The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition — more commonly known as The Witcher 3's PlayStation 5 version — is targeting a second quarter 2022 release, CD Projekt Red has reiterated in its latest investor briefing. Just to be clear, that's anywhere from the the beginning of April until the end of June.
Not hugely surprising news, but we probably would have bet on The Witcher 3 arriving on PS5 before Cyberpunk 2077. As it stands, the latter is aiming for the first quarter of 2022 — but we suppose CDPR doesn't want to delay Cyberpunk's potential revival any further.
The Witcher 3 on PS5 will be a free upgrade for anyone who already owns the game on PS4, and it'll feature new DLC items alongside performance improvements. If you don't already own The Witcher 3, it's worth pointing out that the Game of the Year Edition — which includes both of the title's superb expansions — is currently on sale for £6.99 on the PlayStation Store.
Are you looking forward to playing Geralt's adventure on PS5? Choose steel or silver in the comments section below.
[source cdprojekt.com, via twitter.com]
Comments 39
Tempted to buy it on PS4 just so I can take advantage of the free upgrade when it arrives on PS5
I already have it in my collection. Will wait for the PS5 version to drop next year. Meantime I can enjoy RDR 2
I know I'm the "dedicated" CDPR "hater" on Push Square (and I apologize for that), but seriously, why is the Witcher 3 regarded as the ULTIMATE RPG EXPERIENCE, when it's partly an RPG. The gameplay and combat are DREADFUL to say the least, although I loved the story and the overall world.
To summarize, I've seen some super janky games that have more enjoyable combat than this.
There are actually two PS4 versions. One is the standard The Witcher 3 and the other is the complete edition. I'd assume that not just the CE will recieve the upgrade.
So will both get the upgrade to the same PS5 CE, or is the PS5 getting two version as well?
@Divergent95 i wouldnt go so far as to say you are the "dedicated" cdpr hater as you have some valid points that i cant disagree with..i've always enjoyed the witcher games but i've always felt they were a bit overated..yeah they have great graphics and huge worlds but they have always appeared a bit wooden..i still feel cyberpunk is better than its made out to be and i have both cyberpunk and the witcher 3 sat here waiting for the ps5 versions to drop..
Can’t believe this game is only 6 years old. Feels much older than that.
Looking forward to replaying with the updates.
I'll go for the free upgrade for Cyberpunk, but I'll definitely buy a physical of this. I love The Witcher 3.
@Northern_munkey Even before the whole Cyberpunk hype train, I remember scratching my head whenever I saw people calling TW3 as the "best RPG ever". It's not a bad game, but as a game it's not good either. If a story completely carries a game, then you have a big problem.
Maybe I'm just a picky weirdo, but I enjoyed a super janky RPG Bound By Flame, more than a supposed AAA game from CDPR.
Gert lush news!
This game is super dope but knowing CDPR again as I said before this will require months of optimisation after it’s launched on Ps5 anyway. Par for the course these days
@Divergent95 i enjoyed risen 3 a lot more lol..
When the standard costs 3 times more than the GOTY edition 😏
I was super addicted the first time around but like Skyrim I find it difficult to return to these big Western RPGs for second playthroughs. When you know where most of the story goes the less than stellar combat starts to drag down the experience for me.
Good for folks that never played it before though. It had really great quest design.
My PC/Switch playthrough was reasonably comprehensive. I'll probably return to this someday, but not any time in the near future.
@Divergent95 While I do think it's wildly overrated by some people on the internet, I didn't have any issues with the combat or gameplay in TW3. Unbalanced XP/money distribution and equipment bloat means the side content often isn't worth engaging with outside of narrative or trophy collection purposes, though, but that's a problem for a lot of games with an open world design.
Bought both for cheap only played half hour Witcher in PC so I will wait them to get the current gen upgrades. But boy this is taking long. But it’s nice to have something good to wait for.
legendary game the last of the peak 2010-2015 WRPG era. Rpgs havent felt the same in the west ever since this beast ended with the perfect swan song blood and wine......
@Dpishere best 6.99 you'll spend
the combat actually has a ton of options to play giving it a lot of replay value. Everything can make a huge difference the mutagens, the ability points you spend, bombs etc....
This game was good for one playthrough only. I'm not playing this again. I don't think it was that fun 😕
Got the platinum once. Two trophies away from a second. You better believe I'll be getting the PS5 version! Very excited to see the new improvements (assuming 60 fps, ray-tracing, updated textures, instant load, etc?).
@Divergent95 I find the combat some of the most fun I've played in a game, but you have to approach it with a little more of a Soulsborne attitude. It's a lot of patience and timing, especially on the harder difficulties. On easier difficulties, it can feel stiff, since the instinct is to run in a hack away, but it definitely feels like it was designed for a more tactical approach.
@Divergent95 I agree. It feels like people treat this game like it’s the best thing to have ever graced the earth.
Like you I enjoyed the story and amazing world CDPR created but the gameplay was below par and small things like having to align yourself up perfectly to get the loot prompt drove me bananas. In a game where there’s lots of loot that was painful.
Compare that to a sucker punch game for example where you can tell thought goes into making the game enjoyable to play and it just feels very average imo (with the exception of the gorgeous world they created and probably the true reason why people rated it so highly…?).
I bought the full edition for a tenner a couple of years ago in anticipation of the ps5 version. Looking forward to it.
