An anime series based on the excellent NieR: Automata will launch in January, 2023. Titled NieR: Automata Ver 1.1a, the series is being developed by A-1 Studios, an animation house of high repute, responsible for the virtually immaculate Persona 4: Golden adaptation.

We got several minutes of footage to mull over, and while the audio is in Japanese, English subtitles have thankfully been provided, for the most part. The series will star protagonists 2B and 9S, and auteur creator Yoko Taro has stated that it will tell an original tale, noting that "Nier: Automata was a story we created to be a game, so copying it as-is wouldn’t make an interesting story for an anime."

Anime adaptions are all the rage right now, it seems, with Onimusha set to make a comeback in animated form, and CyberPunk: Edgerunners being such a slam dunk.

You can check out short teasers focusing on each protagonist below. Are you excited to see NieR: Automata Ver 1.1a? Find your humanity in the comments section, and become as gods.

[source, via,]