PlayStation 5 console exclusive Forspoken is out on 24th May 2022, and now that Square Enix got that important detail out of the way at The Game Awards last week, it's time for the publisher to share actual gameplay with the world. What we have here is four minutes of action that focuses on protagonist Frey Holland as she takes on what appears to be an optional quest with a chest full of rewards at the end of it. In order to complete it, she must leave the city and do battle with some enemies.
Along the way, we get a good look at the UI and menus, which reveal how you can customise your gear, unlock abilities in a skill tree, and even edit your nails. Once she reaches the combat arena, Frey uses a number of different abilities to take down the foes standing in her path. They include bombs, throwable staffs, and what look like poison darts. Experience points and a healing draught are her rewards for taking them all down.

Gameplay looks fun, but hopefully, the frame rate is a little better in time for launch. Footage seems to dip here and there, and even parts of Frey's costume seem to disappear every now and then. Strange. What do you make of this latest look at Forspoken? Dash into the comments below.
Comments 72
Looks really good and hopefully will be more polished by launch
Next year is really looking strong for playstation exclusives
Very pretty, combat could be cool, but the world looks so empty and static. Performance isn't all that promising either, as the article says.
I'm hoping this turns out to be more than just a Square Enix tech demo for its improved engine, but nothing we've seen so far really suggests otherwise.
Are we really judging framerate on a 4-minute clip of a game that isn't even releasing until May? Seems a bit early to complain about such things. My biggest issue I've had since the beginning is the facial animations look like they are being done by AI rather then customized lipsyncing and seem off.
Hmmm, some of it looks really cool, like the menus and the traversal of the character. I like the idea of the combat but it looks a bit flat.
Worst part is how static the open world looks and how poorly it performs. Yes, it can be optimised, but you kinda get the sense from this video that it doesn't "feel" good.
Still, not out until May so hopefully it can be optimised.
The traversal looks like it'll get tedious after a while.
The combat looks weak.
The world looks dull.
I'm thoroughly unimpressed by this trailer but I retain hope that there's much more to this game.
Huh! Yuh! Ah! Uh-yaH! Yup! Uh!
The game looks good but the protag looks (and sound) annoying, I wish there's no "transported from another world" storyline and the protag is from the world itself, not from usa.
Barren open world with generic fodder enemies. I know that game development is hard no matter how advanced tech gets, but I can't believe how dull and lifeless most AAA games still are in 2021.
It makes me appreciate the work of Santa Monica and Naughty Dog even more! I will not be buying Forspoken.
I like the movement options the player has but rough framerate, bad menu optimization and that blur effect when jumping that desperately needs more alpha applied to it make it look rough.
Yah honestly the gsmeplay looks great in terms of combat abilities and traversal, but considering how drab, grainy, monochromatic, and lifeless the world continues to looks its odd that this is targeting a near release. The framerate is obviously terrible, sub 30. Which considering this is by no means a next Gen visual leap it's odd that it looks so early development as far as performance.
Is this another game that was announced next Gen only to be revealed after everyone bought up the first round of consoles that it was in fact cross gen?
If not, damn. Its definitely not performing well for a next Gen game with last Gen visuals and performance.
Hope it turns out well in the 5 months or so they have left. Although if it is next Gen, or even cross Gen with that level of framerate instability, I hope they delay if it is not up to the standards they visualized.
But then again there is square enixs' backed Avengers........🤣
I'm not feeling it, think this might be better off delayed for a few months or even longer whilst they work on the 'kinks'.
That initial settlement is ugly and dull as is the surrounding countryside. Compare this game with PS4 gems like HZD and Ghost of Tsushima and tell me why it's better.
I really don't see what Sony saw in this to want to buy two years of console exclusivity...
@Col_McCafferty It's better because the mc says "gottem!". Aloy is a cardboard cutout by comparison.
Honestly I have been really intrigued by the trailers of this since its debut, but this has actually turned me off of the game. It looks ok. However, the depth of field isn't very detailed, the world seems empty, the frame rate isn't up to par, the graphical fidelity looks old gen not current gen, and the combat seems like it could get clunky.
This is disappointing.
I guess this one is to skip, or get it later on for 20€ at best
These guys are the first putting a price tag of 80€ on PC for this game and FF7R also.. They can f*** *** seriously..
Game is faaaaar too expensive for me to really be interested. And for a brand new IP too? Woof.
I watch this footage and can't help but think that I'd prefer a Days Gone 2.
Im a magic junkie in my RPG's and this game looks like it'll be the first thing to scratch that particular itch since Skyrim and Dragon's Dogma 😍
Yikes, not exactly the best showing but hopefully they can turn it around by release.
Looking at the combat they could make an unreal Naruto game
Alright, I'll be the one to say it, I think this looks awesome. This Infamous meets Elder Scrolls approach is the kind of game I've wanted for a long time. I'm not going to judge a game too harshly based on one small section of it. If I'm wrong, that'll suck, but for now I'm still really looking forward to this.
@Brydontk There is an undeniable Dragon's Dogma vibe in this one. The fun jankyness, the contrasted lighting, the cheesy banter...
Count me in!
