The first official PlayStation 5 box art has hit the Internet via the PlayStation Blog and it looks absolutely gorgeous. See for yourself:

Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales is used to show off a similar layout to PlayStation 4 physical retail boxes, but this time around the packaging dons a white rim on the top and sides. It's essentially the reverse of a PS4 case, where the classic blue has been left to the plastic packaging, letting the white and black styling take over. This, of course, fits the white design of the PS5 console itself.
Here's how the box looks side-by-side with a PS4 case:

And here are some other mock-ups that are being shared around the web, though we must stress these aren't official. Well, not yet, anyway:
What do you make of this? Do you like it or do you prefer the look of PS4 games? Let us know in the poll and comments section below.
Comments 115
I do like that, I might have to buy physical games after all
So the same thing but with a horrible white trim.
Love the black and white
Really love the white trim but doubt I’ll buy many physical games this gen to be honest.
I like it.
White trim but keeping the blue box? With that ps5 header I would prefer solid white or transparent box
As weird as console itself... but at least it won't mess up with ps4 and ps3 games.
looks like he's the iron fist
Blue is still part of the colour scheme to be fair.
Neat and straight forward....
Don't care, going digi
Dammit, white again. Disappointing.
I get they’re going for consistency in branding but I really liked some of PushSquares mockups.
I was never a fan of the box art from 2009 to now. I preferred the OG ps3 box art the best.
I wonder how many will start conspiracy theories becasuse it doesn't say "Only On PlayStation"
I don't like it honestly , wish they had a different color theme for the new generation . It's good tho I'm all digital regardless 😂 .
@AdamNovice That label is useless now anyways, better drop it than keep lying.
Yeah white looks nice. Would prefer black plastic trim. Solid white plastic might look good too (not clear, never clear.)
Or just bring back the best game case ever, the multi-disc PS1 cases! Maybe make them out of gorilla glass this time round, though.
@Makina If you say so.
White on blue looks weird, at least it heavily distracts from the main cover art itself.
Wish the plastic case was the same color as the label line, of transparent.
@I_Like_It DVD cases aren’t curbside recyclable so you’re causing no end of problems for your council there buddy 😂
Very nice! Though I certainly won't be buying too many physical games I love the look of them!
@kyleforrester87 The same White header on a Black box looks a LOT better, and make all the sense with the console theme.
A wish companies do this kind of polls/surveys before making a decision not after everything is set.
You can see even with just PSqure people, black is alredy going ahead...
I do like that Insomniac's name is kept on the box becasuse I was beginning to wonder if Sony will label all their exclusives as PlayStation Studios.
I loved Spider-Man and I am pretty sure I will love Miles Morales as well!
They were never going to drop the blue it's part of brand recognition at this point. Looks fine. Hopefully we will still get quality steelbooks next gen.
Wow, that white trim looks absolutely dreadful
My only concern is it seems to be the existing PS4 boxes (Why wouldnt it be I suppose) so does that mean discs will still be flying about in there?
It's fine by me. Glad there's some iconic blue there.
For the second question, I voted black plastic because it goes well with the dark colouring of the box art. But for most other games, I'd prefer a blue box.
It looks good to me, but I'll be getting most PS5 games digitally, as others have said.
Well the key thing here is we'll easily be able to differentiate between PS4 and PS5 games.
In honesty that's really the only thing that matters!
It looks alright, prefer the mock-up with black plastic but maybe that's more down to the cover art than anything else.
Black plastic would have been cool
I prefer the black box or even the clear but I see why they went with Blue as it corresponds to the Blue light the PS5 glows from inside.
I'll be going all Digital on PS5 but I still appreciate good box art.
I hope somebody goes and spam "black box" to the PSBlog post.
Everything is fine except the blue game case, makes it look like a mess. It should be a clear or black case, this doesn't look good.
Yes !! It's white ! The best possible choice.
I like it a lot. The case itself should be white.
I actually like the 'PS Studios' bit at the bottom.
Also Miles' suit looks similar to the Black Cat suit from the original game. Which therefore mean it looks awesome.
I would love to see smaller cases though we dont get anything in them besides some downloadcodes.
Looks fine. A bit too similar to the PS4 style perhaps.
Wish it had the black plastic.
For the same reasons most do not buy Blue Gallery Frames for their art work. People spend tons of time making those artwork, to then have them framed in blue.
@AdamNovice 😂 Playstation Blog is all over that. Lots of comments suggesting games will therefore also go to PC
I am not a fan of the white trim. Oh well, I suppose. It's not about the look of the box art - it's about the game itself.
I love it and it was easily predictable. Yes it was 😃
honestly think the blue looks a little out of place!
@I_Like_It wtf. You maniac
@Rob_230 I'm the most outspoken on PlayStation purposely giving exclusives to competition (yes PC is competition) but I've already come to terms with the fact that all PlayStation exclusives will also be on PC.
