Update #2: The hiccups affecting PSN today appear to be easing up, with Sony slowly restoring functionality around the world. If you're still having problems, try restarting your console to see if it helps.
Update #1: While the PSN is not down for everyone, it seems that Sony is having some real challenges with its servers today. Specifically, there appears to be an issue with regards to PS Plus authentication, rendering games that require a subscription for multiplayer temporarily unplayable.
PlayStation Japan has acknowledged the problem, and we imagine other regional departments at Sony will follow.
Original Story: The PlayStation Network is currently having some issues, according to a number of users.
Online functionality appears to be working okay for us at the moment, but nearly a thousand players have submitted a report to website Downdetector in the last couple of hours. At the time of writing, Sony has not acknowledged any server outages, and the official PSN Status webpage states all is working as normal. Some are suggesting this has something to do with the latest firmware update for PS5, as well as PS4, but nothing is certain just yet.
We'll of course keep you up to date if any official statement is made on these reported PSN problems. Are you unable to connect to your online games on PS5 and PS4? Tell us in the comments section below.
[source downdetector.co.uk]
Comments 62
Without wanting to put my foot right in it, I confidently predict this downtime will be significantly less than 24hours this time out.
Looks like PlayStation Japan confirmed the issue (other regions will probably follow)
Oh no!? Lets all move to xbox and never look at another playstation ever again!!!
I want to check if mine is running, but I'm in a zoom meeting and my TV is over my shoulder...
EDIT: Working fine for me in Ireland. PS Plus is also working normally.
Wouldn't it be cool if this was happening because Spartacus was rolling out on the sly...
Edit 2: Just tried again and I got the Could not Identify Subscription in Elden Ring.
Tried playing Bloodborne and it booted me into offline mode.
@Loftimus i was thinking about it
Working fine for me, just loading into a GT7 sport race. Seems to be an issue with the system update from what I read so probably best to skip that atm
Not working here in the UK
EDIT: I can't sign into the store on my PC either.
@redd214 Not really, people are reporting the same thing without the update.
It seems to be affecting PS Plus subscriptions, so it makes sense that GT7 single player would be fine (as it doesn't need one).
The missus tried playing Fall Guys. Keeps saying connection failed.
Ah, what a mess, do Sony really take notice of Thier services it's always issues like this that annoy me highly 😤😤🙄🙄
@Voltan I'm playing online bud you must've missed the part where I said I played a SPORT race, just finished a with 15 others no issues. Thanks for your input though
Can't login from Canada.
I’m in US , as of right now sometimes it works sometimes its not . i’m just switching through games to see , and what a mess right now
Hopefully it’ll be fixed by the time work is finished for most of us (U.K.). I’m playing a PS Plus game currently and don’t want any authentication issues.
Today I was trying to back-up my game save(for a PS5 game) to the cloud and it took me to the PS PLUS page to subscribe??? :-/ THIS IS WHY(YES I AM GOING TO SHOUT) I WANT TO BE ABLE TO BACK-UP MY 'PS5' GAME SAVES TO USB !!!PLEASE!!! SONY :-/ WHY CAN'T I DO IT FOR??? IS IT BECAUSE I HAVE TO BE FORCED TO BUY PS PLUS ALL THE TIME??? Hmm.
Do we have to have the sarcastic “let’s all move to Xbox” comments every time. We get you only own a PlayStation. We get you believe everything is a console war. Some of us own multiple consoles and can see the faults in all of them and don’t needlessly defend them no matter what.
It’s only right that push square report any issues and down time. It’s right that people point out a game needlessly being online only are then offline at the same time. Again needlessly.
Both Xbox and Sony have similar issues and everyone should want and expect better
@Loftimus as soon as I heard this news I rushed out. We all need to take a stand. Haha
I'm trying to play Returnal in coop but alas, it doesn't connect to the online services...
@Stocksy 👍
@Loftimus who suggested that? Apart from you? Why do you constantly flood threads with your constant stream of mocking anything you deem “anti playstation” is it not correct and appropriate for push square a PlayStation site to report on down time that might effect the hobby we all love?
Also I think you will find many of us here already own an Xbox and a PlayStation. Only a few of you “brave” soldiers left fighting that imaginary war.
@Stocksy its a ps5 though. And the only reason i don't own an xbox is because there is NOTHING on xbox worth my investment. The software doesnt even come close to ps studios work, so why would i buy one, other than to virtue signal on here?
@Stocksy my comment was sarcasm towards the hyperbole crew. Calm your horses mate.
Not in the Netherlands i cant play online.... ☹️
@Loftimus You won't be saying that NOTHING with all caps in 2 years.
Any real gamer would be getting one by 2024. There should be enough.
@RevGaming yeah ive been hearing that for almost ten years mate. If they build them, i will come.
