The DualSense Edge is PlayStation's very own official pro controller, and fans have been eagerly awaiting more details. The release date and, perhaps most importantly, the price, have been missing pieces of the puzzle, but Sony has today shed more light on the souped-up pad.
The controller is scheduled for global release on 26th January, 2023. As for the DualSense Edge's price, we're looking at a pretty steep RRP of $199.99 / €239.99 / £209.99.
As a refresher, the pad features customisable thumb sticks and triggers, capacity for multiple control profiles, and a pair of back buttons. That's of course in addition to the haptic feedback, adaptive triggers, and other bells and whistles of the vanilla DualSense.

In the box, you get the following:
- DualSense Edge wireless controller
- USB braided cable
- 2 Standard caps
- 2 High dome caps
- 2 Low dome caps
- 2 Half dome back buttons
- 2 Lever back buttons
- Connector housing
- Carrying case
Pre-orders are set to start on 25th October (that's next week), when you'll be able to buy the pad from PlayStation Direct in the US, UK, France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. From the aforementioned January release date, DualSense Edge will be available to buy from PlayStation itself, then will come to other retailers later, on 23rd February.
What do you make of this? Are you tempted to grab a DualSense Edge controller? Tell us in the comments section below.
Comments 132
Holy crap! $200!? I thought the regular $70 was bad!
No way in hell I'm buying this.
The trailer looked good for the controller also...
Lmao, 240€. Sony tries rly hard to be more expensive than Xbox this Gen. Or they think they are Apple.
Cant wait for the VR2 to be 700€
That's really expensive, I thought it was going to be pricey but I think I'm out.
A bit more expensive than I expected but not by much. Hopefully preorders go smoothly, cant wait to get one!
I would never get this in a million years, but it's cool that they're finally doing an officially licensed Pro controller for those who want it! If I had a spare £200 lying around though it would definitely be saved towards PSVR2 instead of this, but that's just me
Absolutely ridiculous pricing.
For years we’ve been f***** in the UK on conversion, now we’re getting doubly f***** by the recession.
This should have been max £150
MORE than the Xbox elite? Lol gotta love ya Sony.
I was expecting €180.00 - €220.00 and hoping for less. Even so my wallet won't stretch that far right after Christmas.
Will put it on the wishlist and get it next summer maybe. I really want it, but as it's right after Christmas in the same year as PSVR2 I'll skip it for a while.
Edit: I'll still get it, but definitely not at launch.
Will be a skip from me
I don't think anyone in their wildest estimate went that high.
Yep. That's insane. Expected it to be expensive. But even that was higher then I expected.
Surely they are gonna sell them cheaper without all the unnecessary extra stuff. (right?!)
Recession? What recession!
If you asked me few weeks ago I would say that PSVR2 will cost around 399€.
But now? I don't think it will cost less than 599€.
I was expecting around $200 so I'm not too shocked. I'll probably pick one up at some point. SF6 might be the game I pick it up for.
And just like that, all my excitement is gone. 🥲
Oh boy, Sony is back in the "exiting PS2 moving to PS3" mindset again. They think people will pay incredibly high prices for a Sony product just because it is a Sony product.
More than likely a pass for me. I had to buy an Elite 2 through GameStop to get a series X. While I like this more than I thought I would, it’s just not worth $179, much less $200 with fewer paddles…
I guess I'll just stick to my XBox Elite Series 2 controller for my PC for now. I was considering getting this controller for my PC but I guess that'll have to wait a while now.
And to think you could get a Switch Lite for less. I did not realise it would be so expensive.
It's too expensive..
240€ is very expensive. Yet 70€ for the standard controller is also somewhat expensive considering what hardware the controller has.
Not for me. I don’t play many competitive shooters
Heavy!! That’s way above my price expectations. I thought it would be around 150 EUR at maximum.
@Godot25 That's my biggest concern, what this suggests about PSVR2 pricing. I never thought it would cost more than the PS5 itself, but now I think we'd be lucky to be in that bracket.
£210 for a controller. Eff off.
For comparison that £210 would get you
240€? WTF? Sonys Greed is out of hand
The dualsense edge being more expensive than Xbox Elite controller isn’t surprising because the dualsense edge is more technologically advance than Xbox elite 2 controller.
