Previously set to release at some point this summer, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition — more commonly referred to as The Witcher 3 PS5 version around these parts — has been delayed. No new release window has been given, but developer CD Projekt Red does confirm that the title is now being handled by an in-house team, having been in the works at port specialists Saber Interactive since its announcement.
It's a real shame, since we're sure that plenty of players will have already been planning a new playthrough of The Witcher 3 during the typically quiet summer months. Alas, it's become abundantly clear that CDPR's development schedule has undergone some major overhauls over the last couple of years due to the pandemic, and the botched launch of Cyberpunk 2077 back in December 2020.
Hopefully the Polish studio can get things back on track sooner rather than later, and we're finally playing through Geralt's genre-defining adventure before the year is out.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 43
that strapline chef's kiss
Might give this another go. Especially if they add a seperate trophy list I can go for, ideally different to the first so I have new tasks to do.
I almost never replay games, but I also almost never play DLC, so complete versions can be interesting. No auto pops though please.
Oh, and, yeah…delays…not really important to me. Far too much to play. Just take your time and don’t mess things up.
I guess I got little ahead of myself by buying it before the update…
But given they still work on cyberpunk, they begin work on Witcher 4, how much can they have for this?
Lmfao oh CDPR, Rockstar, Square, and more
When will you learn that employing some third-party bare bones team to cheaply "remaster" or "remake", in reality repackage, your dated product to generate a low-cost boost of revenue, it just rarely turns out well.
Blue point was a rare positive anomaly on this front.
I am tired of these half-baked repackages and milking games for generations.
We need new studios, new ips, and new leadership in the game industry. When I say new I don't mean a ton of indie metroid vania copies.
hmm so now CDPR is working on the expansions for cyberpunk,the new witcher game AND taken on work on witcher 3 remaster.
i'm worried this will backfire considering their development problems with cyberpunk.
you would think they would learn and take on 1 project at a time to prevent overwork,and spreading themselves to thin.
A shame, but always best to get it right.
@KundaliniRising333 Bluepoint isn't going to be a cheap third-party team though. I get what you're saying, but Bluepoint contradicts the rest of your set up a lot.
@Jaz007 plus saber did the reasonable good switch port of the witcher 3,which runs suprisingly well considering the hardware it's running on.
Is this still a free PS5 upgrade if you already own the PS4 version. Finally grabbed it earlier this year the goty edition to finally see what all the fuss is about. Because of the busy Feb and March releases this year and an already huge backlog I wouldn't mind waiting for the PS5 version if it's a free upgrade still
CDPR have gone from one of the most successful and respected devs in the world to being ab absolute joke of a studio. Madness.
As long as they go on selling bucket loads 'they' dont need to do anything at all. Bad as gta ports were, take 2 made a mint from them.
Whilst many of us would wish for what you are demanding, we are statistically insignificant and they dont need to do anything to appease us at all. If we never buy another of their games again, its not gonna affect the bottom line, so why would they care?
Its pretty sad that with a pretty decent scaleable code base from the pc version they cant do this much quicker. I have zero faith in cdpr, they cant even pick and manage a dev partner for such can 'easy' project.
Shame as i was hoping this would be out for summer. But at least they are holding it back and trying to get it right.
So... when am I getting my witcher 1 and 2 remake?
I tried a second playthrough of Witcher 3 but just like Skyrim I find it difficult to replay big open world RPG's compared to more linear story-focused RPG's so I'll probably end up passing on this one.
No-one believes what this busted flush of a dev ever says anyway now, so this just reinforces that.
The chances are Saber Interactive have already done the bulk of the work already with CDPR finishing it off. It's worth remembering that Saber were bought out about over a year ago so maybe there parent company wants them to move onto other projects.
@thefourfoldroot sounds like our gaming habits are identical. Only dlc I have ever bought was elite back in the mw3 days.
@Beerheadgamer82 I would say yes to the upgrade still being free. They already said it was so if they decide to charge for it there's gonna be a huge uproar from the gaming community I reckon
@Angelus3K They messed up one launch and seem to have learnt the quality control lesson for the Witcher 3 PS5 version.
The Witcher Netflix show has made me interested in the game. I slept on it before mostly because it's a 100 hour game. If the yPS5 version is good I might check it out eventually. I already have a PS5 backlog (and I haven't got my hands on mine yet) to add to my PS4 backlog.
@MrGilly69 yh that makes sense. The last thing CDPR need right now is more uproar. I'm not their biggest fan myself after the Cyberpunk disastrous launch but I could end up adoring W3 when I decide to check it out
@Apfelschteiner True. I suppose it’s better it’s delayed until it’s ready. I’m surprised they didn’t handle it in house from the beginning though.
One of my favorite games ever. I'm in the midst of my first playthrough of Cyberpunk 2077 on PS5 and I'm absolutely loving it. I didn't have the bad experience everyone else had, so I'm looking forward to this.
Just unlock the framerate, ffs. That's all most of us want.
Strong rumour that the branch of Sabre Interactive that were working on the PS5 version were based in Russia and CDPR refused to work with them anymore due to the invasion of Ukraine.
Man oh man CDPR is still a mess.
Well there goes my summer game 😒
They clearly announced Witcher 4 to get good favor before throwing a bomb that the Witcher 3 upgrade is delayed. As long as there are multiple trophy stacks for this game, I’ll wait. But if there’s only 1 PS5 version trophy list, I’ll be disappointed.
Thought of morphine's "you look like rain"
I went ahead and got the ps4 copy for cheap. Haven't installed. Will install when the PS5 update releases.
I don't care when; I have plenty to play but CDPR can't seem to get out of their own way anymore. Maybe time for new management.
Omg these guys again, only promises but thats it.
To me it sounds like using an external Dev team wasn't working. Remember when SE did that for FFVII remake and product was better for it?
Most of Sabre's own work is done in Russia and Belarus. This is the most likely reason the the game was pulled and development returned to Poland. This is a great reason to delay a game and in this instance CDPR have my full support. Lives are more important than getting to play a game in the summer holidays.
I can be patient. Plan to replay the Hearts and Stone as well as Blood and Wine parts. Already did the Wild Hunt portion 3 times. In the meantime I got Ni No Kuni 2 and Keena to keep my busy.
Ok I guess comments will get locked again. I’m just not sure if this move hurts invaders or consumers
CDPR need to stop announcing games so early. You'd think they'd learn and wait until they know when a game will be ready before announcing it and building unnecessary unwanted expectations. But no, not only have they disappointed with a simple Witcher 3 upgrade twice they've also added Witcher 4 to the mix, so they can waste everyone's time for the next 8 years and probably delay and disappoint with that game too. Talk about not learning from previous mistakes.
I've been planning my FIRST playthrough of the game for a while lol. I bought the complete edition, and have it installed on my PS5. My backlog is giant after skipping the last gen, but The Witcher 3 with the PS5 update was/is at the top of my list. I'm really just waiting for 60fps 🥺
It's a huge game, take your time CDPR.
On the other hand, I think publishers should start thinking about producing new smallers games with higher frequency between the releases of these huge experiences.
more expected bad news from cdpr. is anyone surprised by this? they proved to us multple times that they are mismanaged beyond repair.
@Dragonaged Also still waiting for them to either remake or remaster Witcher 1 & 2 for PS4/PS5...
Maybe after they've released Witcher 3 next gen and are done with Cyberpunk updates?
Nobody saw it coming. 👀
@Dragonaged someone here is finally asking the right question. Would love to experience the first two games in a renewed fashion on PlayStation.
This is going the way of Rise of the White Wolf
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