Update: Additional insight on Sony’s revamped PS Plus subscription comes courtesy of Niko Partners analyst Daniel Ahmad, who explained on Twitter: “Sony's services revamp isn't looking to compete 1:1 with Xbox Game Pass, and it's leaning into adding additional value through a tiered approach. [It’s] more about combining its two existing services into one and adding extra perks. PS Now growth was low.”
All of this, of course, makes sense, but considering the climate, this is going to be a challenge for PlayStation to package. To be fair, though, PS Plus and PS Now do need a makeover, and if Sony can successfully add value and subsequently upsell subscribers, then this may not be a terrible idea. The proof, as always, will be in the pudding.
Original Story: Sony will reveal its heavily rumoured Xbox Game Pass-inspired PS Plus reboot as early as next week, according to Bloomberg. The subscription service – which first leaked last year – will be introduced with a “splashy lineup of hit games from recent years”, according to reliable journalists Jason Schreier and Takashi Mochizuki, who were speaking with “people familiar with the plans”.
The service will apparently combine PS Plus and PS Now, and there’ll be a variety of tiers to choose from. Internal documents outed last month hinted that there’d be three options: Essential ($10 per month), Extra ($13 per month), and Premium ($16 per month). It’s rumoured that Extra will include a vault of on-demand games, while Premium will throw in streaming functionality as well.
For clarity, Essential is being described as the current, established PS Plus offering – although we don’t yet know if there’ll be cheaper annual options available. It seems unlikely Sony will make any adjustments to the basic subscription, and will instead rely on trying to upsell existing members.
Additional perks for more expensive tiers will apparently include “classic games” and extended trials, although crucially there’s no mention of whether the service will offer day one exclusives like Xbox Game Pass – in the past, Sony has said that’s unsustainable. It’ll be interesting to see how PlayStation plans to position this, and how it intends to bridge the value deficit against its closest competitor.
It’s worth noting that any of the aforementioned documentation represented early plans, and thus will be subject to change. As such, we’ll need to wait and see exactly what’s in store, and how Sony intends to package it. If this Bloomberg report is to be believed, however, we could find out as early as next week, which corroborates previous rumours that suggested the service was almost ready for primetime.
[source bloomberg.com]
Comments 129
If online was free like it was on the PS3 I’d drop Plus in a heartbeat.
Edit: I thought I stated this as just a statement. I’m very aware that this will never happen. Xbox customers caused this and Sony followed suit. Now, there is no choice.
I’m very interested in this. Just wondering how they will handle people that have years of stacked Plus and Now.
I currently have 2 years stacked of both and a year of EA Access. Would be nice if they followed Microsoft’s way of converting Gold to Game Pass Ultimate.
Another day, another "it's totally happening next week I swear". I'll believe it when I see it.
Those tiers still sound a bit weak to me, but we'll need to see what's actually included before jumping the gun.
Please keep the yearly payment plans. Even the cheapest at $10 a month is way more that the current yearly price.
@OmegaStriver It won't be.
If those prices turn out to be correct, its not terrible. But it REALLY needs to live up the cost and keep at it. Also still really hope Crunchyroll gets added into the mix. That would definitely seal the deal for me.
That said: I don't believe this is being announced next week. We've seen it for way to long, and it never happened. It was also rumoured to be announced during last State Of Play, and look. Nothing there either.
So is standard PS plus going to be a lot more expensive now. On the uk store it’s £49.99 a year and if you shop around you can get it much cheaper but at $10 a month that says to me it’s going up a lot
So if that replaces the current PS+ we move from €60 to €120 a year? Well, that would just suck...
@lolwhatno While I appreciate your point, this is a Bloomberg article from reliable journalists and with it being GDC this week I imagine the news has seeped out from that. So I think it's true this time.
I think Jason has already said that there not doing the day in dates like Microsoft does already when this was very first leaked.
@lolwhatno Or so the rumour goes
As you say, it will be interesting to see how they position it. It can't be sold as a Game Pass competitor if it doesn't have Day 1 releases.
I'm absolutely not expecting first-party games on day 1 though.
