Babylon's Fall has sadly gotten off to a very rocky start. It's been critically panned, and judging by Steam player numbers, it's not holding the attention of its audience, either. No one ever wants a game to fail, of course, and there have been some miraculous revivals through the years. It seems Square Enix isn't giving up on the game just yet, as a new survey suggests it's looking to make improvements to the experience.
This survey asks the game's users for their thoughts, primarily with regard to its visuals. Many have criticised the title's presentation and graphics, and it appears that this is the first point for due attention from developer PlatinumGames.
The above tweet states the survey will help to "bring a better game experience to Babylon's Fall", so the team is clearly aware of the lacklustre response. Presumably, other surveys may follow this one, focusing on other aspects of the game that could do with some attention. For now, though, you can have your say about the game's graphics.
Have you been playing Babylon's Fall? What are your thoughts on its visuals? Tell us in the comments section below.
[source, via,]
Comments 33
There are so many snarky comments I could reply with that it's overwhelming my brain.
😂😄😀😊.wtf this game is d.o.a. and its too late.this game is as worst as metal gear survive 😝.word up son
Bury them next to the ET cartridges in the desert..
Just reallocate this as an upskilling exercise or something and move on to something else. These types of games are hard to make and even harder to redeem after launch.
Despite its many big issues at least Avengers has great combat and a good story mode, better Devs could have turned that game around but this game? It has no redeeming qualities and nothing to build on, its just SE yet again trying to chase a trend and failing hard and Platinum making you question how they made stuff like like Bayo and Metal Gear Rising when they put rubbish like this out.
They should follow the advice of an Orange Juice song from the 80s.
Kill it and burn it with fire and don't make anymore live service games you suck at it square.
Please pay £50 to help us bug test our game and then make suggestions on how to make it into an actual game 🤣
From what I've seen and heard the presentation is the least of this game's problems. Seems like a lost cause Platinum and Square. It's time to pull an Anthem and pull the plug on it.
Sorry Square but graphics wont solve anything. Get the gameplay sorted and then sort out the graphics. For example you need to scale your gameplay to account for how many people are playing. 4 people taking on the same amount of enemies as one person makes coop a joke.
@suikoden Not doing live service games is not the answer. The answer is that any live service game has to be compelling to be successful.
Sleeping Dogs would make a great live service in the mold of GTA V, but that was a very expensive game.
Here is a tip: don't try to mix classical oil painting and anime visual styles into a game.
They need all the help they can get! Graphics would be step 1. Will they pull off an FFXIV or a No Man's Sky....... Maybe but less likely.
It could be worse I suppose. The Quiet Man 2, anyone?
actually, some of us DO want it to fail so that platinum stops wasting its time with service games. i'm one of those people.
@Dodj33 oh wow i forgot about that one! hilarious
@playstation1995 "this game is as worst as metal gear survive "
I think Mr. Liam Croft would disagree with that statement 🤫
MS cancelling Scalebound is making more sense after seeing this.
This, godfall and destruction allstars need to be thrown into an arena, to battle it out. The winner will get the remaining "player counts" and financial backing to better their games. The games or the devs, I don't care. Make a gaas out of it, if you must.
@Juanalf. It is horrible as metal gear survive.that game was 🗑 garbage.word up son
I enjoyed the demo honestly. Just waiting for a price drop before buying cause I know it's coming soon.
@vict0RGM Atlus/Vanillaware has done it alright with 13 Sentinels and Dragon's Crown.
@PhhhCough ahh Godfall wasn't that bad
Better than destruction crapstars and this heap if ps3 junk they are trying to sell. I think for godfall it fell apart just to stress "one of the very first games on new gen"
While I respect the attempt, it's probably too late by now.
They should just go F2P at this point.
I better not see this game as an eventual ps+ offering though.
Make it free like genshin lol , even then i doubt many would play it
No you devs lost all respect with this game
@Apfelschteiner A normal sleeping dogs game was even better. F### liveservice.
Babylon's Fail is a much better name. Especially if they are only willing to focus en graphics improvement.
Developers test their own game, so they should know if it's any fun to play.
Give everyone a refund and start over.
They should have let platinum make stranger in paradise and NT make this garbage they could use their DMC assets as they both look similar.
It seems from some comments here and other websites that there's no hope for improvement in this game. SE just wants to show itself caring to get some money for this crap. I wonder if there'd be anyother intention for publishing this game. Also, several months later: SE will say, oh this game didn't perform as we expected!!!!
@Flaming_Kaiser I'm not saying I want a live service Sleeping Dogs game, just that it makes more sense making a service out of an established open-world game. GTA V was great, and I barely even touched the online element.
I would just be happy to get a Sleeping Dogs 2 in any form that gives me a single-player campaign.
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