Overwatch has received an update to help it take advantage of current-gen consoles, but the PlayStation 5 isn't a part of that line-up. Outlined in a long list of patch notes over on Battle.net, community manager Josh Nash documents enhancements designed for the Xbox Series X|S systems. They will be treated to three new modes in total. One outputs a 4K resolution at 60 frames-per-second, the second improves image quality at the same frame rate, and the final option supports 120 frames-per-second on compatible television sets. As of right now, none of these upgrades will be made available to PS5 players.
Why, you ask? We take you back once again to the flaw built into how Sony handles PS5 and PS4 versions of its games. Essentially, developer Blizzard would have to produce a native PS5 version in order for these enhancements to be taken advantage of, despite the fact you already own the hardware that can handle it. These upgrades are different from what the likes of Days Gone and Ghost of Tsushima have received since the console's launch.
As such, Overwatch now finds itself in the same boat as Rocket League and Call of Duty: Warzone — both titles look and run much better on Xbox Series X|S. At the time, Psyonix senior communications manager Stephanie Thoensen said: "Enabling 120Hz on Xbox Series S|X is a minor patch, but enabling it on PS5 requires a full native port due to how backwards compatibility is implemented on the console, and unfortunately wasn’t possible due to our focus elsewhere."
[source us.forums.blizzard.com, via eurogamer.net]
Comments 48
Bring on PS5 games; all these backward/rebuilt/rebooted games getting a little old hat now. Understand likely to be this way for a while but can’t wait till it’s just new material.
Maybe this is why Horizon Zero Dawn hasn't got a PS5 patch then? That to get the PC enhancements, a native PS5 version would need to be created and so it ends up getting the Spider-Man treatment.
@JapaneseSonic That was a native PS5 version of Destiny 2.
@itsfoz If the PS4 generation is any indication these remasters and enhanced ports aren't going anywhere. They'll simply cooexist with new games if anything.
Plus there are literally two native PS5 games right around the corner so it's not like these are stalling development of new games. Overwatch 2 is still a thing
Hmmm, I'm not sure I understand, really. I get that they probably can't do 120 frames-per-second, but why can't they bump the resolution at 60fps? Other games have definitely done this.
Love ps5 and xbsx. Looks like the Xbox has the advantage in this scenario, but ps5 has way better exclusives so both have their strengths I guess.
So they can’t be bothered because it’s more difficult. Fair enough, nobody bought the original with the idea there would be a free next generation patch. But your customers will remember how you treated them. The ones that like this rubbish anyway.
I'm interested in what would a challenge be in creating a separate PS5 build? Distribution problems? New publishing contracts? Re-certification? This seems like it could be digital only release..
Because it can't be the issue of literally recompiling the game with a different, compatible, SDK.
Just no point in owning a ps5 at the moment.
Why would they bother making a native port when the second game’s in development?
@JapaneseSonic yup, aswell as other games.
Backwards compatibility was always an afterthought for PlayStation and it's shown a few times already.
Are we supposed to believe Activision Blizzard is hurting for money to get this done?
This is them shifting the blame (as much as Sony deserves some; they should have seen this coming when they chose their implementation) and taking eyes off the fact they're cheap as hell and don't give a ***** about their PS5 players.
@Cikajovazmaj essentialy they would have to port it to a new SDK/API, while on Xbox they just adjust a couple settings and let the raw CPU/GPU power do the job
Like Sammy said though, PS5 might be limited to 60 fps in compatibility mode but they should still be able to bump the resolution - not sure why they didn't
@munstre Right, but isn't that what this game is doing in two out of its three new modes?
@__jamiie I don't think it was an afterthought in the slightest. Clearly Xbox's solution is more flexible, but that doesn't mean PS5's is crap. The contrary, it's very good.
Again, I understand they can't do 120fps with PS5's BC, but I really don't see why they can't offer the other two modes.
@JapaneseSonic yes but that's the thing - you can get to 120 fps on Xbox that way but you can't on PS5, 60 is the limit
But.... But.... I thought the ps5 was supposed to be like.. The most powerful high-tech and smartly thought out system ever?
Who cares, the game became stale anyway, if anything,more like "Overbore" am I right? Paladins is were it's at anyway.
@TheFrenchiestFry I was less saying this won’t happen and more saying let’s get the originals going as opposed to just fixating on fixer uppers of old games.
It’s not stunted development but christ alive, let’s not pretend a 4K version of a game is something we should and ought to be excited and spending money on, it’s not.
I was looking for that comment i mean seriously do people even care about overwatch. I only ever played it twice and it was during Xbox free play days.
Played overwatch years ago and as its pretty much a dead multiplayer game not really fussed tbh. Looking forward to seeing fully built games for this gen. No more half assed patches or compromises.
@LiamCroft They are getting lazy thats it first it was so hard too develop on a different chipset now X86 and one hardware setup and they still cant do it. A framerate and resolution update isnt possible?
@Deanster101 I know man im buying a PS5 for old games those new games who needs them🤪
@get2sammyb I wasn't trying to say the PS5's BC solution is crap. But it's never been anywhere near the top of Sony's priorities. Jim Ryan set the tone for Sony's 'generations' approach a while ago and what's been delivered is a perfectly functional solution to playing PS4 games. Xbox have had to talk about BC and Smart Delivery far more for a while now because it was their defining USP and therefore their solution is more advanced, wider ranging and developer friendly.