Wow is this dual edge controller made of 9 carrot gold ,what a price ,having said that maybe it's a much better one than the standard dualsense ,if it had a better battery life then it would go some way of justifying that price or maybe it'll be a fantastic controller over the long term and it should be with that mark up ,anyway will be interesting what reviews say about it but I'll stick with dualsense for now at least
Considering its that expensive and less customisable than many other pro controllers just feeds more into the narrative Sony have been easily fulfilling this gen. Greedy greedy
Just got back from holiday and it's both comforting and worrying that now i am home, Sony is still being just as awful as before I left. Being more expensive than the elite is another bad look in a long long list of them for Sony this year.
When are Sony going to stop, its nearly the price of a Series S, and that comes with a controller. Come on Sony
Holey moley that's an insane price!!
We were way off in that poll weren't we?
£210 is insanity, not a chance they sell many of these.
Sony is trying to push everyone to have an Xbox apparently.
You think that's expensive? You should see some of the Scuf controllers lol.
I was expecting it to be between the £150 - £180 range but for £210 I'm so very far out. Wasn't going to buy it had it been £150 but instead would have waited for a sale.
Xbox elite series 2 is around £160 it makes sense the Dualsenseis more expensive being able to easily swap out the thumbsticks and other features. The Xbox elite series 2 only allows you to swap out the thumbstick toppers.
Absolutely no chance lol.
Time to revise estimates for PSVR 2. Going to push 700-800 isnt it on current form and given market competition
Nah, that's more than the Scufs, no chance. I'll wait and see what Victrix and some of the other new players offer, I could find a Series X for £100 more, have two consoles and just use my Elite V2 with that
@LN78 I'm hoping the price increase of the PS5 will keep the cost of PSVR2 down.
€450.00 - €500.00 I feel is the limit for PSVR2.
As for the price of this controller, I mean I guess it's a premium product for pro players, but I still want it 😂 It looks very cool and very well put together.
Just not for €240.00 so soon after Christmas. Later in the year, sure.
@LN78 €25.00 for the replacement stick modules, which actually seems like a fair price.
Wow way too much for a controller. Sony is pricing the majority out this generation, especially during a recession. If just a controller is this much, I can’t imagine how much the PSVR2 will be.
"You want a controller that doesn't develop analog drift within 6-12 months? Sure, that'll be $200, pay up, idiot."
I may've been willing to pay like $20-$30 for a new controller. No chance I'd pay 10x that.
Goddamnit Sony. Why not undercut Xbox and go with, like, $150? Woulda been great to do something pro-consumer.
$200, though? I'll wait for a steep sale, thank you.
Ridiculous price, Sony really have become completely detached from their customers
I’ll pass. I’m in no way needing this expensive option. Start producing more DualSense controllers for specific games like Horizon & Persona 5 then I’ll talk (for $100 at most).
may aswell buy a series S and access the games i cant get on PS rather than a controller.
VR2 gonna be pricey, feel some of those 2mil may be sat on a shelf
Terribly overpriced. And the new features are just meh
In all fairness, I don’t think you can really compare the dead Xbox controller to the fully haptic, motion control capable, feature rich PS5 pad.
But yes, all features being the same I’m sure Sony would still sell at a higher price, and this is definitely not worth the money.
Jesus Christ that’s expensive
240€ hahahahahahhaah!!! These guys have been smoking the good stuff. No way in hell.
Too pricey for me, oh well
I haven't seen a comment yet where anyone has said they'll buy it day one at that price.
I could see Sony suddenly dropping it, might even be part of their marketing strategy.
£209 wow just wow i wondered how sony would solve the back button issue. The ps4 back button clip on was much better and felt good.
I love the look of this pad and it looks amazing but 209 is a bit greedy and over priced i would have said 150 or 145 or 170 max.
So you're better off buying three regular ones instead?
Did not pay $180 for the Xbox Elite PC controller, not paying $200 for this.
$200 for a controller, $1600 for a graphic card, $300 for an AM5 Mobo... all these prices are out of control.
Not £210 much, for that I can buy 3 standard controllers and afford to break 2 of them trying to DIY the improvements.
@Pat_trick I actually think Jim Ryan is secretly working for MS at this point. LOL
240 euro?!!!
