An anime series based on the excellent NieR: Automata will launch in January, 2023. Titled NieR: Automata Ver 1.1a, the series is being developed by A-1 Studios, an animation house of high repute, responsible for the virtually immaculate Persona 4: Golden adaptation.
We got several minutes of footage to mull over, and while the audio is in Japanese, English subtitles have thankfully been provided, for the most part. The series will star protagonists 2B and 9S, and auteur creator Yoko Taro has stated that it will tell an original tale, noting that "Nier: Automata was a story we created to be a game, so copying it as-is wouldn’t make an interesting story for an anime."
Anime adaptions are all the rage right now, it seems, with Onimusha set to make a comeback in animated form, and CyberPunk: Edgerunners being such a slam dunk.
You can check out short teasers focusing on each protagonist below. Are you excited to see NieR: Automata Ver 1.1a? Find your humanity in the comments section, and become as gods.
Comments 18
I'm assuming it will be on Crunchyroll? If so, I'll definitely watch it. I'm hyped to play Nier Automata on Switch in October!
I didn't know Persona 4 & 5 had an anime. Added those to my watch list...
@DTfeartheBEARD It's produced by Aniplex.
Aniplex is one of the co-owners of Crunchyroll (alongside Sony Pictures) so it will most likely end up on Crunchyroll.
I guess I'll have to get crunchyroll now. Loved both Nier games, always up for more!!
Super nice, can't wait. After edgerunners I have high hopes for another anime based on games series 😃
This is the new trend lately, to make anime based off games, and since edgerunners was a hit I can see a lot more in-coming.
Id reccomend the league of legends anime
Sold! This will hold us over till hopefully we get a sequel to the game, also a PS5 update for the first game would be appreciated!
I know Platinum will redeem themselves and show off their true talents after the abomination, successful beer coaster they released earlier this year which must not be named or else you will fall 🙂
Always thought video games were more suited to a TV series than films, and they seem to be faring much better. if anyone has not seen the excellent Castlevania show on Netflix, I can highly recommend it.
Sounds good to me, though I do wonder how well it will translate since you do multiple playthroughs to get the full picture. I really hope we also get a continuation of the Shenmue anime and perhaps a Like a Dragon anime. The xenoblade trilogy would also be great to adapt.
The game is a masterpiece, I'm in !
This is great morning news. Thanks Push Square. Lots of anticipated anime for the the next few months Bleach, Mob Psycho S3, SpyxFamily, Gundam, Chainsaw Man, To Eternity S2 and Hero Acadamia. This will be a good for the new year.
You can't imagine my relief when I got to the part of the video where they say the director's name. The mention of Persona 4 The Animation in the article set off all kinds of alarms in my brain, making me think Seiji Kishi was going to ruin this one too just like he ruins every game adaptation ever.
Thankfully Masuyama Ryoji has a far, far better track record and what little I've seen looks solid thus far.
eeep I'm excited for this
should have some truly godly fight scene animation, even if everything else about it is poo (hopefully it won't be)
Really interested to see how they handle this adaptation. I'm also really excited for the Legend of Heroes: Northern War anime coming. Hopefully they are as great as Edgerunners was!
Valkyria Chronicles would make a good cartoon.
The teaser looks really good. I'm excited.
@ApostateMage There's a Valkyria Chronicles anime that was released when the game came out
Never fully managed to play through all of automata yet but I will happily in time for this adaptation.
Sweet news to hear! I just hope we won't have to wait long for the English Dub.
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