There are some who would argue that the PlayStation 5 has yet to have its true next-gen moment. Exclusives like Demon’s Souls and even Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart look phenomenal, of course, but are they really a significant step-up from the PS4? Sony, in many ways, made a rod for its own back with its generational transition: the latter days of its last-gen console played host to titles like The Last of Us 2 and Ghost of Tsushima, two of the best-looking games ever created. How much better can it possibly get?

The Matrix Awakens, a free PS5 tech demo designed to showcase the power of the Unreal Engine 5 technology demonstrates that we’re not at the point of diminishing returns just yet. This is a staggering real-time illustration of what Sony’s new console can do, and collectively our jaw’s on the floor. It starts out with a recreated scene from The Matrix, before Keanu Reeves introduces the demo as himself. The fidelity is unparalleled – if not for a few awkward animation transitions you’d be forgiven for thinking this is FMV, but it’s not.
You then end up in a car chase where you have limited input. You can fire a weapon at car tires and things explode all around you. The framerate isn’t perfect – it’s targeting 30 frames-per-second and routinely dips – but it looks lightyears ahead of anything released on a console before. It transitions in and out of cut-scenes, culminating in one final shootout where you bring down a helicopter with a hefty machine gun. The camera zooms in and out, showing the details of its facial animations and the sheer scale of its city.
Then it concludes with a show-reel of the engine’s best features: the sheer number of AI vehicles on screen at once; the lighting system which enables dynamic time of day; Epic Games’ ridiculous Nanite technology which delivers an unparalleled level of geometric detail. If this was the end of the demo we’d be salivating for sure, but then you’re given the freedom to explore the urban sandbox either on foot or as a drone, and you can manipulate the sun’s position to change the time of day.
You can also get into any of the cars and drive around, and it’s hard not to imagine what a modern Grand Theft Auto game could look like with this kind of technology. Driving at high-speed, there’s no real discernible pop-in despite the sheer complexity of the scenes on display. Civilians go about their business, while computer-controlled cars drive organically within the city laid out in front of them. Every person is generated by Epic’s futuristic MetaHuman technology, by the way.
According to official data from the Fortnite maker, there are some 7,000 buildings in this map, as well as a surface area of just under 16km2. This isn’t a game, of course, it’s not intended to be – it’s a demonstration of what’s to come. And if you’re yet to be wowed by a game’s presentation on the PS5, then we’ll be flabbergasted if this doesn’t leave you starry-eyed. The future is bright, folks.
Have you tried The Matrix Awakens tech demo on your PS5 yet? Were you as impressed as we are? Pick your tongue up in the comments section below.
Comments 141
Does it have any trophies?
This is absolutely ridiculous. 🤯
@Milktastrophe No, it's a tech demo. There aren't any Trophies.
how many gigs is the demo?
The car chase scene is what I want to see in future action adventure games (except it needs to be a little more interactive of course). It’s absolutely jaw dropping. The open world part looks cool but I didn’t stick around long. It’s worth noting that it has a photo mode though.
I was impressed, future of PS5 could be fantastic going off this tech demo.
This looks insane. Definitely looking forward to giving it a go tonight.
That said: "The framerate isn’t perfect – it’s targeting 30 frames-per-second and routinely dips".
@jdv95 Around 25GB.
It looks awesome. Just a shame it’s not an actual game.
@jdv95 it's around 25GB
@jdv95 25 gigs if i remember correctly.
Digital foundry have advised the frame rate is solid but it runs at 24 fps for a 'filmic look' at different points (the car chase being one) which gives the impression of judder on consoles when there isnt any. Weird choice but my god this thing is stunning to behold.
@get2sammyb you beat me to it!
Definitely giving this a go. I don’t think I’ve really been wowed by the PS5 yet in those terms but this totally looks like it will.
It's very short, but I was at some points wondering if it was the real Keanu.. very detailed and impressive. Hopefully they turn this into an actual game, as it would be a perfect fit now they can achieve this.
Wasn't going to bother, but after reading this I'm telling the app to download it to my ps5 right now.