It would be nice, but I'll be super surprised if it happens.
For myself, if there's a substantial library of classics and if they add Crunchyroll to it eventually I'll be happy.
Would love to see titles like The Adventures of Alundra and Vagrant Story in there.
That's what I'm looking for with this service.
@KomrathDE @Fuzzymonkeyfunk I'll add an extra sentence to the article. We don't know if there will be annual options yet, but it's highly unlikely the annual price for Essential will change.
Demos and classic games are what catch my eye the most. I knew Sony wouldn't have new releases on the service, but if they add PS1 and PS2 games it'll be so worth it in my eyes.
@SoulChimera I'm in the same boat and was wondering this very same thing. It will be interesting to see how they handle this.....
Do you think guys if this is revealed next week that it will be via PS Blog or an actual event?
@OmegaStriver And that's exactly why it's not free.
@Snake_V5 Most likely something along the lines of a State of Play announcement on Tuesday or Wednesday, then they show it on the Thursday.
@Snake_V5 ps blog and some major media outlets if I were to guess.
@Shepherd_Tallon some of the suikoden games would be nice too. Tbh I'd just like the option to download all games from previous gens instead of streaming. I live in the wilderness of Cornwall so broadband is still sketchy round here
@get2sammyb I can never understand why anyone would pay monthly for ps plus. I get my subs from the days of play sale every year, you can usually bag a year for £30 from shopto. I’m interested to see if they’ll offer a way to upgrade your subscription seeing as I’m subbed till 2027
Finally. This has been going for too long. Get it out there Sony.
@Snake_V5 I think actual event on March 30th/31st. The upcoming PS Studios lineup is completely unknown now in terms of precise release dates so I could see a larger scale event which reveals new PS Studios games, more info on GoW Ragnarok, some 3rd party stuff, Spartacus and maybe even PSVR2.
Got to love Bloomberg always leaking stuff and hyping it up. The Switch Pro nonsense from last year is still fresh in my mind. If this is real they need to just announce this, thr longer the higher the expectation and the more people will be disappointed. This isn't going to match up to Game Pass and anyone that thinks so is being foolish.
10 dolls per month is far too much for a basic tier. Far too much and a heck of a lot more than what I pay now. That's like doubling the cost for no extra benefit, based on this article
@Sam_ATLUS It won't be the same as Game Pass, but it can be a better version of PS Plus, which I think most posters here would appreciate.
@General_Spiller I added an extra paragraph to the article. We don't know what the annual prices will be yet, but it's highly unlikely anything will change to the current annual PS Plus price for the basic tier.
I think this is more about trying to upsell, rather than doubling the price for what's already available.
I can't wait to be thoroughly annoyed and disappointed that I have to pay extra to stream classic games when Microsoft has been decimating Sony on the backwards compatibility front for ages now.
@MrGilly69 Ah good shout. Downloads would be essential for sure.
Wouldn't mind a purchase option in there too.
What an interesting phrasing. A splashy lineup could either be great games (those that make a splash) or terrible games (those that barely make a splash).
So yes, the lineup will certainly be "splashy".
@get2sammyb how many times does Bloomberg need to be proven wrong till we stop referring to them as reliable for Playstation news exactly?
@OmegaStriver Me too
I’m curious what kind of conversion there will be for current PS Now subscribers.
What's to bet that the PS1 and PSP games (if true) won't have Trophy support...
@naruball What's Schreier been wrong about recently?
@Snake_V5 They probably won't.
@get2sammyb Plus definitely needs some improvements so that would we welcome, especially as a lot of us are at the point we dread getting to the last Wednesday of the month to see them announced. Speaking of Plus has there not been any leaks for April yet?
"Classic games" is the interesting part for me. If that includes PS1 and PS2 being emulated without streaming, then that would be very exciting. However, I don't play online that often, and only very rarely have PS+, so it'll be hard to win me over.
@Sam_ATLUS Not that I've seen!
Timing makes sense. Latest firmware update might have been hiding something Spartacus related and next week is when we’d get April’s PS+ game announcements. I predict a Wednesday or Thursday announcement, and if not Wednesday, they won’t announce the April PS+ games until the event on Thursday.
