The PS4 has been so successful for Sony that it's been keeping the console going for longer than many expected. PS5 has been doing well, but it's clear that a vast majority of PlayStation's user base is still on the older hardware, and so the platform holder has been continuing to cater for those yet to make the jump. However, at some point, support will need to stop, and it appears as though the cut-off will be 2025 at the latest.

This image, taken from Sony's recent investor presentation, shows how the company is planning to evolve its first-party output moving forwards. As you can see, in the third column — representing financial year 2025 — PS4 software is nowhere to be found, consisting of PS5, PC, and mobile. In other words, at some point between now and 2025, support for first-party PS4 games will be phased out, with the emphasis on PS5.
This is a much more gradual progression from one console platform to another than we're used to. Normally, once new hardware is available, first-party support for the older machine drops off a cliff, so this extended period of cross-gen is quite unusual. Given that PS5 stock is still struggling to meet demand, it makes sense to keep that huge PS4 install base engaged. God of War Ragnarok will land on both platforms, but Marvel's Spider-Man 2 and Marvel's Wolverine will be PS5 exclusive, so Sony is slowly nudging users across. It's just slower than we all thought.
What are your thoughts on this? Do you think Sony's commitment to PS4 is the right way to go, or should it be focusing squarely on PS5 at this point? Tell us in the comments section below.
[source sony.com]
Comments 56
Mobile makes me sick
I’d be surprised if it’s still releasing AAA games on it by the end of next year
I believe 2023 will be the last year of PS4 after Sony and third parties have released their current cross gen games
Some developers are slowly adjusting to next gen only with releases like Dead Space Remake and Gotham Knights
Sounds like Sony's usual approach to generations - i'll be surprised if any more first party games release on it after God of War though
From 0% Mobile to around 25%. Disgusting
The commitment is good, and partly in recognition that demand for the new gen is still not being met. Once supply issues are solved, the transition will happen faster im sure.
I'm OK with this. PS4 had a good run. God of War is a great send off.
I actually want the transition to exclusive 9th Gen development to happen as soon as possible. The PS4 still has a massive library of games and I don't think anyone who buys a legacy system at this stage is doing so with the intent of playing the latest games first and foremost. Those who wish to buy a PS5 would be able to do so since the supply issues are getting sorted.
@NeThZOR it makes money so companies are adjusting to this…
As long as they still focussing on good Triple A games I’m ok with this.
I don’t need a mobile GT or anything like that.
@Sam_ATLUS Given how jaggy and juddering Gotham Knights was shown to be on a PC/PS5/XSX , I'm not surprised they dropped the PS4 and XBone versions. What's it written in - JavaScript??
I mean, if it looks that bad on a PS5, the PS4 would be about 10 frames per second! Just some very poor coding, I guess?
I thought God of War Ragnarok was going to be the last and final 1st party game for PS4.
Nudging players towards current gen is fine, if they are going to step up production of PS5's hitting the market.
If Spider-Man 2 and wolverine actually are ps5 exclusive then it will depend on how much they sell - if sales are decent then Sony leaves cross gen support for games going forward. If sales of Spider-Man 2 aren’t close to as good as the first one then maybe it will more depend on what’s going on over at Xbox - who will have left cross gen next year, prefering to support it via streaming.
That long. That’s disappointing. There are things PS4 can’t do beyond hitting a certain res or framerate the PS5 can. I can understand this though, given the chip shortage means the instal base is lower.
Well, that's fine.
From year 2013 - 2025 is pretty long support.
Bring more kids games for PS5 as I have accumulated 17 PS5 titles kids games on my list currently.
I thought PS4 would be around until 2030, so Sony could make money from a 200M installed base
I better hope so cause the PS5 would be 5 years old at that point. Some consoles don't even have such a long lifespan (like the Wii U)
So once again people are complaining about Sony doing stuff to get more revenue and increase market share...but clearly don't understand how business works.
Here is a quick math lesson for you...