Can't see why Blizz doesn't just bump the framerate up to 60. I'm pretty sure that can just be a patch.
@get2sammyb @__jamiie "Backwards compatibility was always an afterthought for PlayStation"
I don't think it was an "afterthought" at all. It's called "backwards compatibility" b/c old games are "compatible" on new hardware. Sony never called it "forward enhancement". PS5 plays PS4 games, that's what Sony said, that's what they delivered.
So it's not an afterthought, it's "planned obsolescence".
Sony was all in on "we know generations". The plan was no more PS4 games, more PS5 games, to give people a reason to lay out $500. If PS4 games could all easily look like new PS5 games then how are you going to make your PS5 games look good in comparison? W/ B/C Sony could have it both ways - sure PS5 can "play" your PS4 games, but you need to buy NEW PS5 games to see just how good a PS5 game looks.
So their B/C works just fine, as planned, it's their "we know next gen" plan that was the afterthought that fell apart when they realized they couldn't' make enough PS5 fast enough so games like HFW and S:MM were going to have to come out on PS4.
B/C, it is what it's called. "We know generations" is the lie that betrayed it.
Edit: I got ninja'd by jamiie's reply, I'm a slow 2 finger typist. 😝
It just has to read the game as a ps5 version rather than PS4. That’s all. That is why you can switch between the two options on PlayStation, whereas on Xbox it doesn’t differentiate. That’s my understanding anyway. No doubt that would take more work, and maybe even require recertification and the associated expenses, but it’s not been a problem for multiple other devs.
@munstre I'm an idiot lol. I read the article but my mind went kaput when commenting.
I meant at least 60 fps with 4k.
if it is not a full remake not interested just make new PS5 games.
Meh. I'm more interested in next gen games, not small upgrades to games made years ago.
@Deanster101 You obviously don’t have one if you think that’s the case.
Demon Souls
Spiderman Miles Morales
All my PS4 games run better and quicker also.
This is just pure laziness and greed that’s stopping these huge developers from making PS5 enhancements, good for them I won’t be supporting their games!
@Playstation How can you know this? Money is probably a minor issue for them, but getting, holding and permanently giving appropiated taskes to talented and experienced software engineers is not an easy task. One person can only work on one task at a time.
Seems like a werid statement to make .Ubisoft managed to do it for Rainbow Six which I belive they actually made a straight up ps5 version of the game, and patched the division 2 as well as ghost recon breakpoint, a game that doesn't even have a fraction of the player base overwatch has . But like most of you said it's alot easier to play the blame game instead of actually doing the work.
@Philbop how dare you come here, on your high horse, with your calm and measured comment!! The sheer audacity! Just kidding. My sentiments, exactly. Game on 🖖🤓
Overwatch is dead to me anyway. The game isn't fun anymore with their recent system that forces a 2/2/2 team comp.
It sucks a bag of *****.
My focus will be elsewhere when Overwatch 2 releases.
@Deanster101 right.... No reasons to own a ps5 right now.. 🤔. I assume you haven't been able to find one to say that.
@SteveJaye He's not wrong though. I've had my PS5 since launch & I'd advise people to wait until the library fills out more.
@SteveJaye i've only just bought a second hand ps4 pro, so many great games to get through Last of Us, God of War, Divinity Original Sin, Bloodborne, - the only reason to invest in a ps5 now is to see old games run a bit faster and look a bit prettier. I imagine that excitement wears off in about 20 seconds.
You crack on if you enjoy that but i won't be investing until there's a decent library that interests me and that won't be for awhile yet.
@Deanster101 you'll have great fun with the Pro, it's a brilliant machine. Plenty of amazing games to play. But for me the PS5 is more than just a bit faster and prettier. The biggest thing it brings is the dualsense, just adds so much to games. Playing WR9 you know when you have engine damage because the right trigger changes. Going over loose gravel you can feel it hitting the car. COD with the different feeling weapons, Fifa you can tell when a player is tired just by the trigger. Other games you can feel the footsteps when your characters walk. I really didn't like the dualshock 4, much preferred the xbox one controller but Sony knocked it out of the park with this one. I also have a series x but I'm buying all the 3rd party games on the ps5 because of the dualsense. And playing spiderman MM at 60fps with RT never gets old. Control is loads better than when I played it on my Pro. And with returnal, deathloop and R&C around the corner I have no regrets about being an early adopter.
guess I'm buying Overwatch 2 afterall!
@Ichiban lol - me too
all of these people clamoring for a ps5
I got one on launch day and I really don't play it much.
I play the switch more.
nothing against the ps5 - but if you have a ps4 - you're good to go
It’s cool that they’re enhancing these older games but it’s full time we get some new games on new consoles. People wanted B/C so much now that’s all we’re getting from these new consoles; old games with a new cost of paint.
Don't care. Overwatch is so boring right now, I have no plans to play it at all in the future. Also, Division 2 did it, Destiny did it and more so crappy as# Blizzard can suck it.
@Grumblevolcano I think the horizon thing is all about timing, you’ll probably see an enhanced PS5 version that coincides with a pending release of the sequel.
Just brilliant. Hooray for Sony!
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