Over the last couple of years — and particularly the last several months — there's been a lot of discussion surrounding PlayStation's relationship with Japan. It's no secret that the company has become very westernised, consolidating its efforts across North America and Europe especially. This is also true of PlayStation's first-party developers; the likes of Naughty Dog, Sony Santa Monica, Guerrilla Games, and Sucker Punch now spearhead the company's approach to blockbuster software — and all of them are based outside of Japan.
However, head of PlayStation Studios Hermen Hulst stresses that PlayStation hasn't abandoned the country that it came from. Speaking to the official PlayStation Blog, Hulst says: "I want to be very clear that Japanese games and Japanese talent remain extremely important to PlayStation Studios and to Sony Interactive Entertainment. Japan and Asia are strongly associated with our legacy: the success of Sony, the PlayStation brand, and many of our iconic PlayStation franchises were actually born in that region."
Of course, it's also worth bringing up the fact that PlayStation currently has very close ties to some of Japan's most prominent publishers. It has a number of exclusive deals in place with Square Enix, and it clearly has a strong marketing partnership with Capcom. PlayStation itself may have stepped away from Japan in order to bolster its operations elsewhere, but it obviously still recognises the importance of the Japanese industry.
Hulst continues: "I know the potential from high-quality games from Japan and Asia, and some of the best development talent in the world is found there. They have that history of innovation, of craftsmanship and skill, that pride and team spirit. We very much want to continue those traditions."
He then goes on to sing the praises of Japanese studios Polyphony Digital (Gran Turismo) and the much more recently assembled Team Asobi (Astro's Playroom). On the latter, Hulst reiterates that the developer is still in the process of being expanded: "We’re building Team Asobi in Tokyo, a world-class studio that are developing a franchise for all ages with global appeal. Such a creative team."
What are your thoughts on PlayStation's current relationship with Japan and the Japanese gaming industry? Consider playing through Astro's Playroom again in the comments section below.
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 54
Is that why they downsized Japan Studio? Because its "extremely important"?
If they really cared then they wouldn't CENSOR Japanese games
Just finished reading the interview and I loved it.
I'm very excited at the thoughts of Asobi growing into something bigger.
This is all great stuff.
Anyone who had any complaints about Sony since E3 2016 needs to read it or listen to the podcast. Except the people complaining about censorship. You're just not going to get what you want on a PlayStation platform anymore.
The future is looking good for single-player gaming. Now I just need XBOX to tell me when I can play Avowed.
Then buy Square and Sega.
Hope this is true. Sounds just like being polite. They SAY Japan is important, but then everything they DO is against it.
@Play censorship is wrong but they really censored a few games, like 0,01% of the entire line up.
@Shepherd_Tallon Sony censors Japanese games. There's no sugar coating it. This completely goes against their stance on Japan being important.
@Shepherd_Tallon What do you mean? I bought my Playstation so that I could look at anime boobs, like any upstanding person would.
Does Sony have a new portable launching to replace Vita?
Then Japan does not remain that important to Sony.
I think it's also important to note that the entire Japanese gaming industry has been looking West for a while now — it's not just Sony. The bigger publishers have realised that the Japanese console market has changed dramatically — it's no longer something that can sustain higher budget projects by itself.
That's why you have Capcom betting it all on Monster Hunter World. That's why you have SEGA saying that it's going to commit to simultaneous worldwide releases for its biggest games.
Even the Dragon Quest 35th Anniversary was broadcast with an English translation, and Square Enix promised worldwide releases for the big announcements. That would have been unheard of even just a couple of years ago.
This is just the way console gaming is going — Sony saw it coming two generations ago.
@nessisonett 😂 I genuinely chuckled.
@nessisonett Yes. If I was a dev, I wouldn't be able to complete my artistic vision because Sony is against anime boobs. Meanwhile Nintendo and Steam aren't against anime boobs
@Talon_Zanarkand Dude, they're fictional.
@Play If your artistic vision was solely anime boobs then you’d be competing with a million other shovelware garbage going for pennies on the eShop or Steam. It’s not a question of boobs, it’s a question of what you do with those boobs as seen in games like Cyberpunk which clearly wasn’t censored. Life of Boob Tiger isn’t going to cut it in 2021.
