Yeah, the Nintendo Switch is cool and all, but have you ever played a portable PlayStation 2? Probably not, because Sony never actually made one, and while both the PS Vita and PSP had plenty of PS2 ports on them – well, they couldn’t play GTA: San Andreas, could they? This hobby project named the PS2 Eclipse by GingerofOz can, however.
It’s been built using original PS2 Slim components, so it’s a perfect portable version of the iconic console. There are some caveats: there’s no disc drive, so it’s running all of its games off a memory card that’s outfitted with homebrew. Aside from that, though, there’s no emulation here: every game performs exactly the same as it would on the original hardware.
It is quite chunky in size, particularly in terms of depth – but that’s because the original PS2 Slim motherboard is inside it, and while Sony did a bang-up job of shrinking the components, it’s still much larger than your traditional handheld. Nevertheless, this is a really impressive adaptation, and it kinda makes us wish there was a legit PS2 Portable. Are you listening, Sony?
[source, via]
Comments 27
That’s a very impressive project!
Sweet. Sweet. Sweet.
PS Vita can play San Andreas:
Granted it requires homebrew, and which is not something i am interested in dabbling in - but strictly speaking, the Vita can do it
That's really impressive! I wonder what the thermals are like...
Ah we’ve got to this stage then. Back in the Wii U days on NLife there was an article every couple of weeks about a portable GameCube of some sort. You still get a portable Wii article every so often. That honestly could do with a better screen though.
Cool Project and cool kid 👌🏻
This would be sensational imagine Soul Reaver 2, Legacy Of Kain Defiance, Bloody Roar 3 and the og Fatal Frame trilogy on a handheld....(drools)
This is actually cool
Love this! Fingers crossed for a future PSP
Ps2 emulation is pretty good so shouldn't be much of an issue to run on the new steam handheld for those wanting a ps2 portable...
If this were a genuine retail unit, I’d buy one in a heartbeat. A heartbeat I tells ya!
Steam Deck can legally play GTA San Andreas. And GTA 1, 2, III, Vice City, IV and V.
And Soul Reaver 2 and Legacy of Kain: Defiance as mentioned above. Both are currently 69p each on Steam in fact.
@BionicDodo Nice! I’ll pick them up when they get a price drop.
We have a portable PS2, it's called a modded PS Vita
I’d buy that for a dollar (considerable more than a dollar but wanted to use that quote 🤣)
It’s a lovely idea and I have so many games I love on ps2.
I had a portable PS2. It was called PS Vita.
Sony murdered it.
The idea of a PS2 without emulation nor mods would be a dream come true. Playing Wild Arms 3, 4 and 5, Suikoden V, Dark Chronicles 2, Ape Escape 2 and 3, Zone of the Enders 2, Digital Devil Saga and the Fatal Frame trilogy on the go would be nice.
Damn, Sony. Fund this guy's project.
@Keyblade-Dan Hi there friend.
What you said right there, is the dream.
Soul Reaver 2, Legacy of kain Defiance, Bloody Roar 3 and 4,
Devil May Cry 1 and 3, Onimusha games and GTA Vice City completely portable? Oh man, that is a sweet dream to have.
The handheld system looks pretty interesting too 👍
@The_Pixel_King You and me both. Day one, no doubt about it.
Cheers, stay safe folks and happy gaming to us all
@RaZieLDaNtE Cheers, stay safe folks and happy gaming to us all
Same to you, buddy 🙂
@Rob_230 "Granted it requires homebrew, and which is not something i am interested in dabbling in"
Wow you never modded your Vita 😨 so you are intentionally stuck with the horrible Vita memory cards while the rest of us are using 256gb sd cards and beyond? A hacked Vita is an unstoppable monster!
Man that's pretty cool and running the games with original hardware?
See Jim? People want to play your legacy titles. Implement BC into PS5 or release a PSPII. Nintendo Switch has proven that handhelds are still very popular, especially in Japan.
Treat it right, support it with games and a massive library from PS1/2, PSP+Vita and sit back while the money rolls in.
I modded my Vita once, but reverted back to its original software because I felt dirty.
Being able to download games felt like stealing and I couldn't do it.
I was using a 128mSD but I still have an overpriced 64GB Sony MC.
The PSP was the best portable PS2 imo . I can't even be bothered to use a switch in handheld .
@Yomogi Agreed, they should get into contact with Sony and arrange a partnership.
With the launch of Steam Deck, Sony is now likely bound to become only a publisher for handheld gaming console. It is a pity, because, with the technology created for the haptics of the Dualsense controller, they could be able to create the ultimate kickass handheld gaming device.
Sony, 2005: “We effectively made a portable PS2.”
Sony, 2012: “We actually made a portable PS2.”
Some guy, 2021: “I made a literal portable PS2.”
Sony, 2021: “Hold my Saki”
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