The ongoing semiconductor shortage is unlikely to be resolved any time soon, but Sony had hinted that one solution to PlayStation 5’s stock shortages could be to “change the design” of the next-gen device. Specifically, it’s referring to the internal components of the console here, and a new report published by Digitimes suggests a hardware redesign will enter production next year.
The website claims that Taiwanese juggernaut TSMC will begin manufacturing a “new semi-customised” 6nm chip for the system starting in 2022, which would replace the existing 7nm chip used in the console right now. It’s unlikely that this will result in a change to the external appearance of the appliance, although there may be additional benefits such as more economic power draw.
Sony made some subtle changes to the PS4 fairly quickly after launch, improving its efficiency and reducing its weight, although the design remained the same outside of a glossy panel, which was replaced by a matte plastic panel. It wasn’t until the release of the PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro that the appearance of the console was changed.
In this case, the Japanese giant is likely looking to both cut costs and also increase production, with the semiconductor shortage affecting all electronics manufacturers. The company has said that its primary goal is to outsell the PS4’s second year sales of 14.8 million, but it’ll need to substantially increase supply if it hopes to come anywhere near that number.
[source digitimes.com, via twitter.com, videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 59
Perhaps this one won’t have coil whine. It’s bloody annoying in some games.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Yeah I don't have coil whine either.
I was going to say, I wonder if this new PS5 redesign will have advantages over the current one.
The only issues with mine are the casing vibrates sometimes, even when vertical, and for some reason Aassassin's Creed Valhalla sounds like it's buzzing in the drive. No other disc makes that "buzz" sound.
I wouldn't say mine's silent buttt it's practically inaudible, especially compared to my PS4 and PS4 Pro.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Me too! super lucky I don't appear to have this coil whine. Just silence!
No coil whine here
I got my PS5 on launch day and it slowly grew on me. But when the day comes that they release a slim I'm definitely buying that. This model is too damn big! And ugly too!
Aside from that I don't have any issues. The console is practically silent and I've had no issues with coil whine.
I don't have coil whine either. My PS5 is completely silent so it seems like an overstated problem.
@nessisonett Yes, please. I’d exchange mine in a heartbeat. I’ve gone through three different PS5’s and they all suffered from either coil whine or some other kind of noise. Clearly audible from my couch roughly 3 meters away. Luck is certainly not on my side, I guess.
No coil whine here either. I've got the digital version, if that matters.
No coil whine but usually on startup you get a buzzing sound as something is vibrating about.
Hand on the console stops it.. I'm suspecting it's the stand not being a snug enough fit.
No coil whine here either.
My disk drive is pretty loud on startup if a game disk is in. Otherwise since the last firmware update, the machine is so much quieter when playing disk based games. It barely makes a peep when playing a digital game.
@Total_Weirdo That’s exactly what happens with mine, it’s silent playing PS4 games and stuff but FIFA and Tony Hawk’s PS5 versions make a buzzing noise that changes pitch depending on what’s on screen.
I’m waiting for the Pro/Slim redesign. The original design is a monstrosity 🤣
I just want a slim model as soon as possible.
This is probably good news for those still unable to find one to purchase. Although 2022 is still a long time away.
As far as coil whine, I think mine has a touch of it, but it’s barely noticeable without listening for it. The disc drive is fairly loud though. What has been bothering me a tiny bit lately is I’m noticing the controller actually makes more noise than the console. Using certain weapons with the adaptive triggers makes a small rattling racket in the DualSense, which I assume is just normal. With headphones on I don’t even notice it though, and I love the different feel to the triggers so I would rather not disable the feature.
I wouldn't hold your breath. They can barely manufacture the standard model as it is. No chance there's any design revisions coming soon.
Also, I love the look of my PS5. I'm glad they didn't go with some boring box design.
I have found the disc spinning loudly at random intervals almost completely resolved since the last firmware update and the fans are almost silent - great when playing a digital game or watching a streaming service. I still find certain disc based games louder than id like when spinning in the machine (Yakuza Like a Dragon) - but as i wear headphones its not really an issue. Whether its coil whine or the disc drive, i dont know
I have coil whine but it only happens with a couple of ps5 games, Demon souls in performance mode and wreckfest while cornering.
I haven’t noticed any coil whine while playing PS4 games on my ps5 except for Kentucky route zero which sounds like a glass harp being blasted through a megaphone.
@Total_Weirdo Interesting. I'll test it tonight after work. Thanks for the tip!
From what I can tell so far it only happens when the disc of that one game spins up as the game is launching. After that the system goes more or less silent again.
@__jamiie Bad idea, especially for cooling reasons.
