The big winners today? Well, it’s PS Now subscribers! If you’ve got an active membership to Sony’s soon-to-be-defunct streaming service, then you’re going to get upgraded to PS Plus Premium at no extra cost. This upgrade will last the duration of your existing PS Now subscription, and then you’ll obviously have to pay the new price of £99.99/$119.99 per year if you’d like to continue with it.
As a reminder, the perks of PS Plus Premium including a catalogue of over 700 games, spanning both PS5 and PS4, as well as classic consoles like PS1, PS2, and PSP. All of these will be available to download and stream. You’ll also be able to play PS3 games, but these will be streaming only. Some of the titles available at launch will include Returnal and Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales.
So, pretty positive news for existing PS Now subscribers, then. Are you one of the lucky few getting grandfathered into Sony’s new flagship service? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 87
Can I extend my subscription right now, then? I think mine ends on September...
I have it through February 2023. Wonder if there’s some cheap deals out there to extend it?
@AFCC Possibly, if you're quick.
Couldn’t I just subscribe right now and get the benefit of this lol
@buckp25 @danzoEX Yes, if you can find a sub, but be quick because I imagine they're going to take it all down.
That gamble worked out then. Renewed PS Now in January for the first time in a couple years even knowing Spartacus was coming.
Wonder what happens in my case as my PS Now expires sooner than my Plus. Hopefully I will just get Premium until my Plus expires 😉
Mad at this I always pay my ps sub yearly just did it in February so I have to pay 150 for the top tier this year that is crazy they really need to relook at this
@get2sammyb damn, I'm at work, won't be out for some hours 😬
Just checked in the US, PS Now digitally is only offered monthly.
Wait where on the PlayStation Blog, did it state that PS3 is streaming only?… as I read on there, it sounds like all of the consoles are streaming only besides countries that don’t have cloud streaming, and that they GET to download them.
So if I had PS Now for say 2 years, I'll have 2 years worth of PS Plus Premium?
My annual Now subscription is supposed to renew in a couple of weeks. I'm not sure where that leaves me.
@get2sammyb Damn, they were quick, they only have the 1 month subscription available on the PS Store lol, might have to check an actual store for a card
@Snake_V5 yep!
@danzoEX No, it means that countries that don't have cloud streaming won't have access to PS3 games but in return they'll pay less for Premium.
@Enuo let it renew
Yeah Sony’s already closed 12 month subscriptions for PS Now in UK unless you get it from a site offering them.
@LtSarge ooooh…. I’m dumb
Who laughing? Probably not people who only currently subscribe to psnow and not interested in psplus. Wonder if there will be an addition £10 charge for people on ps5 who can access the ps5 version of a game which also has a ps4 version.
I've got 2 years of PS Plus and PS Now stacked.
I'm guessing that transfers to two years of Premium?
I'm also guessing my 2 years of PS Plus will just be ignored? Not really a deal if thats the case, it would've cost the same. Haha.
@danzoEX But what happens if you have years worth of PS Plus though?
Ok so I have PS Now, which renews in October, but my PS Plus renews in September.
So does that mean Sony will charge me the £50 in Sept and then £100 in Oct!?
Or will they take away the difference as half of PS Plus is already paid for?
@Snake_V5 once your PS Now runs out but you still have PS Plus, then you’ll just be downgraded to PS PLUS Essentials, and will have to subscribe to Premium again if you want to upgrade back to it.
Yeah I was lucky, literally signed up to Now a few months back, got it really cheap when the promo was on, so this works for me. Tbh though, I've not even used it, so I wouldn't renew.
Darn, my Now expires in July and I can't find any more cards. Oh well, will have a month to decide if I want to carry on with the premium service...
My PS Now expires in June, lol. But what about those with current PS Plus subs for which we have paid past June? Will we only have to pay the difference to get to Premium?
@EquiinoxGII I mean considering PSX, PS2, and PSP games are coming with PS3 streaming. You might use it then lol
@JasonLee99 that’s what I’m hoping for, is to pay the differences, paying 120 while I already have PS PLUS would seem like I wasted money on PS PLUS itself lol
@Perryg92 Not sure how it would work in your circumstance to be honest.
@danzoEX, PS Now does offer a reasonable amount already, so I suppose it does depend on what games they decide to put up.
just renewed mine for another year via the playstation store. Now expires in October 2023
@SoulChimera that's probably why they were willing to just upgrade everyone with PS Now as there was likely enough overlap between subscribers. Kinda does nothing for those just on Plus but whatever I guess.
