Update: Just a couple of days after being added to Netflix, the Uncharted movie has climbed straight to the top of the streaming service’s charts. It’s an impressive feat, given it’s up against strong competition from the likes of The Gray Man and Purple Hearts. The movie, of course, already enjoyed a tremendously successful cinematic run – but there’s been no word on a sequel just yet, despite Sony describing it as a “new hit movie franchise”.
Original Story: Six months after a very successful, $400 million theatrical run, Sony Pictures’ action-packed Uncharted movie has been added to the Netflix catalogue in the United States. The film, which stars Tom Holland as the cheeky pick-pocket Nathan Drake, offers a fun adaptation of Naughty Dog’s buccaneering brand with some spectacular set-pieces, making it perfect popcorn viewing.
We were generally quite positive about the flick in our Movie Review: “You just have to take Uncharted for what it is: an explosive joyride through idyllic backdrops with plenty of eye-candy (Holland spends at least a fifth of the film with his shirt off, and it’s clear he’s been living on a diet of Grenade bars and fried chicken judging by the size of his chest),” we said.
Unfortunately, there’s no sign of the film in the UK Netflix catalogue just yet, and no word of when it might be available on these shores. Of course, in this era of VPNs, you may still be able to tune in with a little know how. Will you be going on a treasure hunt with Tom Holland this weekend? X marks the spot in the comments section below.
[source netflix.com]
Comments 37
cool. I'm looking forward to watching this on a lazy Saturday or Sunday night with the wife.
Looking forward to watching it again. Though I gotta say seeing the Fortnite video game version of Tom Holland as Nathan Drake when there is already...you know... a video game version of Nathan Drake in the thumbnail is a little unsettling.😄
I absolutely love Uncharted games. Movie was enjoyable, but not one that I will see again. I would rate it 7 out of 10
I was looking forward to this until I realised it's still not UK. Been checking their worth the wait list and still no mention
Took the wife to see the Uncharted movie on a whim and she enjoyed it much more than I expected, as she’s typically not a fan of action flicks. I’d say the film is one of the better video game to film adaptations we’ve had. Not quite as good as Sonic, but not far away from it either
Its on SKY movies sometime in september
As long as you don't compare the movie with the games, it's a fun action adventure flick. Not as good as Indiana Jones but better than the first couple Tomb Raider movies.
it was ok 5/10 film
Dumb fun, not offended.
@Korgon Agreed. It's pretty weird to say the least. Would rather see a cartoon-ish version from the games.
Maybe I'll check out the movie some weekend.
Yeah, UK premiers are nearly always on Sky Cinema/Now after cinema release and rentals.
I rented on sale via Amazon and it and was a fun enough experience. Definitely have to treat it as a new origin story and not expect a fully fleshed out Nate, but it's one of the better game adaptions for sure. Has a little of the charm, some of the humour, and Marky Mark Payne (we won't mention that game adaption) is a decent sully, and by the end you can definitely see how it could have a good run with sequels.
Better than I ever expected it to be.
I forgot the Max Payne movie was a thing. Yeah...thanks alot for reminding me.
I was pleasantly suprised and actually enjoyed it ,some nice little easter eggs which made me smile ,although can we replace Mark wahlberg, hes as bland as bland can be.
I watched this at the cinema and really enjoyed it,tom holland was quite good as drake and even enjoyed marky mark as sully
Finally had the chance to watch it. As long as you don't compared the movie to the games. The film ends up being enjoyable.
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I actually enjoyed it and don't know why.
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I haven’t seen the movie, but the trailer alone grates on me.
The impression I get is it is just Mark Wahlberg and Tom Holland playing the characters of Mark Wahlberg and Tom Holland.
They don’t exude Nathan Drake and Sully to me and so that put me off seeing it.
I will check it out when it comes to UK Netflix though.
Will give this a watch for sure. I'm super easy with enjoying films, it has to be a real s**t show for me to not enjoy it!
A film based on a game inspired by another game inspired by a film. Balance.
I enjoyed the film alot, but won't be re-watching until right before the next film drops (assuming there is one).
I really enjoyed this film at the cinema but unfortunately for those around me I'd had 6 pints of Guinness the night before, I passed a quiet gust of air mid way through and it turned out to be a true SBD (silent but deadly). It was so bad in fact that I heard someone talking about the 'drains' on the way out.
@straw-hat-crew sounds good, enjoy.
Couldnt get into it at all. Didnt seem like the right cast and seemed no passion was in it
Top of the Netflix charts. Considering "Sweet Girl" also got to Number 1 along with many other awful movies it's hardly a sign of quality being highly watched with the Netflix viewership.
If you'd told me it'd culminate in a game of dodgems in the sky with a couple of old armada ships I'd have said perfect for netflix.
Kept me entertained and enjoyed the nods to the game. Looking forward to a trilogy.
Watched it with the missus yesterday.. the sky scene was good fun but overall 7/10.. still irks me that these characters aren’t the age they’re suppose to be..
At least the voice of Nathan Drake has a cameo that was cool
Movie was ok..turn your brain off and enjoy..the grey man is a much better 2 hours spent and the korean movie carter is an epic but really silly action flick..
It is great even as a gamer, and I played all 4 and lost legacy. Much of the hate comes from Sully not having a moustache and Tom Holland being young.
I enjoyed it but thought it was poorly cast.
Will watch it soon as I just finished Sandman series, which was great.
I will watch it soon.word up son
I’ll check it out after I watch the new Predator movie ‘Prey’.
I may watch it at some point...when I get desperate.I can't stand Mark Wahlberg though,terrible actor.
Still have yet to see Tomb Raider yet with Alicia Vikanda..
Hopefully Sony releases more Uncharted Movie deleted scenes, since most of them so far have been really good, e.g The Unreleased Deleted Nate + Chloe kiss scene from CHP 18 of the Movie Novelization + seen by a test audience. Please request Sony to release them or an extended cut.
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