PlatinumGames isn't going to abandon Babylon's Fall anytime soon. Despite disappointing reviews and seemingly low player counts, the multiplayer action RPG is set to continue its live service ambitions, with multiple seasons of content already in the pipeline.
In a lengthy development update, the studio confirms its intention to expand and improve the game. "There are no plans to reduce the scale of development on Babylon's Fall," it reads, stating work up to the end of Season 2 is "practically complete" and development of Season 3 is underway. "We will continue to provide new content for the game and make improvements based on player feedback, striving to keep existing players playing and to attract newcomers."
An incoming update looks like it'll make a whole bunch of rebalancing changes in addition to new content, including a new chapter, map, faction, weapon type, and more. It looks like PlatinumGames is in it for the long haul in hopes to turn the game's fortunes around.
Are you still playing Babylon's Fall? Are you excited for the upcoming changes and content? Fall into the comments section below.
[source hanging-garden.babylonsfall.com, via twitter.com]
Comments 28
Maybe Platinum wanted to much.
Hopefully it can redeem itself like No Man's Sky instead of being promised to be supported just to be dropped like Anthem
Considering Platinum is historically pretty bad at supporting their games post launch, this is kind of nice to see. Hopefully they can turn this one around.
How on earth are they going to save this disaster of a game, I wonder? I wish them best of luck!
Chant down Babylon
Why bother in typical square fashion they will say it didn't meet expectations.
Just give us a sequal too guardians of the galaxy or better still get next part of final fantasy 7 at this rate it will be ps6 or 7 before all parts are out
Expecting season season 3 to turn out like the second season of FFXV DLC, ie canceled. Yes, I know they released Arden, but they still cancelled 2 or 3 other announced episodes, I'm thinking of those.
Just drop this and make nier automata 2 platinum games 😕
I completed the campaign and then sent it back, but I can't say it was all bad, the combat was fun and the idea is sound but it's graphics and poor matchmaking killed it for me
I guess Platinum and Square Enix have money to burn, thinking about it SE love throwing money at failed live services what with this and Avengers.
I could understand seeing how it turns out after the two seasons you have finished but I do question the decision to continue developing any more content without seeing if it turns around in an any way.
This is kind of the curse of GaaS games. Even if there is barely any interest no developer wants to look like they are abandoning the game so they are locked down working on something that may be a lost cause.
I do respect them for not giving up but this game had the writing on the wall from the start. For a platinum game it looked tame (compared to rising, bayonetta, automata), focus on live service and an awful lot of brown. Also releasing on a month which inclded Horizon, eldem ring and GT7 really didnt help.
If they can turn it around them best of luck but if i were platinum id be asking Konami to let them remaster Metal Gear Rising instead
It's not even been a month and they had to confirm they will not give up on it wow. This is gonna be worse than avengers isn't it.
I did not want this to be a massive success because I prefer platinum single-player games, but I did not want it to fail so spectacularly.
the 5 people who bought this game will be happy , the rest are youtubers / twitch streamers that got this game for free and prob won't play it again.
No Man's Sky turnaround? We'll see.
Gamings equivalent of the dreaded " vote of confidence"
Is the Playstation exclusivity timed or permanent? If timed, I think their plan is try to save it via Game Pass as that subscription seems to consistently revive fallen live service games.
@Grumblevolcano not even that can save this game. nothing can save this game. they paid people to stream this game , and they still weren't enjoying it even though they were paid to play it.
Just let it die lol.
@RevGaming Seriously, they need to understand that they can't keep getting away with crap like this. Practically every single time it's a terrible launch and then the devs say, "We're dedicated to making this right."
I don't think Platinum have doing what Bungie or Hello Games have done recently by turning around a bad game but if they can, I'll check the game out at some point.
No intention of playing this Live Service garbage no matter what they do.
Everyone making connected and live service games are the problem, theres just way too many of them out there and you only have a certain amount of players in the world at one time that like social co op games to begin with. So you have a ton of Mmo's with millions invested with years in, they are most likely not going to give up their main game for train wrecks or studios making half backed rehashes of whats out there already with low population servers. If they would just stick to what they are already good at and made a single player game with co op possible it would've went down ten times better and not released it when 5 to 6 major titles are releasing. Poor pre sales is why they pushed back Forsaken and the market is flooded with female leads because everyone like trying to find a fortnite are trying to find an aloy. Its good Square is bringing back some older ips but if they wanted a game that would sale with a female lead put out a new Parasite eve or remaster the originals, don't waste time and resources on putting out another bad super hero game.
Sounds like contractual obligations.
@RubyCarbuncle its not even the fact its live service , its the fact its a pretty outdated game, and just not a good game over all. i would have rather they delayed the game and upgraded the game play and visuals. it feels like their vision of this game worked in 2016 when they started working on it , but in 2022 , it's dated.
@twitchtvpat Agreed.
They should just drop the game but I doubt it.
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