In a new PlayStation Blog post, various developers have been asked what their favourite boss is from games developed by FromSoftware. Chief among them is creator Hidetaka Miyazaki himself, who explains the Old Monk encounter from Demon's Souls is his personal favourite. The boss fight first appeared in the PlayStation 3 original before being remade by Bluepoint Games for PS5.
For those who do not know, the Old Monk boss encounter is quite unlike anything the Dark Souls series, Bloodborne, or Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice have done since. Instead of fighting a traditional boss, the Old Monk summons a black phantom to fight on its behalf. That black phantom just so happens to be another real-life player, so your PvP skills are actually what's being tested. If nobody is summoned then the fight isn't nearly as special, but it's cool when it does happen.
Miyazaki speaks of pushback on the encounter during the development of Demon's Souls, but he was determined to get it in the game. "I wanted to get that boss concept into the game, both from a visual design perspective and gameplay perspective, including the multiplayer element. From both the implementation and fun factor, we got a lot of pushback, and no one believed in it at the time. But in the end, we came through, and I think it turned into an intriguing boss that the fans appreciated."
The Souls creator then comments on how implementing the asynchronous online features was a real challenge during production. "I think the Old Monk encompasses those tribulations and how we pushed through and made something we were proud of."
Elsewhere in the blog post, the likes of Great Grey Wolf Sif from Dark Souls, the famous Dragonslayer Ornstein and Executioner Smough encounter, and the Nameless King from Dark Souls III are all mentioned as other favourites. What's your favourite FromSoftware boss fight? Share them in the comments below.
Comments 37
I know you're waiting by the door so I'm coming in rolling!
That's funny. That'd probably be my least favorite boss simply because I have never had a good online experience on a Souls game. Its always so laggy and glitchy that when I played the PS5 version I just put the system in sleep mode for a second and turned it back on whenever I was invaded. I did manage to finish this fight against a real person but ugh it was pretty bad! It was a cool idea though!
In my first try, it killed me in 1 hit and I was like. Ok, I'll comeback later when I'm stronger.
The on my second try, while playing I was thinking, damn this AI is ***** good.
It kept healing itself and I noticed after a few minutes it wasn't an AI and I laughed and managed to beat it after a long battle of dancing and using all of our herbs.
It was very interesting making a boss a player.
So far, this game is the best game that has released this gen imo.
@Korgon Can you actually beat it offline?
@RevGaming yes. It doesn't have to be a human. Sometimes you'll fight an AI.
You can but it just summons a random NPC in a players place. Definitely not as special for sure so I forced myself to at least finish one online fight to get through it. Felt great!
I think the Dancer from DS3. The animations and overall design made it a fun fight. So many to choose from really. Just the elation after the win of any boss fight makes the souls games.
It's a great idea. I was a black phantom before anything else, so I was so horribly confused when it happened. The only real bad part about it is that the stairs to get there and that activate someone being summoned are so lethal you often "vanquish" your foe before meeting them. That was just bad design right there since it pulled another person and often wastes their time.
I'm not sure if he's exactly my favourite, but I'd probably pick Iudex Gundyr. Dark Souls 3 was my first Souls game and I'd never played anything which throws you in at the deep end so quickly like that before. It was a real trial for me getting past him that first time. It probably took around 5 hours. The elation was overwhelming.
Dark Souls 3 is now one of my favourite games of all time, having completed a few play throughs in the years since that first one. Every so often I boot up the game just to prove to myself I can beat old Iudex on the first go. Sometimes it's the second
This boss made me enjoy PvP more than anything else in Souls. Aside from the Dark Souls arenas anyway.
@Elodin God the Dancer was a great fight just sucks that her weapons art are kinda trash.
Ludwig from Bloodborne. amazing design and unforgettable music.
Ornstein and Smough for sure, will never forget that one! Feels so fun these days to go back and absolutely demolish them on my first try, after all the grief they gave me back in the day!
Also love that Old Monk fight, class Miyazaki f***ery!
I have a top 4 I can't really choose between Old King Allant in Demon's Souls, Knight Artorias from Dark Souls and Lady Maria and Gherman from Bloodborne
@CthulhuFhtagn Has to be my favorite too! Ludwig and Lady Maria. Bloodborne's boss fights just hit different.
It’s far too difficult to pick a favourite, but Lady Maria remains an incredible From boss for me, where everything - mechanics, art, music - just came together in a brilliant way.
He’s cool and all… but Ludwig the Accursed!
I think it's important to make a distinction between best and favorite. That being said though I'm going with the Bell Gargoyles from Dark Souls 1. Maybe an unpopular pick but this was the Maneater fight done right in my opinion.
You have a larger center platform, giving you much more wiggle room to dodge and attack. It's also in broad daylight so you can actually see what you're doing. The Maneater arena was so dark it was hard to tell what was going on half the time. Plus the music in this fight is simply incredible, It's the same track they used in a lot of the promotional material I believe.
From Software would actually go on to reintroduce and improve a lot of boss concepts that were first introduced in Demon's Souls. Not just the Maneaters. I like to think of that game as a test bed of sorts and a springboard for the rest of the series
@Tchunga. I agree with you about the gargoyles boss fight.its up there with the best.word up son
@Nepp67 that's so true.
It's gotta be good ol' Tower Knight from Demon's Souls (PS3).
I bought that game before it became a cult hit (I had to order it from US as it wasn't out in EU at the time) so I didn't know what to expect from this game. And that was the first proper "oh s**t I'm gonna die now" moment in the game.
