Rockstar Games has officially (and finally!) confirmed that it's working on a new Grand Theft Auto game. The company casually dropped this long-awaited bombshell at the end of its latest community blog post, under the heading "What's Next". Exciting times.
Rockstar writes: "With the unprecedented longevity of GTAV, we know many of you have been asking us about a new entry in the Grand Theft Auto series. With every new project we embark on, our goal is always to significantly move beyond what we have previously delivered — and we are pleased to confirm that active development for the next entry in the Grand Theft Auto series is well underway."
The phrasing suggests that GTA 6 — or whatever it ends up being called — is reasonably far along. Plus, Rockstar typically isn't the kind of company that announces things years ahead of their actual release. The post continues: "We look forward to sharing more as soon as we are ready, so please stay tuned to the Rockstar Newswire for official details. On behalf of our entire team, we thank you all for your support and cannot wait to step into the future with you!" Best keep your eyes peeled!
What do you want from the next Grand Theft Auto? When do you think GTA 6 could arrive? Begin the hype cycle in the comments section below.
[source rockstargames.com]
Comments 90
I think implementing the gang loyalty system from GTA2 would be a cool addition. Make the game that bit more dynamic and would add new missions depending on who you side with as well as different weapons and vehicles.
All hail the Loonies!
Hmm. Late 2023, maybe?
I hope they stick with multiple characters again. More focus on single player then online with things like dlc. A dedicated rock station aswel
Side note: the hell is happening with gta5 on ps5. That seemingly dropped off a cliff after the last state of play it was in lol
THANK GOD. at least we can finally end GTA5. haha
They probably want to maximise revenue from next gen version of GTA V. So late next year at the earliest I think.
What are the odds that this one will be always online?
@Danloaded Pure Xbox has just posted GT5 next gen is 15th march release.
On a side note, how many consoles will GTA6 span?
I want single rather than multiple characters, and I hope it's for next gen only (and pc with ssd only).
Do any of you guys think GTA 6 will also be for last generation console? Or current only.
I'm not going to get too excited, probably the next announcement is MS buying Take-Two.
R*.. PLEASE SHUT UP!!! thanks..
@Snake_V5 I have some feeling that it will also be available for last gen as well. Could be wrong but worth a guess.
Wait till they’re acquired by either MS or PS and the next GTA isn’t on all consoles…
Fairly sure that inevitability will happen this year.
Live service games seem to aim for 10 years of support (and most of the time last for a shorter timespan), 10 years from GTAV launch would be fall/holiday 2023 so perhaps that?
@Yamato01 I hope not because it will hold back what's possible.
This is one of the 10 live service games isnt it...
I have no faith this will be what we all want it to be
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@itsfoz Don't even joke about it. ðŸ˜
I dunno. I think they peaked with San Andreas.
GTA 4 was great (although it didn't get its flowers until people got sick of 5) and while RDR2 was the most impressive game I've ever played, it's the least fun I've ever had with a Rockstar game, like ever.
Vice City would be awesome and do something different in having a big focus on the ocean and everglades.
Can’t wait to play the remastered remaster on PS8 😄
@EquiinoxGII i saw XD
Play millions of games then a GTA game comes out then play millions of games then a GTA game comes out then play millions of games then a GTA game comes out... The GTA games are brilliant but take WAY TO LONG to make :-/ Thank god for those other millions games I can play then while waiting then
@Rob_230 Sony doesn't own Take-Two/Rockstar, Rob. Unless you know something we don't!?
I'd much rather they made RDR3, but I realise I'm in the minority here.
It’s time it came back to London!
@gollumb82 so would I, well in addition to GTA 6 as RDR2 was their most 'recent' game.
Sony should buy 2K and Rockstar or Take 2. Now that would be a better response to Microsoft acquisitions
I used to absolutely live for GTA games… and I felt genuinely nostalgic when the Definitive Trilogy released (though the reaction quickly cured me of that and I’m yet to install a one of them). And as much as I loved V on its PS3 (& 360) release, I’m just not that excited by the franchise anymore.
No doubt the sixth instalment will go on to sell gang-busters (& I’ll probably be one of the purchasers) but my excitement for GTA is at an all time low.
