Some of the games media's biggest outlets have just lifted the lid on PSVR2, and it's sounding like a significant step up from the previous iteration. Sony invited members of the press to test the new visor and controllers, alongside some hands-on time with four upcoming games. From what we've gleaned so far, it seems like a winner.
Praise is coming in for the hardware itself; the headset is light and comfortable to wear, and the cable is a good length without weighing you down. The impressive resolution per eye means it's leagues ahead of PSVR1, with Eurogamer's Ian Higton saying it compares favourably to some PC VR sets as well. The controllers, as expected, are a night-and-day difference compared to the outdated PS Move wands.
As for the games, Horizon Call of the Mountain seems to be the star. Previews highlight its level of detail and visual presentation, as well as the sheer scale of the machines. The headset's haptics make it so, when a Stormbird flies overhead, you'll feel the rush of wind in its wake. As we all expect, it sounds like this will be the jewel in PSVR2's crown at launch.
Other games covered include Resident Evil Village, The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners - Chapter 2: Retribution, and Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge - Enhanced Edition. Impressions on these PSVR2 titles were less effusive but still positive. You can read up on all this PSVR2 goodness on the PS Blog and Eurogamer's aforementioned coverage.
[source blog.playstation.com, via eurogamer.net]
Comments 55
Just so curious for its price more than anything, can't imagine it being close to the price of an actual PS5. Same with the DualSense Edge price, if it's 3 times the price of a standard DualSense would it be worth it
Too expensive for me I'll stick with my psvr 1
@Would_you_kindly Says a person with no idea of the retail cost.
I can't wait.
A cool fighter sim set in the Killzone universe or something like that would do well with me. Or any cockpit based game really.
Both price and games are important to me. Will it be supported well or will there only be a handful of great titles available like Vita and PSVR1. Most were lower budget fare.
If it has the games and is less than the cost of a PS5 then i'll be interested. Half Life: Alyx or other games attempting to match that calibre would tempt me very quickly.
@MFTWrecks I can't afford a ps5 so I don't need to know the price to know I can't afford it not to mention they've just increased the price of the ps5 they aren't going to sell this at a loss & the tech sounds expensive 🤷♂️
This is all well and good but it unfortunately becomes irrelevant when they announce a £400 price point.
However impressive PSVR2 actually is it will be a price that will make it or break it.
And since Sony upped price of PS5 to 550€ I have doubts that PSVR2 will be less than 499€. Which will give you 1050€ combo when you want to buy both.
youare going to be talking 1k for this and ps5.
i read the review no comparison with recent vr was disappointing, as obviously it was going to be leaps and bounds better than VR1
I imagine they'll sell a ps5 and vr 2 combo for £999.99
I enjoyed the vr (astro!) but can't say I spent a great deal of time with it and I'd imagine this would be a similar story.
Removed - flaming/arguing
I can't wait for it. I already love PSVR so much despite its well documented issues and the weak hardware. The next one will most likely blow me away more than I can imagine.
Better resolution per eye and better hardware to run it was what I was waiting for (Oled HDR is a +)
VR on potato hardware is awful.
There is no VR on Xbox (switch? 🤣😅) so basically PC is your only other option. So sure Sony could charge a bit more, as they have zero competition on consoles.
But doubt it will be as much as a 4K PC set up.
@Thenewguy all I said was I can't afford it I'm not hurting anyone lol
The price is one thing. I think it's worth around €600 for me personally to still do a day one buy (if I can ge the funds in time).
But the second thing that is a factor for me is the amount of (good) launch titles.
I will buy a PSVR2 no doubt, but I might wait a year to have some more game options and maybe a nice bundle during the Days of Play.
I think its going to sell less than PSVR due to the price
@Would_you_kindly don't listen to these elitists
This is incredible, I need it. Now. This is next gen, screw 4K.
@stvevan Ian Higton said it performed favourably against some PC VR sets. Pretty much all we need to know right?
@Beerheadgamer82 I think it’ll be priced similar to the PS5. £450 is what I’m thinking
Removed - flaming/arguing
I can't stand all those big gaming sites really. I just don't follow or trust them at all & whatever they say i am not interested. I'll wait for normal people to get it & try it on YouTube & see if it's any good(which I am sure it will be) + hopefully the next version will be wireless then I might try it(it will probably destroy my eyes tho I have sensitive eyes. Oh well)
Have they announced backwards compatibility on games for this?