Let's say Sony has 4 console games and 2 PC games planned for release in 2024. Sony then decides it wants to ADD 2 mobile games to the release schedule. That makes a total of 8 games planned for release. Guess what! Those 2 mobile games that they added are 25% of their release schedule.
The article isn't stating that Sony is stopping development of console games. Sony also said during the investor call that they are looking to partner with mobile developers. This is so they are not adding work to their first party studios that takes away from major tentpole releases.
If you don't like mobile don't buy it, but don't act like a company trying to strengthen its market share is a bad thing.
PS5 launched in November 2020. Realistically a focus shift should have happened early 2021. Focus all their efforts into the next gen instead of being stuck in the past.
I could be wrong as I was obviously much younger at the time but I don't remember all this cross gen crap happening when I upgraded from NES to SNES or from PS1 to PS2
It's unfair on those who shell out all that money on the latest console only for the same games to still be released on the old one
Thats cool by Me.ps4 is legendary.word up son
With the huge success of Ps4, Sony was always going to have a problem cutting of the games to focus on Ps5. If there hadn’t been a shortage of components for PS5, I think the transition would have been done by now, but still allowing for over 100 million PS4s, that will do nothing less than keep huge sales on the go for new 1st party releases and that ain’t bad news at all.
Let me know when they start making PS5s cause if they were still making them I'd be able to find one in the store for the average retail price. That thing has been out well over a year and it's like it doesn't even exist.
IF (and it's a big IF) Sony can manage to get on top of the production side of things, then the transition will happen.
Also, IF Sony can be bothered to bring out more PS5 only games to a broader spectrum of people, then the transition will happen even quicker. A PS3 remaster and PS4 capable platformer don't cut it, Sony.
If Sony don't get on top of this, don't expect heavy hitters like Activision and EA to stop supporting the PS4 any time soon, regardless of Sony's plans.
Sony: We know generations
Also Sony: We'll stop making games for our last gen console PS4 when our next, next gen console PS6 launches
It should stop today, honestly.
PS6 will release without us seeing PS5 true potential by this point..
@jrt87 May not be unicorns but it far from easy to buy one. I got lucky and got one finally but its still a big hassle.
@AFCC Its around for 2 years stop crying already.
I'm really glad we'll keep getting PS4 games. I have zero interest on PS5 until we get more exclusives.
If Ragnarok comes this year, it's safe to say Sony is no longer making PS4 games at the end of 2022. After Ragnarok, the only cross-gen title Sony will continue to make will be MLB The Show.
Sony can't control if third-party publishers continue to make their games cross-gen.
Don't care about mobile games and if most PS5 exclusive games are going to be online service games I'll finally be able to get through my back log of games.
So the PS5 Pro will be released before support for the PS4 ends....
@lolwhatno We all know why it is going like this and we still keep complaining. Look nothing is easy to get it a difficult time and games are to expensive to make.
For a small group of people (even if everyone buys a big title which will never happen its tight to make a profit) it so simple to understand. You are not going to spend 100 million plus on games not to make it back its that simple.
Its a business not charity with every new console it was slim pickings with games on release and that was without a war and a epidemic.
Well I'm glad I got a PS5 when I did, they have stopped producing PS4 pros anyways so this is inevitable at this point
@Nexozi not sure about the ps5 pro but yeah, I hear you on the live service approach to games now, the only time I'm looking forward to a new game comming out is when it's a major single player title like god of war but apart from that my backlog is also healthy to compensate the drought in the meantime 👍👍😁
@Truegamer79 don't give up hope, I got one by pure luck it's only a matter of time before you have the opportunity to get one too
@thefourfoldroot1 the console is struggling to keep up imo, with the specs the ps5 has, it will be difficult to make previous gen games for the PS4 at some point but it's good news that there is still a few more years before PS4 stops being relevent
@huyi Yea, I don't see the PS5 Pro coming out by then either. Just was stories going round yesterday that both the new PS5 and series X were meant to be out by then. For me that's way too soon. Especially with covid and the shortages of chips and PS5s themselves.
