Update: Ubisoft has posted additional patch notes for Assassin's Creed Valhalla update 1.4.1. Alongside the performance improvements listed below in the original article, 1.4.1 will add a bunch of customisable difficulty options, which will allow you to tweak very specific gameplay components.
Assassin's Creed Valhalla Update 1.4.1 Patch Notes (2)
We want to take the opportunity ahead of our upcoming Title Update 1.4.1 release next week to provide you with a glimpse of what to expect. Our team has been hard at work to implement sub-sections to the combat, stealth and exploration difficulty settings that will enable you to fine-tune your gameplay experience in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. Below you’ll find the setting breakdown for each category.
• Aim Assist (Full, Moderate, Light, Off)
• Level Scaling (Off, Default, Constant, Harder, Nightmarish)
• *NEW* Parry timing-window (400, 650, 800 ms)
• *NEW* Brush with Death timing-window (300, 400, 600 ms)
• *NEW* Brush with Death Duration (1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 sec)
• Guaranteed Assassination (ON/OFF)
• *NEW* Detection escape (0.5, 1, 2 sec)
• *NEW* Detection escape while aiming (1, 2, 4 sec)
• *NEW* Search duration (50, 65, 80 sec)
• *NEW* Maximum enemies in search (2,3)
• Closest Opportunity (ON/OFF)
• Icon Distance (OFF/ON)
• *NEW* Viewpoint Synchronization (ON/OFF)
• *NEW* Exploration Beams (Limited/Full)
• *NEW* Unguided Objectives (OFF/ON)
Stealth Fixes
• Improved instances where NPCs could detect players when vision between the player and NPCs is obstructed.
• Reduced the hold time and speed restriction when blending with crowds.
• Resolved some issues that caused players to be instantly detected when they should not have been.
Original Story: Ubisoft has detailed title update 1.4.1 for Assassin's Creed Valhalla, and it's an interesting patch to say the least. 1.4.1 launches next week (with more precise timing details coming soon), and will force you to redownload the entire base game.
That's because this update is all about data restructure. Basically, the developer has optimised Assassin's Creed Valhalla as a whole, and that's why you'll need to reinstall the game. This will apparently lead to a load of performance improvements, with Ubisoft touting better load times, better open world streaming, and more. It will also decrease the overall file size for Valhalla.
Ubisoft says that Valhalla's size will be reduced from over 100GB to 77GB on PS5, and from over 100GB to 75GB on PS4. The 1.4.1 update itself will be 40GB on PS5, and 67GB on PS4.
Update 1.4.1 will apparently lay the foundations for future Valhalla content. As has already been confirmed, the game will be getting a second year of free updates and expansions. There have also been very recent rumours of a surprise DLC launching this month, which could be revealed at The Game Awards. If that rumour is real, then this patch no doubt adds support.
Assassin's Creed Valhalla Update 1.4.1 Patch Notes
In order to continue supporting Assassin's Creed Valhalla with future content and game updates, Title Update 1.4.1 will require players to re-download the entire game as part of a data restructuring.
The upcoming Title Update consolidates the game files, resulting in a smaller overall game size on all platforms. Additionally, performance should improve with this data restructuring, with faster loading screen times, improved world data streaming, and overall runtime performance.
Note that only the base game needs to be redownloaded. Expansions will not be affected by the restructuring.
Download size from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1:
- PS4 ~67 GB
- PS5 ~40 GB
Disc space used after installing 1.4.1
- PS4 ~75 GB
- PS5 ~77 GB
Disc space saved after rebase:
- PS4 ~30 GB
- PS5 ~13 GB
What do you make of this update? Give your SSD a thumbs up in the comments section below.
[source discussions.ubisoft.com]
Comments 39
Clearly they've had to better optimise Valhalla before they continue adding more stuff to it. After all, it was never meant to have a second year of support.
Does make me wonder whether there really is a surprise DLC incoming, because outside of the data restructuring, there are no specific patch notes, and no update timing has been given.
Bloody hell, I have it installed cause my brother was playing it but I better set aside a day to essentially reinstall it!
I hope they finally can get rid of the "checking for additional content" that drags down the initial load time (even on PS5) on this and other Ubisoft games. I have the entire game and the DLCs downloaded so I am not sure why I have to sit through this and wondering exactly what it is searching for.
However I am excited by the prospect of a more optimized game, so this sounds very cool.
Perhaps part of it is because it removes all the festival content from the game since it has already passed etc.
Excellent, sounds like a decent plan. I'll look forward to trying it.
“ It will also decrease the overall file size for Valhalla.”
Call of Duty - take notes.
the quick thought ran through my mind to redownload the game then to think since i moved from ps4 to ps5 i have to start from the beginning idk if its worth it lol
This is not right, it took me a couple of days to download the game and I have to do that all again? I'm not happy! 😤😤
@frankmcma I know it's insane, and then you have to wait even longer to load your game too kmt!