Hahahaha, yeah when hell freezes over.
Anyone who drops nearly half the price of a console on a controller that will juice out after three hours of play and will start to drift after a few months - needs to find a new hobby. Maybe collecting Supercars...
Another Sony product made strictly for whales and fanboys only.
People saying they would buy 3 regular controllers, that's exactly what they want you to do, that's why they don't bother fixing stick drift. This is the type of thing I wish people would channel their outrage towards not some fackn bugs or fps to a game that can be fixed with an update.
I agree that the controller is very expensive but before comparing to alternatives it is worth remembering that the DualSense has a LOT of additional tech built into it.
They got crazy in Sony. Unsaleable for this price
I will probably grab one. It's $20 more than the Xbox Elite 2 was at its launch, even though that was basically Xbox 360-era tech, and the quality of that controller is absolutely rubbish...and I own one that I've been trying to get rid of on eBay. I expect this to be far better quality.
Not for me. I swiped my dads iron and learned how to solder.
Way out of my price range. It's half the cost of the machine. Plus, what guarantee against stick drift and the like? My DS5 is 3 months old and it's already unplayable.
@get2sammyb I think most would have been happy with a Controller that only has paddles but wouldnt cost as much as a Next Gen Console in €. Thats why the cheap PS4 Back Paddles were so successful
It kinda makes some sense if you compare with the elite 2 xbox controller, which is also stupidly priced and diesnt have haptics or even a gyro, but this was a chance to offer value over and above the competition, and pull the rug out of buisness like scuff who charge similar prices.
The current controller is good value in comparison, and in comparison with the competition, so theres no need to indulge is this nonsense...
Really expensive but im happy with the original one. I need a new harddisk first by the time this will have come down in price. One good a scalper wont dare to buy these to flip them. 🤪
I'll take two!
(I won't obviously)
So when are we going to get next gen games that are able to do 4K @ 60fps?! Since we definitely are on next gen prices!
@get2sammyb Yeah that's the thing - It really is an amazing piece of kit and I'll absolutely get one. Nothing else out there at the moment compares to the features of the Dualsense or the Dualsense Edge so I would expect to pay a little more.
€240.00 is just too high for me. Forspoken, Hogwarts and Octopath Traveller II are all out within a few weeks of this. Plus PSVR2 in 2023.
I'll skip the controller for now.
...Unless I get my Christmas bonus of course 😏😏
Not surprised in the slightest. Saw this kind of price point coming from a mile away.
Haha sony really are been the stupid company at the moment to their whining over Microsoft acquisition to their ridiculous prices, over 200euro, so what a controller half the price
Of the console. And yet sony will wonder why it doesn't sell well.
@get2sammyb oh come on, its the same price as a series X or a switch. be real its over priced and out of touch with the world right now.
The standard DualSense is already so good at £60 or £70. There's just no need for me to ever pay £210 for a slightly more better DualSense with a case. £130 or maybe £160 would have been a more acceptable price. If it gets discounted in 18 months or something then yh but no way at £210, that's almost half the price of an actual PS5 console. I'll wait
That's ... crazy expensive. No thanks.
I don't know what you're all complaining about, that's only two thirds the cost of my monthly energy bill here in the financial dumpster fire that is the UK cost of living crisis.
Oh, hang on...
There's absolutely no reason for a controller to be that expensive
I'm not sure why any one is surprised by this price point , the xbox elite 2 controller came out at $200 when it came out in canada this is pretty standered pricing for higher end stuff. I get its not great and don't think it should be that high but I think some people are blowing the price of things out of proportion.
@IslandLogic "Microsoft announces that Jim Ryan has been purchased for 50 billion dollars."
What tech is there so much more in this controller to justify this pricing?
From 70 to 240 idk, all i want is the underneat levels, i hope you can get this for the regular ds5 or have a new pad with only these added for a much less increase in cost..
Almost half price of the console itself jeesh.
@get2sammyb what additional tech?
When I bought my second Dualsense controller I felt used and abused for paying that much for a freaking controller! This is just absurd and I'll will just continue playing my games and pretending the DualSense Edge doesn't exist.
LOL £210 for a controller, a CONTROLLER! Absolutely revolting pricing especially in the current economic climate. Quite honestly, hope this backfires on them, spectacularily! Anyone thinking VR2 is going to be less than a PS5 is in for a shock.