I had the PS+ problem and it took me a couple tries to login. It's not the new firmware doing it because I have not updated the firmware on my PS5 yet and it still gave me the error a couple times
Just got an email that my Sony accounts password has been updated and it looks legit, this can’t be good.
@Rural-Bandit its not just financial invest is it though? I haven't got the time to play tunic when im playing kena and sifu. Gt7 came out this month mate. No way Tunic tops that.
I've just checked. Had to install the latest update. After restart everything is running absolutely fine. (In the UK)
@Rural-Bandit i didnt say there where no good games. I said there is nothing there for me. I stand by my ps studios comment. They're not even close.
@RevGaming You were doing well till you dropped the "Any real gamer" bomb. From that point you became as big an arse as the person you're moaning about.
Was just playing Horizon in the UK and appeared to be logged in, and could see friends online. Was also able to download the firmware update and browse psn
@Eldritch The self awareness that you have can't even be detected by the most sensitive automatic machine.
@Loftimus They didn't have 30 studios back then.
Common dude.
@aj102404 Heard Microsoft was a target from a group that hacked nvidia and some other companies too. Maybe it's the same here.
@BeerIsAwesome PlanetSide 2?
Exactly. Im not into xboxs catalogue of games. Is that alright with everyone? Like i said i stand by my quality comment. Forza is good but im a circuit race fan so to me its not as good mate and never will be.
People on here need to realise this is the place to come if you're a playstation fan. So, if you all come here and go off when you hear someone say they aren't interested in xbox? Maybe you need to have a word with yourselves and ask why you are really here?
Ill give you a tip. Its for the dopamine fix you get from judging people.
People need to realize that there are MANY people that have both systems and have an interest in being here for PlayStation news but don’t need to get constant backlash if we happen to enjoy something on another system. It’s OKAY to like both PlayStation and Xbox. It’s just sad that people have to attack one another’s views. Who cares? They’re games and there’s plenty to like on both systems. Period.
@RevGaming ive just said to you, when them bangers come out ill get one but im not buying one just to wait for them. Ive got my ps5 for that.
@awp69 who jumped on who?
Probably Sony trying to nobble the GT7 bots...
@Loftimus Just wanted to say that I agree with your points.
I bought a Series X to wait for those bangers, specifically the big WRPGs that were announced, but it's just been sitting there gathering dust for the last year.
And the news today about Fable doesn't fill me with confidence either. I've lowered my expectations significantly for that one.
I've never had a new console before that I've not used. It's a stunner, with amazing potential, but it's just sitting there, looking great but doing nothing.
Meanwhile my PS5 is still blowing my mind. I was just thinking last night about how I've still got console launch hype for it because it just keeps delivering. Feels like the PS1 days all over again.
Of course, as you say, that's just down to my own tastes, and not to dismiss the tastes of anyone else.
PlayStation just does a much better job of catering to my tastes.
No problems at the moment here in northern Sweden.
Playing Gran Tursimo 7 online.
Maybe they took all Plus servers to expand the GT7 servers? /jk
They are probably preparing their servers for the new Plus service together with these firmwares for PS4/PS5. My guess at least.
@Shepherd_Tallon thanks mate. You worded it far better aswell.
It makes me wonder if this update is prepping for Spartacus, hence why it might be having some Plus authentication issues.
If this is wanted... big lack of communication!
Well the PS5 has just had its firmware update, I know it's down for the entire PS+ on all consoles, but I wonder if there's any relation.
I wonder if this is a side-effect of the rumored PSN and PS+ merger that was supposed to happen in spring
@RevGaming nah, he's playing Socom and Madden 2004
I just updated my system and now I can't get online to play Destiny 2. And my PlayStation plus is good until November
It seems to be fine for me now.
I might as well go outside and see what this sun thing is people keep talking about.
They'll get this sorted pretty sharpish or they'll have to start offering compensation for the outage I assume.
I wonder what compensation if they offer at what will it be this issue is sweeping to wild
Yeah, hasn't been working for me after my subscription ended. Fix it Sony!
@GoodGame It's back for me now too.
Yeah as long as it's not 24 hours it's not the end of the World and I can still play my Single Player games too. Having a Single Player game rendered completely unplayable because of server issues is a different kettle of fish altogether.
I complained about no folders in the latest firmware update and now the servers are down. Sorry everyone.
I just got home and everything seems to work fine for me, but also status.playstation.com is mostly back to green, so maybe they just fixed it in the meantime
My mate said that he did the update on his ps5 then everytime he tried to access online it booted him to the ps plus screen, not sure who else took note but maybe it has some correlation?
Finally was able to log in and turns out it was just a really, really good phishing attempt. One of the best I’ve seen. The only thing off was two words were missing a space.
Im surprised Twitter didnt blow up with 'insiders' saying this was all a signal that Project Spartacus was releasing this week!
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