What do you mean? The ps5 is backwards compatible with all ps4 games, so Sony have done all they can. If the devs want to patch games so they work with the new inside out tracking then that’s on them. I hope they focus more on new games instead though.
@Would_you_kindly I wouldn’t worry about keeping the conversation on track buddy, that’s the admins job, not yours.
That and I’d like to add I believe questioning the price does factor into the conversation for this and all products. After all, if people can’t afford or won’t pay £70 for games, then they probably won’t want to pay X amount so a small number of games can be played on a 4K TV strapped to your head.
Oh, and, let’s not forget someone else in this thread is saying they don’t care for 4K, yet can’t wait for this VR, when one of the major selling points for this headset is the 4K image produced.
Don’t listen to the elitists who have a Capital One card credit limit more than yours, you do you mate.
VR isn’t the future, after Covid showed us how much people actually want to socialise, less socialising in the real world due to a TV on your head isn’t the future.
If it is, the future is truly depressing.
And to keep it on track for the people scared their sacred conversation shall be disturbed.
The controllers look appealing and I’d likely benefit from them, I’d actually like to try them without the headset, as that itself doesn’t really wow me at this point. (Could do in the future).
PSVR2 is the most revolutionary, evolutionary mainstream console ever made. It's the most far-reaching, innovative, fan-serving product product ever made by a console manufacturer. It's a huge risk and investment from Sony for a market so small that it can never be bigger than however many PS5s are sold. Imagine that, a console manufacturer has spent the mulitmillions on R&D to invest in not 1 but 2 VR devices, and this new one doesn't have the safety net of a potential 100 million sales from PS4 owners.
After reading the hands-on impression on a rival website it is mindblowing what Sony are delivering with this piece of kit, the scope of their ambition and the will the have to evolve the industry in its entirety. I don't think that's too grand a view to take; VR NEEDS PSVR to succeed if the technology is going to mature and continue to deliver experiences that are without parallel.
The impression I'm left with after reading the hands-on is one of awe, real actual awe, not the awe of 'awesome' that gets bandied around when someone has a relatively nice bit of buttered toast when they're a little hungry.
If you're on the fence about PSVR2, wait until you read more about it. The tech level Sony has achieved in its design and performance is the most transformative I think I'll ever see in my lifetime, unless we one day invent hologram emitters a la Holodeck.
Meanwhile MS have gone all out with Gamepass as their idea of the future of gaming. Sorry for the fanboy soundbite but I know which approach I find more in keeping with what I want from the industry that's dearest to me, that's as old as I am and I have grown up alongside of.
I'll be excited to check this out with No Man's Sky. Didn't get a PSVR headset but I definitely want to get psvr2. Hello games already said they will support it on PS5. I've heard great things about playing in VR on no man's sky. Can't wait!
I'm not interested in VR, much less wired (regardless how lightweight the cable is) but still curious how much this will cost.
Ready to pay up to 1000 bucks. Just give it to me now.
@Jbuggydroid I've literally never played NMS in 2D. Only VR. Its honestly one of the most magical gaming experiences I've ever had.
I was hoping for more positivity than "compares FAVOURABLY to SOME pc vr headsets". Guess it's only a quote from one person but still...
I only need to know by how much I cannot afford it.
@Robinsad They have not announced it either way yet.
I haven't seen anything in the VR space that's worth paying to get so we'll see.
VR seems to be a niche and that's not a bad thing.
@mikeym The quote is vague. It sounds like it's better or as good a number of PC VR headsets, and you have to remember it's likely being compared to $1000+ headsets, when we're probably looking at $400, maybe $500 if it's more expensive.
@thefourfoldroot1 well if the PSVR 2 is compatible with PSVR games then it lowers the barrier for entry. And I’m sure Sony could have an emulation mode on the device so it’s not down to devs to pulsate them. What I think is key is they should announce one way or another. It was a mistake for Sony to allow so much speculation on ps3 backwards compatibility with the ps5 when one comment could have clarified it early.