@nessisonett while i clearly know it isnt, i constantly see gordon ramsey as your avatar 😂
@Weebleman Now that you mention it, Jack Nance does somewhat resemble Gordon Ramsey 😂
@nessisonett I just cant unsee it, apologies if ive ruined it for you now 😂
Do we know how long its goin to be available?
@Ultrasmiles I don’t have a PS5, so I added it to my library through the PlayStation App just in case it gets taken down at some point.
The city renders reminds me of the first time I laid eyes on "The Getaway" screens!
Yes it’s cool. I tried and was not as wowed as I thought I’d be but it’s definitely cool. Something about the characters in the open world not quite right. Kid was having fun bursting all the cars.
THIS! This is exactly the kind of technological leap I've been waiting for. The Unreal 5 demo before the PS5 was released had me hoping, but the PS4 has really held this gen back so far. More of this please!
Been waiting on this article all day to post how absolutely ridiculously amazing this demo is. Been a long time (probably since I first tried VR) where I couldn't believe what I was experiencing.
It has potential, but the other demos we watched before were way more impressive! And I'm a massive Matrix fan but this was the future I bet this thing will blow us our mind!
@get2sammyb RIDICULOUS. I don’t care what smoke and mirrors they’re using, that was so impressive. I played it all over again once it finished.
I'll be the odd man out. I didn't think this was all that impressive. It looks undeniably pretty, but I've reached a point in my life where 99.9% of graphics don't wow me. The shoddy framerate didn't help either.
The graphics were impressive, but the overall app left me feeling like, “Is that it?” The car chase was fun, but exploring the city was a little shallow. If this was a demo for an actual game, that would’ve been more special.
Thing is, this is just a tech demo, to keep up these graphics for say a massive open world will be more challenging and obvious draw backs. I remember the square enix ps4 tech demo they showed at E3 and was stunned but didn't see a game that good
Pitty games will never look like this, because laziness of developers...
@djlard lazy? What game have you made?
This what we wan't, better graphical engines, more details, tech and fidelity. Let's forget about the overated 4k. I hope they manage to target 60fps on future games with this UE5 engine on consoles, it can be at 1080p / 1440p, I don't care, just put aside the bloody 4k if needed to achieve better results in performance
Same goes to target RT in games at 60fps with lower resolutions
Mind blown, this is next gen stuff!! I knew this Engine was going to be game changer. Its proved that now, oh and regards to frame rate didn't have a problem with it. To busy drinking in all the action and visuals in the chase sequence. No matter how good things are, some will always moan.
@get2sammyb It’s worth mentioning that to make it look more realistic to turn the Matrix Filter off so it has a cleaner natural look.
@djlard Graphics aren't everything dude. Games like Elden Ring and Destiny 2 manage to look amazing cause of how well done the art style is.
Sony bend next game gonna look crazy because they probably using UE5 for they’re next title.
Let me know when they add trophies, I'll give it a try then.
@ShogunRok While I get your concern, I think that in this case the framerate was an artistic choice.
The fact that the framerate target 24 from what I read elesewhere makes it just more convincing as being a movie as most are shot at 24fps.
I remember watching movie with added frame on a previous TV to make it 60fps, it just made the movie look weird like it was shot on a home camera… In this case the fact that it’s 24 only makes it seems more like a movie and blur the line between wether it’s a video or not. I think this was the main goal and not so much to make it a game.
The whole thing felt like an FMV but wasn’t. This was a great tech demo and the whole Matrix /4th wall breaking is perfect for all the technical imperfections and moments when it was a little uncanny valley. Someone said real games would be scaled back, but I don’t see how they could confidently say that after playing. It had lighting, objects, physics, and player interaction. And few optimizations. Excellent excellent demo. I look forward to the next 5 years of UE5.
It’s crazy. I’m still impressed with this.
I don’t think that we see an open world game including physics, AI and all the gaming mechanics with exact these graphics, but the tech demo is nevertheless absolutely impressive.
Thrilled to see what’s coming when we finally make the jump away from cross gen titles.
Additional things I had in mind while playing this:
1) turning off the matrix filter and it remind me a little bit on „The Getaway“ on PS2.
