Ooh, boy – we hope you’ve got one of those battery-operated pocket fans handy, because retro PSP title Ridge Racer 2 is looking hot upressed on PS5 and PS4. These screenshots have been scraped directly from the PS Store, so are official images that the publisher’s using to promote the game – but it’s clear Sony’s emulator is putting in some work.
While the user interface is grainy and clearly upscaled from the portable’s native resolution, the actual in-game graphics are pretty tasty. The game’s running at what appears to be at least 1080p, with the image quality greatly improved as a result. Obviously this higher resolution does expose some of the flaws of the original textures, but the improvements are vast, particularly in the scenery screenshots.
If this is representative of what we can expect from Sony’s revitalised retro efforts – and, remember, we still need to see the game in motion before making any firm judgments – then this could be one of the better initiatives the platform holder has introduced in some time. Ridge Racer 2 is an extraordinary game by the way, and it’s just one of many classics set to be included with All PS Plus Games.
[source resetera.com]
Comments 39
That glow-up, though.
Hey, not bad! Hopefully most of these games have been upscaled to some degree, would make a huge difference.
Looks much better than I expected! if they all looks like this, I’m much more likely to give the classic games a shot
Pretty sure Sony's emulator is doing the upressing so this should apply to all games. 🤞
Not bad to be honest. Given how used I am now to PPSSPP’s 4K output, this doesn’t stack up badly in comparison.
What does "upressed" mean? Do you mean upscaled?
In its day I’m sure it looked great but right now on Ps5 that looks shockingly bad
It's like a dream...
I have always liked the look of psp games, under their originally low resolution was a very appealing aesthetic.
It's really no different than playing old games on a fancy 3090 rig, you play them for the fun, the nostalgia and maybe to admire how boundary pushing some old games were for their time.
I have the digital version of this game. Do I get it for free?
Anyway, on a more serious note PSP has some of my favourite racers of all time: Outrun 2006, Motorstorm, Underground Rivals... I would love if SEGA ditched the Ferrari cars and offered Outrun in PS4 in some form.
I've missed these games. If we get Type 4 as well, that'd be a treat.
@PegasusActual93 fair point 👌
Maybe someday Crisis Core will look like this.
Completely forgotten I used to play this when I had a PSP. I’m quite looking forward to playing some of the earlier Ridge Racer games again
i'm enjoying this so far, i can't wait to see what they'll end up like with some more work. i'd rather they put work into each game then rush them out.
Outrun 2006 🤞🏻 although segas removing it's games from ps now so I doubt it
No new PS5 exclusives but....we get a dumpster-load of old games, hoo boy!! Life is so short, imagine wasting your time playing THIS.
humpf😤😤, as much as i love ridge racers 2 on the psp and completed it twice to 100% it's not enticing enough to pay for the premium service, no thanks, plus i have all rider racer games to play anyways, still have my copy of ridge racer type 4
Looking good, this is what I want from psone emulation on ps5, just add some 60 fps option and it will be complete 😃
@stinkyx Arent all game a "waste of time"? Stop it.
Beautiful, love a bit of up-rez!
Type 4 please, with trophies!
@Barryburton97 nah, the actual render resolution had been increased, upscaling is where you take an image at a lower resolution and apply filters to make it look better at a higher resolution
@Barryburton97 it means the internal resolution of the game has been increased from the PSP's original resolution to something larger like 1920x1080
@Realist pay them no mind, probably thinks Fifa is the best game of all time.
I hope we get all the PS1 and PS2 Ridge Racers.
Heck Namco, if you don't want to make a new RR, please port 7 to PS4. I love that game
Never played this so will give it a go. I love the original released on the PlayStation and RR Revolution and Type 4 are also great!
Hopefully all the PS1 games are going to be internally rendered at increased resolution, not just upscaled.
I'd be curious if all the classic PS1 games we've purchased way back on the PS3/PSP would be playable now, or its just the selected games that are added?
@BReal It's an old, old game so yeah in comparison to PS5 native titles like Gran Turismo of course it does look "Shockingly bad" - its a PSP game running on a PS5 - it's not a remastered PSP game.. it's just a PSP game.
As "shockingly bad for a PS5" as it looks, it's better to have it available to play, rather than not at all.
@PlatinumPlaystation It's a word they made up (which is annoying yes), but it's not rocket science - up (upped the) + res (resolution) = upressed.
Probably would have looked better if they just used the industry standard word of "upscaled" rather than made up their own word. It is kind of silly.
Users on ResetERA are now saying this was pulled from the store. Hopefully just a glitch as they rollout over there.
Is this truly the first real ridge Racer game to come out in the past decade? While it's a bloody good one can we have a new one namco?
@Party_Cannon debatable
All I know about Ridge Racer is the PS3 launch meme.
@Barryburton97 I literally had to read it out loud three times and still wasn't sure. Up-resolutioning?
@JimmyRiddle yeah, I don't think 'upressed' is a word. Barely shows up if you Google it. I think you can get away with 'Up-Res' .
@Barryburton97 Up-res'd is basically re-rendering at a higher resolution. Upscaling is not the same. Upscaling is using the native rendering and blowing that up to a target resolution. Upscaling has been done essentially since flat panels began and nothing special. What's being done here is basically like what remasters and emulators do.
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