Bethesda saw you all asking for another Deathloop trailer, and it has now delivered with footage focusing on how the PlayStation 5 console exclusive will take advantage of the DualSense controller. We've known how it will utilise the pad for quite some time now, but the trailer above shows those features in action and then touches on the game's more intricate uses.
Deathloop's signature use of the controller, which made headlines last year, is detailed as a weapon jams in the heat of the action, making pressing down the R2 button a much, much tougher task. Every gun is also said to feel unique as Deathloop follows in the footsteps of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War with different types of trigger feedback tied to each individual weapon.
Haptic feedback then provides the more subtle touch, simulating footsteps and slides in turn with your movement in-game. The built-in speaker rounds out the feature list by blasting out the noises of the radio. Of course, the audio can be rerouted to headphones if you choose to wear them. All of this can be experienced from 14th September 2021 when Deathloop hits PS5. Are you interested? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 36
I can't wait until this game is out so I never have to hear about it again
Now that I think about it, Deathloop is well timed as a PS5 exclusive in that it has less first party competition. Not sure if Director's Cut versions for PS5 will hamper its sales. Whether it measures up well against a packed list of third party games remains to be seen though.
@Keyblade-Dan word
@Keyblade-Dan Don't forget about DLC!
@Keyblade-Dan You take the word out of my mouth lol.
I am super conflicted about this game. I have both a PS5 and a Series X.
On one hand, I really want to play this game so I am very tempted to buy it on PS5 so can experience the game "as intended" with all the interesting Dual Sense features.
On the other hand...if I know the answer to that.
@Keyblade-Dan idunno man, this Playstation seem pretty determined to get you to buy this. More than they did for some of their games from their own studios lol. There might be a couple of accolade trailers and a holiday 2021 Playstation trailer already in the works. This game could be on the front page of the store for a while too. Kat rolling over in her grave right now.😢😢
@Blues2Youse I already have drift on my DualSense. 6 months. Great.
Where is God of War Ragnarok trailer sony?
Looks cool, I'll probably try it out...I dislike the deal still, mainly because I game on one platform and if something like Starfield is good, not only do I have to buy another one, but the Dualsense doesn't get used...I really am overall disappointed this had to be done for the industry to stabilize.
That all sounds good, but after Sony even advertised Deathloop in their Roguelike category on PSN for quite a while, I'll probably pass. Arkane is one of my favorite studios, but I just want a traditional Sim game like Dishonored or Prey from them. I'd have loved to see them try a hand at Thief.
[EDIT: The rest of my comment is just me going off on a tangent about poor quality control and build quality of electronics these days, including the Dualsense it may seem.]
On a side note, I've now lost faith in the build quality of the Dualsense. I just had a spring pop in the right trigger. It still works, for the most part, but its lost all tension.
I've always taken great care of my electronics, I have tons of decades old electronics that work today like they did the day I bought them. However, since the days of the Xbox 360, I have lost faith in all hardware manufacturers.
Either build quality has severely declined, or I have had a decade of bad luck with electronics. Maybe a black cat crossed my path or some other superstitious BS.
I went through 8 RRoD 360's, a YLoD Backwards Compatibile PS3, a Vita with a faulty cartridge slot within a couple weeks of use, and an iPhone that would not charge within a month of purchase. I also had 4 Dualshock 4's with a faulty left thumb stick, an $80 pair of Joy-cons with horrible drift, along with a 2nd new pair I bought at launch and haven't opened that will likely have drift issues not long after use as well.
Now, I have a Dualsense trigger that had an internal spring pop/break for a console I've had for 4 months. A controller Sony even has the nerve to charge $70 for. One that I had thought would have improved on the poor quality or at least poor quality control of the Dualshock 4, because the Dualsense certainly feels like high quality.
Yeah, no, that's too many problems for even bad luck. I call that companies cutting corners and making cheaper products.
I think Deathloop is going to surprise people in many ways, much like Returnal did (and I don't mean in the shared roguelike time loop sense, I mean in the gameplay and design being much, much deeper then could be conveyed by video and only really experienced when playing).
