The brand new PS Plus tiers have now launched in some Asian countries, and it's on the cusp of a Western release too. Despite this, we still only have a partial grasp on what to expect from the catalogue of modern and classic games available with Extra and Premium. Sony has stayed surprisingly quiet thus far, and so subscribers are making discoveries for themselves. Case in point: an official PS Plus banner image featuring Regina of the Dino Crisis series.
Spotted by PS5 players on Asian accounts, a tile promoting PS Plus Premium's classic games catalogue shows off the character clear as day:
We've seen multiple people screencapping this and sharing it around, and we'll try to verify this as well. For the moment, though, this appears to be legit, suggesting that Dino Crisis will be coming to the collection in the future. As of right now, the game isn't included, making Regina an odd choice to promote the classics range.
Something worth remembering is that the lineup of titles coming to PS Plus will vary between territories, so even though it looks like the Capcom fan favourite is heading to Hong Kong, that might not be true for other parts of the world. Still, if Sony is putting Regina front and centre, it suggests Dino Crisis is being treated as a big get.
We'll obviously have to wait and see how this shakes out. PS Plus is due to launch in the US and Europe in the coming weeks. For all the up-to-date info, check out our All PS Plus Games guide. Would you like to see Dino Crisis join PS Plus Premium? Tell us in the comments section below.
[source, via]
Comments 65
Another one of those classics that I never had a chance to play.
And the question remains the same: is it any good in 2022?
I used to love DC back on PS1.
A remake/remaster would be very welcome though
Now thats more like it... DC wasnt on PSP/Vita or PS3... Hopefully the start of some newly available games not just the ones they recently took our access away from...
Do it capcom. Give us Dino Crisis 2 as well, as well as the classic REs.
I'd love to play all of these with trophy support 💪
Now this is a game I’d want trophies for!
Please tell me there will be option to buy the ps1 games sepereately .
I guess we will only see the final retro list once all regions get the update.
Dino Crisis Current Gen Remake / Sequel confirmed...
You Know I Have a Theory That Sony Might Move Every Classic Game Off Of The PS3 Store To The New One Before They Shut It Down.
They are secretly promoting Exoprimal.
NOW we're talking...
I'd love to play Dino Crisis
@Areus It would make sense.
I'm trying to not get ahead of myself, but I'd love to see it because I'd have access to my favourites again.
Either way hopefully this is a sign that the library will expand over the next month before the final launch date.
@Voltan I watched all of this recently:
It gets a lot of hype, but generally it's pretty so-so these days I think, as these PS1 games usually are. I'd like a chance to play through it though.
Interesting to note there were two different designs for the Regina character for Dino Crisis. One for the West and one for Japan. The image used is the Western model, as the Japanese Regina from the art has a more circular face. Perhaps the use of the Western design is a hint in itself that it's going to make it over here.
@Shepherd_Tallon I Hope Sony Does Go Down That Route Even If It Take's a While Because There Are Alot Of PS1 PS2 And PSP Games On That Store That People Would Love To Play Again Especially If They Could Get 3rd Party Devs On Board With Trophy Support.
It feels like Sony is Teasing the Asians. If I remember correctly Sony said they will add more games in the middle of the month maybe Dino Crisis is part of it.
I just wish they did a RE2 Remake treatment on Dino crisis. Could be so good! And what competition do they have in the Dino market!?
Trophies please! I still have my physical copies but since I can't use them on PS5 (still have PS1/2) I'll happily buy it again (not subscribing to a service. Ever) for trophies.
Yes! I would love to play this as part of the PS+ Premium tier. Definite upgrade for me if this is available
@Stocksy It is on Vita
I have it downloaded on mine anyways.
Fantastic game, highly recommend.
Perfect choice for a remake using the RE engine used for RE2 and RE3 remake.
Ever try Blue Stinger on Dreamcast?
I bought a copy recently in Florida for $42
It's not as good as Capcom Survival Horrors, but its still an interesting game all the same. I loved playing it as a kid.
If this gets trophy support its a day one play. If not I really could care less.
@soimun might be regional. I’m in U.K. and I’m fairly sure it’s not available here. Maybe I just missed it and I thought I’d snapped all the classics up. I won’t miss it this time lol
Great game, still can't understand why Capcom killed this franchise. Despite being more action oriented, the second game is also very fun. The Dino Stalker and Dino Crisis 3 are crap though.
@Stocksy PAL regions like Europe and Australia didn't get it in the PS1 classics lineup.
I think Capcom will release all of their classic PS1, PS2 games, not just Dino Crisis, maybe they just need more time to adjust some things, like trophy support, this will be a good test for them to see if this franchise still has fan support and maybe in the future release a RE2 treatment.
IF there's Dino Crisis included I might be tempted to try a month of premium
If it's in i am subscribing.
This great news! Now just to have Parasite Eve 1 and 2 and im sold day 1
Probably just a typo, like that time they tweeted that image welcoming Bluepoint to PS Studios instead of Housemarque.