Everyone might have their own justification. Mentioned it before in a post but you’re getting a 4K display… frees up your tv & it has VR features. Makes sense to me if it’s more than $500 and worth the money if you have it.
@sword_9mm I agree… it’s still a niche market. Glad it’s survived long enough to warrant improvements. I still consider all HMDs working through kinks of what works and what doesn’t.
PSVR2 sounds like it’s one step closer.
Wow, I was hoping the highest possible price would be like €400 and before the shortage of chips I thought it was going to be €300. People really thinking it will be around the Steam VR? I mean making games for a select few? I wanted to buy one this time but not going to pay more than what I paid for my PS5!
Curious how much profit they made with first one …
No interest in owning PSVR2 myself, but I'll try my best to pre-order so I can scalp a couple of ***** via eBay or CeX.
@Jaz007 - on paper, it should be better than most, maybe with the exception of high-end Pimax or Varjo. Any, I will reserve judgement. I'm still clinging onto the hope that it will be supported on PC by Sony, so it can replace my ageing Samsung Odyssey+. But I know chances are slim!
@mikeym I really hope for that too. I don't think it'll take modders too long to put on PC if Sony doesn't, but I think it'll benefit Sony more than not if they put on PC. Even if it on PC, my first stop for most VR games will be PSVR2.
Based on where Sony has chosen to put themselves in terms of this generation. I have a feeling PSVR2 will be applauded as a piece of tech, but be held back by a greedy price, and lack of very many good vr games that has plagued the medium thus far.
If they price this thing at anything more than 299 it will be bad timing for it to sell. Considering the price increase of the quest set, I'm guessing Sony will match that. Meaning this thing will likely cost as much as the Ps5.
That's a solid no for many people considering the software suite will likely be barren for some time, ps5 alone is hard to come by and for many at first and VR is more of a gimmick to many bought as a glorified party show and a luxury considering the cost off everything continues to climb via the lies of our greedy corporate overlords, and wages do not.
@Beerheadgamer82 If it costs more than $299 I'd rather buy a series s or steamdeck.
@riceNpea Very well said, but it will never take off until someone comes up with an answer for the marked simulation sickness more than a few experience.
@TheElectroFunky I agree about the controller's I'm fine with my psvr 1 but the move controllers aren't great I was really hoping they'd make a plug in analogue stick like the nunchuck for the wiimote
I think it's going to be a hard sell unless the price is right. Quest 2 @ $299 was a all in one so had a higher perceived value and was a much more complex design. Being stand alone it also satisfied the market for those with a passing interest. PSVR 2 needs to at worst match the Quest price and offer a much better experience given it is wired to get a look in for the entry level user. It will also struggle at the high end if the psvr 2 foveated rendering does not overcome the performance limitations of PS5 Vs PC for the VR enthusiast. Appealing to a small segment in the centre of small market could be a hard sell when trying to bring on more developers. Unless PS is willing to sink in vast resources into game development to expand the market I see little appeal.
@Blackbluto 300 would actually be good price for it. In no rush for PSVR2 either way. Let it be on the market for a while and see what type of quality games they release for it first
@themightyant PSVR 1 was very sucsessful and had a ton of great software.
I'll wait a year after release to see what kind of games it will have first. But if the reviews of the vr set are good and the games are good I'll probably buy two of these. Can't wait to see how this plays out in the coming years.
@TrickyDicky99 ok fair enough but not really my point. For instance. When you upgrade a graphics card on a pc you’re getting less overall features than what a VRHMD would bring for way more of a cost. Just pointing out that it simply isn’t just a VR display, but a display that allows you to play VR or regular while the TV is freed up. Worth the $$ to me
@aj21009 PSVR1 hardware sold pretty well for an add-on device. But i'd disagree it had "a had a ton of great software."
Yes there were a few exclusives like Astro Bot and Moss and several VR staples like Beat Saber but most of the other better games were VR modes of existing games spin offs or pretty average demo-like fare imo.
I Expect You To Die
Until Dawn
Blood & Truth
Pistol Whip
Tetris Effect
To just name some off the top of my head
A game doesn't have to be a 40 plus hour experiance, fun arcade type games are def ok too
@trev666 Don’t worry, it will sell out from scalpers hoping to make a profit.
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