They want to be just like xbox, I'm guessing they eventually will move out of console's and want to be a service just like what Microsoft will eventually do. I least we will still have Nintendo 🤷
It's pretty good, I prefer white plastic like psp boxart but blue is also fine.
Why is the case still blue? Doesn't mesh well with the black and white theme. There were more inspired mock-ups in the past.
@Makina "The same White header on a Black box looks a LOT better"
Black and white would be good, yes, it would be a lot more neutral, especially since the text is already black.
IMO, the more i think about it, the more i feel it is terrible design and one of 3 paths would be best (in order of preference)
White box, keep label as is (color dominance mostly white with minimal neutral black in the text.)
Black box, keep label as is (lowers color dominance to two mostly evenly used colors, both neutral in tone.)
Blue box, change font to blue (lower color dominance to 2 colors mostly evenly used colors, one not too neutral in tone.)
The blue is horrible, make it black or white and it's perfect
Not looks a little bit like a ps4 box art.but the black one is not bad.word up son
Party of me is happy it’s blue, so it’ll mix well among my PS4 games, but I also wish it had some more differentiation. The art looks gorgeous though.
I don't know why more people don't want to split their game collection between Digital and Physical. For me AAA games are a must physical disc. Between PS Plus games, the Indies and deep discount games I buy digital my collection is about 50/50.
It's already started over on Twitter. Xbox and PC fans seem to think they're getting it now. 😂
It's likely they won't use the 'Only on PlayStation' statement in case anything changes in the future but for now it's certainly an exclusive.
@Sebatrox This crossed my mind [the 4k UHD thing], silly but possible reason.
Still, white box seems like a better option if they wanted to have a white label.
it's a mistake to carry on using blue boxes. Every gen the cases have been different. This just screams laziness. i mean i will take it as a collector, but it would be so much better if the cases were black.
@Sebatrox By that logic, if they go with white I might mix it up with the Wii then? 😂
they should have gone full white/black that blue case with white lining around box art makes it look awkward..
Have to buy the PS5 version with the UHD drive to really make the most of this though.
I love it and I don't care at the same time. I was expecting a bigger difference I think
the blue case does not work with the white trim. who do they have managing the branding at sony? either make the case black or white to match the white banner and/or black logo treatment... why did they not get this right? clearly they did not focus test this design based on the survey results... and even general design sense logic would tell you that the blue box clashes with the white banner.
This is pretty much exactly what I expected. Love the white banner/trim. I personally like the black case better, but I prefer they stick to the blue case to maintain their theme/identity.
I chose 'Meh, it's just a box so I don't care' but I clicked on this article so I obviously do care in which case I'd be lying. Yet, I would really be lying if I picked 'Wow, I absolutely love it' because it's nice and all but I don't actually love it. Even if I chose 'Eww, that's absolutely repulsive' then I'd also be lying because it's not really that bad. Hello?...are you still with me....?
@doctommaso the theme and identity is kept intact by the banner and same font treatment of the "ps5". no need to keep the blue case if it no longer serves a purpose to match the blue banner.
I was expecting a black case to tie in with 4k UHD Discs, much like how I assumed the blue PS4 boxes were for Blu-ray and the PS2 boxes went black when a dvd disc was used.
Not sure what happened with the PS3 cases but I'm sure that's the sole reason people didn't initially buy the console 😉
Would definitely prefer a black box over the blue.
I like the white and black logo, but it's taking up a lot of real estate on that cover... for a white rectangle...
I'm with most other people on this, the blue looks a bit odd. I'm going a digital though, so I'm not too concerned at the end of the day.
Not an issue foe me as I'm all-digital. However IMO the text/logo should be blue on white background with a blue case. A Black case is yuck and a clear/white case is ho-hum.
@doctommaso There is a purpose, and I think it's the sole reason they are keeping the blue — people go into the store looking for blue boxes at this point, and with so many systems on store shelves, it's helpful to have a distinct color.
Well I guess it's okay. Nothing unexpected though.
LMAO the choose the worse outcome possible, white trim on blue box.
Black/white box would have been a much better combination.
not liking the white trim to be honest - but i've largely gone digital lately and likely to continue that trend
That'll take some getting used to
It's slick and I like it.
White cases would've been cool but I'll take it.
Chose blue but to be honest white box would have been better. Opposite to the ps2 instead of the black background and white font
Classy and clean, it matches the console also
Well if you think about it. If the cover was full white (basically no game cover on it), the case would look almost exactly like the PS5 console itself
Or you could say maybe the PS5 console looks like an opened PS5 game disc case.
Anyway I am a digital only person so I don't really care how these things look like.
Black on white on blue looks awful and really, really cheap. Black font with white banner and black box/clear box would be better. Blue font with white banner and blue box would be better.
