PSVR2 is not backwards compatible with PSVR, and for many that’s an enormous disappointment. However, some of the best games from the previous peripheral’s back catalogue are making their way to the new unit – and are receiving some meaty upgrades as part of the process. A new Games Industry article shines light on the transition process, and how titles are being reworked to take advantage of Sony’s new hardware.
It’s not all about resolution and framerate, either – those are a given, after all. For example, Tetris Effect, the trance-inducing puzzler from Enhance Games, will utilise eye-tracking to trigger the Zone mechanic when you close your eyes. Moss Book I and Book II, meanwhile, will increase the detail of the release’s shadows depending on where you’re looking, reducing computational overheads and optimising the overall experience.
Studios are also taking the time to incorporate the DualSense-esque features present in the new PSVR2 Sense Controllers. Pistol Whip, for instance, will utilise the adaptive triggers to add texture to each bullet you fire, while Moss will have a range of different feeling interactions depending on the context.
Of course, not all of these titles will offer free upgrades, and therefore there’s an onus on the studio to justify the cost of their ports. In the case of Moss, you’ll have to buy the games all over again; Enhance Games, meanwhile, is offering a discount for existing owners of Tetris Effect and Rez Infinite. But with backwards compatibility not even available on PSVR2, there’s certainly value in these studios revisiting their old releases and fully upgrading them to take advantage of Sony’s new hardware.
[source gamesindustry.biz]
Comments 31
Although most are free upgrades, I’m happy to pay £10 for them. I’d much rather that than get backwards compatibility with no upgrades for the new device.
A couple of months ago, I thought I had a PSVR backlog to tackle. Now, I have a day one PSVR2 backlog.
Seems like nobody talks about Blood and Truth anymore. That was probably my favourite VR game. That and Doom VFR.
@Johnnycide I like that game too, and I wish they'd port it to PSVR2.
I fully expect Blood and Truth and Astro Bot to get free upgrades. If I was Sony i’d be spreading these things out across the launch year though.
If Astro Bot doesn't get a port I will riot/be mildy frustrated.
I never got the first PSVR but really wanted to play that, especially after the PS5 game was sooo fun
@Alexface We get mildly frustrated together in that case!
Been saving Moss Book II for the new headset.
Resi VIII, GT 7, Horizon... It's going to be a busy launch window.
@Alexface Astro is another I've been holding off on playing in case it gets a port. I mean it has to get a port.
Or a sequel. I'd take either tbh.
Fake news.
Doesn’t take any time or money to upgrade.
Open PSVR1 game files > Select all > Save as > gamename.psvr2
All PSVR1 games should be updated to PSVR2 and should all be free and available day one.
Lazy and greedy devs.
@get2sammyb It is suspicious that none of the confirmed upgrades have come from Sony first party (sans GT7). I would assume we'll hear more about some of their own games soon. If not, massive wasted opportunity.
@Shepherd_Tallon Astro...Be still my beating heart. Wherever you will play it. You're in for such a treat. Big wasted opportunity if they do not port it over.
Where´s Drunkn Bar Fight?
@dschons I've only ever heard positive things about it. My friend compared it to playing Mario 64 for the first time when that game originally came out.
Gimme Astro!
One of the best PSVR games I played.
@Shepherd_Tallon Probably the best overall gaming experience in my entire life. Beats my fondest childhood memories honestly. I remember constantly shaking my head in absolute disbelief. I hope I'll have similar reactions when I'll be playing Call of the Mountain. Can't wait for that huge leap.
Its annoying to me how many people have demanded that its lazy and looks unsupported because BC isn't a thing with VR2. BC only works if the game can translate 1:1 with no visual/UI changes thats all its ever been. Take astrobot for example, how would it work without tracking a DS4, the dualsense doesn't have the large lightbar and VR2 has no way to track it as far as I'm aware. The pack in controllers are a pair with a different button layout, which controller would be the main one for the zip line? Sometimes people just don't like to think.
@dschons I've been thinking about this a lot actually.
I was already getting the same buzz from PS5 that the PS1 gave me, but PSVR2 is amplifying that to ridiculous levels.
Remember that generational leap forward we took when we moved from Mega Drive and SNES to PS1?
It feels like we've been waiting for it to happen again ever since, and it's sounding like the new headset will deliver that.
