Completing a normal run of Demon's Souls is tricky enough, but what about beating the whole thing without taking a single hit? That's what Twitch streamer The_Happy_Hob managed over the weekend in front of thousands upon thousands of viewers.
Hob, as he's more commonly known, had previously spent stream after stream attempting the Demon's Souls no-hit run. Countless hours of practice and the mastery of very specific strategies make the run possible, and even then, it's every bit as difficult as you'd imagine.
It's worth noting that Hob has no-hit the original Demon's Souls many, many times in the past, but despite being an incredibly faithful remake, Demon's Souls on PS5 definitely isn't identical — especially when it comes to certain boss fights.
You can see the moment Hob completed the run via the video embedded below. Beware of possible spoilers, obviously.
With Demon's Souls PS5 vanquished, Hob is looking to complete five more no-hit runs before the year is out, having made a bet that he would be able to beat 12 different runs in 2020. One of these runs is what he calls 'The God Run 2', which consists of no-hitting Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Dark Souls II, Dark Souls III, Bloodborne, and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice in just one attempt. Get hit in any of these games, and it's back to the very beginning. We wish him the best of luck!
Anyway, well done Bob.
[source twitch.tv]
Comments 24
My playstyle involves fighting bosses without them taking a single hit.
Anyway, this is really impressive but not as impressive as the DS3 playthrough where the guy (a) didn't level up (b) didn't wear armour (c) took no damage (d) never dodged or, IIRC, even blocked.
He just never used lock-on so he could run around the enemies and knew their attack hitboxes so well he knew where to run to avoid all damage while still attacking them.
This is awesome. Best I've managed is beating original Demons' Souls without leveling up. Can't wait to try it again in remake once I'm able to. His god run sounds totally insane.
@NoxAeturnus That's super impressive, dude!
I'm sure I took a hit on the title screen..
Would love any version of Onimusha 3: Demon Siege on PS4.......R.I.P. Noboru Sugimura.
N.i.c.e. from someone who beat the original demon soul on my ps3 5 years ago.thats pretty impressive.word up son
Yeah, good for him and all, but I don't see the appeal.
@Matroska "(a) didn't level up (b) didn't wear armour (c) took no damage (d) never dodged or, IIRC, even blocked."
To be fair, that's almost exactly what this run is. You don't need armour if one hit means death anyway, and blocking attacks counts as a hit as well. No hit also means no damage.
Demon’s Souls looks great, but I’m a little disappointed that under the pretty graphics, it’s the same thing as before. Makes sense that Hob was able to beat it without taking any hits, he already did that for the original, so it’s just another run to him.
@Grimwood That being your first thought about someone else's achievement in a videogame says a lot more about you than about them.
Well said some people just like to be sour i guess
Each to there own i guess
Maybe he didn't get a ps5 and is grumpy 🤣
@ShogunRok not trying to get all technical, but what if u was to use a shield that blocks 100% dmg? Would that count?
Edit: i dont know if demons souls has such a shield but dark souls does.
I died a couple of times during the character creation part.
@naruball Maybe getting more viewers or subscribers was the appeal
@ellsworth004 Nah, it's literally no hits, so blocking — even if it did no damage — would still count as a hit. Sounds like a nightmare tbh!
@ShogunRok yeah that is tough. I just cant imagine doing a sekiro not hit run. That game is the hardest from soft game by far.
Someone completed a MHW story run without taking damage as well if I'm not mistaken.
Hob has also beaten bloodborne, dark souls and dark souls 2 back to back without taking any damage.
Man's out here doing no-hit playthroughs, and I'm dying time and time again on the Maneater boss. The rage is real, but what a game.
@ShogunRok no-hit actually doesn't mean "no damage" - no damage is considered among the community to be much harder.
During a no-hit run, you are able to take both fall damage and environmental damage (poison/lava) - this is vital for setting up RTSR (a ring that gives a damage boost for low HP).
I love Hob, but I'm sad that you guys didn't talk about Dinossindgeil - he was the first person in the world to no-hit this game, and did so a day or two before Hob.
It's his first world record and he totally deserves the recognition, not least because he's a really positive and valued part of the community.
This guy is almost as good as me!
Me not taking any hits in DS would be like me trying to live without breathing. 😆
@ShogunRok @Matroska I googled it and found the run Matroska mentioned and there's a HUGE difference between the two: the guy who did that run did not reset the entire run and restarted from 0 when he took damage, unlike Hob. When Hob gets hit, he starts back from 0. The run dies as soon as he gets hit. So no, the run you mentioned is not harder than this one, by a long shot.
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