How good would be a new Getaway with such graphics.
2) They really build this whole city only for this demo? A real open world matrix game would be insane!
I didnt really see anything new or revolutionary in this tech demo. I've seen open worlds, this one wasnt exactly "lively". I've seen some great animations, etc., GoTsushi, tlou2, la noire. Driving has been done better, elsewhere. So I don't know what they were trying to convey. Give me a game that looks like tlou2, but everything can be interacted with, all buildings have interiors, physics destruction, etc.
Anyone else try to shoot the agents?
It was pretty cool. Very pretty and cool to see the tech showcased. I mostly just came away wishing Rocksteady, after Suicide Squad, please make an actual Matrix game!
I thought the tech demo was awesome,hopefully we will start getting games like this ps5 yepyep
It's a super impressive reel.
Fairly certain they should just rename it Real Engine now..
@RBMango I‘m afraid we will see many 30 fps games in this generation, which is a shame to me.
I went looking for the woman in the red dress. It didn't take me long to figure out that there weren't any red dresses and oddly, very few white people of any. It took me 10 minutes of walking around the city to find someone that could arguably be considered white. It was odd. I'm guessing that they limited the number of possibilities the engine would generate in order to get more assets to populate.
I just flew down the freeway from Reloaded at full speed. I was mesmerised by it. Im looking forward to Spider-Man 2 even more now!
Obviously it wont be on UE5 but it wont be held back by ps4 either. The ps5 is a beast
Am I allowed to say I wasn't that impressed?
I think diminishing returns are doing their work.
I don't have a problem with it tho. This tech demo looked amazing. I think Demon Souls looks as good and both look amazing. I expect to be wowed by games in game mechanics, ai, amount of enemies this gen. Not so much on the graphics side.
I see 30% (and only some devs) better visuals for this gen compared to ps4. We already saw Hellblade 2 and Suicide Squad. Plus Returnal, Demon Souls and Ratchet. It doesn't get any much better than those. Nothing like tlou 720p to tlou2 1080p jumps.
Feel a little ahead of the curve here like I took the blue pill early. Called their use of Meta-human in the trailer. I.e. it’s not Keanu but a digital model of Keanu.
Pre-downloaded and played this immediately after TGAs it really is impressive tech. A few things to add.
Parts of it deliberately target 24fps to mirror the movies.
Part of the demonstration isn’t just the detail in the city, they are well aware they can add more details, but it’s a demonstration for devs about the relative ease and speed at which a world of this size, complexity and realism can be made in UE5. This was made by a relatively small team. THAT is a crucial part of the demo.
The DF article is well worth a read for details. There’s a “making of” dev discussion coming up there to.
That all said it is still a tech demo. DON’T get too excited and ahead of yourselves. Typically it takes several years to get to the visual standards in tech demos. Go back and look at tech demos from 10 years ago and you’ll see we’re only just now starting to match them in some ways. (Agni’s philosophy for Luminous and The Samaritan for UE3 are good examples about 10 years old)
This is for a number of reasons but mostly they are designed to use all their resources to LOOK impressive without having much of the underlying code of real games running in the background.
in it’s defence, and unlike most tech demos, the fact it actually runs on current gen consoles in real-time not just Uber high end PCs is super impressive. As is the fact we can actually play it and there is some (pretty basic) AI etc. Perhaps we’ll get there sooner this time.
Super impressive tech all the same and the futures bright.
I got bored pretty quick. Needs a punch button
@somnambulance @munstre @PhhhCough @TeapotBuddha @RevGaming
To all those that weren’t that impressed I understand what all you are saying, they are valid points, but feel there’s ONE important bit of information that this article and app doesn’t get across clearly.
This demo was made by a relatively small team, and a large part of that is to demonstrate not just graphical fidelity, they are aware the details can be better with more artists/budget. But it is specifically a showcase of how large almost photorealistic open worlds can be created QUICKLY by devs in UE5. THAT is more the focus of the tech demo than just purely “this is what we can do visually in UE5”. I recommend the Digital Foundry article and the upcoming “making of” discussion they’ve promised for more insight.