Odd that this is a vertical slice of the game they decide to show only a few months from launch. Still keeping this one on my radar. Let me cast magic on zombies instead of mindlessly spraying bullets into them like every other game.
I was originally pretty intrigued by this but every time I see more of it, I get ever less interested in it.
Everything about it looks like "Open world sandbox action adventure RPG-Lite: The Game." It looks like an engine demo for the next Assassin's Creed, without all the cool Assassin's Creed stuff in it. There could be more to it that we don't understand context without seeing it, but we're years in, close to launch and it still looks as generic and bland as it ever did. A checklist of "what gamers today want." Nothing I've seen makes me interested in exploring its world. Or story. Or characters. Or systems, really.
Graphics looks fine but if I recall this game was supposed to be the best looking open world game ever made, not sold on that.
Also, as other people have said, it looks so empty.
@NEStalgia Agreed pretty awful trailer. The only things that looked kinda interesting were :
1) traversal looks fast and fluid
2) Spells/combat look pretty nice.
Outside of that nothing that makes me say, "I want this". Generic AF in most other areas.
Don’t think I’d be into that one
I still think it looks pretty cool, and I still hate the cringe way the main character talks, so the two things kinda balance each other out to a 0 hype from me.
Somehow trailer killed all hype for me, and I was very into this game previously. Looks so rough and bleak.. hopefully they polish it and turn it around before release date, but track record says otherwise.
@Bri-Die ....dude, the game isn't out for 6 months. Sheesh
Of course negativity is what’s expected on Push. 🙄
It looks good to me. Better than I thought. The actress is stunning.
Only part I dislike is the stupid dialogue and the groans, whines, Aargghummpf
@JJ2 I liked it tbf. Also I think that “costume seems to disappear every now and then” is a vfx no?
6 months from release, all we saw was free roam, fast traversal, fun looking combat, I really am not sure what everyone’s complaining about now
@theMEGAniggle amazing isn't it ? All these game developers on here saying "I'm pretty sure this is nearly finished, the framerate won't improve".......with 6 months optimisation to go !! Baffling negativity
Yes I mean. There is plenty of time and a lot of previews and hands on will be coming aplenty. But no, let’s gaming reporters get all prejudiced and give educated thumbs up or down from some short videos. I’m not saying game will be great but come on. If you remember Outriders it was one week it’s awful the next week it’s great just by judging some video changing every time their opinion. 🥱
@JJ2 I was thinking of Outriders when I saw this. Everyone said it would be bad because of the visuals but I remember being kind of baffled by that, especially when the demo came out. I feel like with the increased focus on frame rate and graphics this gen, people forget how good a game can feel. And honestly, even if it turns out to be rough around the edges, this game looks like it has the potential to be a blast to play. Decimating enemies with amazing spell combinations? Come on people, this looks like it'll be so much fun!
The frames are bad but I'm sure that'll be fixed eventually. I just can't get over the cringy dialogue and the dull protagonist.
Did she just tell the enemies to "F*** O**" at 3:26?
It must be the Fus Ro Dah of 2021.
@RBMango Agreed I'm gonna just assume that they just wanted to further strengthen their relationship with Square..... that's honestly all I got because I can't imagine any other reason this game looks dull and I (mostly) love Square games but this ain't it
Looks fun and yes the framerate will be probably fixed! Terrible dialogue and menus though! What’s up with this new SE menus (stranger of paradise had terrible menus in the demo!) they used to be amazing…FFXV menu was so elegant.
People do realize this game comes out at the end of May 2022 right? The framerate I'm sure will be fixed.
I'm worried about the open world being a bit barren but with 6 months left they obviously can add more stuff into the world by then.
The combat in the game looks awesome and Frey looks like she will be a good character(I do hope they fix the audio issues with her voice, unless that's just how the trailers are going to be).
People just need to be patient, I also assume this game will be part of a State of Play before it comes out. It kind of has to be.
I was pretty excited when I first saw the trailers for this, but the more I see the more concerned I get. Hopefully it gets smoothed out and refined over the next few months. There’s an awkwardness to the action, and line delivery that is tough to judge, so hopefully will look better in the context of the game and when visuals are polished. Even the cutscenes from the trailer looked a little odd.
Definitely getting Infamous vibes from the gameplay though, which is not a bad thing.
@KingPev @JJ2
Facts. it’s not like we’re saying the game is 12/10 and this and that but from what we were just shown + some other trailers, you’d be lying to say it doesn’t look good.
I’d love if everyone didn’t immediately jump on the bandwagon and call something trash because it’s got a few issues and is 6 months from release.
@wiiware We got an isekai hater here!
Yes there maybe (it gives me) still hope redeeming the dialog 😅
@ItsATM I love isekai light novel, but this western isekai? Nah 😃
Usually the protag in the novel take the situation seriously, while in this game it seems all the protag do is making joke like in marvel movies or talk mundane things.
Really hope you can turn off that vignette effect, it looks horrible. The rest is pretty but ultimately looks quite empty.
As good as this looks (although granted, needs a few cans of Mr Sheen before release), SE really need to stop starting 97 projects at once. Get FF7R part 2 out the door, get FF16 out the door and then maybe commit some time to the other newer projects.