Looks really slick. However this design choice makes having white backgrounds not possible unless they decide it with a thin black line or something similar
Not a fan. They should have done a black or a clear case.
How can anyone hate or love a box? lol
The only difference is a 4 and a 5 🤷🏾♂️
Ugh... I hope the boxes (which might be the last gen for physical) go the way of steelbooks. Full artwork coverage front and back. Maybe plonk a easy to remove label on them to differentiate PS5 or xbox 1/x/s/pro/g/string (why is xbox naming so damn confusing!!)
I think the blue case would fit in much better if the blue strip at the bottom of the banner was more pronounced.
@Wavey84 PC is definitely the way to go
I'd have preferred black for the plastic case rather than transparent blue. Would have looked good with the white strip.
Black case would look better but also stick a Blue line under the white header, like how the PS4 game has a white line there.
@Wavey84 Those are all concerns of the past. Windows and Steam has native controller support for everything in there now too.
Ew! The blue is what ruins it.
@AyanamiReign The blue line is actually there, just very thin.
@Wavey84 I also miss the coloured PS logo.
Black & white is perfect to be able to distinguish between ps3, ps4 & xbox games plus it will complement the ps5's stylish design. I will buy ps5 no matter what cost as I own all other ps consoles and still play on all of them. Ps2 state of emergency still one of my favourite games. Please release this on ps4.
Looks quite good, hope they replace the blue plastic though.
I want purple plastic
I'm not sure what to even think of the case I love the spiderman art that is azaming. But that ring and that case eww. I'm digital guy anyway so this doesn't effect me and why I not going vote.
Only on playststion logo not being there could be for 1 of 2 reasons I think, 1. It going do what sony been trying to do lately get there games on the pc a year or so after release. 2. That art work is official but not totally finished.
A game in a box. How quaint!
@Wavey84 You don't want to build one just yet. While there are already several GPUs more powerful than both next gen consoles, the new GPU lines from both card makers are about to launch within a few months. And if leaked specs are anything to go by, they are going to be MONSTERS.
I think the Black case looks cooler I do love the colour blue anyway So I am ok with keeping blue. I wonder if SONY will get sued for doing this? Because whatever they do someone will sue them for it. Even doing a new style of case
I guess as long as the title is nice on the side for me. I hate the Switch library of just a plain red side with the title just typed...makes it hard to see the games when you have a large collection. I do honestly hope though, that they go with a different color scheme for the case. If blue was PS4, clear was PS3 and black was PS2, try a new one. I'd love to have them red (like the greatest hits series) or something different.
Looks decent a bit similar to the first games box cover would have preferred something a bit different but still OK
I went with 'meh'. Never did get the furore about box art. It's not as if you hang them on the wall like a picture, is it?
I look at it when I take the disc out, and again when I put the disc back. Other than that, it's on a shelf and I only see the spine. I don't care about the colour of the case, and the inlay could be blank apart from the name on the spine for all I care.
Game box art is so lazy these days. Compared the the hayday of the 80's where you could write books about the great work done these are forgetable and boring.
I like it but wouldn't say I love it, the black case is much better IMO but Sony is blue and Xbox is green so it was never going to be any different.
Gotta say, I don't exactly love it...
@Netbean precisely
@Jimmy_G_Buckets but when other colours of the ps5 come out the White colour for the cases will look out of place, especially when there could be a black console too
@TeapotBuddha yay! 😄😄
@J2theEzzo i agree, if they were gonna make the top white they could have changed the rest of the box too.
Quite the furore about box colours etc across the net.. just imagine if they had to deal with CD cases for albums, with all differing colours a few years back...
As for this, been digital for a long while now, as the last few gens dont have the same appeal as my earlier purchases (megadrive, Saturn, Dreamcast etc) in terms of keeping them for nostalgia / collecting purposes.. More throwaway experiences nowadays, although that isnt always the case admittedly.
If had to choose, i'd go with the PS4 colours, but obviously they want to differentiate between the old and new... even in this simplistic way, so fair enough
Totally agree about the multi disc cases.
Bring back manuals too, this seems lazy.
@feral1975 man, do I miss the days of a manual. You'd pop out the disk and stick it in, without even pushing the start button until you'd read through the manual a couple of times. We need manuals even more, these days, what with download times and updates, etc. Course, if the ps5 is anything to go by, with no loading times, I guess it's a little too late, now!
... geez if this is considered "absolutely gorgeous" I'd hate to see what your partner looks like... (JOKE!)
Similar to the ps4 game's art. Doesn't deviate from the style or simplicity of the take that insomniac have established.
White fits with the new console style.
Still buy physical because we share games as a family, unless the digital price is good.
I don’t get why they didn’t go for black box. Blue just doesn’t fit...white would make more sense compared to Blue but Black looks the best.
Not a huge fan... they should’ve gone with a color other that white, or at least done black plastic.
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