That said there are plenty of caveats with tech demos. See my post above for a couple. But the future is bright, even if it’s still further off than we’d like.
@themightyant That is cool.
But we have already seen a few next gen games and I trust that the engines of those are as good as ue5. I don't think Spider-Man 2 will look that much better than Suicide Squad (similar arquitecture).
No hdr/ray tracing. That was letdown. And the demo seemed not that sharp, kinda out of focus & blurred too. Yes I had matrix filter off. Sure it had impressive amount of people & cars. But after playing COD: vanquard with fidelityFX & hdr turned on, this just doesn't look good enough.
@themightyant have you seen the procedural generation tech from the star citizen devs, a few years back?
This was impressive. From massive cities, to generating the individual interiors for the buildings, etc. Now include the population this could generate, and we'd have a "second world" or really impressive game.
i wasn’t impressed . felt like my ps4 pro could run it . i wanna give it the benefit of the doubt and say that my TV is just not enough because it can’t do 120hz , but idk .
gta4 has better psychics than this
@rockNrolf_ it was really grainy , there’s not a setting to turn it off either . probably because if their was , the game would look ugly as hell & jaggy to be honest .
I can't quite get over it. It took a while before I realised thats not actually Keane and Carrie Ann!
Scary to think this is what they can do when they don't really know how to get the best out of Unreal 5. Imagine what things will look like in 5 years' time when they really get digging into it.
@Fatewalker Exactly - as long as there’s a performance mode on every game that at least targets 60fps then I’m happy.
@PhhhCough Great share. I hadn’t seen that one. Always fascinating to see this stuff.
To be clear on the whole I prefer smaller, more curated and designed scenes over these mass procedurally generated worlds but there is absolutely a time and place for both. Especially a combination of both for larger worlds. Design and curate a few specific areas but mass generate the rest and then tweak it.
I think what is most impressive to me is that this tech demo is
A) actually running on current console hardware
B) Is part of a larger actual playable game world, not just a tiny movie set like scene
I hope this means that while this is still a glimpse of the future, that this future is closer than the tech demos of the past.
@djlard More likely cost. To make a full game at this kind of fidelity would be extortionate, although I guess Epic is trying to sell Unreal Engine 5 on its efficiency so who knows?
Nevertheless, just think of all the art assets you'd need to create to populate a world at this fidelity.
@rockNrolf_ Vanguard definitely looks REAL good as well.
@nomither6 hmm no, a PS4 pro couldn’t handle this.
I noticed when you changed some of the graphic stuff it would load some of the pixels of different shapes in different places so it's not perfect but definitely a great display of graphics.
@RevGaming Agreed other games and engines look insane too. I think what sets this apart so far compared to hellblade 2, demons souls etc. is the scope and size (the explorable city is huge), those are much smaller curated environments.
But I agree on dimishing returns. Suicide squad looks lovely too. Looking forward to them all!
@TeapotBuddha wanting it today is always the most frustrating part of these tech demos. The reality is they are always a glimpse of the future. But I’m hopeful that this future is nearer than with tech demos of the past.
@get2sammyb “More likely cost. To make a full game at this kind of fidelity would be extortionate, although I guess Epic is trying to sell Unreal Engine 5 on its efficiency so who knows?“
I think that’s the largest takeaway here. There IS a full city the size of downtown LA in this 25GB demo at this fidelity, and it was made by a relatively small team in a relatively short amount of time. It’s a great advert for the speed and efficiency of building in UE5 and their megascans library.
“Now for the fun part“, as Cerny said, seeing what devs can do with it.
@NeonPizza problem with fps is, if we decide that 30 is simply unacceptable, then we are going to have to take a hit on other advancements I think.
Though its something forums will likely be arguing about for a long time. I personally have little issue with 30. I mean, 60 does look smoother when you switch, but playing at 30 for a short period and i soon forget that it's even an issue.
This is what we have to look forward to in probably the 3rd and definitely the 4th year after release. Killer
Just played it, and the free roam blew my mind. Truly amazing.
