Internally, this author has been joking that it’s a shame FromSoftware couldn’t get Bluepoint Games to remake Elden Ring before it released in February. Obviously, the upcoming fantasy RPG has the extraordinary art direction we’ve become accustomed to from the Dark Souls developer, but in terms of pure technical clout it looks dated next to the outstanding PlayStation 5 remake of Demon’s Souls.
It’s something that director Hidetaka Miyazaki has acknowledged in an interview with EDGE magazine, as transcribed by VGC. “I’m pretty sure our graphics-creation staff felt […] pressure more than anyone else,” he said when asked about Demon’s Souls’ fidelity. “Graphical fidelity is not something we put as the top priority. What we ask for on the graphics side depends on the systems and requirements of the game itself, and it takes less priority compared to the other elements of development.”
He elaborated: “This is always an area where I feel a little bit apologetic towards my graphics team because I know they work extremely hard. And they’ve worked extremely hard on Elden Ring – our graphics systems team and our programmers have been pushing a lot of new features to create the best-looking game we’ve ever made.”
It’s worth remembering that Elden Ring is a cross-gen, multiformat game, whereas Demon’s Souls was remade exclusively for the PS5. Furthermore, FromSoftware’s latest adopts more of an open world structure, whereas Bluepoint Games’ remake is based on a title with a much smaller overall scope, allowing it to push the hardware harder.
Miyazaki went on to explain that he hasn’t played the Demon’s Souls remake because he doesn’t “enjoy playing the games that I’ve made in the past”. He said: “It was a rough game back in the day, with a relatively rough development, so I was anxious that new players would not enjoy it in that same way. In the end, I’m just happy to see the reaction and happy to see people enjoying it.”
[source magazinesdirect.com, via videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 44
I'll settle for the game not having any frame-pacing issues and running at a locked 60fps. Everything else is gravy.
@Integrity Good luck with that.
Sekiro shadows die twice looks excellent in my ps4 pro.i like elden ring graphics.its doesn't looks as good as demon souls but it looks better than dark souls 3.word up son
@get2sammyb yeah, it's a lofty goal. OK I'll settle for 256*192 pixels with 8/15 colours that overlap when a sprite passes over the background 😊
@EclipseZero yes. My comment is wishful thinking. But I can dream!
Artwork over graphics any day of the week.
The could stay 10 years doing improvements to Elden Ring and they couldn't reach the level of quality from Demon's Souls remake. It's just not their style, as with most japanese devs. And that's honestly...fine!
I’m not fussed if it doesn’t look as good in comparison as long as it still looks good and plays better. I found Demons souls boring. I like to explore and have fun in a world that feels alive. Games like the Witcher and Skyrim accomplished this whereas Souls games have not, for me anyway
Lmao eat crow.
I'm kidding.
As long as the game has good art direction, they don't need high visual fidelity to carry the graphics.
Without taking away from the DeS remake (which is wonderful), solid world&enemy design is far more important than any of the fancy technical improvements people get their pants in a bunch about.
When all's said and done in these games I remember the well realized, creative areas and monsters - not how many polygons they were made up of.
You gotta give him credit for pretty much saying "yeaah our game definitely won't look as good as that"
Which is fine for now as it is a cross-gen game after all and I don't expect much from those graphics wise. I'm still as eager to pick up Elden Ring as I am for last gen to be officially in the past.
@EclipseZero The framerate issues genuinely got me killed a couple times in the network test. Here’s hoping they get those fixed before release.
Just started playing Demon’s Souls this weekend and it superb visually and performance-wise, but it’s also much better than I expected from a narrative and world building standpoint. It is a high bar to meet for Elden Ring. I actually had the very thought as I was playing Demon’s Souls that I wonder how Elden Ring can top this.
If Sony can make it happen I'd have Bluepoint make Bloodborne 2 with supervisoring by FromSoft. BP can handle all the technical aspects while FromSoft do the characters, story, bosses etc.
I played all souls games (plus Sekiro and Bloodborne); hundreds of hours in each game. All were excellent and graphics were never their best trait (though I like their graphics). For me, these games shine because o the gameplay and art style (including fantastic music in bosses)
@AdamNovice That's my dream scenario with Bloodborne 2.
@EclipseZero i've played all the souls games and bloodborne..correction i've still to play demons souls on the ps5..bloodborne is a brilliant game but the frame pacing issue is just too jarring and gives me a headache..i would love for them to patch a 60fps option so i can finally playthrough without having a day long migrane..elden ring is going to be epic and i'm looking forwards to meeting its greatest enemies...the comment trolls..
