PS5 UK Sales

At this point, we all know that PlayStation 5 stock sells out pretty much immediately β€” actually getting your hands on Sony's next-gen system is still very difficult almost eight whole months after its launch. And here in the UK, it's been this way since that initial release; there's simply no keeping up.

But from a business point of view, having your product be in such high demand isn't a bad thing. In fact, the PS5 is "comfortably" the console market leader for 2021 so far in the UK. That's according to Games Industry's Christopher Dring, who often posts UK-based insights.

It's fair to assume that the PS5 will continue to be the year's best-selling device since there's no sign of demand taking a dip anytime soon. In fact, Sony recently said that it expects PS5 sales to skyrocket once it's able to manufacture and ship more consoles β€” hopefully in the relatively near future.
