Unfortunately, the PlayStation 5 is sold out around the world, and while we’re keeping track of PS5 stock to help you to find a console, systems are inevitably appearing on eBay at upwards of $1,500 or £1,000 a pop. A quick browse on the auction website reveals boxed consoles are being flogged at a 200 per cent mark up, as scalpers capitalise on stock shortages. Officially, the PS5 retails for $499.99 or £449.99, with the PS5 Digital Edition coming in cheaper.

While this was inevitable, it’s particularly disheartening to see. Sony is yet to announce PS5 sales numbers, but it has confirmed in an interview that every single console has been sold. It’s now working to improve its supply chain so that it can service as many customers as possible before Christmas. Our recommendation is to keep an eye on our PS5 stock article and don’t succumb to scalpers.
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Comments 73
Today I was surprised that I found a PS5 from a Scalper on my local auction site. Same price as above.
He also insists on personal meeting to sell the console.
I hope ends up with no console, no money and no teeth
"Collect today anytime" - the chance to punch the seller in the face almost makes it worth the asking price
@Zuljaras lol, you beat me to it
Then again, I can’t feel too sorry for people who have £1000 to overpay on a launch console just to say they were amongst the first...
But then what if it’s for a kid’s Birthday present or something...
On a related note of ethics - The courier scummy Game sent didn’t ask for a signature. Would it get the driver in trouble if I claimed it didn’t arrive, or would Game just take a hit?
I dont agree with scalping but places like cex are just as bad on hot items. If i was going to pay over the odds for something i wanted desperately id much rather give it to a scalping person than a scalping company.
And because retailers are insisting that these consoles are sold online-only to combat [expletive] COVID, it's the scalpers that are essentially the retailers of the PS5 since their auto-purchase bots are clogging sites with any stock available, leaving the honest at their total mercy.
There has to be a better way that allows real consumers to get their hands on these consoles AND still maintain safe COVID practices.
It would seem obvious that people just not buy these consoles from scalpers, but people are desperate. It's not like you can just show up at a store every morning at opening and ask if consoles are in stock because you will simply be directed to said retailers website.
[Expletive] 2020! [Expletive] COVID!
Truly sickening and should be against the law. Urge people just to wait a few months when hopefully stock will be more widely available. Dont pay these outrageous prices.
Until people stop buying from scalpers, there will be scalpers. I don’t begrudge anyone in these transactions.
Whilst it is annoying, the scalpers only do it because there are clowns out there that are daft enough to pay it.
People should just make a stand and refuse to buy them.
I'm one of the lucky ones that managed to get one but if I hadn't no way on earth would I pay over the odds to get one
Said it before, Sony should have done a deal with ebay to take down all PS5 listings, but of course unless you have fixed selling fees ebay will be making a nice packet out of this too.
Sony could have simply sold launch PS5s to existing users, which is locked to your profile for a year, zero scalping then
@thefourfoldroot By all means, make a complaint about the driver for leaving without getting a signature but, please don't make a fraudulent claim.
Those guys work their backsides off, doing very long hours and yet earn a pittance. Not exactly fair to be punished if they have to pay for your console, cos that's what would happen.... it would come out of the driver's wage.
Unfortunately I wasn't able to get some to sell them with profit. But it's always cool to capitalize on the dumbness of people (who always need their "new shiny capitalistic thingy" to be happy, for 2 seconds)
Haven't people heard of the virtue of patience? Your not missing out on something special.
Those people are crazy. what a dirty and greedy! Very sad! I am glad that mine is reserve for January 2021 for 499 euro. So I am good to go.
I'm sorry, but these people may be scum, but I find it hard to feel bad for people who are willing to pay that much money just so they can get a ps5 now instead of waiting for a month or two.
I didn't get one and I wish I could, but there's no way I'm paying even a cent more than official price.
Unless someone is a parent of a dying child, I have zero sympathy for them.
No way in hell will I pay those prices. I'm just fine with my Pro until availability isn't an issue. My backlog is well stocked, and my patience is infinite.
Want to hear something sad... On my home country (Panama) actual retailers are trying to sell it at those prices (and noz it's not a tax issue like Brazil's it's plain price gouging)
@thefourfoldroot then it's the perfect opportunity to teach your kid a valuable lesson. Patience is a virtue. Today it's a ps5 (way too expensive for a gift, imo), tomorrow a car or something. No wonder there are so many spoilt brats.
