It's been roughly two years since the release of the original Death Stranding, and Hideo Kojima's mad game about dead sea creatures and all that is still startlingly unique. In fact, the only game like Death Stranding is Death Stranding Director's Cut — the newly launched PlayStation 5 re-release that includes additional content, like race tracks, cargo catapults, and automated robot legs. As if Death Stranding couldn't get any weirder.
We very recently reviewed the second coming of Sam Porter Bridges, awarding it a prestigious 9/10 in our Death Stranding Director's Cut PS5 review.
We wrote: "Death Stranding Director's Cut is a fantastic port of a fascinating game. It introduces lots of new features that enrich the experience, the graphics and performance get a big boost, and PS5's bells and whistles are all put through their paces. It all adds up to make this the best way to play Kojima Productions' insane adventure, whether you're new to the experience or want to pick up where you left off." High praise indeed.
Anyway, we want to know if you've grabbed yourself a copy. Did you take advantage of the reasonably priced PS4 to PS5 upgrade? Or did you buy it brand new? Vote in our polls, and then take good care of your BB in the comments section below.
Comments 85
I loved my first 10 hours of the original, then got sidetracked on to other things and will never go back as after said 10 hours I was on the verge of entering a coma 😆
Happy for people that love it, just I didn’t
Best ps4 game, upgraded it the moment it was possible to do it! The save transfer procedure is pure genius
I plan on picking Death Stranding up, but I have so much other stuff to play right now, by the time I’m ready to play it, it may have had a little sale. So, for now, I’m holding off until I have time to play it or it gets a discount in the meantime.
I’m currently ten hours into Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut and having an absolute blast. Loving it so far!
I was probably going to get it anyway, but for £5? Easiest gaming purchase I've made for a while!
@Feena Digital Foundry said the the save transfer process is a nightmare! I’ve not played it on PS4, so I’ll be starting from scratch any way.
Not yet, but I'll probably upgrade at some point and check out the new content.
One of the more stupid games I’ve played tbh. Got sick of it quite quickly
@The_Pixel_King you have to physically carry your save data as Sam, I found it very meta and unexpected. Made me giggle.
Upgraded from ps4. Didn't bother importing my save because I wanted to experience this masterpiece from scratch again.
I played it on the PS4 and what a let down, Kojima dropped the ball hard on this one!!
Not yet, cause it's been barely two years since I played it, so I don't feel the need to play it right now.
I bought the game physical on PS4 and have a digital only PS5 so the upgrade path wasn't available for me. Needless to say, I'm not gonna shell out full price again for the bonus content.
Only way I'd play it is if they gave it away for free on Plus.
Absolutely loved it on PS4, game of the generation for me (althought to be fair, my backlog is ridiculous so maybe Ill find a new game of that gen one day)... Same as others here I've deleted my save to go for the platinum from scratch again, can't wait
Didn't play the original. Got this for Christmas. Flippin can't wait to play it.
Bought it on PS4 but never got round to it.
Very happy to get the directors cut and upgrade for just £5.
Since I have the original still unopened I think will not buy it
I bought the £5 upgrade last night. Foolish not to really. I don't honestly know when (or even if!) I'll play the game again (having played it through to completion last time), but I'd be somewhat annoyed it they ever removed the upgrade path and I hadn't bought it. The only reason I'm not sure whether I will play it again is because I have so many games waiting to be played right now that I actually don't know where to start! If that problem persists, then replaying games is something I rarely do, but I did enjoy my time with the game, and am interested in the new stuff that has been added...
I am gona have to get a compact tablet to (remote) play this, the UI is too much.
Returned the original game after a couple of days, gameplay was not for me at all, even though the visuals, acting, story, music were all appealing it wasn't enough to make up for how dull and annoying the gameplay was.
Since I lost my completed save file for Death Stranding, I had every intention of replaying the game. I decide to get the upgrade to the PS5 version. I feel like $10 is okay for the extras put into this game and was a fair price to charge. I don't feel like I paid a PS5 tax, I paid for the extra stuff.
I couldn't slam that fiver down fast enough. I never finished the game on PS4 but I don't really know why. I probably got distracted by something else but I loved my time with the game. There's something just so relaxing about simply delivering packages.
I loved playing this game on the PS4 but I couldn’t even begin to explain why.
I might replay it when I get a PS5.
