk. I sunk some serious time into that game on the PS3. The dog fighting was second to none 👍
I would go as far as to kiss Sony’s feet if that happened. That’s If soon had feet of course 😉
... this doesn't bode well for a "next next gen console"... unfortunately it's sounding like "same old, same old releases"... ugh... it's this kind of thing that makes me doubt making a pre-order on the console... so little available at the start and "remasters" of games we've already played (or some haven't heard of...) unfortunately regardless of the funky consoles... it's the same old developers with limited originality / scope...
That original review really doesn't sit well with me. Observer was an amazing concept and had some super cool ideas, it wasnt perfect but it was original, had a tonne of style, and certainly scratched a cyberpunk itch for fans of that type of stuff. Now the only real problem was that it had technical issues and crap fps that would dip way too far down. I absolutely loved exploring the apartment complex and speaking with people through the doorways etc. The games atmosphere was so ominous feeling and it just all around had a lot of charcter. And my god, the late Rutger Hauer was the voice of the protagonist!!
It had a few crappy dream like sequences (the office monster, cornmaze) but the main game was so cool imho.
Having said that i wouldnt buy it, i just want to see/play totally NEW games. YES Absolutely let my ps store games be redownloaded onto ps5 but im not going to buy a new system to play old games.
Though my personal ps5 hypetrain is speeding down the tracks at light speed, so far theres not a single game officially linked to it that i care even a tiny bit about. In due time though
Well, I loved Alien (the 1979 movie) when I watched it as a VHS on a 4:3 SDtv, then I loved it as a dvd on a 16:9 HDtv and I'm sure I'd love it as a blue-ray on a 4Ktv if I had one.
Devs can do what they want with their creations: they can milk them badly or renew them greatly.
I skipped this game on my old PS4 since it had several tech issues. If they do this right, I'll have fun and they'll have money.
Sounds legit to me.
I was really hoping this trend would end next gen
I'm really hoping any PS4 game I put in the PS5 just works. The days of remasters should be behind us. Remakes Yes, remasters Nope
This is my favorite cyberpunk title, I loved this game!
I can't wait for the remake now.
This and 2077 will melt my ps5 while I'm sniffing cyber and injecting punk!
This is why I've always liked PC games...upgrade your hardware, and then revisit old favorites to see how far you can push the graphics! As opposed to re-buying the game again.
@Ralsto yeah that was so random
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