Can I refuse this update? I'm not even finished with the main game let alone the rest of the dlc yet
Very happy about this because SSD space is sacred so getting some of it back is something i won't complain about. Will be interesting to see how performance is improved, on PS5 on performance mode it runs pretty well so hopefully this can sort out the horrible screen tear.
Sad cause I’ve done everything the game has to offer at the moment unless the rumours of the new dlc turn out true, I would love to dig into this game again.
This is becoming increasingly common. The Doom Eternal update made me re download the entire game recently. There must be a smarter way to do this because unless you have unlimited data/download with your provider...
I'm confused but maybe its just my what seems to be my "privileged" life people here talking about download data/limits is this stil a thing and it taken like a whole day to download a game?? Genuinely asking by the way not trying to be a dick or anything
On one hand, this is good as it will shrink the game down, unlike some other games (like the already mentioned Call of Duty). On another, it sucks having to redownload all of that all over again, especially for people like me that are stuck with DSL. It also basically renders the physical copy useless I suppose, as it previously installed a large portion of the game on the PS5 (and even a decent amount on the Series X even though that is more often not the case on Xbox).
I might actually pick this game up one day...... after the content is finished...... maybe
@Uromastryx only have mobile data and the speed is quite slow, no way should i be forced to redownload everything all again, some people are privileged to have super fast speed broadband, i'm not one of them
A better, and faster solution: delete this crap, walk away.....from this franchise entirely
Most games still let you play the old version (single player) while the new version is downloading, can even turn auto update off completely.
Though ubisoft games all tend to come with online functions, they might not let you play with an older version, i dont know.
@Balosi im planning to play offline, i think that is the best way to go about this.
@huyi Yes sadly playing offline is the only way to avoid new patches...there is no option currently to refuse patches.
@Ichiban don't know if your trying to be funny or completely ignorant, why would they abandon this " crap" its one the fastest and best selling AC's, and if they feel a second season of both free and old content is warranted, clearly this ain't going anywhere for atleast another year cycle
@huyi where do you live? this seems to surreal to me
I'll probably check this out when it's sub £15 in a year or so. I have literally ALL the other AC games to try and grind through first and that's a chore unto itself really.
It's this inconvenience that made me delete SFV entirely. Every update is a redownload of the entire game!
@TheArt we saw this before with Shadow of the Tomb Raider and Days Gone.
Both games had a complete re-build, too where the patch was nearly a complete download of the entire game.
The amount of patches and changes to this game, and the fact you could (can?) buy it for £22 Black Friday - anyone like myself who is yet to get it are in for a treat now I imagine
@Reeneman Luckily I have neither games.
Well i have tip my hat to Ubi for this, finally a great gameplay focused update, with lots customization too, and optimization.
Will get valhalla at some point for sure now.
If they could only better the stealth and combat in origins too, maybe add these customizations i would be happy, and maybe for Odyssey which i have but haven't gotten around to.
Any news on a new game + option? It was available pretty quickly with the previous two AC games, yet nothing so far for Valhalla and no mention of it with this patch...
@KKciN The developer previously said that NG+ would probably be one of the last things they add. Numerous suggestions that it will be added eventually, though.
I've just picked this up (PS5 version) for AU$9 in my local Target.
That's like £5 !!!
I'll then pick up the GOLD edition or season pass next year when it's heavily discounted.
What a steal
Also, there's a line in the article:
"As has already been confirmed, the game will be getting a second year of free updates and expansions."
Where has that been confirmed? Have Ubisoft definitely confirmed that the current seasson pass will give you access to the new content due in 2022 - Including the rumoured 40hr "God of War" style DLC? Or will Ubisoft create a Year 2 season pass and charge again?
@sweatyrich The season pass situation hasn't been confirmed but it would be truly shocking if the current pass covered next year's DLC(s). Ubisoft will almost certainly charge for it one way or another, otherwise it wouldn't be able to justify making it and supporting Valhalla for an extra year — which was never part of the plan.
How about fixing the old friends quest bug
I refuse to update I've done my 'research'!
@ShogunRok Cheers mate! Assuming there's another year of dlc, I guess it'll be about this time next year then!
yeah the stealth was broken to me in this game, but people say "well vikings fought head on, they didnt sneak up!" well, i dont believe that's entirely true, but it is partially at least. but still not a good reason to NOT have stealth.. in a game series.. where stealth has been almost THE primary game play mechanic for years now.
when we gettin an AC with ninjas?!
@kejsi-sensei I can't have any broadband here, not allowed so live on mobile data and the speed is horrible, nothing I can do about that
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