Update 13/11/20: Psyonix has responded to our request for comment on Rocket League's differences between PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. To recap, the game runs on PS5 just as it does on PS4 Pro — checkerboard 4K, at 60 frames-per-second — while on Microsoft's machines, there will be an update allowing the game to run at 120fps at reduced resolutions.
We asked why there is no such update coming for the game on PS5. Here's what Stephanie Thoensen, Psyonix's senior communications manager, told us:
Right now we have nothing further to share on additional PS5 plans, but can shed some more light on the why. Our team’s main focus this year was our recent free to play transition, and updating major features like our Tournaments system. Due to this we had to make tough decisions on what else we could achieve. Enabling 120hz on Xbox Series X|S is a minor patch, but enabling it on PS5 requires a full native port due to how backwards compatibility is implemented on the console, and unfortunately wasn’t possible due to our focus elsewhere.
So, it seems this is a limitation of how PS5 handles backwards compatible games. For Psyonix to get Rocket League running at 120 frames-per-second on PS5, it'll require a lot more work than the simple patch for Series X and S.
Original Story: In case there was any doubt, Rocket League will be playable on PlayStation 5. You'll be able to play the popular free-to-play title on PS5 via backwards compatibility, and with your Epic Games Account, your Rocket Pass progress and inventory will carry over. Developer Psyonix has also taken the time to outline how the game will perform on the next-gen consoles, and it's Microsoft's machines that are getting the attention.
On Xbox Series X, the game will run at native 4K at 60 frames-per-second at launch, with an update coming later in the year that'll introduce a 120fps mode at a reduced resolution. On Series S, the game runs at 1080p60, while a future update will allow it to also run at 120fps. Meanwhile, on PS5, Rocket League will run at checkerboard 4K and 60fps — which is the same as PS4 Pro — and there's no update incoming later on, according to the blog post.
The game runs great already, and will continue to do so on PS5, but sadly, you'll miss out on the 120fps mode that the Xbox Series consoles will be getting. It's not clear if Sony's console will receive this update at a later date.
Will you be playing Rocket League on PS5? Make some epic saves in the comments section below.
[source rocketleague.com]
Comments 94
Well that's dumb. Apparently it's a similar story with Star Wars Squadrons
This can't be a power thing right? Microsoft probably moneyhatted it...but Sony does the same exact thing with whole ass games so it sucks either way
I gotta wonder sometimes if there's some shady stuff going on lately. Seems to be a trend for PS5 not to get certain upgrades for games, and while Series X seems to get them just fine. Hmm...
If the series S can run 120fps then the ps5 can easily, pretty obvious Microsoft are waving their money around in the shadows, anything to get a hand over sony this gen
I really hope this is because they’re working on proper DualSense and 3D audio support or something. Very disappointing otherwise and I won’t download it again until there’s a proper update, personally.
It's looking like the PS5 is a very very close second, but apart from the SSD it does look like the Xbox has the edge at launch hardware wise. A couple of games would be circumstance, but this is a definite trend of late where the Xbox just had a slight edge. Thankfully for fans of both consoles it's negligible.
Well, that’s MS for you.
Who would’ve thought that timed patch exclusivity would become a thing.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have entered tit-for-tat mode.
Hmm Rocket League updates or Spider Man?
Decisions decisions...
XBox is at least using the same SDK for games for both Xbox One and Series X|S, just like Directx for PC.
Looks like it is kinda different for PS, especially when you see new store title id for PS5 upgrade, right?
At xbox platform you don't have to re-release the game, but you have to at PS5 to be able to use the new SDK?
Considering this game owes all its success to playstation, this feels a bit d!ckish.
What? A game I have never played is better optimised on XSX? That's it, I'm getting a Stadia!
If this was a deal (unlikely) hopefully that whole one money hungry company being more or less "pro consumer" than the other malarkey will fade away now.
@thefourfoldroot proof? Or maybe, just maybe, the Series X is more powerful.
I mean, we literally had an article recently about COD locking random arbitrary content behind the PS5 so let’s be honest, they’re both as bad as each other when it comes to moneyhatting. Shock horror, corporations care about the bottom dollar more than us insignificant plebs.
@Shepherd_Tallon No way, you mean Sony and Microsoft don't care about my personal needs as a gamer virgin and they only care about people who give them money which is why they provide exclusive benefits to give off the vibe they are for the virgin gamers everywhere?
Wow. So disappointed in them. I'm telling the teacher.
Not played this game since i got the plat shortly after launch. Personally i think its had its time in the sun, and i certainly won't be downloading again.
This sucks for those still invested in the game though and is a very disapointing development.
Seems console wars are making a return
@Jarobusa the Series X is, but the Series S isn’t, and that’s getting the patch, right? (At a stated future patch)
Series X is a little more powerful in some areas, obviously. But we’re talking about Rocket league! LOL. Plus Series S is not. So, Yeah, bought.