@jdv95 Around 20 GB... and it shows. My goodness. I played the demo last night. I thought 20 was a lot and then I saw it in action and I was like, "Okay... how is this not 80?"
@RBMango I played through the demo last night and, personally, I did think it was quite impressive, but not necessarily earth-shattering. However, I started to think about what games could look like if the art direction was less about photorealism and more about focusing on a stylized art direction, like Breath of the Wild or Kena. If a game was created with that style in UE5 then I think the outcome could be mind-blowingly beautiful and could easily run at 4k 60fps.
@Weebleman The framerate is far from drops to single digits it when driving at high speed and crashing into cars. Changing the traffic and population density really helps this but takes away some of the 'wow' when you've seen everything cranked to 100.
Truly stunning looking tech demo though. Finally felt like a leap from PS4. Went back to playing rachet and clank straight after it and it definitely left that looking last gen...when yesterday it was impressing the hell out of me.
Futures going to look good on these new consoles when they start focusing on getting the best out of them. This unreal engines amazing...just look at hell blade 2.
If you tried to mess around crash into several cars PS5 power would be around 15~20fps per second. So please stop with that nonsense.
On the other note, the tech-demo is MIND BLOWING. PS5 power is basically PC from 4 years ago. Imagine this engine on a 3090. Now that's gonna be next gen.
@Uncharted2007 heh..I played 'find the white person ' too after awhile.
@Bleachedsmiles ps5 is just a low tier level PC. I love it but it's the truth. I agree that the demo is truly next-gen.
@GeneralFlamer yeah but consoles don't work like that...regardless of how close to pcs they are they're still closed boxes that can be better optimised for. Basically you're not having a £500 pc put out games at the same quality the ps5 will put out over the next 7 or so years.
@JJ2 if you weren't wowed then it's time to hang up your boots bro!
@Bleachedsmiles Agree with you totally. But they will rehash and update the ps5 more than the ps4. Mark my words.
@Reeneman i really can’t see how it can’t handle it . the graphics are last gen , and the chase could run at 30fps
edit : unless you’re talking about the open-world segment . the pro probably couldn’t load all the traffic and people but that’s it
@djlard absolute balloon
@JJ2 i feel like the npcs looked better than anything last gen, but as awesome as everything else looked they did stick out a bit. But my god man
@nomither6 turn off the matrix setting. Itll clear it right up. Its kind of a fuzzy green with the matrix setting on
@RevGaming nothing on consoles looks close to this demo, and its open world. Not sure you just didnt watch you tube of the demo.
This looks amazing
@bbauer36 I played it. I think Demon Souls looks better with details... Or God of War, Suicide Squad and Horizon.
It runs at 24fps too.
I am just lowering my expectations. Nothing will wow me like the first time I played InFamous Second Son or Uncharted 4.
Hi there. I mostly agree with you.
That said I m more optimistic about where current gen only games are going , I think. 😅
Regarding the first part of the demo I feel it looks fantastic but there is very little interaction and I see it more as fantastic cutscenes. Glorious but well, it is what it is. I don’t want to go into arguments but Im not sure about ‘gameplay’ in Hellblade 2 either.
What I like is the realistic feel of the city. It’s just a demo so I’m hoping NPCs would get more focus in a real game because they stick out a bit, especially their silly wandering. Also not too fond of the character you control. However I feel there is much to look for in a realistic representation of a city in future games and feel more optimistic about this gen than before the demo.
My comment is more specifically referring to open world type of games which this playable demo is mostly about.
@JJ2 Hey man. I am optimistic too, but I think other aspects of a game will be the things that will impress me. Like some super intelligent ai or crazy amount of enemies in Ghost 2. Something like that.
Don't worry. You can disagree.
Hellblade 2 was gameplay but... That section looked very cinematic. I wanted to see 1v1 combat to see how they improved the game.
Hi. Yes I added an edit on my comment to say I m specifically was referring to open world type of games that the demo is about.
Obviously with linear games there’s much more room to explore.
Yeah. Linear games like the ones from ND will shine.
Something like flying with horizon 3 (if they make it in time) would be something that will wow over graphics... Or that you can explore the inside of every building (skyscraper) in a city completely, maybe snipe somebody from one to another.
