The Uncharted movie has its critics, but cinema-goers have clearly not been dissuaded. The action flick based on Nathan Drake's globetrotting adventures has been a hit in theatres, quickly becoming one of the most successful video game adaptations. The global box office figure has also recently reach a big milestone.
According to Forbes, the movie has just crossed over $400 million worldwide. Among other video game films, this puts Uncharted behind Warcraft, Rampage, and Detective Pikachu, with Sonic the Hedgehog 2 catching up. Apparently, Uncharted's box office gross is on pace with sci-fi movie Dune.
Sony will surely be pleased with this result, especially considering how long the film spent in the works. A sequel is inevitable, and not just because of the tell-tale post credits scene. As for us, we called it an "explosive joyride through idyllic backdrops with plenty of eye-candy" in our Uncharted movie review.
Did you enjoy this one? Are you surprised at its success? What do you want from the sequel? Discuss in the comments section below.
[source forbes.com]
Comments 33
The three Tomb Raider films together barley crossed 700 million. Might put things into context why Sony weren't interested in buying TR off Square Enix when Uncharted already does just as good if not better business for them.
@AdamNovice When you put it like that it's hard to argue.
I got this on disc last week when I saw it. It was a fun watch. Die Hard with palm trees, more or less.
Would definitely go for seconds. The actors involved are all lots of fun to watch too.
@AdamNovice why would you compare it to those and not just 2018's tomb raider that brought in $274m?
Watched this on friday and was pleasantly surprised. Hopefully we get a trilogy.
@AdamNovice You aren’t taking inflation into account. The first Tomb Raider alone made $440,298,211 if you calculate 2001 dollars to now. The series as a whole has made roughly $983,106,669.
Sony just can’t stop winning I guess 👀🥇.
Do they include tickets they gave away for upgraders to Nathan Drake collection in that i wonder?
Either way, im glad i saw it. Dont need to see it again necessarily, but good fun for what it was
It was a fun movie if you disconnected it from being tied to Uncharted. Sorry but Holland wasn't a good Drake and Wahlberg wasn't a good Sully. The only convincing character was the actress portraying Chloe.
I thought it was an ok movie with a good final sequence worthy of the source material.
To be fair, I expect a lot of people saw it because it was a Tom Holland film, not because of the franchise. Glad it did well though.
Loved it more like this please 🙏🏿
Loved it. Just a fun popcorn movie with some great set pieces. It’s impossible to dislike Tom Holland.
Dune on the other hand… ugh. I waited ages to watch it and wasn’t impressed at all. Very tedious. All the critics seemed to love it though for some reason? I actually thought John Carter was miles better and everyone dumped on that.
@BritneyfR_ee agreed!
Impressive for such a mediocre movie. I thought it was OK at best. The games, on the other hand, are fantastic.
The difference between the Uncharted movie and the Halo TV series, is that Drake shacking up with the first female thing he sees isn't decried as non-canon.
I watched it, still not a fan of Tom Holland, but it wasn't bad. I still think Mark Wahlberg was an odd choice for Sully. But otherwise it's not bad, 7/10.
Id watch a sequel if it had it.
@NEStalgia did he actually shack up with Chloe in Uncharted? Or did they just have a sleepover? 🤣 Holland still has that innocent/nerdy Spider-man vibe about him and I thought it was funny how they handled that scene. Like they’re trying to preserve that image. He hasn’t had his ‘Slave 4 U’ moment yet.
I thought it was ok. I also think the writing characters and the stories are far better in the games.
@BritneyfR_ee LOL at least he can web sling if he's falling from the clearly demarcated and evenly spaced ledges!
Yes, but unfortunately for Sony, according to omniscient internet experts, it needed to make twice that to make a profit. Poor, Sony. Better luck next time.
@AdamNovice Even without taking inflation into account, your numbers are off. The three films combined made around $710 million. Uncharted's numbers are still great of-course.
It still sucks though. Terrible movie, an embarrassment to the games.
@nessisonett I don't take inflation into account because you only judge the box office for the time it came out. I was pointing out that three TR films just scrape past 700 million while one Uncharted did over half of that.
@AK4tywill Your right, it was 700 million so I've edited my comment. My point was more about Tomb Raider feeling like an IP that's past it peak in terms of it's relevance. Whereas Uncharted still feels like it could still do great business across games and movies.
I watched a movie and thought it was very average to say the least. They didn't nail the cast not slightest bit. Chloe's actress was closest match and yet they still didn't bother making her signature hairstyle. The movie itself was pretty mediocre too.
I must admit I wasn't expecting to much from unchartered the movie ,but was pleasantly surprised.the games of course are fantastic and I went to watch movie not really thinking that it would be genre breaking or anything like that and you certainly could make a good argument for not having holland as drake and Wahlberg as sully as at the start i thought ummm not really sure bout these two as their characters but I personally thought they grew into their roles better as film went on and woman who played chloe was good from the start anyway I really enjoyed the film and really hoping they do another one ,also not at all surprised it's been a success ,I'm very pleased it has ,great movie to kick back to and just enjoy the adventure
I expected nothing of this movie and I was still disappointed.
Spider-man & Thunderbuddy had no on-screen chemistry and I didn't buy their characters one bit.
However, the movie itself was quite good, with some nice gamer nods and some ridiculously OTT action sequences and I am cautiously optimistic that the sequel will give me a Sully & Drake that I can get on board with.
I watched the movie and i enjoyed it for what it was..good performances and the action was typically over the too far fetched fun..remember when movies were allowed to be fun and nothing more..a bit like life in general..
The backlash to this movie is idiotic. Why would you cast a 50 year old as someone in their early twenties?
@LN78 Sooooo.... you watched a movie for 20mins when the casting was revealed years ago?
That seems like a you problem.
If you actually watched it you would’ve realised that the movie is a homage to the games. It’s a mix-mash of UC1-4. Heck it even has Nolan North sunbathing.
I might watch it one day when it goes to a streaming service. Should have been made years ago with Nathan Fillion. Tom Holland is too small to play a wise cracking fun loving mass murderer who steals old things, sometimes.
@Uncharted2007 The movie was just so lame and uninspired feeling when watching it. I never thought I was looking at Nathan or Sully, all I could see was Tom Holland and Mark Walberg playing a character. Honestly I suggest you watch Filmento's Sonic 2 review he goes into great detail about what Sonic 2 does well in comparison to the Uncharted movie.
@Nepp67 I took the kids to Sonic 2. It was great. I think Jim C should be a bit fatter for the role of Robotnik, but he pulls off the psychopath part well.
@BubaMan @lets_do-this_1999 @NomNom @Ryany @Loftimus Same here I enjoyed the Uncharted movie! I definitely plan on re-watching it before I see the inevitable sequel in theaters.
Makes me want to replay the game also tbh, but I'm waiting for the next game to be announced first.
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