I’m happy they’re not going in graphics-first. I’m playing Dark Souls 2 (PS4) at the moment and that has some of the best lighting I’ve ever seen in a game. The light rays, and especially the torches and light-casting are insanely good.
I’m happily playing and enjoying it on my PS5 with backwards compatability.
If Elden Ring is as good as even Dark Souls 3 on PS4, and it surely will be, I’m set.
I think us FromSoftware fans can all agree these games are story, music/sound/voice, and lore/universe/atmosphere first and as long as that’s in place, I think we’re in for a real treat come February.
Given the importance of timing in these games, you'd think that fixing the frame pacing issue would be the first priority. It's been a problem in all of FromSoftware's games, and I don't think they've ever been held accountable for it because of the high quality of the games they make, but come on, it should be corrected by now. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
@nessisonett it's From Software, probably not gonna happen.
It’s a big open world, compared to a game what’s mainly corridors. So no wonder won’t look as good, hate these days people expect open world games to look as good as like a corridor runner.
@casey44 I think the new Horizon may possibly achieve that. It looks stunning in the promos so far.
@casey44 The issue is less the visuals and more that From are really bad when it comes to performance. As for your comment well Red Dead 2 and Death Stranding were the two best looking games of last gen and both were giant open world games.
It’s basically a non news story.
Nice to say that they are making the “ best-looking game we’ve ever made.” Which some blind people struggle to see. 😅
(Yes it looks great and comparison to linear games are stupid)
@Integrity @get2sammyb
The irony here is that if you want that kind of experience Xbox Series X will give you the best chance at getting it. I’ll be waiting for performance reviews before choosing which platform to get it on.
@AFCC would you be saying the same if this was a game from EA?
@ScottyG I don't subscribe to that as a rule. It's possible but it's not something that I'd worry about. It's down to the developers and how they use the tools at their disposal. We had many games last gen running at 60fps, it was achievable and it depended on the priorities developers had in regards to their vision. I don't think this gen has as many hurdles for devs to overcome to achieve 60fps on either console.
Series X may on paper to be more powerful but that doesn't automatically make it more capable than PS5. Cerny designed it smartly and there are other ways to achieve great results than pure grunt.
Of course Series X is a wonderful machine and will indeed be home to great games but any differences between it and PS5 are going to be hard for the average gamer to discern and really nothing to get excited about. Once developers stop catering to last-gen consoles we should see these new consoles really sing.
For me the one thing that will 100% deliver unrivalled experiences and unmissable games will be PSVR2. I can't wait to see what the next-gen of VR will produce.
I find it mind blowing that people still believe in that narrative while the reality has demonstrated the machines are very similar in achieving performance give or take one way or another. It’s really the power of the media and marketing at play.
Console arent PCs and GPU titaflop is NOT what defines them and makes them ‘powerful’ but even DF is still pushing that crap.
@kingbreww I mean, that's not going to happen in Elden Ring as well. The world was destroyed, it's always their themes to play in broken worlds, even with Sekiro
Haven't tried Demon's Souls remake, but their SotC remake was absolutely stunning.
Remaking a game is quite different to making one from scratch though, and it will be interesting to see how BP fares on their own next.
@JJ2 @Integrity It all boiled down to hardware approach. Neither is wrong, just different. Sony basically chose to simply make the same machine as the PS4 with higher clocks (and the new SSD and decompression block) - done.
Microsoft used a combination of using higher clock speeds in some areas and more cores in other areas.
It gave Sony an immediate edge because developers are already familiar with the architecture so they can just do more with PS5 right out of the gate. Microsoft's approach has more of a learning curve; but it does have the potential to reach better results in some areas.
In the end, does it matter? To some who just want to fight a ridiculous console war, yes. To those who just want to play games, no.
It slightly matters to me because I am just a tech-junkie that just simply enjoys technology. I don't necessarily care which one is "better" I am just fascinated by the differences - which is why I like Digital Foundry analysis videos.
I own both a PS5 and a Series X and I enjoy them both: Sony for exclusives, and Xbox for everything else.
As far what this means for Elden Ring...I think the PS5 will still get more favorable performance results over the Series X because, no offense to FromSoftware, they aren't the best at multi-platform optimization and have favored Sony's hardware for years.
Graphically, I feel like FromSoftware titles hold up rather well. Character detail and animations are top notch and their architectural work is really good. I think the only place FromSoftware really fails is in performance.
At this point, there is no reason an even 30fps or 60fps isn't possible - especially as Demon's Souls remake has proven it's very possible at a much higher graphical fidelity. I don't care if Elden Ring is open world, there is just no excuse for it anymore.