@MetalGearSausage what how?! I only see 1 month on the PS store
@danzoEX What if you had no PS Plus right now but a year of PS Now? Would you still be entitled to the Ps Plus Premium?
@PapaGlitch the actual PlayStation, PS now website has a link to 12 month and 3 month subs.
@danzoEX I did it via my PS5. Just checked again and all the options are still there for me to do it again?
“You’ll also be able to play PS3 games, but these will be streaming only”
i wish M$ could help sony with this. streaming laggy sub 720p , choppy 25-30fps games ain’t it
@Snake_V5 according to Sony, yes. If you have PS Now but no PS Plus, you’ll still get PS Plus Premium…. The lucky gals and lads who only have PS Now… I hate you 🥺
@nomither6 Unfortunately, PS3's architecture was notoriously messy. I know people always like to think the worst, but you've got to imagine they've tried to get this working natively.
Yeah, on the US store the option to pay $60 for a year of PS Now is still there.
@MetalGearSausage then they must have took it off the App first, thanks I’ll check when I get home!
@danzoEX yeah i've just checked the app and it only has the month option. On my actual console though it's still there. Tempted to get another year... haha
Time to get more PS now then?
@get2sammyb due to my circumstance of having PS Plus renew in Sept but Now in Oct. Might be best for me to cancel it early and start afresh...
Hopefully Sony will provide more clarity!
@MetalGearSausage haha hey if you do, I don’t blame you 😂
My PSNow subscription was due to expire next month, so I just added a year for $69. Hopefully this means I will get an automatic year of Premium.
Genuine question:
I have PS Now for two more years and PS+ for seven more years. I know this means I'll be upgraded to Premium for two years and probably back on Essential for the remaining five years. I want to know if I can pay the difference or something to upgrade to the Premium or Extra tiers or if I'm really stuck with only Essential until my subscription runs out. If that's the case, that would be terrible on Sony's part.
Maybe nobody knows this answer, but hopefully it gets answered sooner rather than later. @get2sammyb always finds out the answers to our burning questions!
@danzoEX my sub now expires 26th October 2024 haha. Going to milk it while I can
Just added 2 years myself. It’s basically 1/2 off compared to what it’s going to be. I’m surprised that option is still there.
CD Keys are offering 12 months PS Now for £39.99 rather than £49.99 if anyone wanted to know...
EDIT: Scratch that, it's out of stock. (Not sure how something digital can be out of stock but there you go)!
@tomassi loads of sites have pulled them now. Best bet would be getting some PSN credit from Shopto and buying it via the PSN store. 2 years will cost you about £90. My mate managed to get one on ebay for £35 for a year
I am indeed 😊 Although, having both Now and Plus I've really already paid for it!
@MetalGearSausage They were ahead of the game on this and started getting stores to delist them in January. There are a few out these. 3 months for £12.57 at Instant Gaming but considering you have to wait till June-July for all this to kick in anyway that's probably not the deal people think it is.
@tomassi "Not sure how something digital can be out of stock but there you go" There's a limited number of codes they buy, Sony started removing these in January and didn't restock.
I mean....this is the least they could do right? The pricing is exactly the same as having BOTH subscriptions, so exactly how do Now subscribers win? This is the biggest load of copium I have seen on this site lmao
It's no different than just buying the Premium sub, or am I missing something? What?
Now subs only “win” if they only have Now and not Plus. Otherwise, yeah, it’s the same price.
I don’t think Sony has confirmed Plus subs can simply pay a difference to upgrade to Premium. I would assume that will be the case.
I looked around most UK ps now cards form private sellers are getting a price rises as they know they can charge anything and people will buy but there is a guy i got one from on ebay for £53.99
My Now sub expires in July, so that will give me a month or two to see if it's worth subbing to the higher tiers or not. I suspect I probably won't seeing as I can't even afford to sit in my house with the heating on anymore!!
Use your console and go to PlayStation Now. I just added 3 more years onto PS Now. Subbed to 1/6/2025 now 😅
@B-I-G-DEVIL How my console only shows 1 months sub for £9 that was why i got a year from ebay
What about current ps plus users do they get the big bump up to the top tier too?