@Enuo That's what I was thinking, PlayStation put these guys on the map and this is how they are being repaid. Anyway this seems to be a trend so either all the developers got together in a room full of cigar smoke and agreed to screw Sony over or money is being thrown around.
@TheFrenchiestFry If spider-man miles morales and demon’s souls can get 4K and 60 fps on ps5 I’m sure as heck rocket league won’t have no problem running at 4K 120 fps lol.
It is obvious. Xbox has very weak launch line up games, so Microsoft pays developers to upgrade the last-gen games. Personally won't affect me for now as I am not going to upgrade my TV yet.
Dickish indeed. Didn't Sony just give Epic some kind of cash injection recently too? Combined with money hatting those couple of Bethesda games for 6 months which turned out to be basically useless seeing MS bought them out ( the 6 month exclusivity still stands but effectively any profiting from that deal will be Microsofts money now) it seems that PR wise Sony is having misstep after misstep, or little things where Microsoft can come in and say "hey, it's better over here" in the same way Sony did to them with the whole sharing a game thing back when XB1 and PS4 launched. It's fascinating to see it play out. Console wars, a tale as old as ... videogames... almost. Anyway, fun times if you are into this kind of thing, seeing which company's strategies are paying off and which ones aren't.
@wiiware Demon's Souls can go up to 1440p in performance mode, not 4K.
@Shepherd_Tallon Yeah, I'm sick of Sony paying for timed exclusives as well. Glad we're on the same page.
@TheFrenchiestFry But come on it runs 4K checkerboard on a PS4 Pro it has to be able too run 120 FPS or atleast at native 4K.
@Jarobusa Yeah but even then the Series S is a souped up Pro and it gets 120 FPS.😆
It makes me so happy I get to use this comment again because there are literally people in the comments section complaining about Microsoft paying to keep upgrades of existing games off PS5 (which still work in BC mode), while Sony are paying for modes and even entire games to stay off other platforms for an entire year.
"Keep that same energy you guys have when Sony does it and you praise it all the time"
I'm sure they'll update it on PS5 as well. Maybe they want to do some more work with the DualSense, Activities, and stuff.
"Microsoft using money to [insert complaint here]".
How is this any different than Sony getting COD exclusivity for a whole year? Spider-Man exclusivity in Avengers when other Marvel games not on PlayStation have gotten Spider-Man as a character? Final Fantasy VII Remake exclusivity for a year? Final Fantasy XVI exclusivity?
I am platform agnostic, but y'all seriously need to stop complaining about Microsoft opening its purse strings to make it's console appealing when Sony does the same thing - if that actually happened in this particular case.
@GamingFan4Lyf Agreed. This is why I don't take fanboys seriously. I'll gladly wait out the FF16 timed exclusivity myself.
"Rules for thee, not for me"
@TheFrenchiestFry Demon's souls is dynamic 4K if I remember correctly.
@TheFrenchiestFry I'd guess it's to do Series X/S literally just being a more powerful XB1 (even the controller is just a XB1 controller with a share button) so upgrades are a lot easier to do. PS5 clearly is more than just a more powerful PS4 otherwise there wouldn't have been over 150 PS4 games that don't work properly on PS5. Hence upgrades will take longer especially if they want to take advantage of DualSense, Activities, etc.
Does this have more to do with the better backwards compatibility on Xbox rather than Microsoft shelling out money? Is everyone reading way too far into this?
This is either the power of money or the fact that Xbox SX it’s actually more powerful than the PS5 and after watching some loading speeds comparisons Xbox has the upper hand even after Sony claim they would have the advantage with the SSD which is kind of disappointing since the more I learn about the console the more I think is really undercooked
@GKO900 The whole loading thing being "slower" only applies to BC games (especially for BC games that aren't fully optimize). That doesn't apply PS5 games (exclusives, multi-platform), and/or optimized PS4 games. Also, PS5 SDD still have the big advantage over the Xbox series X SDD. If you don't want to believe that that's another story.
By the way, they never stated/claimed that all (or most) BC games were going be fully optimized (take full advantage of the console's SDD) and therefore load faster. What they claimed was that the load times of the PS5 games were going to be extremely fast, which they are.
So it's basically PS4 Pro BC mode ?
I wonder why PS doesnt seem a focus given the game was clearly PlayStation focused when it launched.
I dont really care about 120fps tbh though.
I do intend to play coop with ps4 ps5
It's amazing how quickly people turned this in to MS' fault with zero proof.
As if most gamers will even notice this, let alone have it affect their console buying decision. Making paying for this completely pointless.