For the players…with lots of disposable income
I don't think the Sony pro controller being a bit more than the Xbox pro controller is crazy. With all the bells and whistles of the dual sense such as the haptic feedback onto of the customization of the triggers and thumb pad then it makes sense. This product isn't geared for casual gamers or even many hardcore fans.
Damn, that's like half what I paid for XSX and it's a whole console
Wow! Sony must hate selling accessories or they just hate their customers…
That’s remarkable. I was thinking £150, but this is just far too much. For that price it needs more customisation options.
It does not bode well for PSVR2 - £499?
Can't wait for this! Had been hoping it would have been out for Modern Warfare 2.
What's the battery life like?
That was my thoughts as well.
I considered pricey for Dualsense controller £50.
And this edge controller for £210? Way too expensive in my opinion.
First, I thought it's a good idea to be able to replace any parts if it doesn't work anymore. I read that replacement parts are about £25.
4 times more expensive controller with ( I consider) expensive parts. Thanks, but no thanks.
Gamer : I'm not buying the Xbox elite controller it's too expensive for a controller
Sony : hold my beer
Psvr2 gonna be 800 bones
@ThatMusicFan I've had this thought too. This seems like it's more for the crowd that buys the Sony INZONE products.
Have they mentioned anything about doing a PS5 version of the back button attachment? Wouldn't surprise me if one gets announced right after people have taken the plunge and bought this Pro controller...
$310 for us canadians including taxes. sony thinks we are in a post WW2 era and everything is booming and happy out there. time for a reality check, jim.
£209.99?! Good luck with that!
Pre-order set to open soon lol, there would be a possible 0% chance I'm actually gonna spend £209 on a controller. That's equivalent to my gas and electric monthly bill along with groceries for the week 🤣
@Microbius Just because something is expensive or you can't justify the cost personally, doesn't make it 'anti-consumer greed'. For reference, the nearest equivalent SCUF is £10 more in a range of 'pro' controllers that goes from £180 to... £250! Maybe we should all head to their forums with our pitchforks.
if it doesn’t permanently stop stick drifting that’s been an issue since ps4 controllers and got a lot worse with the ps5 controller , i swear to god …
I was expecting it to cost around $180-$200. So I'm not surprised. After finally getting an Elite Series 2 controller a few months ago, I can't go back to a regular Series X controller. It will probably be the same with the Dualsense. I've missed back buttons!
Just make controllers that don't break easily with regular use as standard 😅😅
I'm not even going to acknowledge the prices of any "pro style" controllers 😶
For a fighting game I’d skip that and get a much cheaper Saturn style six button controller that’s permanently wired.
It’s what I’ve always used. Having six face buttons allows you to do an off handed claw grip. Get access to three fingers. Pinky for your right hotkey buttons.
This thing is overpriced.
It should have been 150.
@PhantomMenace84 or how about they just fix the sticks to begin with instead of charging 200 for it ?
I've tried a 6 button layout controller before but it never felt right for me for some reason. I couldn't really tell you why but generally I prefer the standard Playstation style controller for fighting games. Probably because that's just how I grew up playing fighting games. The extra paddle buttons on this thing could come in handy though.
@Marquez but this isnt their site or item?
if people have an issue with their pricing then yes they can go there and say so.
@Dr_Luigi You put that more eloquently than i ever could (except the megaman bit - i suck at those games lol).
I think your comment sums up where i am with Playstation these days. The hype isnt there. I felt like part of a movement at the launch of PS1, through to PS4. Particularly with the unloved consoles like PS3 and PS Vita. But recently it feels like Sony want to become the Apple of the console space. And i've made a habbit of not getting involved with Apple.
It doesn't bode well for the future. Sony really have to start delivering to generate hype in the brand again. For me at least
@stvevan And that's precisely what I suggested! My point is, these kinds of controllers are niche, expensive items - regardless of manufacturer. I don't agree that, because an item is expensive for some, it is therefore 'anti-consumer'.
Same price as an Xbox Series S. Bravo, Sony. I applaud you!
How much is PSVR2 going to be? £749?