@Bleachedsmiles That's needs to happen. Ray Winstone, Jason Statham and Michael Caine at least in the cast list.
I think RDR-2 was a good indicator that they will invest in a great single player game as its foundation and not go the way of COD and other games that relegated the single player campaigns once they found online success. I'm not a GTA fan but they always have pushed gaming to its limits so I'm very interested in what they will deliver.
@LiamCroft Did they specify it was only playstation studios? I may have missed that detail.
There were talks doing the rounds a few months back that Sony had secured GTA 6 as a timed exclusive mind (not that i believe that - would cost them a fortune)
and now we wait . were gonna need cryo-sleep for this one .
«Plus, Rockstar typically isn't the kind of company that announces things years ahead of their actual release.»
What? I seem to remember the hype train for GTAIV started autumn 2006, and the game finally released april 2008! Come on …
@Rob_230 Yeah, Sony has bought Bungie to help with the development of its own live service games.
The oversaturation of GTA V has killed my excitement for this announcement. That's the downside of them milking it for almost a decade. I would rather they work on something new.. either resurrect an old IP or work on a new one, but this will sell millions. Perhaps billions, so who am I to speak up
I will probably get eaten alive for saying this, but I feel that RDR is in a league of its own when it comes to R* games. GTA never really resonated with me (I prefer Sleeping Dogs). I still played the older entries (GTA1- San Andreas) and had fun, but I couldn't get into the newer ones. Maybe I'm just burnt out on this series. Anyway, if they ever make RDR3 I'll be an elderly gentleman most likely 🙄
Ita about time! I just turned 40 and at this rate not sure how many more gta games I'll see!
We're making GTA6
In other words: If you want GTA6, we sell for over $40B which it will include our new member, zynga.
Honestly. People will try to cancel this game. Put labels that gamers are disgusting for playing this game and after looking at Saints Row, who says this is not going in the same way? That GTA trilogy was horrible too. Can Rockstar keep its prestige of being one of the best, if not the best studio.
The 👑 king is back.extremely excited for gta 6.word up son
let me guess, it will be filled with microtransactions, live service and be online only? i really don't care at this this point, rockstar are dead
Hmm. I’m hoping it’s set in a redesigned Vice City.
Include some more of the Florida country side too. The Everglades would be great.
@Snake_V5 Guess we'll just have to wait and see for more news from Rockstar. But you have a point about that.
Badass female protagonist please. Something like Sadie Adler.
GTA 6 Officially Confirmed, Development Is 'Well Underway'
That's like what my weed man used to tell me, "on the way/down the street/around the corner" HELLA mins later.
@Col_McCafferty MS are already facing strong antitrust questions. Hopefully it'll put them off buying any publisher again cos it's borderline ridiculous now.
@AdamNovice I did my research and Microsoft can buy EA and Take Two even if they have to pay double while Sony barely has the money for Capcom or Ubisoft. The Government MUST intervene.
That's cool and all, but I'm going to hold off and wait for the re-remastered deluxe edition for PS7. Can we preorder?
It's good to hear that they're working on GTA6. Considering they only actually make 2 series at this point, I'd be wondering what they were doing if they weren't..... I'm most excited to find out how NFTs can benefit my gameplay experience.
They literally said nothing about GTA 6.
@Rural-Bandit Good point. Look at the new Saints Row. Though I can't imagine GTA, like film, not being immune from the rules of the Junior Anti-Sex League. No matter how many times they re-sell GTA5, you still have strip clubs as save points and only the likes of Kotaku and Polygon have called it out. But those sites call out Princess Peach so it doesn't mean much.
IDK about GP and Sparticus though. So far any time Rockstar puts a game on there they use it like a glorified Free Play Weekend, a few weeks of the game as a demo, not an actual placement of the game on the service.
@AdamNovice @Bismarck EU Antitrust law may be a little more thorough, but in the US, Antitrust doesn't work that way. US Antitrust is pretty much an up or down vote on if competition exists or not. If it does, it's not a trust.