So I’m a little confused - I currently have a PS Now and a PS Plus subscription which renews automatically each month here in the UK, does this mean I’ll still be migrated onto the Premium tier and still able to continue paying monthly or will I have to cough up the full annual amount in one go?
I don't have psnow but I have 8 months left of a ps plus subscription, this I assume will become the new basic tier of ps plus. If I want to upgrade to premium then would I get a discount?
@Pditty1980 I'm assuming we would go to the basic new ps plus, what I'm wondering is would we get a discount towards the premium version.
Received an email informing me that I will indeed be in this tier automatically since I subscribe to both services. PS Now is a great service regardless, shame it was overlooked for many years but hopefully these new options bring Sony much success.
@JasonLee99 I hope it is, i have 8 months left
@Katep if it doesn’t show try go to User and Accounts - Account - Payment and Subscriptions - Subscriptions - PlayStation Now - Extend then you get option of 12 months , 3 months 1 months. That’s UK on PS5 for me might work same on PS4 can’t confirm
Did that my old sub had vanished and only 2 left was my psn and ea play one
people, go to allkeyshop.com and just get a few 12 month codes! Got two years of psnow for 50€ each and will activate them sometime in may to get the most out of it.
@Pditty1980 nope not from what I have seen I just did my renewable for a year in Feb and now it was for nothing
@Constable_What if you have Now but not PS+, you still go straight to the premium tier. So 50% cheaper than what the premium price will be.
Looking forward to giving Returnal a go in June, since I currently have PS Now until October. Maybe by that point, I'll finally be done with Elden Ring
@Milktastrophe Ooooohhh. Damn. Yeah that's a nice gesture, I wasn't thinking about it like that.
Still have around 10 months of ps now left on one of the accounts so pretty happy to see what's up. Will have enough time to see if it's good enough to justify 20 dollar price increase from mid tier.
Interesting to see what kind of PS2/psp and ps one games they have in library to download because there are loads of PS2 games that I would want to play again.
I have a question with how my subs will merge.
Here's my below subs:
Plus Expires: 06/17/2027
Now Expires: 01/04/2024
If NOW gets upgraded, what happens to my Plus since they're not aligned?
@danzoEX I think we need SONY to clarify this.
I would signup for 2 years of PS Now if I could afford it, just to see what games they drop for the PS+ Premium Tier.
No plus upgrade path? Well, I guess I’ll be getting this when my Plus runs out in two years then. I’d be happy to just pay the extra £50 for premium tier but without that option I’m not just wasting that money I’ve already spent on plus. Sony will surely have to look at this again.
I usually renew my 12 months PS+ on Black Friday and I think it about for £4 a month.
so if i buy the one month psnow from the store and leave the renew option on would it also work?
Let's be honest, this isn't as big a deal as you're making out. The cost of PS Plus for a year is £49.99
The cost of PS Now for a year is £49.99
PS Now subscribers (assuming they also subscribe to Plus, which I would assume the vast, vast majority of them do) are saving a total of 1 penny in terms of like for like value, between the old subscription they're on and the new one they're getting access to . So to answer the question in the subheading - "look who's laughing now" - umm, nobody? Except for maybe the occasional delusional sod who doesn't realise he's getting free access to something worth exactly the same as the thing he's paid for, that is ceasing to exist. And maybe a few people who subscribe to PS Now but not PS Plus (assuming that they're getting access to the premium tier and you don't have to be subscribed to both)
The rest of us are just happy that our PS Now subscription hasn't screwed us over, and happy to be getting something of equal value in June
I'm fully aware that most subscribers also don't actually pay the amounts mentioned above, hopefully the long running system of being able to buy subscriptions from third party sellers, or getting heavy discounts on Black Friday will continue into the new world too
So if i grab 12 months PS Now in May i will get 11 months of Premium?
Just checked for ps now 12 month deals couldnt find any as mine ends in June, just my luck 😂.
So I got myself a year of PS Now from an ebay uk seller could not find more than a month anywhere else they really need to do something about plus I am a month into my year sub on there its a waste
@danzoEX For example, here in Brazil we're not getting PS3 games on the PS Plus at all, because we don't have the PS Now here. But we're getting the classic PS1, PS2 and PSP games in the "Extra" tier for a lower fee. However, this means that PS3 is streaming only in all regions.
Good news. My PlayStation Now doesn't expire until 2024
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