Nightdive Studios has been working on a remake of the original System Shock for what feels like an eternity, but it seems like the end might finally be on the horizon. In a recent update to its Kickstarter backers, the studio has announced some new info on the project. Firstly, the game is now set to be published by Prime Matter, the new label from Koch Media.
The update also confirms platforms for the game, and including both PlayStation 5 and PS4. Yes, the 1994 sci-fi horror classic is getting a modern day makeover, and it's releasing on the very latest console hardware. There's no firm release date as yet, but the current official word is a launch sometime in 2022. Hopefully not February.
The project has been in the works for many years now, but it looks as though it's approaching the finish line. A handful of screenshots have emerged lately too, which we've embedded above. It's looking pretty good. With the game being a direct inspiration for BioShock, we're sure fans will want to check this out when it emerges.
Are you looking forward to the System Shock remake? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source kickstarter.com, via eurogamer.net]
Comments 19
That's funny bc I've just discovered these type of games and I'm hungry for more, this is the right time I guess but hopefully is not February as you mentioned lol.
I’m down for this
No, no I am not looking forward to another remake
This is one of the cases where a remake is fully justified. Very few have actually played the 1994 original and even further would have put up with it's controls and antiquated game design. However despite the flaws there is a really good foundation under and a remake with modern game design could really make it shine. Personally I think Nightdive is a great company that is one of the few that is smart enough to not bite off more than they can chew.
Can anyone confirm that the physical copy of the GTA Trilogy remastered will be released for the PS5 as well or just for the PS4?
@PegasusActual93 it’s had its moment. Time for something else to get it’s time. Otherwise you’re stuck in an endless cycle of justifying regurgitation and the experiences from one generation to the next become limited rather than limitless
I'm not saying every game needs a remake, just that some games deserve a second chance. Some games had their major success that therefore makes a remake nothing more than a cash grab but System Shock is one of those games that never got the chance to get the audience it deserved.
@PegasusActual93 my guess is it won’t do well this time either. Not surprisingly
This game is honestly great, played the original a few years ago. The sequel’s the better game unsurprisingly and is also the more iconic game so hopefully more people can experience it this time around with the remake.
@PegasusActual93 this, but also, look at how many great games were inspired by System Shock within a decade of its release. If the remake does a good enough job of presenting the ideas which made the original compelling, while fixing some of the issues which make it hard for modern gamers to appreciate, we could be looking at a inspiration for a while new generation of game designers.
Looking forward to this! Hopefully it actually does come out next year.
@kingbreww I would agree, in theory; however the problem with that perspective is that "trying something else" involves mostly failed attempts at riding whatever gaming fad is currently in-vogue.
I would much rather a game that inspired many beloved games; that didn't reach the heights it could because of the era it was made in, or politics of the time, get another chance.
Why not remake System Shock 2? Isn't that the one everybody fawns over?
@NeoTokyo404 I'd imagine that's next
@theheadofabroom That's likely the plan, but if this one doesn't sell, will they even bother?
@NeoTokyo404 possibly depends on how they went about it. I'd guess that the set of features they needed to implement to make System Shock work, is a subset of the features they needed to implement to make System Shock 2 work.
It may well be that it was only a few months extra work to implement the first game, which gives them the money to finish development of the second to a level of quality they're happy with, and it means that people who haven't played either, can play both on a modern system.
Or it could just be a cash-grab and they won't make the sequel unless the the first game does well enough. 🤷
I'm going to hope it's the first, because you can generally tell the difference between a passion project and a cash grab when you play it.
FINALLY... I've been waiting since 2016 for them to release (pre-ordered on PC last year, but the game releasing on PS5 means I'll get it on PS5 as well).
I tried to play the 1994 original, but the way cyberspace is I'd have a seizure, and in the demo for the remake cyberspace isn't as bad in terms of flashing lights.
@kingbreww BioShock, Dishonored, Prey 2017, to an extent Deathloop, Deus Ex... these are all founded upon things set by System Shock. Those who liked any if those may gravitate to the remake. And trust me, if the final product is like it is shown in the demo, it's going to be the definitive way to experience System Shock.
@Aiodensghost prepare to be underwhelmed then
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