@Divergent95 I think the game did not follow typical heroes journey tropes. Geralt is older, exhausted and seems like he’s trying to muster up energy just in doing side quests. In a generation of games with earnest good looking heroes like Lara Croft and Nathan Drake, Geralt’s weathered weariness was downright refreshing. I have the same fond memories via rose colored glasses as most, although I recently checked out play throughs of W3 on YouTube and I was surprised to see how stilted and janky-ish the game seems now. Not sure if I would replay the game all over again, but I am interested to see what they come up with. Maybe I’ll complete those DLCs I never got around to finishing. I do feel like the game is like Halo, where you don’t have to be a Halo fan to see the impact the game has made. In AC Valhalla, which I just completed, I am still seeing homages to the Witcher 3, even now. It for sure had an impact on the industry. And it still does.
@Divergent95 TBH I agree with you in some regards. I'd personally give the game a 9/10 (if it weren't for bugs I'd give it 10). I played the GOTY edition at the start of 2019 on ps4 pro when I'm guessing all the patches were out, but got about 4 game crashes over my 70 hour playthrough with ALOT of bugs. If you think the combat isn't good I'd suggest playing on deathmarch difficulty where all of your actions matter. If you play on lower difficulties you can literally get though everything blindfolded. But in deathmarch everything hits like a truck, so you really need to know how to use your signs and have all your potions prepared before battle.
I think one of the reasons I liked the game so much was because of the Gwent card game, which spawned the standalone gwent game. So in conclusion I'd agree, this game isn't a masterpiece, but it could be for many people who overlook the bugs, kinda like skyrim except I'd say the ps4 version doesn't have bugs anywhere close to witcher 3.
I might be joining you as being labled a CDPR hater by saying that their hype for Cyberpunk wasn't warranted because I think they've made maybe 2-3 good games that being witcher 3, the standalone Gwent game and maybe witcher 2 (haven't played it yet). So it always baffled me why people treated Cyberpunk like it would be the second coming of christ, unlike From Software with Elden Ring who have probably the best track record in the industry everything from Demon's Souls to Sekiro (yes even DS 2).
@frankmcma In my experience at least in 70+ hours of game play, Witcher 3 looked at Skyrims' bugs and jankiness and said "Let me hold your drink". Even after all the dlc, ps4 pro enhancements, all the patches, Witcher 3 is still the buggiest game I've ever played. I thoroughly enjoyed my experience, but it made me step back and not give in to the hype of Cyberpunk and wait for that game to be PROPERLY finished (still waiting) before I buy it.
@Richnj most likely its all the same really so yes
@Divergent95 Because the story and are absolutely amazing along with the choices you have, which are a staple of WRPGs. And while the gameplay (combat) isn’t amazing, it does a lot make you feel like a Witcher, it‘a not Dark Souls, but it’s thought out and adds a lot to the character of the game.
Now, that being said, it shouldn’t have been an RPG in the sense that you level up. It didn’t need stats like that, just an upgrade tree. It just heavily screws up the difficulty when those fights should have been curated by the dev instead of high stats from being a high level making a monster that’s supposed to be very dangerous to gene Witchers not that powerful.
I will try to explain why I feel that it is my favorite RPG or game of all time. Personally, I never understood what people mean when they call combat janky because it is such a vague word. I have played Witcher 3 several times including Death March and have platinumed it and both of its expansions. I loved the combat. Sometimes I use alchemy, sometimes I use sword skills, and sometimes I use signs. I find all builds fun and exciting.
However, what truly makes it my ultimate RPG is are the feelings and emotions it arouses through its visuals, sounds, and characters. No other game has given me the same feelings of exploring the war-torn Velen where people are starving, begging for a few grains of wheat, and even being forced to eat cats and dogs. OR exploring the beautiful Skellige while the fantastic soundtrack plays in the background. Or playing Hearts of Stone and discovering the sad tragic tale of Olgeird Von Everec for the first time. How I felt genuine fear and awe whenever Gaunter came on screen. Or how I felt discovering the tragedy and self-fulfilling prophecy of Serena in Blood and Wine and poor Detlafs involvement in the whole incident. It is all about the feelings and emotions the game stirs in you like no other that makes it so special.
Yes, there may be games with better combat, better story, or better open world but Witcher 3 is greater than the sum of its parts because of the rich and unbelievable heart and soul of the game. In the end, not everybody can like the same thing so I respect the people who do not like it but for me, it is my best game of all time. And I have been gaming for 35 years.
@Dodoo gotta agree with you cdpr has the opportunity here to optimized the textures and the gameplay hopefully smoothing out the janky combat sequences this game is owned that kind of improvement. Seeing as its there best game last thing we need is another half ass effort from cdpr and another year worth of update in the pipeline… games take time just don't release before its really ready (will they listen probably not)
@Divergent95 I think you hate it a bit too much there and I have no idea why other than you were getting tired of hearing people say it's their most favorite RPG. I've played through it once, didn't like the combat but I played through it a second time and enjoy it a lot now. It still feels floaty but not to the point where it ruins it and the story and choices it has carry it by a lot so yeah I can definitely see why it's considered one of the best RPGs to date.
@OneWingedAngel 👌
What are the extra "Netflix series inspired" items?
I'll believe it when I see launch reviews...but at least the upgrade will be free for me, I grabbed the game during a $25 sale years ago.
@SystemAddict where doest it cost just 6.99£ ? In the store it shows 24£ to me
@Weebleman where doest it cost just 6.99£ ? In the store it shows 24£ to me
@Witcher_fan it was in the last sale.
Agreed, the camera can be a mess at times specially during combat. Story and characters are amazing though and for 10 bucks with everything included? Can't beat it. Beat cyberpunk as well and loved that besides all the crashes. Was hoping the update would come before I beat the game but looks like I'll have it done just in time for all the awesome ass games dropping in next few months.
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