Update: Well, this isn’t very rebellious, is it? Need for Speed Unbound has been playing it fast and loose on social media, and it’s been drawing attention to the game. However, it seems executives have got cold feet on the strategy, and the account has apologised for its overly aggressive tone earlier in the week.
While we personally felt the community manager was being a little too rude in the examples embedded below, issuing a statement like this undermines the entire approach, and we imagine that’s the end of the account’s edginess now.
Original Article: Need for Speed Unbound’s hardline social media account has already drawn one article out of us, and here’s another. The community team is ripping up the rule book, antagonising its fans as opposed to interacting with the kind of twee politeness we’ve come to expect from major brands. Just take a look at this back-and-forth from earlier in the week, as spotted by Dexerto:
In the exchange, one fan questions the game’s three day Early Access policy, which is quite common for EA titles these days. The community manager accuses the player of having a “milkshake brain” and then goes on to retort: “Cry about it, bro. Or buy regular price, I don’t care.” After a lengthy response, in which the fan accuses the social media team of being an embarrassment, the community manager responded: “I’m not reading all that. Sorry that happened to you or congratulations.”
The new Need for Speed game has adopted a rebellious, urban theme – and it looks like EA is trying to play up to that with its community engagement strategy. It’s certainly a unique approach, and one we wouldn’t be surprised to see adopted by other brands. Personally, we think the social media manager is just being outright rude in this instance – but hey, it’s generating headlines.
[source twitter.com, via twitter.com]
Comments 43
Welp, I guess that's one way to give attention to your game...
(Since I actually forgot it exists)
One of my friends desperately wants the Burnout series to make a comeback, but who even owns the Burnout IP at this point?
lol, everyone really leaning into this whole “Twitter is now somehow worse than before” thing
@JustPlainLoco EA
Even though modern communication style via social networks tends to be more aggressive and innovative I still believe chatting with customers should be polite and respectful. Even if we forget about social conventions and etc., those people pay money for your product. And you can be witty without trying to insult someone... Well, now you may call me old-fashioned
Insulting consumers is not how you market a game, it's almost like EA are masochists who enjoy making terrible decisions.
there is a difference between being urban and just being a d*ck.
the twitter account is being the latter.
either they don't understand their own vibe for the game or they are just being mean because people have some critques.
so let's hope this not become a trend.
Says everything you need to know about EA and their entitled attitude.
People still buy their games though so who can blame them for acting the di*ks that they are?
I've seen it from the inside and I can tell you that working for EA is almost as bad as interacting with them!
It's doesn't matter how "edgy" or "cool" this Twitter account thinks it is, I'm not going to buy the game.
Yeah, I'm not buying this game unless it's used someday. I don't get why people think this is just amusing. They're doubling down on bad practices and the idea that we asked for them. This is not how online discourse should and this isn't even a witty rude. Your mom jokes usually have more thought and attention to detail and an attempt to be funny than EA did here.
Removed - unconstructive
So they obviously do this to go big on the whole 'not following the rules' theme of the game. But yeah, social media has a tendency to explode in your face if you're not careful. Then again maybe Kylo is in on it and just an employee from the community team..
He'll be crying next week that some kid has sent him a "death threat". The line is blurring between the adult & the child.
More of this please from all official Twitter game accounts.
Ngl that's a class response by the social media account 🤣
They need more admins like him.
There are too many whiney people on twitter nowadays, its about time these ppl stand up for themselves lol.
Yeah, I don’t mind them shutting the user down, they answered the guy’s question and he resorted to insults.
@Pokemaniacal There's nothing unreasonable about the demands. You do realize not all demands and lashback are bad right? They not all equally valid and the same.
@Gelly How exactly did he stand up for himself? All he did was act like a 12 year old who just realized the internet wasn't face to face. The person who he responses to was quite reasonable and correct. No one asked for this. Or do you think people who lie need to stand up for themselves like this when someone else points out the lie?
Well of course you probably agree with him and whine as well.
EA can do whatever they want man. If your so mad that they charge for 3 day early access why dont you talk to you internet friends and tell them to stop purchasing it. They are the real problem. They continue to purchase this. So why would EA listen to you I dont get it ? Continue to whine tho.
Just like you are free to whine EA and need for speed twitter account are free to push back.
Games grew to the exceptional state they are in without you whining on the internet, and it will continue to grow after companies start ignoring your ridiculous demands.
Pretty funny to be honest. Also who the hell doesn't buy a game because of that?
Don't back down, double down.
I couldn’t give a rodent’s backside whether his comments are considered ‘rude’ or not … I think it’s very funny. As someone else said - who realistically cares that games offer early access?!
I encourage more of this approach also!