Absolutely thrilled to hear that Team Asobi is being expanded ! Japan Studio will be dearly missed tho.
I hope we can see something from Team ICO (well...their new studio) soon enough !
Keep feeding the West Sony....Nintendo are having a blast.
Every time they keep repeating. ***** show us instead of constantly saying it for ***** sake.
I just want a non-VR Astro Bot game in the style of Super Mario Odyssey.
@Play Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize they censored Persona 5, Guilty Gear Strive, and the Yakuza series. It's pretty clear that they're only targeting sexy anime games which I couldn't give two ***** about.
Yeah, not feeling it Sony
Apart from those elements of Japanese gaming culture they are actively trying to kill. Never forget.
I guess you never played Astro Bot Rescue Mission. If you had you’d give more than a damn, you’d be chomping at the bit for a sequel to one of the best, if not the best, platformer ever made.
@Play still underage 🤷🏽♂️
@Residentsteven 2 failures? Vita was an abject failure, but PSP sold nearly 80 million which is a success by almost any measure.
But if Japan was important to them they would have tried again. Switch has sold 20 million in Japan, still a market there for portables with tv out.
@Nepp67 "they're only targeting sexy anime games which I couldn't give two ***** about."
In other words "I only care about censorship if is games I like and play, If I don't like the games and I don't play them then it's totally fine" 😑
Actions > Words
@nessisonett "If your artistic vision was solely anime boobs then you’d be competing with a million other shovelware garbage going for pennies on the eShop or Steam."
That's not your call to make, and what's shovelware to you might not be for someone else. For an example I would consider Destruction AllStars shoveware garbage, I still wouldn't take away from anyone.
Also if super kid family friendly Frozen Disney Princess lite NINTENDO is not getting in the way of developers why is Sony?
Recent actions say otherwise and timed exclusives are not really exclusives, so in that front PS is squadering cash.
It is cool, I will keep drinking that kool aid just to pretend it is cool lip service.
I get where you’re coming from but western culture looks at sexualization totally different than the Japanese.
It may be weird to us, but to them it’s not a big deal. You’re imposing your cultural values on another society where the morality is different.
I’m not saying I agree with Japanese media’s depictions of sub-18 year old girls. I actually find it pretty weird but as a big anime otaku and having a love of Japanese culture and video games, it’s something you have to look past.
I echo the "actions speak louder than words" sentiment, and their actions so far have shown me that modern PlayStation doesn't give a damn about their Japanese heritage unless it's from one of the big boys like Square Enix and Capcom.
I see the anti-censorship brigade is out in full force. As a lover of most things H, I have some sympathy for your cause, but let's be real here. Console system versions of CERO Z games are censored, be it Switch or PS. PC versions of the same CERO Z games are still censored because of Japanese law, which forbids showing the pubic region. Frankly, after about a year's worth of slightly stricter censorship on PS consoles, things seems to have gone back to status quo, but please, feel free to keep tilting at those boob shaped windmills.
@Juanalf Oh sorry, I didn't realize you actually enjoyed low budget sexy anime games.
@Nepp67 I don't 🙂 Persona 5 is as sexy as I'll go, I don't just fight for things I like or that will only benefit me and my taste.
@Residentsteven Sorry to hear that. I felt the game was an absolute blast and my first platinum on PS5. If it was a full length game it would be getting 9s and 10s everywhere.
They care as much as 7% of the PS buying base deserves.
And seeing how Playstation sold more games (again) than any other system in 2020. Japanese publishers come running regardless.
@Juanalf If I wanted to play a sexy anime game that is made for the sake of being sexy I'll play porn games on Newgrounds. I couldn't care less if they removed those from the store.