I played the original, beat and sold it. I have no interest in this new version.
Nah it’s trash
I am just downloading it now but I've got two game icons on Ps5 dashboard one for the ps5 director cut ps5 and another director cut bonus content ps5 will the bonus one just integrate with the main one once it's finished installing or is it just seperate? Just found it a bit weird to have two there but hasn't finished installing yet!
Nah. I ignored it on PS4, and I'll continue to do so if/when I get a PS5.
Nope... Finished it on PS4. That is good enough for me.
I loved it, so excited for whatever comes next from Kojima on PS5 or PC.
I played like twenty hours on the pro but burned myself out building roads and doing the mindless side deliveries so this time I’m just going to focus on the main story after I upgrade so i can see it through.
The Death Stranding upgrade to me so far was definitely worth the 10$ upgrade. The game looks like a legit PS5 game.
No .but i do plan to buy it.i never play the original version.but this one seems slick and i will definitely buy it.the graphics does look amazing.word up son
Amazing game. Will definitely replay it again on PS5 one day.
A beautiful story and the gameplay loop of delivering packages and other items, plus building roads and bridges and stuff, I found to be quite relaxing. And the music is great, the original score as well as all the extra tracks that you 'unlock' as you progress through the story. Became quite obsessed with Low Roar when I played the game last summer.
Not my kind of game.
I do plan on buying the PS5 upgrade, just waiting until after I beat some other games first.
I'll be spending a fiver later. Loved it when I played it first time around got the platinum. Looking forward to playing again!
Upgraded from PS4. Loved it, and ended up putting in over 100 hours to get the Platinum. Not sure if I'll get around it anytime soon, but wanted to buy it anyway and support this wonderful game.
No, zero interest in Death Stranding. I can tell this game will never click with me, so not going to bother.
At £5 of course i upgraded as its a steal at that price, granted i would have paid £10 for the upgrade or even full price because i just wanted to play it again with all the new content and at 60fps.
Just gotta hilariously run from mule's across river again with my precious cargo or rolling down to Port Knot with amazing music.Wonder how its with DualSense,seems created for it so thats what im most hyped about.
I did. I also bought some Porter beer to help me on the journey
Nope, no easy option for PS4 users to upgrade, all about the ps5 so meh
@huyi There's no easy option to upgrade because it's not on PS4 at all. It's a PS5 exclusive.
I finished it on PS4 somehow. I think I was just such a big Kojima fan leading up to it I just assumed I would like it eventually but it never happened.
Anyway once was more than enough for me. I don't want to play land Marco Polo with ghosts anymore.
I’d love to upgrade and replay, but man they’re just so many games and so little time 😵💫
Got it but I’ve still got to finish the directors cut of Ghost so will do that first. Looking forward to this again though.
Preordered this day 1. I loved DS, but I’ve only got a physical copy and a digital PS5. I will gladly pay Kojima for more. Favorite game of all time.
I’ll jump back in after I complete Kena. I’m genuinely excited for this. Honestly, I’ve been looking more forward to more DS than any other game this year.
I originally played it on PC but have since sold the gaming components in my rig due people being willing to pay me triple what I paid. I think that whole scene is insane now, so I got out. I missed this game a lot, best one last gen imo, so yea I bought it. Probably shouldn't have but eh.
Bought it at launch (PS4 version). Enjoyed the gameplay and environments but didn't care much for the story and cutscenes. Overall it was a great experience, I'd say around a 8/10 from me.
It's not the kind of game I'd wanna play again though.
I've bought the upgrade but i don't plan on playing until december or january.
When it goes cheap I think I might buy it. Sounds relaxing.
No thanks, I can walk in real life
Waiting until my cash back turns into money so I can buy some credit for the digital upgrade. Should be good this Monday.
Was going to use some Sony Rewards points for this, but their website is broken for me right now whenever I try to submit the order. Otherwise it will likely be a while, and not a huge deal since I have other games to play right now.
Looking forward to trying this out for the first time at some point though.
damn, I finished the ps4 version and now I’ll go beyond! 60fps is pure gold on this game.
Put 50 hours into original, don't like forming an opinion without actual experience, but the game was mindlessly dull and the writing was criminally bad, felt like the budget went on hiring actors and the gameplay was an afterthought.