@Milktastrophe I think they mean it in the context of "attention grabbing" and "eye catching".
@get2sammyb But doesn't every game that comes to PlayStation HAVE to have Trophies like legally or something? I know they don't have to have a Platinum Trophy.
@NathanCox exactly, I'm not paying $120 a year just to be able to play online that's absurd.
This is Sony’s Kobayashi Maru. It’s going to be billed as a gamepass competitor whether they want it to or not and they’ve already said multiple times that model isn’t sustainable.
My prediction is it’s solid, gives us old games a lot of us have been dying to play (hopefully real old with trophy support but that’s a pipe dream) and we get much better bang for our monthly buck. People still riot anyway.
I’ve never even had time to play all the plus games…it’d be cheaper for me just to buy and trade back the games I want than spend £13 a month (although I’m sure there will be a yearly option). If they add older games, that I could stream to my phone (so turn based gameplay), with trophies, I’d be more interested though.
Yah this sounds lame and another way to squeeze more money out of the loyal Sony player base s.
I have no interest in streaming or access to old games I already have or have played. If there is no game pass-Like day one releases this is nothing more than a price increase and/or nickel and dimming added to what they already have and certainly not a competitor to game pass. Can you imagine of Sony actually thinks paying 120 dollars a year just to have online functionality is sustainable?! The sad truth is, yes, I can see Sony being that stupid all to bleed more. Money out of us.
It feels like Sony is going to continue to have to learn the hard way that their leadership and current direction toward rampant additional monetization focuses will be met negatively.
Can you throw a few more words into that headline? I don't think it's quite long enough.
If the tier that includes demos of first party games also includes a discount to subsequently purchase them - 10% wouldn't be unreasonable - I think that would be a winner. Because no way can Sony afford to do day and date first party releases as part of their subscription model.
@PJ5 @NathanCox @Fuzzymonkeyfunk
That's probably just the "pay per month" option though.
Yearly bundles often work out cheaper on a month by month basis.
Currently it's €8.99 per month here, €24.99 for 3 months, or €59.99 for 12. I'd eat my socks if it costs €120.00 per year for the lowest tier on Spartacus when it's looking pretty much just regular PS Plus.
Sony's service needn't be competitive with Game Pass to be better than it is, and it needn't offer the same value to be successful. I believe Sony are not aiming to convert Game Pass die-hards so much as to win over those among their base who are either confused or not interested in their current convoluted offerings. My Now and Plus subs just automatically renewed last month, and I'm looking forward to them converting to whatever this improved offering is. As an exclusively offline gamer, it will all come down to the games for me. I anticipate an expanded library of first- and third-party titles, back-compat classics, and free trials. Just don't make the conversion of my current subs a headache! (Little hope there, given recent track.)
Agreed it feels like the Switch Pro all over again at this point.
@get2sammyb I'm certain that's what they mean too. But it doesn't change the fact that I've only ever heard splashy to mean bad before. I'm sure I'm not the only one.
@Colour I don't know why Sony keep saying it's not sustainable? Tell that to Microsoft where is working wonders for them and Xbox, where its going from strength to strength. I can honestly see Microsoft having equal amount of Game Pass subscribers as PS Plus subscribers in the end, maybe even surpass it.
@get2sammyb no problems with upselling, good business practice. Based off the article and 10 dolls being banded around, I'd have to reconsider.
That said, 'm actually intrigued to see the offering.
As long as their first party games sell 10 million copies, you'll never see a "gamepass" on PS.
This will basically be the same as Nintendo's sub service
What tier is the Legend of Dragoon with trophies tier?
Personally of like to see a ‘basic’ tier that’s cheaper than the current one and drops the monthly games, just covers online access and saves. Not a fan of the ‘don’t change anything just sell you more’ approach it sounds like they’re taking.
@KomrathDE They will justify the increased cost as it will have PS Now also for that price......I think.
@SoulChimera I'm like you and have years of PSN stacked on my account. I have a feeling they'll go the Nintendo route and pro-rate existing plans.