I don't get why people are complaining, price on this type of controller revolves around 170 bucks, if they had tech like haptics and stuff they would sell for around 190~210.
LMAO 240€.
I've seen the XBox Series S in a sale for less and that includes a console AND a controller
Wow! Crazy pricing on a par with PS Vita memory cards.
It’s a no from me….
Also like many have said my goodness the PSVR2 is gonna be expensive
That's a hard pass. Thanks for making the decision easy Sony.
Based on this price, I reckon the psvr2 will retail for 649 in the UK
Sony, you so funny. No way in hell I'd pay that, and honestly nobody should. Yes, it's a good controller, but that's absurd. It's not $130 better than the DualSense.
@PhantomMenace84 and if you’re a sucker that likes to be overcharged for cheap materials that break within 3 months and justify it by paying $70 for more cheap fragile material or $200 for only the possibility of it disappearing entirely instead of just making good controllers , then you’re a clown
there is no controller that has a worse drift than the ***** dualsense .
If you could swap the d-pad and left stick, i would be all over this.
@PhantomMenace84 the joycons i overlooked because nintendo has actual controllers (gamecube/pro) , & the reason the dualsense is getting so much flak is because buying the edge seems like a NECESSITY , whereas it doesn’t with the elite or custom controllers . those controllers are optional , getting a better dualsense isn’t , because their flimsy controllers are destined to go bad .
for people that play primarily multiplayer , and games like shooters and fighters , the dualsense longevity is weak .
Nope nope nope
Years of life is kinda meaningless for a peripheral. The total number of hours of use is more useful, while the number of button actuations or sum total angle of movement of each stick axis, while impossible to accurately track, are the actual useful metrics.
I have a launch day console, and put about 1000 hours into the controller that came with it, then bought a midnight black controller when it released, relegating the original controller to be player 2 or a spare, and put about 800 hours into that until it developed stick drift. I RMA'd it and the replacement has about 1200 hours on it, still going strong.
On the one hand it's actually pretty impressive that ⅔ of the DS5 controllers I have owned are still pinpoint accurate with over 1000 hours of use, but in the other hand, when the controller that failed did so, it degraded pretty badly, pretty fast. On the first day of drift it was fine to just press the reset button with a pin. The next day I needed to set dead zones in HFW, but it was still usable. On the third day it was unusable and I had to switch back up my launch day controller while I arranged the RMA.
I've not had a controller on PC develop stick drift since the 90s, although they've all had much larger dead zones, while the 90s controllers, which needed calibration every time you reconnected them, never showed that sort of rapid progressive failure.
At £210 I would want an incredibly long and comprehensive warranty otherwise I'm far better off modding the standard Dualsense, especially once aftermarket hall effect modules become available like they are for the Switch and the Steam Deck.
@Uncharted2007 They're looking at Apple's model. Make it really expensive and it becomes a status symbol. You just have to have one for FOMO.
When Sony put the £ price ahead of the $ price something is very wrong. This should be £175 against the $199 price tag and Sony know it. Customers outside of US are basically being mugged off. You can get a Series S for £40 more at full retail price.
So pretty much the same price as the Xbox elite controller. Nice. Gimme!!
Edit: Ah, why are people bringing up the Xbox S and not the Xbox Elite controller lol. What a strange way to try and compare something gees. “I could buy 6 buckets of paint for that! FU Sony!!”
@Dr_Luigi @get2sammyb @Uncharted2007 Same reaction here, I refuse to ever pay that much for a controller!
Not to mention I have zero needs for the customization, perfectly happy with the regular controllers. I just wish they were cheaper.
Not really sure why everyone here is surprised. Of course this controller was going to be expensive, these kind of controllers typically are.
Have you seen scuf prices? Thats the kind of market the dual edge competes in.
The elite 2 also cost 180€ at release, and that was several years (and percentage points of inflation) ago.
Im not saying its cheap, it clearly isnt. But given the small niche this controller is designed for, i dont think Sony is being greedy asking for, what are are essentially, normal market rates for such a product.
Honestly, you could get nearly 3 Dual Sense controllers for this price. I think I'm good on this. With me being the only person that plays my PS5 I'm sure my controller will be good for 2 years minimum for just 1 controller.
I wonder what the replaceable sticks are going to cost...I've got my money on $60 for a pair.
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