Well, I was excited for Unbound, being Criterion's return to the series...guess I'll wait for a steep sale or get it heavily discounted on a grey market site cause I'm loathe to support any company that thinks this kind of behavior is acceptable.
I'm sorry but that twitter user obviously doesn't use twitter much. Their replies are softer than many other companies. But the company also is seen as an angel compared to normal twitter users. Lighten up.
@ShogunRok That’s got to be a Limmy reference surely 😂
So, just going off of what was linked in this article, a twitter user was upset about a 3 day early access period and had some serious entitlement. The EA person told them that they're dumb.
The social media manager was being rude...in response to a little jerk. I'm very much okay with that. I've seen some of my favorite games ruined by the vocal minority, so I'm fine with this person being lit up
This game so far looks 100% like NFS Heat but with those cartoon effects. It's like a NFS Heat Cartoon mod.
@ShogunRok wow this motto is gonna stick with me forever , as if i wasn’t like that already but now i know what to call it . thanks and i look forward to future comment deletions and cancellations
Removed - offensive remarks
@GKT I'm sorry what is it rude to say that early access is a rippoff in this case its not even early access. Early access was to check out a game so they could test the game and get out the bugs.
People got upset on Twitter? Never!
So I guess you say something about someones state of mind is not done I thought it wasn't that bad but if that not acceptable my apologies.
Let's say it in a more tame way its really stupid to insult your paying customers. As a older person i really can't understand being rude to paying customers.
@GKT And saying someone is being entitled for saying it's not classy to let people pay for a 3 day head jump is also weird.
Its not real a early access product the product won't change anything its just a game held back for sale for 3 days its a misused term.
Nine times out of ten, when a person or a company apologizes online, it wasn't actually needed at all and was just placating a virtual mob who have nothing better to do than find something to be outraged about.
I'd be a hypocrite to decry snarkily repelling dramatic fanheads (and if anyone should have the money to afford losing a few sales for the sake of leaving the portion of this addict swarm behind, it's EA), but there are smarter and more civil ways to do that, especially at the head of a designated PR account, than juvenile jabs like "milkshake brain". This is pretty much MLPFiM's "Fake It Till You Make It" IRL indeed, even if I concur with the manager's other points.😅
@Flaming_Kaiser there is only so much class about business and commerce in general, and vehemently demanding the opposite in a domain whose output people use as pure entertainment and aesthetic drugs can come across as entitlement indeed (and no, the Maslow pyramid doesn't excuse that). Militant "stick it to the corporate Man" fans repeatedly remind the alleged sheeple in the audience that "corporations aren't our friends", but their words and actions don't often seem like they truly understand or account for this notion themselves. Just like they ignore the fact that in the shoes of Wilson, Kotick & Co they all would act the very absolute bloody same.
Shame they backed down. People take themselves too seriously on social media. You want to complain to a company about their practices? Send an email, make a phone call, or something. Social Media isn’t the spot. Feels like you’re just seeking attention in the echo chamber.
So they think playing the role of reddit edge lord fits the image of a racing game? Okay....
@nhSnork I do have to disagree here with you. I try to be as of a person as I can. But I can safely say I will never act like Kotick.
I don't tell people I will let them get killed he has been seud for that. I don't sexually abuse people. I don't think that treating your personal like garbage will let them work harder or even better.
At several places where they treat there personal better they work better, get sick less and try to do their best job and even go out of their way to do extra work.
I can tell you where I work now because of the cheapass and rude behaviour let alone letting us work extra nightshift where we have to ask to be compensated.
I see people get sick a lot because of the bad conditions, are sick longer and don't give a toss about their work way less productive.
Well treat your workers well and they will do their job better and be more productive and if they feel a sick they try to come to work. I'm looking to get another job now I do my job well and they are happy with me. But I see all the other good people leave so I better follow suit.
@ErrantRob Good luck making a point to EA over email or a phonecall.
@Flaming_Kaiser true, but I doubt social media has any impact either haha. In the end hopefully they at least listen to those in their play testing programs (which requires pretty extensive feedback processes).
@ErrantRob I agree let's hope they do but we both know that big money will lead the way. 😢
@Flaming_Kaiser these are all from Kotick's more administrative (if not downright criminal) "portfolio" that most people regardless of their own corruption and fallibility would prefer to avoid by default, if mostly in the face of the respective inhibitors since not everyone has Kotick's lawyer money. But my point referred to the general business practices under his and other CEOs' helm - the stuff that earns them their big money AND normally doesn't clash with the concerned legislation(s). How many of us would resist THAT? Yup.
@ErrantRob If you a company to change and gamers too then damage to the image of a company would make investors back off.
Im certain it will do a lot more damage then sending a email.
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