@nookie_egg they love to make things hard for themselves
@theMEGAniggle Certainly seems that way. But they've been like that for years as far as I can remember.
@nookie_egg yup, they have a big ambitious team. The range of titles they push out / have pushed out are insane.
I’d much rather that than a modern day rockstar studios situation though
Looks good to me, still waiting for it, but not like a goty contender, the open empty world is my biggest concern
The magic looks really good.i wonder if it can beat dragon dogma dark arisen magic. To me dragon dogma dark arisen have the best magic in any game i ever play.word up son
Anyone else getting dragons dogma vibes???
Looking great but MC is kinda annoying.
didn't you know? framerate is everything =/
Am I the only one thinking this game got a downgrade as big as Watch Dogs? lol
Also, the world looks dull and empty! The city just looks like placeholder characters are soaking the streets...this isn't the next gen experience I was expecting
We got a nothing gameplay leak from Elden Ring and people were so quick to give the game praise and say things will be better at release regardless of how dull that snippet of gameplay was, and people rip Forspoken apart for four minutes of random gameplay. Just saying.
I think Forspoken looks wonderful. It’s joyfully awkward from what I’ve seen so far. I can’t wait to play the game. I think I may be more excited about it than Horizon. I know Horizon will be great and I know what to expect, but with Forspoken, I don’t have the faintest idea what to expect. 2022 is the year of Square!
@somnambulance I get it to an extent as Elden Ring is one of the most anticipated games in a while given that it's a FromSoftware game, so it might as well be considered a sequel to the Souls games. Forspoken is a totally new IP that we still don't know a ton about. Doesn't make it right, but it's to be expected.
With that said, it has been one of my most anticipated games of 2022 for a while now, especially with some of the talent involved. Some of it is because people have written it off from the first trailer since they didn't like the dialogue, but I've never had an issue with that. Sure, it still needs some work obviously judging by the gameplay footage, but it's not out until May. Horizon: Forbidden West will continue to be my most anticipated game of this early portion of the generation, but I've thought Forspoken has had a lot of potential for a while now.
Really dug that water sphere move, reminds me of the cover of The Podium of Lies by We Are the Illusion and also Impulse by Erra.
Hopefully this game is better polished by released, not that impressed so far.
I'll give you $, $15 for it!
This game sorely needs 60 FPS. Current video makes it clear why: at 30 FPS animations all look jerky
hmmm...not sure. The world feels empty and I feel like there's something it's not quite well here. I feel this could be just a "demo kind of game" to showcase the next gen capabilities cuz it feels unpolished (I know it's wip) from the menus to the not very exciting combat but this is just my opinion. I'm 40% sold at this point.
@KilloWertz Thank you for agreeing with me for the most part. Right now, I’ll be honest, I think Forspoken might be the (confirmed) 2022 game I’m most excited about at the moment. All things considered so far, it seems like a brave game for Square Enix to have produced, and I hope that that pays off. We’ve gotten to the point in gaming where it almost feels like we’re always all waiting for sequels to established IPs, but it’s completely unknown projects that actually keep the industry exciting.
@somnambulance No problem. Agreed that new IPs that look very intriguing like Forspoken are exciting. Horizon: Forbidden West is still the game I'm most excited about, but I really do hope Forspoken turns out to be pretty good.
I'll find it mildly amusing if the game ends up getting really good reviews and then all the people hating on the game will all of a sudden do a complete turnaround and end up loving the game. Obviously the game turning out to be good is the most important thing, but I'll enjoy that too. "The dialogue is horrible" and the game has gotten written off long before it's come out, but then you'll see the same people saying how great the game is and that the PS5 has a second GotY contender in the span of a few months. Not saying it will be, but people do tend to go from one extreme to another.
Looks very bland to me.
@KilloWertz IDK, the dialogue really IS cringe in the worst of Ubisoft ways, but I think most people are more hung up on just how generic and empty the whole thing seems. If it's great, that'll be a good thing, but from what we have seen.....I'm just not too optimistic.
But there will still be people praising it as an exclusive GotY either way. People praised Haze as an exclusive GotY. A Gears killer! Lol.
Okay, no longer eagerly anticipating this one unfortunately. Will still keep an eye on it as we get closer to release, but this footage is not doing the game any favors. Looks ugly and boring.
Me buying this game is going to depend largely on if there will be an option to turn those terrible voicelines off, seriously sounds like some 12 year old kids came up with them.
The dialog the 4 minute demo already annoyed me enough that i don't want to play this game anymore.
Great textures, lighting and shadows. Lovely flowing cloak material. Would like to know if traversal is a magical upgrade or ubiquitous ’Boots of Speed’ gear.
Two main concerns are:
1. Chattiness of unseen comrade and main character is distracting.
2. Lack of melee combat. Even close enemies were taken down with a short range spell rather than a physical blow.
Looks like my kind of game overall. Hoping they can polish it up before release. Time will tell…
@Olmaz Late response but I was just reading some articles I missed and saw your comment. It reminded me of Dragon's Dogma too - it really surprised me to see anyone else saying the same thing. Love that game.
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