So….if i put my physical copy of moss in then I can upgrade to the psvr 2 versions….right?…..riiiiiiight?
I think Astrobot is really the only major PSVR1 that wasn't just an early VR tech demo title we haven't heard about, other than Skyrim which we know is a no-go now. I'm sure it'll happen.
Glad both Thumper & Beat Saber are being upgraded, both immense VR experiences.
I'm really hoping that although Beat Saber will have a cost, I hope I don't need to rebuy the DLC again too.
No, but if you buy Moss 2 you effectively get the upgraded moss 1 for “free” (well, Moss 1 and 2 pack costs the same as Moss 2 cost when released recently in PSVR1). Basically they are making you get the sequel if you want a free Moss1 upgrade, which is pretty sneaky.
Even some “tech demo” experiences are still worth a play though, thinking about Statik and Tumbler (I think it was called). I’m personally still hoping for a lot of games to get upgrades, free or reasonably priced. Games like Falcon Age and Fisherman’s Tale, which I never got around too, plus some big games like Wanderer.
Open question: Would someone who sits at a desk to play games, enjoy PSVR2 (I’m thinking GT7, maybe Forbidden, rather than Beat Sabre).
I just keep getting an image of me getting strangled by the cable, while spinning around in my office chair, punching the monitor
@DrVenture69 Job Simulator exists. So does Meta, lol.
IDK about a desk. I play on the couch and it's just fine. Beat saber and the like is more about standing and being more fitness-y, I suppose. BUT, a desk is probably a problem. Not so much for the swivel chair (hopefully you're not actually spinning in circles as that would be nauseating no matter what) but you do need to move your arms to the object you're interacting with, and objects in the way like the desk or a monitor at close distance, you'd definitely keep hitting it. You can work around it to a degree, but that might be a continuous annoyance.
Imagine a scenario where you have to reach out and open a door knob located approximately where you'd really reach out and open a doorknob in real life....you're going to clip that desk with the controller.
GT7, though, I'm pretty sure the VR is designed to be able to be used with a racing wheel and pedal setup, so a desk is arguably the IDEAL way to play that. It's a car simulator, so sitting in a confined space is what it's supposed to be recreating.
Thanks for such a comprehensive answer, @NEStalgia. Appreciate it. That’s pretty much what I was guessing. I play desk/couch about 60/40, so still interested.
I’m down for that as I never bought moss 2. Yeah trust me I feel bad for never buying moss 2 and supporting them.
One big hurdle to overcome for Astrobot is how deeply integrated the DualShock was to whole game.
I haven't seen anybody talk about it, but I've been thinking about it a bit and I fear we will never see it for PSVR2.
Not only you could literally see a 3D model on screen if you looked down, but, from memory:
1. Astrobot would live inside it (yes, literally)
2. You have to fling the touchpad to start a level
3. You have to aim the DS for just about ALL of the gadgets you unlock:
Also all of the gadgets (even the ones that could be easily ported to be used with a new stick controller, like the Pellet Gun) were created with a SINGLE point of use in mind (ie the DS you hold with both your hands), so I'm not sure they translate well when you have 2 possible inputs.
Maybe all of these problems can be overcome, and if there is a studio creative enough to do so is indeed Team Asobi, but at this point I could see them just pouring energy and resources into a sequel instead.
Not one mention of Saints + Sinners yet? So excited that this game is receiving a free upgrade and will launch alongside its sequel in March
I've just rewatched Top Gun: Maverick this weekend and, man... 1) What a f'in movie and 2) is it much to ask for a PSVR2 port of Ace Combat 7? I'd take only the VR missions, but it'd surely be something else to play the full game. And/or the next instalment, of course. The hardware capability is finally there. Just lacking the install base now, I guess.
@Art_Vandelay We can dream. There have been many hints that they are looking into VR, but nothing concrete.
Shuehi Yoshida and Kazutoki Kono have had banter about it on Twitter. But it could've been taken as a hint or wishful thinking.
It would be amazing if they did.
So as someone new to PSVR (but not PCVR) should I hold off buying any titles on PS5 until the studio releases a "PSVR2" specific version?
I mean - Moss is announced as coming for PSVR2, but I dont want to buy it on launch then find I have to buy it again for an "Enhanced Version" 2 months later
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