The vast, vast majority of PS4 games run wonderfully well on PS5, but there are a handful of exceptions. Assassin’s Creed Syndicate is one such game: it’s playable, but it has some pretty unfortunate graphical glitches which ruin the experience entirely. Many had assumed that publisher Ubisoft had moved on from the title, but with so many classic Assassin’s Creed games coming to PS Plus Extra, there may yet be value in a fix.
And, surprisingly, it’s something the French firm is working on:
A support message spotted by ResetEra confirms that the company is aware of the issues and actively exploring a fix. “The team is aware of some visual issues in Assassin's Creed Syndicate on PS5 and working on a fix as soon as possible,” a spokesperson said. “We don't have any updates just yet, but please keep an eye out for news on that.”
While we didn’t love Assassin’s Creed Syndicate at the time, our appreciation has grown over the years because it’s one of the last traditional Assassin’s Creed entries before the series moved in a more RPG-inspired direction. Would you be willing to revisit this Victorian London escapade if it got fixed up on PS5? Survive the workhouse in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 53
Awesome. I'd love to revisit Syndicate as I still have my copy. I'll hold off till 1. I have time and 2. They implement the fix. Should happen around the same time at this pace.
Thank the Lord! My mum’s on Unity at the minute and we were a bit annoyed that we’d have to play Syndicate on the PS4 upstairs instead of on the big telly.
Maybe they can 'unpatch' and sort out Unity to play at 60fps on PS5 at the same time, if the rumours about that one coming to PS+ Extra are true,
Excellent! Would love to play it again someday
Nice to see them finally fixing this. It's always been one of my favorites.
It also gives me the impression this is going to be added to PS++ sometime soon since they are fixing it out of the blue.
Hell yeah one of the best AC games is going to get fixed. I’ve been wanting to play this so bad lately but only have my ps5 now so this is great news. Hopefully it doesn’t take them too long but regardless I’m just happy because I thought for sure it would never get fixed
Thank the Lord... I was holding my PS4 to play Syndicate when I reach it. I'm on Black Flag now, so it's Rogue, Unity, and them Syndicate. Now, hope is they fix ACC India and Russia and announce the ACI remaster/remake, and my saga will be complete...
@freddquadros I tried to play the Chronicles ones but found China unbearably slow 😂
That’s nice! I’m currently playing it but on PC. Next-gen consoles have spoiled me, don’t ever wanna downgrade to 30 fps again.
This is really great news because the PS4 version of the game is the best console experience for AC:Syndicate.
Although it is much maligned by many I found this game quite enjoyable.
@get2sammyb Did you mean to link the original review from here: https://www.pushsquare.com/reviews/ps4/assassins_creed_syndicate
I’m pleased this is happening. I’ve been playing the AC games from the beginning and Syndicate is next on my list. Unity was great on the PS5, so I may dive into the Chronicles games first on Vita whilst a patch corrects the issues.
Good stuff. I know everyone's backlog is immense and I shake my head sometimes at how many assassins creeds I have finished on PS3/4 but due to re-releases still need to go back for the platinums... Still need to finish the trophies for revelations, rogue, syndicate, liberation and 3... I'm sure I'll find the time when I'm a pensioner or something 😓
@nessisonett I started years ago, stoped, but restarted last week, because I finished AC Revelations and watched that Ezio's final movie. The game is better than I remembered.
@freddquadros I did play it on the Vita, maybe the load times aren’t as bad on PS4!
Great news. I was sort of 80% done with Syndicate by the time I upgraded to my PS5, and endured playing through the glitches, but skipped all DLC since it just was a bit too much
Well that is highly unexpected.
Of course I just gave up recently and bought Syndicate on an Xbox sale thinking it'd never get fixed on PS5.
I guess I'll wait it out now so I don't have to start the game over from scratch.
I might finally finish playing this game, I fell off years ago but I do remember that playing as Evie was the best part of the game and should be fun again.
I think she still is one of the most underrated protagonists in AC History. Nobody ever talks about Syndicate in general.
Great news! Syndicate was awesome. It just got done a bit dirty because of Unity releasing in such a buggy state. I've actually been playing Black Flag MP lately again so I'm kind of already playing old school AC at the moment so the more the better!
@nessisonett It's quite fast
I honestly didn't think Ubisoft remembered Syndicate existed.
This is great! I went back and finished Syndicate all the way until the Platinum - a lot more fun than I expected! The bugs on PS5 were actually mild, mostly visual glitches (light and shadow) that manifested during daylight gameplay. Annoying, but nothing gamebreaking (in my personal opinion, of course).
