Push Square assistant editor Liam Croft is the only person on staff who enjoys Borderlands games, so here he is contractually obligated to cover spin-off Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. Following its announcement earlier this year, Gearbox has dated the game for 25th March 2022 on PlayStation 5 and PS4. A truly bombastic trailer accompanied the news, with gameplay showcased over a popular Japanese pop song this scribe has heard before but doesn't have the time to Google at the moment.
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Dated for 25th March in Chaotic Trailer
Love it or loathe it
Comments 15
Assuming this is standalone and not DLC, definitely a day 1 purchase.
This looks stupid in the best way possible.
Hi there fellow gamers.
So @LiamCroft, your the only one that apreciates Borderlands?
Then you are the only one with good taste 🤣😜
Just kidding. Borderlands is dumb fun always and that´s just one of the reasons I enjoy the games.
Looks fun just like the other ones. And all that sweet loot 😉
Cheers, stay safe everyone and happy gaming to us all
2 things.
Yo he just called baby metal a korean pop song...
This looks just like Borderlands 3
Where is the preorder page…day one easy
@RaZieLDaNtE B3 is literally the game that keeps on giving, I am a few hundred hours in and still having a blast 💥
@Ultrasmiles Fixed 😂 Told you I couldn’t remember the band!
@frankmcma I played like 800 hours, but two things made me stop without finishing two DLCs:
1: I found a Moze build where I literally just watch IB clear whole rooms on m10 while invulnerable literally dancing inIB’s huge shield, and the CD on IB is up long before he disappears. It makes the game boring but anything else is just hurting myself
2: mayhem 10. I could handle it but it sucked the fun out of the game, and anything less was trivial due to m10 gear, unless I gimped myself.
@evan23 i know i bought the special edition CD just to get the DVD with their performances. I love it. It so so out of place its fantastic. And this game looks like so much fun.
@Mega-Gazz I’d try Iron Cub (not as over-powered) and Mayhem 11 (Mayhem 10 without the pain)…although 800 hours you’ve had a great run!
@LiamCroft Song is Gimme Chocolate! A lot of people I know were obsessed with this when it released so it's a bit stale for me now
I just bought Borderlands 2 VR. This totally needs to be on PSVR2 (or NGVR)!
Geez louise that's one of the worst trailers I've seen in a long, long time. Someone needs to boot that Tiny Tina character to the moon & never look back. Holy crap that was so bad.
Game looks chaotically fun! I will def try it out in a few years when it's dirt cheap.
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