I always prefer more time and resources spent on animations and stabilisation of games framerate.
The best graphics in the world can’t make a dull game fun though. I do prefer games with smart enemy AI or at least a half decent gameplay loop.
That's what happens with these multi platform release games should have been a PS5 exclusive imo
‘the same machine as the PS4 with higher clocks (and the new SSD and decompression block) - done.’
Haha no
It’s not the same architecture at all
I’m not disagreeing with you in what you mean to say though. What really matters is the facts in reality. DF used to say the proof is in the pudding but they are dragging their feet to live up to that common sense and admit it.
Demon Souls was made in part to showcase the PS5's power and Elden Ring will run on PS4 so this should come as no surprise to anyone
@GamingFan4Lyf yes I agree, there's no real excuse for a game not being 60fps other than because it doesn't fit for whatever artistic vision the developer has. 60fps should always be doable on the new consoles as demonstrated by most big-budget games now offering various graphical modes.
Somewhat ironically I tend towards choosing the which one is prettiest and I'm not too bothered about the game's framerate as I can seldom tell the difference unless it's a driving game.
@Integrity Yeah, it depends a bit for me. I tend to lean towards graphics though. But yeah, gotta see how it matters for each game. For FF7 for example, the point of the game is to look pretty more than have 60FPS, so I go for the 4K option.
@ScottyG not really any irony at all there. XSX had worse performance during technical test than both ps5 AND ps4 pro.
@Th3solution The narrative and world building were all down to From Software, all Bluepoint did was a graphical update (and some quality of life features). Every new From game has surpassed their previous, I don't think you need to worry about world creation or lore as Miyazaki and his team will knock it out of the park again...
Don't get me wrong, I love the mechanics of souls like games and have played them all, but I must call this explanation for what it is, BS.
Its one thing to focus on atmosphere and gameplay mechanics,
or story and lore which is a joke, (let's be honest and objective here, these games have very little in terms of that regardless of the mythos the fanbase fabricates around them.)
However, to use that as an excuse to use the same engine, assets, and now in elden ring, animations and charachter models as well, is just that.... an excuse... for a copy and paste development model. Couple that with the fact that that engine, that has seen some minor improvements over the years is terribly optimized even still. over a decade later.
At the very least, being this far in, using the same, and I would argue dated engine, they could at least fix the optimization problems and support their games better post launch, especially when these issues absolutely affect the gameplay, they claim focuses most of their attention rather than innovation and evolving upon each new iteration.
Oh, by the way, Fromsoft has been making games for over 25 years making an enormous number of games in that time and currently employs hundreds. Bluepoint has somewhere around 100 or less. So, the argument that they direct their limited talent on specific focuses, and don't have the AAA resources available to them is also just not accurate.
They have made a great deal of profit and gained an even greater deal of notoriety to now garner the resources and backing to better optimize update that engine, especially considering with Elden Ring you can see that the vast majority of boss move animations, models, skins, and honestly most assets in the game are recycled from sekiro and dark souls.
Bluepoint made Demon Souls look and run better in less than 2 years time. Fromsoft can do better and in my opinion should considering the above-mentioned copy and paste formula, because aside from some gameplay tweaks in Sekiro, the games have largely remained identical in core design and visuals for far too long. If you are going to repackage the same game over and over again, the least you could do is fix long standing performance issues and update visuals.
Hi man.
I read your comment and think your right in that there’s no excuse. However interview transcription are often taken out of context and I don’t think he’s trying to give an excuse. He s just saying what we all already know : graphics fidelity isn’t the top priority in their games. It’s just an honest answer.
Now your right in that performance should be top priority and I wish the question, article and debate was more about performance.
That is why I think the ‘debate’ about the game graphics is annoying. The art style is beautiful and the main focus should be performance instead of all the fuss about graphics.
@Bagwag82 wdym? If EA did a game with not so good graphics? Like my personal game of the year, It Takes Two?
@Yoop although i know they cant just stop releasing ps4 games, i completely agree with you. Got a ps5 last week and imo Demons souls it by far the best looking game on the system followed by ratchet. Both are the only PS5 exclusive games i own for it and its night and day when i compare them to the other games i also own, Hitman3,Kena,Valhalla,WRC10,Star wars, despite all still looking beautiful.Demons souls takes it to another level with its lighting, textures and particle effects. Imagine what games will look like in 4 years time.
@Kidfunkadelic83 yeah they got a lot of games coming out but im only getting the exclusives Xbox has got some new exclusives too but have to see how good they look i dont even think Bayonetta 3 is gonna be good looking enough im sticking with PS5. Still waiting on that Bloodborne patch for 60 fps
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