I never played the original Death Stranding and I really don't have much interest in playing it, but I'm glad for the peeps that are looking forward to upgrading or playing it for the first time on PS5.
I upgraded from the ps4 version. Going to start a new game and finish the platinum.
Reading the comments I can see the most positive things anyone can say about this game is "it looks gorgeous" and "not boring just not for everyone".
At least everyone's stopped indulging Kojima with his dumb "I created new strand genre" bs. He did help shape the stealth genre but did not create it either.
Finished on Ps4, upgrades to Ps5. It’s my favorite open world on the playstation. (but I must have weird tastes because I hate Horizon…)
I haven't even when I was on ps4 and probably don't ever plan to. Not my kind of game but I am happy for the people that had fun with it.
I did not. There's too many good games coming out soon so this will have to wait. I'm not even sure if I want to buy it in all honesty.
Loved the game got the platinum. I completed roads in whole chapters and went delivery wild.
My time on this planet is very limited and more valuable than most things in life including money. That's precisely why I play sony games as they're the proper 'blockbuster' of the game industry that respects your time mostly.
Do I really want to play a game where you walk around just so I can play something others call 'art'. It's unique, it's adding something different and thats noteworthy. If i was immortal or a teen again, I would play the crap out of it but I think it might be too late for me now sorry gaming world.
No, with slight variation.
Already enjoying it!
I had a go on the ps4 but my console made too much noise with this game :/. That was so irritating that I couldnt enjoy the game properly.
So I decided to wait for PS5. That worked great for me with this version.
Really happy with the game right Now.
I got the plat on the PS4 and loved every moment of it but I felt it was more of a one off game. I don’t want to build all those roads again
@KilloWertz Sony reward points? Where do you get those?
nope. finished up deathloop.
I got the upgrade from the PS4 disc version. Bundled with the new content, I think it's a good offer. Loved the game back in the day and completed it.
@Shepherd_Tallon For Christmas? It's September haha
Ah, that time of the year ... when Kojima has again been able to convince some folks to play his mail man simulator with his "strand™" marketing.
Guys with monocle will say, "hmm, you're too plebeian to fathom the gravity of the this whole endeavor."
Nope, I finished the ps4 version and that's enough for me!!
I still have to finish the original because of BL. Entered a lottery to obtain a PS5 didnt get it the best part is i see the consoles being sold at a €200 markup feom the same lottery no shame in there.
@Corc11 I get it all out of the way early really early, then I just chill and enjoy December when it comes 😌😎
@KilloWertz did just check that it's only available in the US annoying. Hopefully they bring it over to UK too. Thanks for the reply though.
@Daleaf I didn't realize it was only available in the US, but you're welcome.
@Ken_Kaniff And the only way I'd play it is if Kojima paid me.
I have been playing the game continuously since 9am. No complaints so far. It’s a bit of a slow burn but nothing major. Just starting on Chapter 3. It’s not MGS and that’s one of the reasons I didn’t buy it on release day along with it being labelled a ‘walking simulator’ (which is true of the game so far). The bike makes a huge difference to traversal and all the assistance provided by other gamers is quite cool and useful.
director's cut walking simulator? nope, lets cut the ***** and get a new Metal Gear please....
Can anyone who has gone back in to transfer their save, confirm for me? When you go back in, are all the roads and ziplines intact or have they all been destroyed?
@Grimwood too long? Ah, christ this'll be on my dashboard for a few years then
By far the easiest gaming purchase I didn't make in a while!!!!!!!!!! This is probably one of the few games (including Valhalla) where I look at people as if they are a few French Fries short of a Happy Meal; it is overrated and boring. This is a fact NOT an opinion. But then again, we live in a generation two of the most popular rappers sound like they use pacifiers (Da Baby and Lil Baby) as microphones. I wonder if the background dancers are Pampers and Luvs... unlike Leg 1 & Leg 2 or Scoop Lover and Scrap Lover.
@NoFaceBigFoot those guys are just reaching to their target audience at this stage. Toddlers develop language quicker when it’s made fun with rhymes, they love that stuff might be little potty mouthed and devoid of conjunctions but it’s a start what’ll happen with this game new titles will start coming out my backlog will start mounting and again and this; like WD Legion will most likely be consigned to the virtual dustbin.
I still have no idea what this game is. I know it's supposed to be great but even after watching a few videos and reading reviews I still don't get it.
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