Update: It turns out you can turn off most of the game's effects, not all of them:
Original Story: One of the most interesting aspects of Need for Speed Unbound so far is its visual style. It combines some quite realistic car models with cel-shaded characters and all kinds of extra effects, giving it a sort of graffiti and comic book look. We think it looks great, especially in the small gameplay clip shown earlier today. However, many are turned off by these flashy effects, and want to know if they can be disabled.
Good news: they can. The official NFS Twitter has confirmed you can indeed turn the effects off. "In fact, you can choose to never put them on in the first place," it continues. Obviously the style is quite important to the game, but if you're not a fan of the cartoonish embellishments, you can take them off.
It's always nice to have options, and it seems Unbound will let you choose how outlandish you want your racing experience to be. What do you think? Will you be leaving the effects on or turning them off? Tell us in the comments section below.
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[source twitter.com]
Comments 27
'Yes, you can turn the effects off. In fact, you can choose to never put them on in the first place'
Not only can you turn them off, you can also turn them off!
I will leave them on, gives the game some identity compared to the rest.
Its like playing doom with no blood. Well not that bad but you get the jist.
They started growing on me after replaying Spider-man with the comic costume, the npcs on the other hand...
Off for me, need to see the car and the road.
Then it’ll just look like any other racing game. What happened to celebrating games having unique visual identities?
So whats the point of having them anyway?
Why create a racing game with this style if you’re just going to let people turn it off.
Sounds like they’re not confident with their own product. Concerning.
@Jacko11 You have choice and you are complaining? Why limit with one design, it is much better to try be in middle with two options ON and OFF, and sell at most. They already will sell less copies because of not having on previous gen which still outnumbers current gen consoles significantly.
At the end, driving gameplay and custmization should be main thing in this game and not art style alone.
@Jacko11 well for people like me, i thnk it looks stupid more of a distraction than amyrhing ,after i first seen this effects, I didn't want to play it or buy it, but knowing now I can turn it all off, I willing to change my mind now
So I guess thats 1 reason why they added the option,
@nessisonett errr aren’t “options always better”?
Would've preferred realistic smoke over anime style
@Jacko11 that's like saying why add a 3rd person mode to resident evil village when it was made to be first person answer is not everyone likes first person & it's good to have options
Excited for the game. I think it’s good to turn off some of the effects of it bothers you too much. Depends how often the game utilities them.
Really looking forward for the graphics as the game is a „next gen“ only title.
@Would_you_kindly probably there will be a more realistic effect that you can win somewhere later in the game.
Removed - current gen piracy/emulation; user is banned
Choices are good.
Let the people who love the look enjoy the look, and the people who feel it's distracting avoid the distraction. Player choice is [almost] never bad.
Wow, tough crowd.
@Reeneman you mean buy..buy later in the inevitable season pass..
@Would_you_kindly whoot promoting piracy..way to go mate 🤣
Removed - current gen piracy/emulation; user is banned
@Would_you_kindly nope sorry..its still piracy bud..
They listened hahaha.
Ill wait for reviews but if the game is close to an underground 3 then I'm all in. And turn off everything comic book. I'm happy
Options vs Sticking to Vision. Who's ever going to win...
@kyleforrester87 No. But most of the time and in this case: Yes!
makes it far more appealing. Jan sale buy most likely
Options are great to have as with video games it is not one size fits all.
When GTA 5 released 9/13 there was no option to disable that
the screen would flash after every kill. Seriously not only did someone at R* think so highly of it that an option to disable it was never considered. That kill flash was hated by many, myself included, and 18 months later a patch provided a disable option. However there were gamers that loved it and wished prior GTA had a kill flash like in GTA 5.
I miss bonkers arcadey racing and karting games. Back in the day there were loads and they were so playable. Unlockables right left and centre. A game having a visual identity like this is at least a step in the right direction. Sometimes feels like all track games have to be SO serious now. Bring back the wacky arcadey stuff. Oh and the cool vehicular combat games. Always remember a Star Wars one which probably for critically panned but I loved it.
@riceNpea I guess it's one of those things where the game will ask immediately if you want to turn them on or off in the opening menus.
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