@Snake_V5 There are a few reasons. One is Microsoft has their hands in so many cookie jars that Xbox is the bully no matter what. Like most businesses when the big box comes to town they will just nuke your price and lose money until you have to take your ball and go home. They have deeper pockets so you’re losing from jump street.
Two is peoples misconception of what Sony is actually worth in relation to Microsoft. They obviously dominate in movies and music as well but their technology footprint keeps getting lighter and can’t live off massive globally sourced government contracts for software/hardware/R&D.
They can never and will never compete with Microsoft financially so these are the things that we as consumers have to support to keep them around or take the value proposition and move to xbox for day and date titles.
It’ll have to be really good to keep me on board with it in any capacity. I barely use my PS+ stuff. If it weren’t for Elden Ring, I wouldn’t even play games online at the moment, due to the lack of good, new mp FPS titles the past year or two.
Hopefully I’ll be able to redownload all the ps1 games I bought on ps3 that are linked to my account.
Doubt it though.
If there's a tier that would allow me to play PS3 (potentially PS2!) games locally I would happily pay if reasonable, I tried streaming them with PS Now and was left with complete disgust.
What Sony should do:
Make it so that every users’ PS1-3 digital back catalog is playable over streaming at no additional cost to Essential users. It’s not $10 to play games you already own but rather to rent a server to play them from.
If the classic games have trophy support im down. If not I could careless, and will probably just stick to the basic tier of Plus.
@Snake_V5 Thats my gut feeling as well. I do wonder what their going to do with the catalog of PS2 games that have trophies currently if the new classic additions don't support them. 🤔
@Shepherd_Tallon US has that same pricing structure, so I'm glad somebody pointed it out, just sad it didn't come until post 53, but thank you just the same, you did your part. 👍
Sony should roll in Crunchyroll/Funimation for the top Premium tier, games can just go in Extra. I mean it's basically just going to be what they have now: Essential is PS+, Extra adds in PS Now, Premium can add in anime w/ some avatars, demos, themes whatever, like what PS+ used to be when it was entirely optional and only $50 on PS3.
@OmegaStriver Lol, don't count on it
To me it just sounds like a excuse to get more money from plus than is paid now, every other company is raising prices why not Sony
Microsoft is heavily subsidizing Gamepass. Development costs are higher than ever for AAA development. And the third party day and date releases requires them to pay hefty sums.
Eventually Microsoft will need to raise the price if they ever want to actually make money off of it. Don’t get me wrong, Gamepass is amazing. But once it crosses the 50 million subscriber mark I wouldn’t be surprised if the cost jumped up a decent bit.
It works for them because they are worth 2 trillion dollars. By comparison, Sony is worth maybe 200 billion. Microsoft can easily subsidize AAA development. Sony can’t; they need those expensive 200 million dollar AAA first party games to sell.
Give me more PS1, PS2 and PS3 games! I want to play Ape Escape 3 lol
Schreier has a pretty solid record as a reporter so I’m looking forward to the announcement - curious what it turns out to actually be
I just want legacy games. Praying I don't have to pay a pricey tier for features I'll never use.
@Fuzzymonkeyfunk Currently 1 month sub fee is the same 9.99$. It is always the same with all sub service that you get cheaper price for annual sub. There is nothing new here
All will really depend on what is actually downloadable for me. Streaming still is not up to snuff.
@TheRedComet I thought Microsoft are making money with Game Pass?
As expected, this isn't a GP style service, yet people still think day one exclusives should happen.
Look at the recent physical charts, their largely made up of Nintendo and PlayStation titles because they sell. You wouldn't expect Nintendo to put Botw 2 on their expansion pak. So don't expect it from Sony.
Previous rumors have been ambiguous about the possibility of expanded backwards compatibility. Now it seems that the Premium tier will add "streaming functionality" over Extra. I guess this would cover classic games which means native BC is pretty unlikely.
It’s going to be much ado about nothing and fake outrage will complain it doesn’t match their unrealistic expectation about imaginary promises.