Excuse my English.
Proper game changer once ue5 goes live.
The whole thing looks miles better with the green matrix filter turned off in settings... Try this if you havent already, its miles better.
This was created easilly by a small team over a few months, and demonstrates the power of the toolset that so many devs will be using shortly.
Will the big publishers have to switch development to UE in order to keep up? I cant see ubi or ea being able to match titles produced with this tool set using in house engines...
Interesting times...
Can’t wait to buy PS6 to play the upgraded experience at 60 FPS!
Looks amazing, but the frame rate really suffers and there's a lot of screen tearing going on. Would have been nice to see this demo with both a fidelity and frame rate option.
Liked the first look and the little gameplay. The invisible walls are a nitpick. Butte future looks good indeed! In Free roam I was able to roll a car, which looked awesome.
It definitely looks amazing.i was impressed.matrix. awakens should be a full game for the ps5.word up son
So this is what cyberpunk on ps5 will look like, right.......?
@MatthewJP ROFL
@jdv95 just under 30gb for me I think
This tech demo got me really moist with anticipation!
Messed around with the demo for about 6 hours so far. It is indeed incredible/impressive stuff. Bravo to all who were involved in creating this. It’s not often gamers….well console gamers get access to this type of thing so thanks for that.😊 Unreal Engine 5 is amazing and I look forward to seeing what game devs are able to achieve with it.
Looking forward to trying out the demo on Monday, I won't have any free time until then.
This is impressive in so many ways. But, everything is ruined for me here (as well as in many games) by the smudging of everything that happens when the camera rotates. Is this due to the low fps meaning things aren’t updated fast enough? Or is it a stylistic choice?
graphics were great. even gta would have a hard time making a city look like that. but they need to step it up out of 30 frames. we usually see the high powered games with graphics closer to this later in a generation, like at last 3 to 4 years into a next gen console. so im hoping by 2023 we start seeing stuff on this level. devs keep going for the 4k mark and i know for a fact you can run a game at 1440p, hdr, ray tracing and yank 60 frames and a game still looks dang close to if its 4k. im not worried about 4k, i'd be fine with anything above 1080p.
Impressive as a tech demo, no doubt. A very different thing to put this into a fully responsive and interactive gaming environment with more than walking and traffic. When you have explosions, gun play, running, traversal, enemy AI, team AI... physics.....this taxes CPU and GPU.... particles.... This Demo tucks in around 30fps in gameplay...simple gameplay. Insomniac have already hit 60fps with Ray Tracing on PS5 for three games... 60 fps is gold standard , finally... on console.
The previous gen needs ditching, sorry to say but it's time to move on. Unreal 5 Tech demo shows us why. You want to move to this level of fidelity then you need a SX,PS5 or top spec PC. RT will have to be turned off to try and reach 60fps on console but the LOD, object detail, lighting and shadows may well stay if it's not so intensive on the hardware?
Will be interesting to see the next 24 months and Unreal 5 in gaming.
@Bleachedsmiles Don't agree. Ratchet looks incredible. 60 fps HDR and Ray Tracing .... Can't be argued with...and you are fully interacting...something a tech demo is not doing. No comparison... Impressive tech demo, yes...but it's not got any gaming features apart from walking ,driving and moving a camera...
@ShogunRok so basically they just made up a PC demo and are letting people look at a "TRAILER" wow! Is this what gaming is becoming? we all know what happens when companies do this stuff ahem TLOU 2, ahem CP2077
As amazing as it looks, it runs rather poorly for something that's meant to showcase how amazing both the PS5 and UE5 are. Not to mention that the open world portion is kind of pointless as there's nothing to experience, other than the poor driving mechanics.
@__jamiie considering 90% of people are still on PS4 I certainly wouldn't say it's holding back anything.
@f1vefour That's a stupid comment. Cross gen development is absolutely holding the PS5 back. It's not about the number of systems being played. It's about the power and capabilities of the systems. Any game that is cross gen rather than a PS5 only game has had to make sacrifices to be able to run on PS4. That's a fact.
