Former PS5 console exclusive Ghostwire Tokyo has been revealed to be coming to Xbox platforms, not by an industry insider or datamined information, but by a swanky piece of wall art in Bethesda Softworks London office, of all things.
Twitter user Klobrille picked up on the detail after it was showcased on workplace design company Area's website, and while it has since been taken down, you can check it out for yourself below. The artwork lists the platforms for which the game is available, including Xbox Series X/S, which has never been formally announced.
Perhaps not the most shocking news you will hear all day, considering Bethesda's acquisition by Microsoft, but you really do have to admire the sheer audacity of such an ostentatious ornament, doubly so when you consider Deathloop also quietly made the transition.
We weren't particularly impressed by Ghostwire Tokyo when it launched back in March (kind of amazing to think it was released this year), and for our full thoughts on the matter, check out our in-depth review.
What do you think of Ghostwore Tokyo coming to Xbox consoles and the manner in which this information came to light? Exorcise your demons in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com, via videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 34
Yawn....who cares?
I figured it would similar to how Deathloop did. I’m looking forward to playing it on GamePass.
Indifference: Tokyo
It definitely wouldn't have been worth a full price ticket, but for the £14 I paid, I couldn't complain. Was fairly enjoyable! Smooth fun gameplay. This is the sort of game that is definitely designed for gamepass.
It was a Bathesda game huh?
So that's why it sucked and played even worse lol
They're welcome to it !
Played half it, then uninstalled it. The game is crap. Walk around, kill spirits, collect stuff- once you've done that for 20 minutes you've pretty much seen the entire game
I'm happy for the Xbox crowd. I genuinely really enjoyed this game. Great ending. Enemy design was great. Plenty of yokai if you're into that (I am). Fun combat.
I agree that it has the "Ubisoft tower" thing - however that doesn't bother me. I don't play many Ubisoft games.
Going for the platinum sucks,but that won't effect most people anyway
Ghostwire Tokyo released this year excuse me?
I enjoyed the game but did become a slog for the platinum way to many collectibles. Least it was something a little different to your usual shooter and action games.
Surprise to no one
Loved this game ,well worth the 15 quid I paid for it ,really wanted a sequel but looks like that will never happen now.
Never played this but seen it pretty cheap so may grab it for a quick blast through. @Gloamin sold it to me.
Much better game than Deathloop if I’m being honest.
good more gamers hopefully we will get a sequel , interesting game
I’m hoping the game will drop onto PS+ at some point. Otherwise I don’t think I’ll try the game. First person perspective games rarely click for me.
@Mitsui Heaven forbid that any other platform is ever even slightly mentioned because that means all of our PlayStations will stop working.
Grow up. It's a story about a PS5 exclusive moving to another platform. Don't cry.
As a fan of both yokai and wandering around Tokyo’s nooks and crannies, I got a lot of entertainment out of this game. Didn’t bother with the platinum though, since it seems designed to convert fun into a slog. Great mood, quality voice acting, and an excellent take on most of the monsters. It turns out that the slit-mouthed woman is a surprisingly snappy dresser.
I quite enjoyed it and thought it was great, but the Dualsense was so cool I couldn’t imagine playing it on Xbox. It will honestly be inferior because of the controller.
@Mitsui Yeah it's an okay game.
@EquiinoxGII 100% gamepass quality, not that I'm knocking it. I have a friend at work who subscribes to GP for this very reason.
@Jaz007 yeh can’t imagine without Dualsense features major facet of the sensory and ambient experience I took from this title.
@Sqush-Pare 100% specially if you can get a deal on gamepass. If all the games are this standard for a reasonable sub fee, it's not a terrible deal at all, they were never going to be like God of war or last of us quality. Haha
Who cares about this game? LOL
@Mitsui Do other sites like GBATemp only report Nintendo news? No. Does DualShockers only post stories about PS1 through PS4? Same answer.
@GymratAmarillo You play Overwatch but want to dog on this game? LOL! Myself and plenty of others who didn't purchase Ghostwire for PS or PC are looking forward to the possibility of it coming to Game Pass to try out.
If Ghostwire: Tokyo did not get released around the time of Elden Ring it would have been a way better seller.
Elden Ring Gamer Bros and their perfect game eclipsed everything else for quite a while.
I thought it was pretty much a given
I actually quite enjoyed it when I played on PS, so I will have to jump back into it when it comes to Game Pass
Happy for my Xbox friends if this turns out to be true.
You cared enough to click on this specific article, scroll all the way down and then leave a comment instead of just scrolling past it.
No snark, wasn't this announced like, a year ago? We've known since before they launched that both were 1 year PS exclusives.
@__jamiie i really could not give a flying fig if games remain exclusive anymore..so long as i can play my games on my console of choice who cares?
The amount of salt in these comments😂
Pretend to love it when it's exclusive and pretend it sucks when it's not with some I swear.
@Northern_munkey You care enough to click on the article and comment.
@HeeHo you could say that about a hundred other posters over various other articles..
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