@TheFrenchiestFry I love this comment 😂
Let these companies ignore the PlayStation brand because in the end they ALWAYS come back with their tails between their legs
@TheFrenchiestFry It could be the devs were never planning on doing the updates but microsoft has paid them to.
@Menchi says the guy who always bashes Sony and praises PC in almost every single post, no matter the content.
Gotta love the irony.
Funny reading these comments when I guess the simple truth is that we'll see significant PS5 improvements (Dualsense,3D audio and so on) in Rocket League 2 that they said that they are working on a while back.
@Grumblevolcano that's really not true. Series X is just as far away from the one x as the ps5 is to the PS4.
For those thinking this is underhanded shenanigans by MS... it is not. MS has moved over from it's Xbox only SDK, known as XDK, to a general purpose DirextX pipeline that includes PC development known as GDK. Simply put it is far easier for studios to retrofit Xbox games with XSS|X updates using PC "code" and "assets" than it is to do likewise for the PS5. There are downsides to the GDK that many developers I know are grumbling about, but there are some significant upsides too, and this is one of them.
@naruball Thanks for proving my point. Since there was no way to dispute the facts because I'm right, you got in your feelings over plastic and here you are going to insults.
@rpg2000 Well it’s the only feature they were proud about to brag so I expected every game to load fast, almost instantly like they said not just PS5 games and only time will tell if they actually win in that department, but so far they’re disappointing
@TheFrenchiestFry Buying exclusivity on a game is different than buying to nerf the competitions game.
@Zanao Yeah I know. By the way, are you excited about getting Spider-Man in your Avengers game? Are you hyped about getting COD content early?
Wrong. There is a much bigger gap between PS4 and PS5 than there is between xbox one x and series x. Now if you had said xbox ONE and Series X... but you didn't 😉
@pip_muzz well, the wifi 6 and faster usb ports too!
@GamingFan4Lyf You're right, timed exclusivity is bloody irritating but to be honest has never stopped me buying into a particular platform.
Buying out publishers though to lock out certain franchises whilst claiming that's not the intention - that sort of practice is not going to benefit any of us in the long run!
So they can’t just unlock frame rate and unleash the much more powerful PS5 CPU? I’m sure if Dirt5 can have 120 mode then bloody little arena based Rocket League can easily do it.
Why would it need to be a “full native port”, when games like GoT and DG can just have a patch? Is it something to do with the publisher’s insistence on cross play?
Sorry, something just smells off with this “explanation”.
@thefourfoldroot Output on PS4 likely capped to 60fps. Dirt has a native PS5 port.
I know. That’s why I said can’t they just unlock the frame rate. Like all the other patches. Why would they need to do a “full ps5 port”. That makes no sense.
@Rob_230 it's bigger now than it's ever been. A shame it took so long for Sony & Microsoft to come together on cross play to be honest.
@Total_Weirdo seems lazy but understandable. If they end up making a PS5/SX version, it'll be there
@thefourfoldroot Because unlocking the frame rate on a PS4 game will likely cap out at 60fps due to how the PS4 development environment was coded.
Aka we dont want top put in the effort understood. 😯
The easier development gets the less they want too do with it. Its a updated CPU not a custom inhouse made processor. Dissapointing too hear but nothing van be done.
This is literally just a backwards compatible thing. Nothing to do with Microsoft paying them off. I wonder if people even think about what they are typing anymore.
The paranoia in this thread is amusing. MS money hatting etc? Lol. The dev literally said it was easy peasy to just patch the Xbox version while the PS5 requires a lot more work. Nothing dodgy going on here, we all know Xbox’s back compat is superior so it makes sense.
We are talking about separate performance mode. Not something you would choose to use if running on a PS4.
@thefourfoldroot But the PS5 is running it as an overclocked PS4 because it's not a native PS5 port. It is treated as a PS4 game and has to stick to the development environmental enforced 60fps cap.
Wow! I was right in thinking it was a limitation with Sony's BC implementation.
Drives me crazy seeing so many conspiracy theories here that Microsoft paid for it and the likes. I suspect that PS5 is using software emulation while the Xbox Series X is using just improved hardware to implement their emulation as part of their one OS initiative. If PS5 were using hardware emulation then all games would be backwards flawlessly, which is not the case with some games displaying graphical glitches and others not compatible at all.
Again, these are separate performance modes. You can have a performance mode to unlock frame rates and just use that mode if playing on ps5. The ps5 boost mode is automatic.
There going to have to maybe update the engine and make it next gen only if they want to get a true solid 120fps
TBH I'm not bothered about 120FPS, I'm perfectly happy with 60. But I'd just like some extra bells and whistles at the very least, like enhanced effects or native 4K or whatever they think. Just a shame that there's just nothing new at all.
Microsoft has a big team working on easing the transition for last gen games to next gen. They built this infrastructure and the Series X with backwards compatibility in mind.