When I wanted a psone, my dad told me to work hard and get a scholarship. I did and I finally got my dream console. I still cherish that memory.
@kyleforrester87 Should be funny if Sony will present a few more. Like Square Enix did with the FF15 Collectors Edition.
That’s what I was asking, would the driver get in trouble. If so I don’t need the £450. If Game just has to restock it the F’em
@Max2574 Why should it be against the law? Do you not believe in personal freedom? No one is forcing you to buy anything. So you think a person who owns sonething shouldn't be able to sell it for whatever the market allows. So you think the government should be able to tell how much you are allowed to sell your property for? Perhaps you should move to China as it appears you don't believe in freedom.
God this site and it's bleeding heart liberal tendencies. There is absolutely nothing wrong with someone selling a product they own at a price the market will bear. No one is forcing you to buy anything. If it's priced too high it won't sell. But if two parties agree to a price, who is hurt by this? Do you think the government should tell you how much you should be able to sell your property for? That is not freedom.
Scalpers are rubbish human beings but it’s not illegal.
I refuse to beg for a console or refresh a retail site hundreds of times to get one.
There are 2 good reasons to wait a little longer though
1. Hardware problems, of which we are seeing many atm, will be ironed out in later iterations of the console. It’s always a huge risk to buy a console at launch because there are always major and minor issues.
2. The price might come down a bit.
What does political affiliation have to do with having an opinion on scalpers? Scalping isn’t illegal but it is certainly scummy behaviour. Ranting about capitalism and politics doesn’t change that.
Make sure you throw in some more buzzwords next time. I suggest:
@Exlee300p Nothing to do with freedom. I could understand if someone is selling there own PS5 for a slight profit. But setting up bots to buy dozens of consoles to sell bk double or triple the price is plain wrong and I belive should be enforced as how the bot system works is fraud. You want to get robbed you go ahead and get one lol.
@Arnna Agree early adopters are basically Beta testers both consoles have had multiple issues already that in a few months time will be sorted out.
Scalping and setting up bots is scummy behaviour and nothing to do with ‘freedom’. lol at that person
It’s the kind of attitude we see in American in regards to wearing a mask or social distancing or ownership of machine guns. Look at how that worked out...
@Exlee300p "..bleeding heart tendencies.."
Ain't a bigger bitch in the world, than a right-winger. Any perceived slight, and off the hinges they go.
@Arnna You can be as smug as you like. But based on opinions on this site. They are definitely liberal. As is the vast majority of games journalism. And all the buzzwords you mention are much of what is wrong with the world and the videogame industry at large. Here's another one for you NPC.
Until bots stop buying all the stock I ain't buying
@PhhhCough I think you are talking about lefties bud. Oh I'm not allowed to have an opinion unless I agree with everyone. I see. Who uses cancel culture? If you think that is going off the hinges your grasp on reality is tenuous at best.
Actually abroad at the moment (and will be for the next month or so at least whilst we sit out UK lockdown) and have my PlayStation 5 sitting at home in a box waiting my return! (Girlfriends sister had to house sit for the day for the delivery!)
After seeing the ridiculous prices on eBay - can’t lie been half tempted to sell mine looking at the prices they’re going for! Could save the profit and use that to buy some new headphones, and new games for at least a year! Hell could buy both new gen consoles!
But think to all the times I’ve lost out on tickets to concerts etc and I’ll be damned if I turn into one of em!
Not to mention would regret it the moment I got back and wanted to play it!!!!
@Exlee300p Yeah ok... Not agreeing with Scalping is ‘Liberal’. Somehow...
Interesting leap.
@Exlee300p right wing politics are pretty much based on frothing capitalism and resistance to any kind of progressive social change because it doesn’t suit people who have gotten used to a cushy lifestyle based around pushing down others who are less fortunate.
In a nutshell.
These attitudes are rapidly changing especially among young people and will be reflected in journalism, gaming or otherwise. This is a good thing.
Your conflation of anti-scalper and ‘liberal’ values is irrational at best.