Def prefer single player games as well. Ghost of Tsushima, Spiderman, God of War and Horizon etc so many great games. Can't wait for the next God of War and hopefully it releases this year.
Damn, if they actually release a PS5 pro, and they stay this course, there will be no reason to get a PS6 in its first 7 years of life based off of Sony’s current path.
@Nexozi nah, it's too soon but I'm definitely looking and waiting out for the same games as you, I want to try Ghost of Tsushima but I also want god of war too, I think the chip shortage situation needs to be resolved otherwise Sony will never get the sales numbers like they did for ps4 consoles, I'm also hyped for the new god of war! Goodspeed to our backlogs 💪💪💪
@huyi I'd def recommend getting Ghost of Tsushima, it's an amazing game. The story and side stories are brilliant. For me it's one of the greatest games of all time. Another to add to ur backlog. 😂😂
Hopefully Sony will keep releasing solid single player games and our backlog will remain healthy! 💪
@OmegaStriver I'm with u, will not rush out and buy the PS6 right away. I still have loads of PS4 games that I still have to finish. 😂 I'd say 3 or 4 years for a console is not long enough. I will probably not bother with the Pro version this generation. Sony will probably announce the PS6 3 years after the PS5 Pro has been released.
Hopefully they'll announce some new PS5 games by then!
If this is the case, the current generation should be extended.
@Hobbesyall why? unless you mean you get car sick if you play games while you are in a car. but other then that people like to play games on their phone, why should they be ignored ?
@OmegaStriver im sorry buts wayy wayy to soon to worry about whats going to happen in the next 6-12 years lol.
2025 will be the maximum cutoff sure, but I bet most first party studios and AA developers will cut PS4 support by 2023.
I agree with you but there’s no point trying to reason with the internet. It’s like when people were complaining about indies at the beginning of PS4 gen or about VR games.
People are often just expressing an emotional state with no real logic.
There was no ‘ plan on stopping first party cross-gen games in 2020’.
It’s just a ridiculous lie constructed out of misinforming clickbaits or console war fud.
Indeed. Misinforming clickbaits butchering the quotes and taking them out of context.
Even Cerny said that phrase a few times before.
@NeThZOR I hate ppl like you! It doesn't even affect you. You don't have to play mobile so Instead of making a pointless stupid comment about phone games (which everyone has a phone btw lmao and I do play on my phone when I'm stuck somewhere bored) just don't and move on with your life easy as pie. Jesus christ just play your exclusives and stop wasting our time
@SweetSummerShunv I've been wanting to buy a ps5 for 2 years now, everytime I get in playstation direct they sell out like 3 times now. So no plenty of us still can't get a ps5 even though we're trying. Europe it's way easier not in America
@torne EXACTLY! thank you, been telling the mobile haters the same thing! It's doesn't affect you so ***** stop with your hateful comments you don't have to buy it duh!!!!!!
@jrt87 yeah no, just cuz you got them doesn't mean we haven't. Don't tell me I haven't tried when you don't know me and I have. 3 times at least on playstation direct alone and all 3 times sold out when it was my turn. Europe has it easier here in America practically impossible to get one before a scalper. I wish scalping was illegal I hate them. Outrageous to sell them over a 1000 dollars
@Flaming_Kaiser I'm not crying just tired of games not pushing the console tbh
@AFCC The games look awsome for me they run great and look great so im not bordered crossplatform or not especially the Firstparty titles.
@Flaming_Kaiser It's just frustrating to have the new console but have only a handful of exclusives for it! Paying 500 for a backwards compatible machine is not that tasty x)
@AFCC There are some brilliant games on PS5 that run brilliant so for me its no issue. Demon Souls alone is a reason for me to get a PS5 man i love that game. 😁
@Flaming_Kaiser good game indeed
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