@hulkie some of them can be bought separately like Ape Escape or Wild Arms, some cannot like Tekken 2 or Batman Return to Arkham.
@Grumblevolcano I hope that doesn’t remain the case on the new service! That would not be cool. Thanks for the info
Oh man, I'd love to try this! Only played a few minutes back in the PS1 days. Another series I would love to see is the Fear Effect games. They're probably a bit dated by now, but I'd love to play them regardless.
The PS fanboy in me wants to have all Ridge Racer, WipEout, Tekken, MGS and Tomb Raider ever released available on the same system.
@GADG3Tx87 🙄🙄 this is the whole reason why they lock out physical BC in the first place, using our own discs is at a cost to Sony, they would rather lock it down the a subscription service and make you pay again than to let you play your old games.
I still have my old DC disc and would rather use that instead
Yeah, true. However since the confirmation of the games being purchasable separately for around £4 each it hardly breaks the bank for the few that I would play on PS5 just for trophy support.
For the rest I still have my discs and will keep them safe. Not that I'm defending them. This is why I always encourage anyone I know to keep their old consoles and games, don't rely on a corporation to provide you anything.
If a subscription was the only way to play them then I wouldn't do it. I'm not subscribing to this, or GamePass or anything that appears in the future.
Now... Dino Crisis is a favorite of mine. I double dipped having bought it for PS1 on disc and later for PS3/PSV back in the day digitally. Does that mean if it's one of the games available in my region that I will once again have access too or but on my PS5 even without upgrading to upper tier PS Plus?
Yes please let this be true and be one of the games you can download without a sub if you've already bought on a previous system
But but... I thought the list published from the Asia region was the "final list" <end sarcasm>
I would buy this as soon as it was made available in the US. I played this game several times after it was first released. Now if I could also just get my Soul Reaver fix!
Awesome, this a retro game ive wanted to play for decades...keep em coming Sony!
@Milktastrophe It's an easy mistake to make...the Bluepoint button is quite near the Housemarque button on a standard keyboard 😋
@torne It's like mere hours and minutes don't happen after news anymore 😋
@huyi I don't think the ps5 can even read standard CD-ROMs...maybe even not read dvds. ?
@KayOL77 everyone knows that there can be no further updates once an initial announcement is made. It's even more set in stone when the company in question even provides a note saying "more will be announced soon".
That's how you know for sure there won't be any more updates at all.
I'm not going to play it if it arrives, don't want to take those rose tinted shades off. Good memories playing DC. It's still sitting on my shelf but I've kept it there for the same reason. Some memories are to good to spoil
@torne 😂😂😂
This is one series I wish Capcom would make a modern sequel.
@AndyKazama I would love see a remake like Resident Evil 2 and 3 even more i loved these games.
@Blackmagehobbit they killed it because Dino Crisis 3 was horrendous...still enough time has passed at this point. And their 2 hybird inspirations, Juarassic Park meets RE, are popular again.
@Flaming_Kaiser a remake in the modern RE engine and it plays like classic Resi? Heck yeah. In fact more new Resi games in this style.
@AndyKazama But for the love if God no tank controls. 🤪
How this franchise didn't get a remake or a last gen sequel blows my mind.
@ThorsHammer Agreed and unfortunatelly I have a copy of the DC3 and tried to play many times but I can't since it is pure trash. I believe that the director is different from first two games and this one goes as bad as possible. I hope they may resurrect the franchise again, following the formula of either the first of second game (they are quite different but both are great).
@Flaming_Kaiser ngl, I want tank controls to be an option. I legitimate like em
Great news if true, hopefully they port over the other games as well!!
@KayOL77 nah, I don't think so, only ultra 4k blu rays and standard blu rays, the last Sony console to read audio discs was the PS3, that thing was a underrated powerhouse imo
@GADG3Tx87 fair enough if they are fairly priced but the fact that this subscription service is locking down any legacy games behind this service is disappointing compared to decades ago with PS2 days when they were so generous back then compared today
And I will be doing the same with my game discs too although we still have to worry about disc rot unfortunately 😱😱
Capcom needs to bring her back to lead exoprimal. The game literally has a dinosaur crisis, the portal theme fits into dino crisis.
Perfect opportunity to bring back Lost Planet's gameplay mechanics AND bring back a severely underused character.
They have apparently confirmed the games can be bought on the store if you don't want the service and I've seen some of the pricing, I think it was here at around £4 each. If you bought any classics on PS3 then those will be downloadable without charge.
I would prefer my discs but atleast I don't have to subscribe because I'm against services. More so now with the news of Sony's absolute shambles of their launch of the new one.
So it's going to be a drip feed then 🙄
@AndyKazama Im sorry i have to disagree i rather get punched in the
then sit through that nightmare of controls again.
@huyi Ah thanks.
@GADG3Tx87 that's not so bad If you can grab them in a flash sale or something, I might buy a few for cheap
PSOne games don’t really interest me that much. I’ve played them on the console at the time & on PSP & Vita. I would love some PSP additions like Crisis Core & FF: Tactics.
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