Very impressive.
The future is looking good.
@MightyDemon82 My concern is the size of this game would probably crush my PS5 and put a big dent in my monthly 1tb limit from Xfinity. Guessing a game like that would be north of 200gb?
@__jamiie Agreed but until the supply shortages go away, I don't see this being solved anytime soon. Even with scalpers, the units are getting into people's hands, just not enough devices out there to even start abandoning cross-gen.
@Mezzer Are we talking about which is the best game? Or visuals? You can agree/disagree...for me going back to Rachet straight after had Rachet looking last gen by comparison. I never said anything about gameplay.
@__jamiie You misunderstand, I'm saying why would they dedicate development to a console few people actually have in the grand scheme of things.
It's not stupid it's a fact.
It's not "holding the PS5 back" it's supporting the masses.
@f1vefour It's the fastest selling PlayStation ever so how can you say that few people have it???
This cross gen policy didn't happen in any other generation. First party releases were always there to show how advanced the new hardware was and demonstrate things that couldn't be done on the previous system. All of Sony's cross gen releases have absolutely been held back by the PS4 because they've had to allow for the weaker hardware.
@__jamiie 13.4 million PS5 vs 116.6 million PS4 sold thus far, which console do you think developers should be supporting?
It makes no business sense to target the PS5 alone.
@f1vefour So why did Sony stop supporting the 100 million PlayStations when they released the PS2? Or the 150 million PS2s when they released the PS3?? Or the 90 million PS3s when they released the PS4???
No previous console has been handicapped by the previous gen the way the PS5 has.
@__jamiie I honestly fail to see your point of view, I don't see the PS5 being crippled in any way by developers supporting both platforms and don't think this will change anytime soon.
I just have to agree to disagree.
@f1vefour Most of Sony's first party PS5 titles are available on PS4. These titles are therefore not making the most of the newer hardware. How do you not see that as a problem?
@__jamiie The compromise is on the PS4 not the other way around.
@f1vefour What??? The compromises are made when making the PS5 version. The PS5 hardware is not being pushed.
@__jamiie it's completely normal for games to appear on both systems at the start of a new gens life span. Not sure why people are having such a meltdown about it this gen.
Though I suspect it's that 'we believe in generations’ quote being taken way out of context by some.
Edit : and games can be tailored just for a higher system, and 'downgraded' to fit a less powerful one after. Just look at all the switch ports.
@Balosi It's not normal for first party titles to be cross gen at all. What first party PlayStation games have been cross gen previously???
The Switch argument is irrelevant because we're talking about the best selling platform in the world and publishers who are desperate to have their game on the system. This isn't the same as one platform holder making games available for multiple systems. Did Nintendo make Wii ports for Wii U games? No.
The simple fact is that PS5 games are being limited by the PS4. This demo and the previous Unreal 5 demo shows exactly what the PS5 can do. But it hasn't been delivered yet.
Quick question - Do you feel that PS5 games will be better when they stop also making the game for PS4? If not, what is the point of having a PS5? We may as well stick with our PS4s and save ourselves some money.
@__jamiie the switch argument isn't irrevelevant because it's not a discussion about popularity, it's an example of how a game can be made for a better system and then be downgraded in the future. The witcher 3 was not made with the switch in mind. The developers probably weren't even aware of the switches existence when it was being made.
Though yes, i will give you sony haven't made many simultaneous release cross gen games in the past when I think about it. It doesn't mean it wasn't possible though. Infamous second son, killzone, knack, could all have had decent ps3 conversions if the need was there at the time.
One of ps4s earliest smash hits was the last of us remaster.
People need to realize both the PS5/XSX aren't even showing what they can do until we get out of this "cross-gen" phase. A lot of the console's power is being held back by last gen.
@Dragonopt1 Thank you!
@Balosi Your Switch comment proves my point! These aren't games that have been squeezed onto a less powerful platform years after release. These are first party games being released simultaneously across 2 generations of hardware. Every single thing about the design of the game HAS to be workable on PS4. Therefore everything about the game is limited by the capabilities of the PS4 and then made a little faster/shinier on PS5.