Scalpers in Canada have gone to the police because they've been getting robbed, the police will not release the info on the weapon being used it's either a gun or a knife. They don't mind ripping people off so don't be surprised if someone rips you off.
@Diani_beachboy I think you have the correct attitude. I’ve also lost out on concerts because of scalpers and it really stings, especially when Ive been saving for ages to get a ticket.
Like a Japanese scalpers.
last week, PS5's price is about twice.
@PhhhCough Not just a right winger, but a right wing nut-job who thinks liberals are out to get him.
@Exlee300p you can have an opinion. I didn't say you couldn't. I expressed mine as well, that's all. I guess you took it as a percieved slight, once again. Move on. It's all you have to do. As will I. You have a great weekend. Game on.
When the F did Ayn Rand join PushSquare?
@PhhhCough Thanks you too.
It should be illegal.
F those Leeches.
@Exlee300p i totally agree people are well within their rights to sell what they own at whatever price they want. It’s just blatantly a dick move to buy up consoles to sell on at inflated prices. Again, that’s fine if you’re happy to be a dick that’s your call, but people are rightly going to call you out on it as it’s blatantly unethical. That may or may not bother you. It would bother me, but that’s just my opinion. I am sure I do unethical things elsewhere in life that you wouldn’t do.
@Exlee300p as a fellow conservative I kindly ask you to shut up dude. This has nothing to do with Liberals - stop pushing an agenda.
Well when the scalpers did this with the new graphics cards, the PC master race fought back by making bots to bid a the cards so high no one could buy them.
@Exlee300p a quick google check of your comments on this site (and others) you frequently make random accusations about ‘bleeding heart liberals’ regardless of what the story is about. You clearly have a bug up you and are looking for a fight.
Utterly pathetic. Grow up.
Yep, watched 1 go per minute on UK eBay for around £800 and some over £1k, even as much as £4600.00 for one. Some people are beyond normal levels of stupidity.
<—Happily plays PS4 Pro for the time being.
Click this link to sign the petition:
My petition:
Bring in legislation to tackle "scalpers
@Exlee300p Please be quiet you redneck if we are going for ***** claims if can do a few. Kapitalism isnt the greatest thing either. If I hear about no choice where too buy your stuff because one company rules all. Americans sometimes act like be social person is the same as socialism. FFS there a lot of you who think that healthcare for all is socialism. I wouldn't want too change my social country the Netherlands for the US. Even your US politicians are in the pocket of the big companies.
@Arnna Very telling you think because someone expresses an opinion that is different than yours they are looking for a fight. Or that it's utterly pathetic for me to speak my opinion. You are the sad intolerant one. Not me. And so what if I speak up against all the super leftist talking points in gaming journalism. It's a fact they are leftist and pushing an agenda. About 50% of all game journalists are located in Los Angeles or another place in California. That means they project their leftist talking points. I like a lot of people just want to hear about games without the politics. Like it used to be. It's pretty sad most people don't believe in free speech anymore. They just want to live in their echo chamber. So yes I do not have a problem with scalpers. But I actually do have a problem with the bots buying everything up. That is simply unfair.
@Flaming_Kaiser Hey bud why don't you chill with the insults. You don't know a thing about me. First of all I am not a redneck. I am a college graduate who owns his own business. Second of all I'm glad you love your country. That's a good thing. I like the Netherlands as well. But I also love my country. Did you know that 50% of all immigration in the entire world is to America? The reason is because we are the most free country in the world. I also agree that capitalism isn't without it's flaws but it is by far the best system in the world. You may like the benefits in your country like healthcare for all. But it comes at a high price as you have some of the highest taxes in the world. Anyway take care.
@ajbrasel Hey bud. A true conservative would not tell another person to shut up because they had a different opinion. It is definitely a liberal thing. No conservative would have a problem with people selling their own property for whatever the market can bear. Secondly where we all can agree I think, is that the bots that buy up all the stock are a problem. But it is very illuminating how everyone resorts to insults if anyone dares to have a different opinion from the mob.
@Exlee300p get a grip. You brought up “bleeding heart liberals” on a story about scalpers. Unprompted.
A few days ago you used the exact same phrase, unprompted on a story about PS5 package deals.
Shall I go on?