Headline should be "doesn't" not "can't" - fake news
@thefourfoldroot Likely not an option based on PS4 dev environment. It's clearly the issue that the PS4 software was not designed to output.
Basically the devs picked a side so screw rocket league
@TwomanybuttonS Watch them later on come out and say they found a work around. When in reality, it was likely something they could have done long before that.
@Wormold that was already out the window with PC in the fold all these years. Plus, this isn't one of those games where an FPS gain is a serious benefit other than how it looks.
edit: the larger input timing also wouldn't matter much to a casual player.
I mean Miles Morales loads insanely fast.
Who has a 120Hz tv?
@God_of_Nowt the developer basically confirmed my comment. We're essentially talking about a simple patch on XSS|X due to the unified development pipeline. That's just not the case with PS5.
@TheRedComet Honestly that game always loads pretty fast even on the PS4, the developers did a good job optimizing the game
@God_of_Nowt yeah, essentially on the XSS|X it's patching the existing version of the game. On the PS5 it would require porting the game in full pretty much. So a different version of the game just for PS5, versus a patch to update the game on Xbox platforms. One is easy, the other is a lot of work.
@InsertUsername "So, it seems this is a limitation of how PS5 handles backwards compatible games. For Psyonix to get Rocket League running at 120 frames-per-second on PS5, it'll require a lot more work than the simple patch for Series X and S."
Well, you can now put your shady conspiration theories to rest! 😘
@mrbone "So, it seems this is a limitation of how PS5 handles backwards compatible games. For Psyonix to get Rocket League running at 120 frames-per-second on PS5, it'll require a lot more work than the simple patch for Series X and S."
Oh, your comment did age very fast, didn't? 🤣
@Shepherd_Tallon well, sorry. It isn't.
"So, it seems this is a limitation of how PS5 handles backwards compatible games. For Psyonix to get Rocket League running at 120 frames-per-second on PS5, it'll require a lot more work than the simple patch for Series X and S."
@thefourfoldroot well, that's the truth for you:
"So, it seems this is a limitation of how PS5 handles backwards compatible games. For Psyonix to get Rocket League running at 120 frames-per-second on PS5, it'll require a lot more work than the simple patch for Series X and S."
Sorryyyyyyy! 😘
@Enuo considering the issue is related to PS5 BC, well, you can blame Sony, then.
Or can understand it.
@TwomanybuttonS who would guess that game-mode timed exclusivity of an annual franchise would become a thing, as well as character exclusivity.
@markzzbr All good. Nothing to be sorry for. 😜
Edit: I've hit the ignore button for your posts.
There's too much passive aggression in your comment history. Try having a conversation with the people you disagree with, or an informative discussion with someone when you're correcting them.
Not everything needs to be a put down or a mic drop moment.
Keep this little corner of the internet polite, please.
@UltimateOtaku91 It has nothing to do with money. It's down to the way the systems are built to handle BC.
@markzzbr Sorry, but I won't be putting anything to rest. I also don't take every statement said with face value. I take those words with a grain of salt. It's not even a theory at all, because this does happen a lot in the game industry. Don't be so gullible to buy into everything you read. I also read what they said, so it was pointless to quote a recap of what I read. Either way, believe what you like. Nothing you're going to say it's going to change what I believe. Have a nice day. Also...don't waste your time replying because you're on ignore. Don't take it personal.
@SirAngry In other words, lazy.
All they had to do was uncap the 60fps mode in the PS4 version. As we've seen from Digital Foundry, this would have resulted in frame rates around 120fps. They made the mistake of releasing a PS5 update that tells the PS5 to not run in backwards compat mode, and therefore no fps gains will be seen.
@InsertUsername no.
It's far less work to patch this into an XSS|X game. Every team has limited resources. This was more than likely an easy job for a couple of people in the GDK. So easy to allocate the resources to, to get the positive result.
On the PS5 it is far more difficult, so as a business they have to weigh up whether it is worth it financially for them to do it. Those are just the commercial realities of development. They haven't said they aren't working on a PS5 version, but given they are developing a sequel were I the studio head there I'd probably push my resources to that instead.
@SirAngry Excuses.
@InsertUsername no, commercial reality.
If you would actually read the article you would stop blaming Microsoft and start blaming Sony. Microsoft simply implemented backward compatibility at a system level to the fullest possible extend. This means that games can be upgraded to run with the new and better hardware with just minor changes to the game. Sony on the other hand didn't. The result is that significant code changes are required to take advantage of the new PS5 hardware. Game studios don't work for free and there really isn't much money to be made from an old game. Thus 120hz on Series X and Series S but not on PS5. It is not an indication of weak PS5 hardware. This is simply good work by Microsoft - not an act of evil. Give credit where credit is due. And push Sony to do a better job next time in the area of backward compatibility.
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