Bemused at how much talk surrounding this game is just about the marketing. I for one, am looking forward to it a lot. No need for more trailers though..
@Blues2Youse Except they're not gimmicks. The DualSense features make a genuine difference to how games feel to play. Cutting your nose off to spite your face won't save you from stick drift either, since the components in question are the same in both the DS4 and DualSense... but each to their own I guess.
@Keyblade-Dan I'm excited to play it, but I'll be so happy to never hear about it again after it launches.
The more I see of this game the less I want to play it.
@kingbreww. Word up son
@Gamer_Girl_ Dunno to be honest, it came with the console so I have no clue. I’m a bit annoyed with the build quality of modern controllers, I’ve replaced both sticks on the Switch and they now both have drift again and I’ve lost a DualShock 4 to drift too.
I forgot, I’ve opened up the controller to unstick the L1 button. That probably voids any warranty unfortunately despite it being an easy fix.
Great to see a third-party utilise DualSense features like this. Particularly one that’s owned by Xbox!
My thoughts exactly, if that’s as exciting as it gets I’m out 😆
I'm holding off as this may still be a surprise drop on Gamepass for PC. If not I will buy it if the reviews are good. Don't like all the DS vibrations though. I get that some folks find them immersive, I just find them really, really annoying and distracting. I find myself missing old style rumble. The new style buzzing I had to turn off.
@TooBarFoo the most irritating stuff comes from the triggers, all sorts of mechanical sounds not least the locking/unlocking one for the tension which can happen at inappropriate times like when you just pause a game but I often find myself putting my ear to the controller to check if its coming from the speaker?! Distracted is an understatement
This game just isn't doing it for me, looks mediocre and too similar to the dishonoured series.
I think I will stick with tales of Arise and kena Bridge of spirits for this month and get this in a few months when it's £20
@Blues2Youse No one here is talking about turning them off because of pain. Some people have that issue, but it's a small minority and brining it up when it's not a relevant reason makes no sense.
It makes a huge difference and I don't think people realize how it's better on a subtle level too. It's like when people take forever to acknowledge a resolution bump. HD doesn't make a difference and I'm not bothered was common back in the day. It's the same people saying the same thing. I'm convinced some of these people just don't know quality when they see it.
Yeah but no. Still looks like it'll be a hard pass from me.
@nessisonett I’m 2 for 2 with drift…maybe third time lucky
I'm liking the trigger effect for the jamming feature.
@nessisonett Same happened to me. I have slight stick drift on my right analog stick.
@Jaz007 I honestly can't play my PS5 games if it has the dualsense effects turned off, they're fantastic and helped me enjoy games like Warframe a lot more than I thought I would. Already have over hundreds of hours put in due to the Dualsense controller.
@nessisonett squirting a little isopropyl alcohol under the nub, and rotating it for a few seconds before blowing it off with compressed air fixed the drift for me.
I'm more worried about my O button that sticks sometimes though.... 5 months for that controller. No idea how to fix it without opening it up.
Bethesda game so expect 6 months of game breaking bugs.
@Rural-Bandit I think it'd be nice if the PS5 supported DS5 controllers when playing a PS4 game (like the 60Gb PS3s and DS3s could do when playing a PS2 game) But that seems to be beyond Sony's ability these days?
I find the DS4 the most comfortable controllers thus far (list includes the Kempston joystick and Cheetah Bug!) so it'll be interesting to see what the DS5 feels like when I can finally be arsed to find a PS5.
@nessisonett Had the drift. Can't be actual wear that soon. So I partially disassembled it and sprayed a contact cleaner on the stick. It was grime. Works as new now.
@LiamCroft Wait there's gonna be DLC?! That's gotta be a joke...
@JapaneseSonic Some gamers want innovation, some gamers will also buy Skyrim for the 97th time because they added fishing. It takes all sorts!
It'll be annoying to play the first game on PS then the sequels on PC. But here we are.
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