No one said you were pathetic for sharing your opinion. You’re pathetic because you’re feebly inserting your agenda into articles which have nothing to do with politics.
Then you have the nerve to accuse others of doing the same thing when they call out your behaviour.
No one thinks you’re the victim except you.
Your unhinged claims about where journalists supposedly reside gave me a good laugh though. Pulled that ‘factoid’ outta somewhere.... lol. After reading your other comments it’s clear you’re not too bright so I’m not gonna continue kicking a puppy.
@Exlee300p “So yes I do not have a problem with scalpers. But I actually do have a problem with the bots buying everything up. That is simply unfair.”
Unless Skynet has finally taken over I’m pretty sure the bots are being used BY THE SCALPERS.
🤦♀️ 🤦♀️ 🤦♀️
@Exlee300p please, enlighten us all by telling us what these “leftist talking points” are exactly?
@Arnna I'm guessing you are not a very happy person. Just an fyi, arrogance is the opposite of enlightenment. I actually pity you now.
@Exlee300p reading and comprehension seems to elude you. You can’t even vaguely expand on your claims or arguments.
I’m perfectly happy thanks.
I’m still waiting for you to tell us all exactly what these ‘leftist talking points’ are. You’ve mentioned this multiple times now and haven’t explained what you mean.
If you feel the need to share your opinion about politics you should be able to easily back up your argument with evidence.
It’s a simple request.
... sorry if my popcorn munching is too loud, I'll keep it quiet in the stands... Can I just say how much I'm enjoying Demon's Souls remake and the improvement of Planet Coaster between PS4Pro and PS5 is amazing... munch munch
In order to protect their good name and reputation, eBay should have banned the resale of next gen consoles till next year.
This whole thing is a black eye on the industry. At this point, it make crypto-currency look legit and respectable.
@OneManDroid damn you!!!!!!! (Enjoy!)
@Exlee300p You start calling people liberals for not liking scalpers so what different?
@Flaming_Kaiser Liberal is not an insult.
@Flaming_Kaiser notice how these people get pretty quiet when anyone calls out their logic or behaviour or asks for an explanation. funny that...
@GamerDad66 I understand your point but eBay did not have a good reputation. They treat vendors like garbage and have basically no ethics unless it’s gonna hurt their bottom line.
1. you’re using ‘liberal’ as a pejorative. Own your behaviour.
2. You called people who dislike scalpers ‘bleeding heart liberals’, which makes zero sense.
3. Then you said you’re ok with scalpers and not ok with bots which again makes no sense. Scalpers are the ones using the bots and without them they wouldn’t be successful.
4. You’ve been asked numerous times to explain what you mean by ‘liberal talking points’ and have said nothing.
@Arnna Wow I've really got in your head buddy. It's really quite sad. As much as I would like to be entertained by the telling things your over sized ego spouts out. I unfortunately have to work early in the morning. Perhaps another day.
You couldn’t get in my head if your life depended on it. You can’t handle anyone scrutinising your behaviour.
how convenient that when you’ve been asked a simple question, you have work early and can’t explain.
You’ve had plenty of chances to explain what ‘liberal talking points’ entail.
You’re a coward who either can’t or won’t explain yourself when you’re the one who brought up politics in the first place.
Which is pretty good evidence you are either not too bright or you are scared to say what you really mean, and are skirting around something unpleasant.
@Arnna He starts yelling like a idiot why should I not call him a redneck.
@Flaming_Kaiser you won’t get any argument here
Looking at it from a different angle, the fake bidders on eBay are also hurting genuine sellers - not just scalpers. I pre-ordered 2 PS5s to help my chances of getting one & ended up getting them both. I wasn't going to cancel one in case the other fell through due to limited stock some retailers had.
So with both in hand I thought I'd put one on eBay, starting at retail price - only to have stupidly high bids at the end of the auction, and a buyer (funnily enough with 250+ positive feedback) who wouldn't pay or respond to any messages. I had explained in my description the reason I was selling, did not ask for a huge markup & yet eBay vigilantes decided to protect the world from my outrageous attempt to sell something I didn't need.
I know a lot of people will have no sympathy with people like me who are not scalpers, and do have a genuine reason for having a spare - but just blindly denying others from buying by placing false bids is irritating as **** too!
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