@Snake_V5 majority are running on £1 deals that have been stacked up over months/years. The price will go up eventually and then you'll see the complaints. That's what sony mean when they says it's unsustainable. It's the same reason COD will never be exclusive to Xbox/GP. They'd be missing out on millions from ps sales. Nobody on Xbox buys full price games anymore. They expect them all on GP.
"Splashy lineup" has got me hoping for games of a watery theme. Nothing like a weirdly curated game list. Not sure what games of Sony's would fit that bill though.
This will 100% not be a direct competitor to game pass. People need to get that idea right out of their head, or they're going to be very disappointed.
They use Soviet “math.”
It’s not making real money. It’s basically breaking even at this point.
So, basically the same old services with shiny new marketing?
If they pull the same ***** they did with the ps+ library only being available on ps5 with this new service, sony can kiss my fat ass.
PS Now growth is low because it launched as a streaming service, which might as well have not existed it was so useless and later started allowing downloads but they didn't really market that new selling point at all.
Personally, services like PS Now and GamePass are a death knell for the physical games market and I don't trust the industry.
People need to stop saying this is their Gamepass competitor because it's not and it never was going to be. This is just adding value to PSnow and combining their already existing services. Microsoft is bleeding billions of dollars now so maybe in the future there will be hundreds of millions of people subbing to GP and it will make them a profit. I just don't see it, most casual gamers aren't going to pay $15 a month for games they're not going to play.
If this “Spartacus” service has downloadable PS1,PS2,PS3,PS4, and PS5 content that can keep me busy until new first party quality games comes out for a decent price, I’ll definitely check it out!
I'm super interested in what games will be available in the higher tiers, if the library is better than the current Now library, I'll be all over this.
@rjejr I feel like a broken record saying this sometimes, but I would give my left arm to see Crunchyroll on it.
Game Pass already exists. I want PlayStation to do something unique to PlayStation.
Put Crunchyroll Hime on the box, give me anime, and give me a PS1/PS2/PS3 library.
I mean if first party titles don't land day one, or at least some what close, what'll be the difference between new and old?
Also, hopefully the older games will be downloadable and not just streaming.
Wish there is a tier for Crunchyroll
Sony don't even need a gamepass competitor, they are still leading the market and still creating blockbuster million seller games, the reason xbox created gamepass was because they were failing and so far behind sony and their games weren't selling. Also playstation plus has more subscribers that gamepass and will continue to do so, infact it has 48 million subscribers compared to the 62 million xbox one, Series S and X console sales combined.
@UltimateOtaku91 I don't think PlayStation is leading the market now, Xbox is overtaking them now. Game Pass is going from strength to strength, even Microsoft are shocked at the growth of it. I think that the amount of Game Pass subscriptions will overtake PS Plus subscriptions soon.
@Shepherd_Tallon PS2 is the only console I've ever traded in. I thought for sure backwards compatibility would continue. I have a shelf full of PS2 game discs. I wouldn't pay for any game individually, but put them on a subscription service, sure why not. Not sure if I'd pay extra just for Crunchyroll but I'd watch some if it was included in 1 of the tiers I was already paying for. Planning on getting Hulu with Live TV for $70 once baseball season starts in 2 weeks, I'll watch some Disney+ stuff.
@Snake_V5 this has PS Blog post written all over it.
@lolwhatno always the voice of reason in the comments section aren't ya 👀
@Snake_V5 if microsoft was leading the market then why do all third party games sell more copies physically and digitally on playstation consoles by a LOT, just look at elden rings sales for example which are selling three times more on playstation than xbox consoles, you can't say its because of gamepass as it isn't on gamepass and the same can be said for every other third party game, there hasn't been a third party game sell best on xbox since the mid 360 days
@UltimateOtaku91 The reason why games sell more on PlayStation than Xbox is because there's a bigger install base on PlayStation, not because there leading.
@Snake_V5 isn't selling the most consoles and games classed as leading?
