Square Enix has launched a rather in-depth survey regarding Dragon Quest as a franchise. Most notably, the 30-question survey asks fans what they want from the beloved role-playing series going forward, inviting users to write down all of their ideas, hopes, and dreams for future games.
While we doubt that Square Enix is going to comb over every individual request and creative thought, it's still an interesting query to stick at the end of a survey — especially with Dragon Quest XII: The Flames of Fate on the horizon.
Indeed, Square Enix has previously stated that the next instalment will shape the future of Dragon Quest — an intriguing description when you consider the property's immense legacy.
What do you want from the future of Dragon Quest as a whole? Let Square Enix know in its survey (and the comments section below).
[source questant.jp, via nintendoenthusiast.com, nintendolife.com]
Comments 30
All I want is a game that's basically Dragon Quest XI except it's Dragon Quest XII.
All I want is more than six songs and that are longer than 30 seconds each.
The series doesn't really need to reinvent the wheel. I had more fun with DQ11 than any FF since X. Sylvando is one of the best written and voice acted RPG characters of all time.
More helpful videos on all the good equipment, some spells, and tips and tricks.
DQ does not need to change anything . let it be the same turn based jrpg that it has always been .
I certainly took a break from the series, playing the first two on the NES and then jumping back in with Echos of an Elusive Age, lol. But if they can make more like that one, but bigger and better/deeper, then I'm all in.
I don't mind them modernizing the game design for XII, but the description of it as an "adult" Dragon Quest game worries me. DQ games are dark enough as is, and the color/ humor are part of the series' identity. Hopefully they're not compromising the core game design in order to chase Western sales.
DQ III 2D-HD looks brilliant, though.
More of those 2D-HD remakes please! Also, would love to see DQ 4-9 get moved over to Switch
I want Dragon Quest to stay just the way it is. Keep its quirkiness and charm with some adult humor. That’s what makes it great.
I would hate to see the series go a different route just to impress edgy people who can’t appreciate simplicity and fun.
Like XI but a new story and new characters (obviously) and with more music variety - e.g. unique music for each town, don't play the general overworld music in caves etc.
Like I said on NLife, a composer who isn’t trash. If I hear NOO NOO NOO NOOOOOOOOO NOO one more time I’m going to cut my laptop into tiny little bite sized pieces and eat them smothered in brown sauce.
Better background music. Less annoying voices (at least it was to me). I used Spotify music app instead of listening to the character voices or the background music.
Better background music, retain turn based battles
@johncalmc this was literally my response to the last question on the survey!
It's simple really. We want Dragon Quest to be an always online live service game with an FPS battle royale mode. How are game companies so out of touch these days to not even know this is what we want?
For those who say the music is bad, well, the MIDI music in the PS4 version was obviously a let down, but the tracks themselves are very good, especially the battle theme; listen to the orchestral versions, they're on a whole other level.
I agree, though, that for such a sprawling RPG the number of tracks is pretty limited, which makes them kinda grating after a while.
Basically the same thing as XI. This is maybe the one franchise where more of the same would be just fine by me.
@nessisonett Which track is that from?
Hi there fellow ganmers.
I have to agree with @johncalmc, @bozz and @slips666
It was pretty much what I just wrote in their survey.
I really just want an even better DQXI. I won´t mind if the team wants to do a more mature, adult story and themes, but the game should always have that unique japanese humour that I personally enjoy. Wacky and goffy characters are fun and needed to.
Cheers, stay safe everyone and happy gaming to us all
@clvr Yeah, the music itself is excellent, it's the fact there's only 4 short songs on loop for the entire game that's the issue. New town? Sounds like Heliodor. New cave? We don't even cut from the overworld music, we just keep it rolling through the boss fight.... I don't want the DQ sound to change, it's practically the Japanese national anthem...just....commission more than 12 minutes of music for a 60 hour epic?
DQ should never be "adult", or more to the point, it's already "adult". It's presented in a storybook fashion but the theme is always really dark and serious, it just never broods and dwells on it, and uses classic themes. It's a game with a quest that requires acquiring fishnets....not really a kids theme.
I swear, if Square Enix change DQ to an action slasher then i'm gonna march down to their HQ with a King Slime, Gold Golem and a Scarewolf as back-up.
If making it more adult means making it grey and a less interesting cast then count me out. I love the quirkyness of these game just make some outdated gameplay stuff more modern (i dont mean replace turnbased). Less color swap enemies and i dont know its the same as DQ Heroes please no inventory issues.
@Jango-Forest The battle music. Absolutely dreadful. Although the battle music hasn’t been good since VIII on PS2. This isn’t a MIDI thing either, I’ve only played the S version with the orchestra and it’s still dire.
@ApostateMage what, no sham hamwich?
Well, I want another entry in the Builders franchise, so I definitely did this survey.
@nessisonett nooooo don't do this to me! Lol
I love love love that battle theme, what's wrong with it? 😁
It's so pompous yet not self-serious, I think it fits like a glove in a DQ game personally!
@NEStalgia don't get me wrong, I absolutely agree! The amount of tracks is abysmal compared to the number of locations and hours sunk into the game, 100% agreed 👍🏻 I just really like most of the tracks actually in the game 😃
@clvr It’s so incredibly repetitive though. And just at a certain pitch to be really annoying. Eugh.
I'm definitely on the side of 'most of the in-game music is good, but there's just not enough of it.'
That really came through in DQ Direct a while back when literally every trailer started with the DQ theme. It was starting to become comical.
Dragon Quest XI is a masterpiece to me.
Something equal to it would be really enjoyable for me.
Although I would want that player can customize protagonist's appearance at the beginning.
Also keep up the costume feature, it's nice to see everyone can change clothes 👍
And branching plot too instead of just linear plot. I mean if branched plot, it would also add replay value, right 😉
Something other than "yes" or "no" option that will change the course of the plot would be really nice too 😊
Also, people may not agree to this but as a female fan, I would like having a female protagonist option, like Mass Effect for example.
And more romance side story with the NPC from your party of your choice, haha this is beginning to sounds like other game now 😅
Also, for English localization, I hope it's not too much to ask for Dual Audio feature, keep the original Japanese VA in which player can change anytime in the system.
I'm really interested to hear what's the original Japanese voice like for each character, since I've always been a fan of Japanese VA.
Thanks for sharing, I filled it out!
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