This is great news. Hopefully (but I doubt it) they'll also address the issue that prevents save data being shared between disc and digital versions.
Good news as its a game i would to replay, would be amazing if it and Unity could get a 60fps patch as well.
That’s nice. Good support
Honestly it’s not even a PS5 issue, that visual artifacting and flashing during gameplay was present for me on my launch PS4
The adventures of Evie Frye and her brother. Cracking AC this one.
@nessisonett Damn you have a cool mom : )
I have to hand it to Ubisoft; they have gone above and beyond for this one. Patching Origins—a 5 year old game—to run at 60fps was more than most publishers are doing (looking at Take2), but this is on another level. Not only is Syndicate a 7 year old title, but the back compat issues are really PlayStation's responsibility to fix. Not the developers.
Did PS not state way back that they would continue to improve backward compatiblility on PS5 and the list of titles that exhibit errors would shrink over time? If my memory serves me they did say something to that effect and as far a I understand there has been zero improvement.
If Xbox can make a bc solution for their consoles that can run all last gen titles without issues, there's no reason PS can't do the same. Especially from a developers' perspective, why should they have to patch their games on one platform because it's not up to par with the competition?
Anyway, rant over. I'm happy Ubi is doing this since I enjoy Syndicate despite its flaws. Their recreation of 19th century London was excellent and there's really nothing else like it. I'm glad I'll be able to go for the platinum without all the visual glitches. Hopefully they will add a 60 fps mode while they're at it, but that's just wishful thinking; I don't expect it.
That's good news, I always liked this one! Can we all now be honest and admit that the old style AC games were actually better than the new RPG style ones? I played about 20 minutes of Valhalla the other day and it's just, boring. Gave up on Odyssey a long time ago, and never even bothered to download Origins (although I will do somewhen).
Syndicate, Black Flag etc were way more fun IMO.
I enjoy Assassin’s Creed, but have not played this one. If this gets fixed for PS5 I will definitely play it. I enjoy both eras of AC, so looking forward to this, if it comes through.
@Kang81 I would definitely wait if I were you. It looks so much better on PS than Xbox.
@PenguinLtd Syndicate doesn't have multiplayer
It looks like they deleted their tweet
ASAP??? It’s been 20 months…
It would be great if they fixed Werewolves Within too. Or port it to PSVR2.
Seems like they plan to bring the whole series to ps plus which is great.
Excellent news. Hope they do an upgrade patch for Unity too.
@Teddie-bear yeah, my guess is it was another clueless support person spouting nonsense to appease the person who was complaining. But now that it's being reported on, Ubisoft deleted it because there is no patch coming.
@Futureshark I had forgotten that they messed up Unity's fps, here's hoping they do go back.
@Milktastrophe Agreed. It could also be possible that they mistaken it for a different game. Perhaps thought of Origins as it had the PS5 patch not long before that tweet.
I finished Syndicate because of Evie but for me it was way to streched out they should have lost the collectables or made them interesting lost all the timewaster copy and paste sidemissions and added Jack the Ripper and other expansions and extended the crime solving missions.
@QBGaming12 I believe she should have been the main character and Jakob should have been sidemissions it could have fleshed her even more out as a character.
Hopefully it's not too long of a wait. I'm work9ng on backlogged games this year, and I'd like a break from the overwhelming Odyssey and Valhalla.
And yet Valhalla is STILL broken
Nah... this was the last AC i played and i was done with the series after.
Did they update any of them to run at 60FPS?
Black Flag was incredibly fun on PS4 but the 30FPS lock was enough to stop me
@MattBoothDev I wonder if 60fps is possible on Syndicate on PS5 in backwards compatibility mode. I don't think the PS5 backwards compat games have the same access to resources as on Xbox.
Glad to hear they are going to patch it. While at it maybe bump it to 60fps?
Would be nice if they fixed it so Black Flag and other AC games with the issue was patched so it can go imto rest mode
Yeah I think that tweet was actually a mistake and probably meant for Origins. The person that wrote it probably didn't know which game was being discussed.
Seen this in a Ubi thread and the most recent message
"I have just taken a look into it from my end and I am afraid we do not have any updates to share. We are continually monitoring the investigation from our side and as soon as further updates can be shared, we will post it below and let you know. "
So I wouldn't count on them to fix this as they have been saying it since last year
It would be so nice to get official PS5 upgrades for Syndicate and unity. 2 best recent games of Assassin's Creed in its old form, before it went open-world.
@tomassi origins in the only one I enjoyed in the new style. Even then it was a slog to get through. Valhalla, I put 70 hours into that game before deciding it was boring. I can’t remember a single thing about it. Bland is generous.
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