For Xbox to be considered a trust by US courts, PlayStation, Nintendo, EA, 2K, Embracer, Sega, Capcom, Ubisoft, Epic, Square-Enix and Valve would all have to go out of business. And even if they did it wouldn't be too difficult for them to argue and win that because Sony Pictures, Universal Entertainment, Disney, Apple, Warner Music, Sony Music, Spotify, Netflix, Hulu, Youtube, etc. all exist, they're still competitors in the digital personal entertainment space. Antitrust suits have been won on far more tenuous claims than that.
Antitrust is basically a rubber stamp making sure there's not a single entity in an industry, which virtually never happens. As long as companies for duopolies they're safe from antitrust. Similarly cloud computing isn't a monopoly because MS, Amazon, and Google basically divide the market between the three of them. 2-3 players is enough competition to be not a trust. Dow could merge with DuPont based on the argument that chemicals were a shrinking industry and the combined resources were necessary to remain competitive with newer fields. Boom, not a trust, with the caveat they had to split the stock and separate the chemical company from the non-chemicals business. But they basically created a monopoly in the "large chemical company" category on the argument that chemicals now competes with non-chemicals business directly.
Not saying it should work that way, but it does work that way.
It's going to be interesting to see this after a lot of the writing talent has changed at R*. Wonder what the tone will be like.
Oh and please R* update your combat mechanics finally! I loved RDR2 but the combat left a lot to be desired.
I wonder how it's gonna turn out without Dan Houser there to direct and write it. I'm sure there are very skilled and talented people there, but the tone and voice of Rockstar's games I think mostly came from Houser. I guess he was also accompanied by a team of writers that are might still be there.
The game will probably be graphically amazing and competently made. Although, I'm curious how the tone and overall direction will be.
Another GTA game and another GTA Online game for them to milk... with no story dlc in sight Sigh
@Korgon That's being polite toward RDR2. Any game that assigns "look at" to the "shoot" button is inherently questionable.
Yeah and kinda like R* I also only care about games close to release. Kind of waste of energy and time anticipating something a ways off when there's great games out here right under your nose.
@Bismarck Sony are capable of buying at least one major publisher (not that I want them too but MS created a buyers market) the Activision deal will probably go through but they can't be allowed any more.
Thanks I tried to say it in as polite a way as I could!😄
That more than anything needs major improvements.
@Korgon LOL. There's no polite way to say it... I can only assume the button assignments were mapped by someone who never held a controller before and just couldn't figure out what to do with all those buttons.
It's like making a laptop where the power button doubles as the "reformat hard drive" button
As long as they nail the single player experience, I'll probably get this. I wonder where the game will be set. Returning to Vice City or the Las Vegas style place from San Andreas would be fun, or they could mix things up with a brand new location.
If they can't blow my mind like they did in the PS2 days, then I won't be bothering with this game. I'd be surprised at this point if there's even a single player.
Except for 10min of gta4 I never played a 3d gta.
For some reason these games do nothing for me.
But I can understand that legions of gamers are excited! Good news for them
@Humaniac you know it’s coming . if it happened to saints row of all games it’s gonna happen to gta
i could be wrong though
@ApostateMage God, I couldn't agree more. It's high time GTA had a female protagonist. Sadie Adler was one of the best NPCs in that game (and RDR2 has a lot of well-written NPCs)
"Plus, Rockstar typically isn't the kind of company that announces things years ahead of their actual release."
Erm, GTA V was announced in October 2011 and wasn't released until September 2013.
I ain't expecting this before 2024.
@The_Moose 3(PS5, PS6 and PS7).
I think also 2023 is doable.
What I find strange is the way they confirmed or announced it. Why couldn't they just make it a little more exciting, like a logo somewhere or even something official online.
As someone who loved the single player experience from GTA V (both the sandbox world and the stories missions), but didn't get into the whole multiplayer experience, I really hope to find in GTA 6 a multiplayer mode as fun and engaging as the single player mode.
A suggestion I would give is to make the character we play in the multiplayer mode not to exist in a world separated from the single player campaign. I don't mean the game letting you play with your multiplayer char in the single player campaign, the protagonist(s) should be the stars of the show there, off course. But a nice way to achieve this could be implemented during the heists missions from the main story. During each one, a collection of characters are randomly generated for you to form your team for the heist, after you do that and complete that heist, each off these chars would have a life of their own, and you could select one to play the multiplayer stories and do other online activities. Your online gameplay would also have an impact on the single player mode, the multiplayer character you've being playing will be stronger and have better gear when participating in next heist missions and you'd also see the modifications in their visuals you made in online mode. When the main story ends, as it eventually will, you would already have a multiplayer char that you'd be already familiarized with and all set to go on playing the future online content that will be added to the game.
