Hello there Push Square community! My name is Aaron, and for the last six months I have been your resident YouTube video producer. It is a great gig to say the least, where I get to discuss, rant, and dissect my favourite (and least favourite) aspects of the PlayStation world.
This week marks six months at the job as mentioned, but more importantly, I’m about to pass 100 videos produced. That’s a lot of you trying to understand a Scottish man’s accent, and a lot of a Scottish man pretending he can speak clearly and concisely. But now that we’ve been acquainted for a little while — or maybe you haven’t and in that case get yourself over to the Push Square YouTube channel — I thought it was time you got to know me and this role a little better.
Whether it is to discuss why I love PlayStation over anything else, my process of producing videos from idea to publishing, or even to get an update on the kinds of content to come, send in your biggest burning questions and I’ll be covering those in a Q&A video.
It’s no lie to say this has been a dream job for me, but at the end of the day it would mean nothing if you guys didn’t turn up time and time again. This isn’t just an AMA, it is a way for us to shape the future of the channel together.
I want to hear from you, so ask, suggest, and discuss below and I’ll try to address it all in our video.
Comments 20
Is Push Square going to start doing (resume?) video reviews? I happened to see one for The Council, not sure if there's any other. Personally I like to see gameplay footage showing off the good/bad that a review discusses.
Any chance on an ASMR video?
@Simon_Fitzgerald I second the request for ASMR.
Hey Aaron! Happy for you, man!
I have a question: how did you get the job? Sounds amazing!
This is a very weird question but what do you think PushSquare would be in the 5 years?
Also feet pics?
Hey Aaron!
What was the first video game that got you passionate about the medium in general? Keep up the great work!
@BeerIsAwesome 💀
Tifa or Aerith?
I third the ASMR question. It's the true Playstation content we need.
@RogerRoger An acceptable answer. I would’ve also taken Red XIII.
Nice to hear you're doing your dream job. You're a lucky man.
Things I'd like to see:
VR game reviews
Articles where people send in funny/unusual clips from their gaming session, best clips get shown in a showreel
Select games get video gameplay with transcript reviews
Reaction videos of PS journos during a review
Proofreading of articles before publishing.
Would you rather have eyes as big as your hands or hands as big as your eyes.
Can I have your job?
@nicc83 my fat mate has eyes as big as his belly
For a PlayStation centric outlet you're often very negative towards Sony. I don't see this on PC, Xbox, or Nintendo outlets.
Care to explain?
might sound a litle harsh but some fun videos?
most on the channel just dont scream 'watchme' its basically an article in video form. its a bit safe and samey.
i want to see @pushsquare staff have a tekken/cod/fifa challenge. see them raging/enjoying games they get for reviews.
interviews with people in the business etc.
basically Aaron can we see you with the shackles off.... get to know you? or let us get to know pushsquare staff with a feature on each?
What game made you rage quit the hardest?
What’s your proudest gaming moment?
Would you push the other Push Square staff members to the death & eliminate them for a Fall Guys win? Or would you be honorable and sacrifice yourself so another Push Square staff member can get the win?
Is 4K still 4K when you make a gametrailer in 4K from a game in 4K to another 4K channel?
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Will you top me
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