@UltimateOtaku91 😈
@UltimateOtaku91 I'm just playing senpai 😄
@Snake_V5 haha no problem kohai 😜
On a serious note, yes eventually gamepass itself will catch up on sales but only because its on xbox one, Series S and X, PC, android, ios, soon to be TV's and will eventually get a fire stick type device, whilst playstation plus is just on console. If sony do make a decent gamepass service then they need to put it onto PC, mobile and TV's as well
@UltimateOtaku91 I'm surprised there isn't a PS Now app and you can play games via streaming kind of like the Game Pass app. Closest thing is the Remote Play app.
Splashy??? Do I have to play it in my bath then??? I know I LOVE PlayStation but playing it while having a bath is a bit to obsessive Whatever it is it really has to be AMAZING to get me to subscribe really. Plus I hope SONY don't get slaughtered(again) once they show it(of course they will, silly me) :-/
If we get any of new Aloy game, sackboy grand transactions racing, Rachet, returnal, i will be happy
Well I care more about subscriptions on PC where I can’t rent games.
If I can rent new Kirby and Stranger of Paradise on Day 1, a subscription I do not control makes less sense.
But more options is always good.
now everyones excited about playing older games…
@Fuzzymonkeyfunk Even at full price you are a idiot if you go for a monthly subscription.
@TheRedComet Microsoft is making money of Office, Windows and the US Army thats why they can splash their cash.
I hate this GP ***** this takes money away from stuff i find important like new games. I dont have a PS for the value of a service. And i dont care to try games i wont touch.
I have reviews sites and YouTube for that nonsense. I dont want a subscription with no hint of ownership. This is all because of the cry babies who want value instead of good games.
The only reason is that MS is doing this is to kill of competition just like all of US Corp. Amazon, Apple, Walmart, Google such a waste.
@lolwhatno what if all rumours come true?
I'm only good with this if they bring back QORE.
@Snake_V5 They was supposed to have that originally. PS Now was supposed to be on a lot more devices... But then they released it, and it fell flat on it face. So they canceled all plan for other devices beside Playstation and PC.
i actaully find this a bad thing as i can currently subscribe to ps now and play those games without having to buy ps+. in the new setup ps+ is mandatory so i have to buy that then buy the tiers on top of that.
They're going to have to offer a lot of value to get me to pay more than I already do. I have Gamepass and am really happy with that service. Given Sony's attitude with first party game prices and next gen upgrades etc. I doubt they'll come close. I highly doubt they'll even offer year old games like Returnal on a service, much less launch massive AAA games on the service like MS does.
I'd love to be proven wrong though as the PS5 is my preferred console.
Personally I don’t think PS+ needs to change it offers good value for what it offers, though of course that is subjective. PS+ has also been an enormous success. Around 50 million monthly subscribers is nothing to sniff at.
PS Now on the other hand DOES need a rebrand, many people still don’t understand the present offering and have already decided it’s not for them.
My worry is that they will ruin what PS+ is. For example I currently pay about £40 a year for Plus. That is good value to me, whereas $10 a month is not without SIGNIFICANTLY increasing the quality and range on offer. Hopefully we can still get Plus for around £40 per year.
As they are seemingly not going to have Day One first party releases included it is going to be a real struggle to look competitive vs Game Pass.
Unless you can download classic games im not interested streaming sucks.Would love the Prince of Persia trilogy,God of War 1 and 2 too download and play on ps5.
What some people (like me) wanted, was just BC.
The kind where you put in a PS1/PS2 disc and just play it.
They already did that for PS1 years ago and it was completely legal.
I really don't expect Sony to put their big AAA Single Player $70 games into 'Spartacus' on Day1 and miss out on that revenue. At best, maybe 6months after release but not day 1.
They can still have some 'Day 1' games in Spartacus - indies, AA''s and/or online only games that would 'benefit' more by having a large user base to fill the Online lobbies etc. They do have a number of 'Live Service' games that 'could' be given Day1. MLB21 obviously was 'successful' enough for Sony on Xbox Game Pass Day1 to put MLB22 into it Day 1 this year too...
Imagine if Sony get Spartacus up and running before April and offer MLB22 Day 1 too...
Putting aside the "would they raise ps plus basic tier price",there's still other questions that'll need answering with Spartacus.