@DotM I think in 2011 we got a trailer about a week later.
This one, in fact:
If we get a similar trailer within a few weeks I’ll believe 2023 might be possible 🤞
If only people will not have give so much money to gta 5 online, now we will have gta 7-8. It’s ridiculous that the next gta comes after more than 10 years. I guess i feel this way because i only care about the single player part of the game.
Well, but they didn't confirm if it was going to be a numbered release. After every GTA numbered release we get a different game set in a specific place. Lets just hope MS and Sony don't try to buy Take TWO now
@Danloaded Officially releases March 15 2022
I never thought I'd live long enough to see a new GTA game released.
It will be released 2028 on PS6
One of favourite gaming serious of all time, big American city, maybe set late 90s so you don't have to struggle with how you satire our crazy world but can poke fun at the present by passing of events in our time as mental predictions that could never happen, multiple protagonists, a story that maybe has some branching points a la gta4 and hopefully some more gameplay choices about how to approach situations.
I think it's over two years away. It took them 5 years after GTAV to put out Red Dead II, so even without Covid, I think we'd be looking at least 5 years for GTAVI. That's before taking consideration how much bigger and more detailed the world can be now. Would have be 2023 at best before Covid. Now, 2024 or 2025.
Ffs! Nothing to see here, fast forward to 2024 😜
GTA5 PS5 edition has yet to release and have 2 years of milking so my guess is GTA6 release is not before fall of 2024.
coming to PlayStation 5/6 and 7
Ah nice so now we know exactly what we did before! Very cool, thanks Rockstar
People can complain all they want, this is probably the biggest thing thats going to release this decade (not counting AAA f2p). At the end, Rockstar is like James Cameron of games. People complain for a decade, hate on it, etc etc, but it comes out and blows everything out of the water. Probably the only company that not only peaks both in single-player as well as the modern live service element but maximises hype and then surprasses it.
When this does come out, it'll be interesting to see the entire WORLD stop and only talk about this, for quite a long while. From mainstream websites to news channels, there are a few things left in this world that gets everybody talking at the same time, given how diversified and targeted everything is.
@Snake_V5 Current only, this'll likely release in 2024-25 and I imagine it quite strange to see a ps4 game then. Besides, they peaked in graphical prowess with rdr 2. Plus, the next gen consoles came just one year after rdr 2 pc version. And most importantly, they'll likely update it for the next ten years if another online version launches so having a ps4 gta in 2035 is probably not ideal.
also, on another note they could probably update the current gta online till 2050 and it would probably work, same as wow.
Just a friendly reminder that Take-two/Strauss Zelnik expressed the desire after GTA V that Rockstar releases have smaller campaigns/story modes so they could be pushed out quicker...& no coincidence at all that the veterans like Benzies, Lazlow,& even Dan Houser have all for one reason or another left in the last few years....
I suspect GTA VI will have a vastly shorter campaign story that'll serve as a tutorial for the GTA Online 2.0 Collossus....after the shambles that was the mobile ported & 40+ missing song tracks definitive edition "remaster",it's pretty obvious where Take-two's priority lies,& it's not single player!🙄
Personally I don't think the next GTA game will be titled GTA6, they could go the Vice City/San Andreas naming route again.
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Let's hope they haven't gone woke and include a bi sexual vegan crossdresser who identifies as a wardrobe. I also hope it isn't focused on the online service (microtransaction) as that's just completely trash, corrupt full of cheaters and a bad community. Sadly I hate to say I hope it isn't cross gen as that would limit its capabilities in what could be one of the most advanced games to date. I'm not even fussed where it's location is as long as it has a truly immersive single player game.
it will be a service game chalk full of mtx. very skeptical of a new gta in this era, especially considering the fact that the original creators have since left the company. this game will sell on name alone, but don't expect it to surpass gta v...
Not gonna arrive earlier than 2024… 6 years after RDR2
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