This seems a bit weird. I mean, revision of a consoles internal parts is quite common, but to switch to a whole new fabrication process... I don't quite see that cutting down on production issues. Yes, you have less demand for 7mm wafers, but have to set up a 6mm fab process, presumably using the same materials. It will help with thermals and power draw, but I don't see it ameliorating the supply shortage at all.
EDIT: to join the topic in the comments; no coil whine (phew), but the disk drive is very loud when booting up or inserting a PS5 disc.
EDIT: just 'cuz. It's kinda fun to put your dualsense on a semi hard surface (say, the arm of a sofa as one takes a break from getting ass kicked in Returnal to roll up) and hear the sounds made by the haptics going mad!
Yes, I do need to get out more, you are correct.
I just want a PS5. It can whine all it want ... if I just have it. Sigh ...
Wicked, I may be able to get this one 😂😂😂😂😂😂.
@Kratos-sensei Not at all. 'Slim' revisions of consoles have always had a far lower failure rate compared to launch hardware. Sony will already be looking into ways to reduce power consumption and heat production.
Hopefully it helps people get a console that are still searching.
Also before the latest firmware update my PS5 would make a slight ticking noise after playing for a couple hours, but that seems to be no more.
I’m convinced people are misdiagnosing loose face plates for coil whine. I thought I had coil whine myself, but as it mysteriously disappeared when I pressed on the external plates, I decided it was those bloody hooks not being tight enough and led to the plates vibrating at an annoying frequency. I “fixed” things by placing a thick paperback on top, lol. Not an ideal or visually pleasing solution, but I’m just glad it wasn’t this internal coil whine some people undoubtedly have experienced.
My coin whine is awful but i'm putting up with it for the time being as i don't want to send it off to Sony to be potentially replaced with another unit with the same problem. I envy all who have a silent unit
All the money they spent on R&D with the PS5 and they put cheap capacitors inside.
@Total_Weirdo I hadn't heard about green bars. That doesn't sound fun at all.
But yes, in my case it feel like it's definitely a noisy disc drive, although it only seems to affect one specific disc which is very odd.
I even tried powering off and manually ejecting the disc. I had heard this can help somehow. But nothing works.
I make it sound like it's a horrible experience but really it's a minor thing that only happens for a few seconds when I startup that one game.
I'm still expecting that as soon as mass market NVME4 drives are available, they'll switch to producing PS5's that don't have the special "Cernydrive" workaround they marketed so much at launch. That's got to be expensive, and, since NVME4 drives of sufficient speed are equal-or-faster by way of brute force than the custom drive's clever complexity, there's little reason for them to actually keep producing the the bespoke drive assembly. The whole thing was just a workaround to get to market faster than the real drives. Might not be until Slim, since it also means the case bulk and cooling the custom drive needs isn't required anymore, but it has to happen.
Also, I know I keep saying it but every time we hear about how it's going to be a struggle to even produce enough to match PS4's year 2 numbers, I have to face-palm again about Ryan's "upgrading PS4 users at an unprecedented pace" shtick. It explains a lot. The guy speaks mostly of ideal business objectives in a vacuum, without any regard for business reality the organization is actually working in.
Mine sounds like a PS4 Pro if there's a disc inside, even if I wasn't using said game. Is not a big deal though as I'm mostly getting digital games since I have a very small hope Sony will implement quick resume in the future 🤞
@fR_eeBritney Ditto. I really don't like the design of the PS5, and I'm hoping the eventual Slim model will make it slightly easier on the eyes.
My first thought was : Seems like a reason to wait.
Then I remembered: I can't find one now anyway.🤷♂️
Maybe that';s Sony's plan. Announce a new model to cut down on demand of the current model to give them a chance to catch up?
I've held off the PS5 so far, mostly because I still have an enormous backlog of PS4 games that I'm still working through. Also, they're never in stock, but I've never liked the design of the PS5 either. This doesn't sound like it will be an aesthetic redesign, but I may just end up waiting for the inevitable slim model. If that were to come out in about a year and a half or so, I'd be happy to wait that long to pick up a PS5.
I have no coil whine. Was lucky, Both my PS5 and new graphic card do not have it.
A big reduction in noise from my 1080Ti + PS4 combo... Those you could hear from the kitchen 😅
That is nice, But I bought a PS4 at launch and stuck with it for 8 years. I will do the same with PS5.
I'm waiting until the inevitable slim (or perhaps short?) model as the current one has all the aesthetics and dimensions of an Ikea wardrobe (some people like that, some people don't).
Isn't that what they usually do though? I remember PS4 had different models too.