Why are sony studios so interested in FromSoftware games now...
Knight Artorias of the Abyss. That fight took me countless goes, and when I finally did it, I was on the edge of my seat until the very end. Took everything out of me, that fight. And yet there were no gimmicks, no big monsters running around. Just me and him slapping the s*** out of each other for seven minutes. With swords.
Ppl were so cheesey with him I had one guy the same guy kill me for over an hour it got to the point where I stayed by the stairs hoping he would quit and somehow the dude was killing me by the stairs. I don't get where you get the enjoyment from that.
My first experience with this boss was a frustrating one. I'd never done pvp in demon souls at this point and I ended up pairing against someone who kept breaking my weapons and had endless stamina. And to top it off every time they got a knock down on me, for some reason didn't do any damage, they deleveled me. I still don't know how they were doin it and it felt kinda dirty. I felt like I was being farmed. I ended up quitting after I lost about 15 levels. I hate quitting but I hate losing time and effort put in more.
Getting the Old Monk head piece is one of those gaming moments I’ll never forget
@Korgon imagine trying to blame a game for having slow internet lol
@STOBO git guy
He was probably bored with your weak attempts too
That definitely wasn't the problem. I play other games online just fine but please keep assuming things. It's amusing!😄
@Korgon not assuming, I've played several of the FS games on some trash tier wifi with restricted NATs that will fail to load videos at 1080p and didn't experience lag in their multiplayer. Hell, during a hurricane I used 4G hotspot from Sprint off my phone and was able to play lag free multiplayer with a friend doing the same thing (except with t-mobile)
Good for you. I've played matches of Halo Infinite and Street Fighter V on trash Wi-Fi before and again had very few problems. But every time I try to play From games online I've had problems almost every time. That's my only issue with Souls games. I also understand plenty of people have no issues playing and hey that's great but it simply doesn't work well for me is all I was saying.
@STOBO If you knew you were unprepared for PVP fights, instead of wasting 1h trying to get your clearly superior opponent too bored to continue, you could have simply put the game in Offline and re-entered. The boss would then be played by AI, which is not too tough. Kill it fast, put the game back in online mode, and move on with business. Efficient use of one's precious free time.
One style of enemy i don't really like much is like one in ds3, that swirling black mass that moves, attacks any which way.
Just feels like nothing, no special design, to face, just a gibberish non sense.
Although it’s not my favorite boss fight per-say, I absolutely love and am enamoured by the whole Artorias/Sif/Abyss lore.
That boss fight and artorias’ arm just hanging and rescuing Sif from the ghosts in the abyss chasm and Sif wielding the sword… ugh… it’s just so cool to me. That whole abysswalker/knight/corruption thing is just the coolest thing ever and makes me feel like they didn’t even need to hire George Martin to help with Elden Ring. I’m glad he did but seriously that whole story and lore from DS 1 is TOP NOTCH.
I’m finding it hard to narrow down a favourite boss. Hardest boss for me is still the Blood Starved Beast. I’ve played many different playthroughs but still struggle with it. Pappa Guacamole is a lot of fun but for me it has to be Sekiro which provides the MOST fun I get out of FormSoft games. Special mention must go to Bloodborne Castle Cainhurst and Martyr Logarius that whole level is just great ending with wearing the crown… so good!
Maybe my favourite is waiting in Elden Ring? 😜
I like Bloodborne a lot more than any of the Souls games, mainly because there's not only strategy in the combat, but also a lot of speed... that really gets the adrenaline pumping. The feeling of accomplishment you get after winning such intense fights is something I haven't found in it's Souls counterparts, even after finishing them all.
So my top 3 bosses are from Bloodborne alone.
1. Father Gascoigne - this is the first real fight of the game, the first real taste of things to come. It's the fight that reshapes your mind after being so used to games like Assassin's Creed, God Of War (the first trilogy) and many other of the like. After you beat him the first time, you feel so hyped and pumped up like you've just won Gold in the Olympics!
2. Lady Maria - she was my nemesis in the first playthrough (Strength build). I didn't know much about parrying back then, so I just couldn't get past her after 22-23 tries. Finished the main game and gave up on it for about 3 months, but never forgot about the unfinished business with the "Fire Blood" Lady. Then went back, built a second Strength build character, farmed like crazy in order to level up and prepare for the big encounter. But in the process I also learned the importance of parry. Got a Whirligig Saw at +10, and a char lvl of over 150... When I got to her I was so overpowered overall that the fight lasted only 1-2 minutes... almost felt sorry I took it so far that it felt like cheating ^_^ But she remained among my top favorite opponents nevertheless.
3. Orphan of Kos - oh boy... it took me 27 tries with the "overpowered" char mentioned above to learn how to beat him. Very intense fight with a very worthy opponent, well deserving a place in the top 3.
After all of the above happened, for my 3rd build I went with Arcane - very different experience, much more fun and enjoyable, and highly recommendable. This build allowed me to go much further, do a few NG+ and the main dungeons too, and Platinum the game in the end.
For me Bloodborne remains one of the best games ever made. Very good proof of the fact that you can overpower very tough adversity with patience, stubborn determination, open-mindedness, keen observation and ability to learn from one's mistakes... excellent real life lesson!
@Shinnok789 how about he was wasting my time if he wanted to pvp ppl he could have went somewhere else Idk y I kept getting matched with him he wasn't the only one online smh. Dude was attacking me and I never even walked through the fog yet smh. Another thing I eventually played someone else and won it wasn't a big deal.
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