I think the only game really and I mean "really" effected by sonys censorship is senran kagura, I mean games like fairy tail, Hyperdimension and atelier ryza have some "booby" characters and swimsuits to go with but haven't been censored. But the big difference here isn't they aren't being sexualised like in senran kagura (try playing peach beach splash and you will understand lol) plus you can use a hand to touch and grope the girls which are depicted as being in school, now fair enough if your Japanese and in Japan as their legal age limit is 14 but as soon as that content comes West then it needs to adhere by each countries laws and policies. But then again anime is untouched and goes one step further to show full top half female nudity so maybe these laws/policies don't exist and it's just sony playing the good guy
This is just a matter of everybody everywhere resisting globalization, because it only benefits the largest groups/markets while.alienating vast swaths of people
@Hibari89 ALL OF WHICH ARE FROM JAPAN!!! No *****. Like, where were you these past 3 years?
I keep saying that adults in Japan take video games as seriously as adults here take the word "Comic Book" seriously.
Maybe it's because I don't see the people accusing or discussing this, but I've seen this pop up enough that I now just feel it's sounding increasingly disingenuous... Almost like that one guy who has talked too much ignorant nonsense and people call him out enough that when he's drunk he just brings it up out of nowhere "No, honestly, I'm not a racist, but...". "???. Jeff, mate, I've just met you and we were talking about playstation because of my Crash bandicoot shirt. ???."
@RBMango Isn't Astro's Playroom exactly that? I loved the VR aspect of Rescue Mission, though
@Jayofmaya I adore Astro's Playroom, but to me it feels like lip service in the form of a game. I'm sure Team Asobi has a high reverence for the franchises they honor. On the other hand, Sony themselves aren't going to touch almost all of the Japanese properties featured in that game ever again, so to see these executives talk about how important their Japanese DNA is feels phony.
Hermen Hulst out here gaslighting. Just to be clear, when he’s talking about Japan, he’s just talking Capcom, Square, the big guns. They’re going to money hat those. F everybody else so all those smaller Japanese titles you love so much of the past, they don’t support those (or they're not going out of their way for them like the big guns unless it's very western influenced) anymore, those companies are on their own. They have no interest when it comes to 1st party Japanese development in terms of recruiting Japanese talent. The Team Asobi part i'm not even falling for that, Astrobot is cool but I dont' like it THAT MUCH. Astrobot better not fail or you can possibly say bye to the rest of the Japan Studio and they'll come up with some ***** excuse of why it happen and how Japan is so important to them.
Don't forget we believe in generations (gow ragnarok and gt7 is cross-gen games), and we believe in exclusive (more ps exclusive will be ported to pc) 😉
Also stop censoring japanese games, there's already a rating board (esrb) for usa, don't add californian moral compass as additional censor.
Console gaming has changed a lot in Japan unfortunately. Honestly, I just look for 3rd party support for my Japanese fix. Capcom, Sega, SNK, etc.
I find it funny that you can buy uncensored games that contain nudiity and sexual content on Nintendo Switch but those same games end up getting censored on PlayStation.
@RubyCarbuncle for the longest time, nintendo had problems building 3rd party relations. now that they have good support, they don't want to spoil it so any content goes regardless of how perverted it may be. the eshop is a cesspool like steam now. as for sony, they censor for PR reasons and want to avoid negative press and perception from peeping tom games.
@Shepard93n7 match made in heaven. i would love to see that.
I dont think sony will ever be able to please some people..if they support japanese games they get accused of abandoning the west and vice versa...sony are supporting the games industry as a whole and unfortunatly that may mean studios or ip's may get overlooked..i couldnt do a better job and i doubt any of you could either..lets just enjoy what we get..
@Play there are plenty of ways to see nudity , do you really need it in ur video games that badly when they look like children , thats pretty weird dude
@RBMango Ohh, what are the Japanese features? I haven't actually played that one, I thought it was basically Rescue Mission sequel with cool controller stuff lol
Seriously, just stop Sony. Give us a list, heck, a number of how many games are being made in Japan at Playstation right now. Yeah, that's what I thought.
@UltimateOtaku91 Ryza 2 DLC costume and Fairy Tail (if you download patches for the game) has censored pantsu.
@nessisonett They do seem to treat Japanesedevs worse. As you said, Cyberpunk got uncensored. I think Sakura Succubus also is uncensored. And a lot of ecchi games are a lot better than Life of black tiger.
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