(I don't mean slim and pro but models of the same with different numbers)
@JJ2 Yeah my dad bought his ps4 about 6 months after me, and his didn't have the glossy finish on one half, had physical buttons for eject and power and wasn't as loud as mine. Wasn't a pro or slim either.
Owned since day 1 and I have no coil whine here but a very loud disc drive when in vertical position. Absolutely fine soundwise in horizontal and even more so now the recent firmware update dampened the disc spinning up sound. Will be interested to see if this noise issues with the disc drive get addressed at the same time.
This seems to happen every Gen. Nothing to see here, move along Got my PS5 day 1 and so far it seems ok thank God The only mildly annoying thing is when you install a game from a disc for the first time it really is loud the disc drive. I am glad it doesn't need to spin like that all the time or I would have to stick it in the Attic
@get2sammyb That's a low bar to clear amigo, a busy day at Heathrow is quieter than my PS4 Pro was when playing Ghost of Tsushima; thankfully my PS5 is whisper quiet unless installing something from disc.
@Hootnoodle that's why it's good to wait for all the early issues to be fixed up before you buy, people without a ps5 won't be able to buy till next year anyways
Coil whine is a thing. There's loads out there who think they haven't got it, but they're just unaware either because they use headphones, the TV or sound system is drowning it out, the console is far enough away that their hearing just isn't good enough to pick it up, they don't play games where it's present (doesn't occur on PS4 games, and not at all or only occasionally on some PS5 games) or they simply don't notice it.
For my digital console, I sit far enough away that I don't hear it so not an issue for me, and for whatever reason people don't discern it, that's great, but although I hate to burst some bubbles, it's not like Sony made some consoles with special PSU's and some without.
Hopefully the 2022 revision will eliminate it, or they'll use dampening compound on the components in question, which is the solution microsoft employed on the Series X.
I hope they release it in black, the white is really odd looking and speaking of colors, where are the colored controllers sony ?
@lordzand as long as you don't have it than it must not be a problem for others.
What a mess this has been. They should have delayed it
Take out the Internal clock , so I can play Ps5 years later like I play Ps1. Okay, I honestly don't play my Ps1 as much but I do turn the system on every so often, and play some games. When I play Ps1 I'm on Driver 2 , still stuck on shipping container mission
Glad to see that the PS5 has air filters because I think the Pro fluff levels would've been much less if they'd put a grill over the air intake on the right hand side of the Pro.
My Pro was getting louder a few months ago. having looked at some of the how-to-clean YouTube videos, I decided have a go and popped the lid off. Hoovered out the fan (which was caked in about 3 years of fluff!), used a cotton bud to get the really stuck bits off and hey presto, a very quiet Pro again. Certainly be easier if you can just pop out a filter, clean it, and stick it back in again.
Great i want this weird design it looks awsome to me.
@TVRFLY Thats a thing i would like to know if they will change that.
Coil whine who? Only thing that’s loud is the disc, they need to find a way to make it silent like XSX
No coil whine here yet in my launch PS5, but hopefully the redesign will be easier to buy and available inside physical retail stores.
I have several friends that want a PS5 very badly so this should make them happy.
@Maverick85 @Kidfried
I think you both missed the part where I wasn't the only one to say I didn't have the problem in your rush to "confront" my privilege.
In fact there are multiple comments after mine saying gasp exactly the same thing.
I think maybe you guys should save this energy for real problems.
@lordzand I saw the other comments similar to yours thanks but there also multiple comments from people that had the opposite experience to you, but I guess you didn't have a problem when you rushed to state that it was an 'overstated problem'. Nobody rushed to confront your privilege, just to point out that your experience might not be enough evidence to draw the conclusion that the problem was overstated. It's funny that you try to use other peoples' comments as evidence to support your claim. Taking other peoples' comments under consideration is exactly what myself and other commenters were asking you to do when making judgment about the situation - irony! And replying to our comments, which were made weeks ago... Perhaps you should consider where you put your own energy. Byeeeeeee!
You lost the moment you attempted to hold me having too much of a life to respond to your comments as a bad thing.
The other person did use the term "confront privilege'. I strongly support you learning reading comprehension.
Saying a problem is overstated doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It means it's not as big an issue as it was made out to be.
Perhaps you should learn the meaning of the word exaggeration instead of just living it.
@Kidfried well said
@Kidfried can you really say I wasn't worth the time to talk to when you just twisted whatever I said to fit your own narrative?
Saying something's overstated isn't the same as saying it doesn't happen at all. I don't know why that's hard for some to comprehend.
Pretending 8 in 10 have it when 1 in 10 do is overstating it. Using terms like "privilege" to describe something I paid for just highlights how misleading many are being.
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