PS Now has to date only been available in select countries/territories...(despite rumours, never came Down Under for example),it'd be quite an undertaking expanding its reach such as these stories suggest!🤔
Likewise,with the rumoured legacy titles subscription tier ala Switch,will they be streaming only,or have a local download/play option? Given most of the legacy titles on ps now had sounded like ps3 streamed games,& the relatively short lived "ps2 classics" range that came out on ps4,would Sony invest in adding numerous extra first & 3rd party ps1/ps2 titles to attract people into subscribing on the top tier?
Then there’s the question what sort of upgrade carrot/stick will they offer existing ps plus subscribers to upgrade?🤔
Subscription = aggressive monetization
Resulting in less quality and more "content for consumers" not "quality games for gamers".
@lolwhatno oh yeah I liked your comment, too many people getting their panties in a bunch over a bunch of rumoured rumours. I'm almost the elden lord mate. Getting real close now, what have you been playing?
It will not be what people think. Sony does not have the infrastructure to compete with services like Gamepass....it's not Sony's way of doing things. Sony's best hopes are to have some of its incredible back catalogue as part of each plan....and to somehow get some day one releases on the service....and no, I don't think this will be first party stuff.
Either way I am not personally interested as I am of the hardcore veteran gamer variety and it's always hardware and disc before anything digital...
I see alot of hype and misleading articles written on this subject...but I don't see Sony matching anywhere near Gamepass and that's fine..Sony's strength is first party but they want a bit more of the subscription pie and why not?
@lolwhatno lol that's how I felt about rocket league for the last couple of months. Luckily gaming over wifi brings with it the odd unstable connection. So luckily I haven't been playing it as much, straight up deleting it helped somewhat as well. Daamnnn dude you still on rdr2 😳
Well that's an easy question to answer, luckily you already know my fromsoft history. I've been playing this inbetween gotg and some other gamepass fodder that dropped (tunic, FAR etc) so it's not like I've been playing Elden Ring nonstop. That has somewhat helped me in my enjoyment of it because for however big and varied the game is, some parts of it do feel way too similar (some of the caves, basically 1:1 from beginning to end, general level design as well for however brilliant it is) though maybe it's because I've mainly been playing the game for a while now. I can't see myself playing anything but the remainder of ds3 after this for a while. Performance on series x is still a bit iffy, lots of shimmering where I'm at currently (mountaintops). And most of the lore still alludes me even after 90 hours in and 'almost' at the end. Though maybe that's just me, my brother and a friend somehow seem to know a lot more. But gameplay and the rest of the game is pretty great. Don't think I'll do a second playthrough as I don't ever do that but I do wonder what ending I'm gonna get.
@OmegaStriver same , i couldn’t care less about plus to be honest . i just want to play online
I'm on the "I wish they'd make online play free again, so I can drop the annoying sub." train. I don't need more games to play, I need more time and better quality games that don't try to take over my life and suck every penny out of me. If they try and double the price of plus just to play to online, they can do one.
I've got over 100 games in my ps+ library and I've probably played 5 at most. That's a pretty awful hit rate.
I know I'm old and out of touch, but I really just want to go back to picking a game I like, paying for it, playing and enjoying it and moving on to a new game.
@lolwhatno man it got real bad for me, I played it for about 100 hours in a month or two which stopped me from playing much else. Didn't even get that far either, I'm Diamond 2 now. Champion and grand champion are still ahead of me, your plat rank is one below me. But I can't see myself getting better at all from this point on, most of the things I do just come to me, I don't think I can see myself getting enough of an understanding to go up in rank once again. Oh yeah I'm familiar with that guy, my brother watches him all the time. Thanks mate, happy sunrise!
It would be cool if this launched with games like Dreams and The Last of Us: Factions.
If Sony can't put new games on this on Day 1, maybe it's the service games that they should be launching on it instead, then make the money back on subs and MTX.
Without monthly discounts and monthly games, there is no point in the lowest 9,99$ plan. Lots of people will be able to catch up on their backlogs without new monthly games. With games still having online trophies, this is becoming a pay-to-platinum business.
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