The PlayStation 5 just received a big firmware update today, adding in a batch of new features and improvements to the experience. After installing the update, you'll be prompted about updating your DualSense controller as well.
There's no information on what the software updates for DualSense controllers do exactly, but as always, it's best to make sure everything is as up-to-date as possible to ensure the best functionality. So, when your PS5 tells you there's an update for your controller, plug it in via USB and get it done — it only takes a minute. You can also tell the PS5 to notify you again in 24 hours if you really can't be bothered straight away.
Just a little FYI, really. After updating your PS5, get those DualSense pads updated too.
Comments 28
There do appear to be some new options in the controller section if you go to accessories. Haven’t been there in a while so don’t know what’s new exactly. Don’t remember being able to decide how I want the dualsense to communicate with the console before. Maybe turning off Bluetooth for wired improves lag or something.
@thefourfoldroot I'm pretty sure that option was already there
Still hoping for a physical fix for by far the greatest game-breaking bug ever - stick drift!
No, but about 10% of the time, when I turn the controller on, it doesn’t turn on the console snd I have to do so manually. No big deal, but I expect silly little glitches like this to be fixed in due course. Your problem sounded like a similar interruption in communication.
So the dual sense updates like the switch controllers, cool.
@God_of_Nowt Hey man! Can I ask you a question unrelated to this topic? I just wanted to ask you, do you believe that Sony has something planned to compete against Xbox Game Pass? There's been a lot of talk lately that there is something going to he revealed this summer, like backwards compatibility with some form of emulation? I don't believe that of course, there's no way that there making PS5 backwards compatible because we know Sony stance on that and that they don't care about it. I'd be shocked if they did do it though, especially if they have pulled of PS3 backwards compatibility.
PlayStation 4 also received a update it officially kills communities.
@Wolfie_Pie Absolutely had this, and did not realize until reading your comment that it was the controller! I wound up switching controllers and closing the game out thinking it was the game, but of course if I switched had to be the controller!
@God_of_Nowt Well updates are free too, and it's the inconvenience of being without a controller for weeks and no guarantee it's not going to happen again even after a fix. I'd rather they start using actual custom Sony sticks instead of off-the-shelves.
@God_of_Nowt Yes. I did this just recently, the customer service rep I got was super chill. He told me he's been getting so much calls about it.
@God_of_Nowt I wouldn't exactly call PS Now though an answer to Game Pass, it's not even in the same league. Also, I don't think that just putting bigger games on PS Now is also an answer to Game Pass either. Something like adding backwards compatibility is something that is more of an answer to Game Pass as you would be able to play hopefully PS1 - PS3 games too. Even David Jaffe has said something is definitely coming soon, this summer and he said he believes it's backwards compatibility or emulation. Sony need to get rid of the streaming side of PS Now, especially for PS3 games. I just don't think adding bigger games is going to cut it... I just wish whether the PS5 getting backwards compatibility could be answered with either a yes or no 😔
@God_of_Nowt Of course Microsoft do care about backwards compatibility because if they didn't care they wouldn't of done it in the first place. If they didn't care they wouldn't of pushed it even further with the Series X adding FPS boost or Auto HDR. Microsoft if they didn't care wouldn't of done all and everything they've ever done for backwards compatibility if that were true, if anything there pushing it even more. There the only ones that actually care, it's at the heart of what they do. It's Sony that genuinely don't care about it, look at there absolute atrocious support for it, it's garbage compared to Microsoft. Look at what Sony are doing with shutting the PS Stores down, all those older games gone for good. Microsoft didn't have to do what they've done for it but they have.
@God_of_Nowt I'm not arguing with you. Look, I'm just such a Sony and PlayStation fan and I've been with them from the start since the original PlayStation. I guess I feel this way because I see Microsoft with the Xbox doing all the things that I wish Sony would do with PlayStation because it's my preferred console and because I'm such a PlayStation guy. It's understandable that you want the console you prefer and support the most to have what you want and it's elsewhere doing it instead. And I do have an Xbox, I have a Xbox One S. I know your probably going to say, "well just go on the Xbox if that's what you want" and I get that. Of course, to me I'd rather it be on PlayStation.
@Wolfie_Pie yes I had the same problem.i did the same as yourself and have had no problems since. 👍
I had a dickens of a time trying to update my controllers. I plugged one in when I was prompted for the update. Halfway through the update, the controller turned off. I tried this a couple more times unsuccessfully. I then tried a second controller and had the same experience. I restarted the console thinking there was an issue there, but now I don't get prompted to update my controllers.
@TheArt Don't look now, but this does seem to have fixed stick drift for me in Genshin Impact!
Previously, I was getting downward / towards the screen drift on my left stick that was getting progressively worse, to the point where it was tough to even get into the party change menu because movement would cancel the action. Tested a bit this morning and I couldn't get the stick to drift anymore no matter how many times I flicked it in any direction.
Hopefully the problem stays gone this time instead of just coming back, as I said it was getting progressively worse for me before.
@God_of_Nowt Yea the rep was a good dude. We talked about video games the entire time old and new. He too was even bashing the Dualsense. Unfortunately for them to fix the problem they have to go with a new manufacturer for the stick modules. It's the same company that made PS4s and the Joy-cons.... My sexy Pink DualShock 3 is still working like a champ though. Been playing through the R&C games.
@vpedik Stick drift is just so awful. Mine's a DS4, it gets so bad sometimes I can't even select anything cause it's constantly moving. My only temporary remedy every time is to just blow into the sides of the sticks for some minutes. And it's partly all the sensitivity going into games these days where a tilt is for walk and a full push to run because lazy gamers can't just tap X to run. Hopefully Sony come up with durable sticks.
One of the most logical and reasoned posts I've read. Makes perfect sense to me.
I'll be honest, I got a PS5 to play PS5 games or my favourite PS4 games. I've no interest in ps1, 2 or 3 games as gaming has evolved and I dont get what I need from them.
What's the point in spending the best the best part of 500 quid just to boast about how you can play a load of old games. Nostalgia is a strange thing
Honestly, for me Game Pass seems overhyped and I think PS+ is the perfect middle ground. I have both consoles, but I never payed for Game Pass after the first year. It is a lot of money for a bunch of old or just uninteresting games (to me at least).
PS+ I have had always. It is a mixed bag some months, but for the money we get so many actually great games.
I hope they don't make any changes, because 2-3 games per month is already more than I can play through, and if they change it, I fear they will combine PSNow and PS+ and make it more expensive.
I prefer just PS+.
@God_of_Nowt been trying to explain this exact thing to folk.
I hope you don't mind if I just copy paste your answer here for future use 😬
@TrueAssassin86x gotta love your positivity when it comes to anything ps related. Never change.
@Snake_V5 it was clearly explained to you that there is a difference in architecture of the previous ps consoles compared to the xb ones. Why you keep arguing by ignoring that important fact is beyond me.
@God_of_Nowt loved the analogy with McDonald's and Dominoes. Very sound explanation, Hope you have a great day!
I have the PS5 media remote and for some reason the past 2 weeks it has been turning on PS5 randomly. Finally took batteries out of remote 2 days ago because it was drving me mad, and it hasnt turned on since. Faulty remote? Possible button stuck I had cleaned it real good to make sure and still did it. I dunno
@naruball because he is an xbox troll and he is being fed...
@Northern_munkey hey, if that gives some meaning to his life, I'm all for it.
@Wolfie_Pie Finally someone who had the same issue. Mine is when I turn on the system, not from rest mode, and the PS home button works and L1-R1 to switch between game and media....and that's it. no other buttons work and I have to restart the system
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