It's the same thing with Halo Infinite. It should have been an Xbox Series exclusive rather than be shackled by the Xbox One.
Yup. Cross-gen games are just PS4/Xbox games with some minor upgrades on the PS5/XSX. They are still PS4/Xbox games at the end of the day no matter how you try to slice it. Will these games be good? Yes, duh. But their full potential is neutered by being required to run on PS4. That’s really all there is to it. Games can look as good as the Unreal tech demos but you're always going to develop around the lowest common denominator.
Hi guys
I think you both have good point. The truth is we can’t generalise. It’s true that many games would be better off designed only for current gen and pushing the hardware potential. However some games can support both generation effectively especially if started development a while ago. Even for Rachet the Devs at insomniac said they were experimenting and not completely sure how to push the PS5 then they figured as development went on that they could do this and that. From now on designed for PS5 from concept is probably well under way I’m sure.
On another example GT7 started development for PS5 but then they realised it could be downgraded and run on PS4
Anyway it’s clear I think all PS5 gamers want current gen only to be favoured from now on. 👍
This is a tech demo, with some FMV special effects and I suspect quite a bit of pre-rendering. Does it look amazing? Heck, yes. Will the actual game play well? THAT is the 6 million dollar question!!
As for cross gen games, it is going to be hanging about for a while because:
a) a LOT of games, regardless of platform, have been delayed into 2022 and beyond due to the pandemic, plus getting to grips with the new systems, and
b) 80 million active PS4 users vs what 15 million(?) PS5 units sold and those are numbers that devs can't ignore any time soon.
Truth is, Sony did such a cracking job on the PS4, the fact is it's still relevant today.
Is it holding PS5 development back? Maybe, but I've yet to see anything on the PS5 that thinks it's time to ditch the old system.
And as for R&C, Insomniac were clearly told to make it PS5 only even though industry experts have since 'poo-poo-ed' the idea that it couldn't run on the 4. It was a business decision, nothing more.
@__jamiie i agree 100% ; they don’t understand your perspective. i’ve been saying this since the start of the ps4 gen . either make the game for ps4 and by virtue it’ll be BC on ps5 , so no need for a insignificant “ps5 version” — or , make it for ps5 and let it be a true next gen game .
people still think GTAV on ps4 is “next gen” when we haven’t even seen a ps4-made GTA game , for example .
Seems fishy, it won't load if you're offline.
Is it maybe using some cloud computing type thing to enable it to run on the PS5?
It could run on PS4. But it wouldn’t have Ray tracing (which to me is a requirement for that game; it has so many metals in its world construction that when you play without ray tracing it looks like a totally different game), the load times would be appalling, and the textures would have bad pop in due to the rifting sequences.
I spent my time in the world goofing off at my reflection in cars whilst everything else went over my head
Looked pretty good, didn’t play well though. Frame rate was grating too
looks awesome, lets see what they do with it. Uh can we please get a remake of the original unreal/unreal II with this engine? kk thanks
Exactly how i feel, people act like a game dropping one or two frames in a digital foundry video is unplayable or something when nobody would even notice when playing unless they have a literal frame counter on the side.
Played it yesterday and was really impressed with it, just hovering with the drone and seeing the cars move and even people walking it was truly great.
@PegasusActual93 yes mate totally agree, fed up with the obsession with frame rates. When i played this amazing demo the last thing that crossed my mind was frame rate. Its ridiculous, and sites like digital foundry don't help and just encourages certain individuals to jump on the band wagon.
@djlard you dumb as hell calling devs lazy.
Hey everyone,
I’m actually trying this demo out as we speak and will have to say, at first thought it was the actual game kind of upset it wasn’t but that’s the only complaint, other then that the graphics, insane the play itself smooth or can be made however you choose you basically make the world as you see fit, I’m def going to purchase whole game even comes out because just the little while playing demo I’m super impressed how real it all looks just everything, by the way I’m playing it on the new PS5 which alone Is a great purchase on its own! Just my opinion about the game and system but don’t just take my word for it try it yourselves to believe it, check back later to see if anyone else feels Same.
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