A small tidbit from Sony’s CES 2023 press conference: PSVR2 is on schedule to have more than 30 games available at launch. That’s according to bigwig Jim Ryan, who proudly proclaimed the tidbit before confirming a free Gran Turismo 7 update will be available on 22nd February, making the game compatible with the next-gen headset.
We’ve been keeping track of All PSVR2 Launch Games, and our list is nearing 30 titles, although we are still awaiting confirmation on several more. The list is perhaps a little light on brand new blockbusters, with Horizon Call of the Mountain being the standout in that department, but the free updates to Polyphony Digital’s aforementioned simulation racer and Resident Evil Village will be transformative.
The selection is also quite varied. There are smaller, arcade titles like Fantavision 202X and 2MD: VR Football Unleashed All-Star as well as meatier releases such as No Man’s Sky. There’s also a lot of acclaimed content, like the two Moss titles and the revamped Song in the Smoke, which will be at their very best on PSVR2. All in all, we think it’s a strong starting slate – and remember, the likes of The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners - Chapter 2: Retribution aren’t far behind either.
Comments 38
48 days to go. What a launch line up. It’s going to be amazing!!!
It's a solid launch list but with few games that make me really want to buy Day 1. (Where are you HL:Alyx?)
I'll be waiting till later in the year to see if it's still being supported heavily or if, like PSVR1, it is relatively quickly forgotten by major developers.
Still considering buying PSVR2 on day1.
I want more AAA - although GT7 announcement today got me thinking about getting it just for that 1 game.
Yeah but the majority are older games being slightly upgraded, sounds like the ps5 all over again....
Potentially a fantastic launch line up, but depends if you have played the games before. I’ve played No Man’s Sky and GT7, but not Pistol Whip or Resi Village, and none of the quest games like Demeo. Then you have Switchback course, a new game which looks great.
If I had played all of these games, with only Horizon and Switchback new, I might feel a bit less excited (as good as those games are).
@themightyant which major developers would those be? Because honestly I can't remember any major developer's being involved in the original to begin with?
@LN78 so never then lol
Was waiting for them to announce GT7.
Very excited. I was second guessing my pre-order but that show last night nailed it home for me.
@Yozora146_ ubisoft,ea and Bethesda bandai namco and warner bros all supported psvr....that's a few I can remember
@LN78 honestly I doubt they'll be that cheap and even then who buys a second hand VR headset that's a bit gross.
I think PSVR got amazing support personally. It still gets new games even now. A good game is a good game regardless of who made it.
If your expectation is for Naughty Dog to make The Last of Us 3 exclusively for PSVR2, then maybe it's not the right device for you.
@ROTTIEMAN16 Thanks, I completely forgot! come to think of it then the support was actually pretty good. Launch line up looks good too
@LN78 The foam absorbs sweat and oils antiseptic wipes aren't getting rid of that I'm afraid hence why washing machines work the way they do. To get under £300 the headset would have to be sold for less than half, but then again perhaps the reason there'd be so many second hand units is many is because most people Don't like the idea of buying one. Curiously why do you think the headset should be at that price anyway? The launch line up looks great. Hardware is good too.
In my opinion it's one of the best launch line-ups for any console let alone a peripheral.I've been gaming for 45 years now and I've seen some real empty line-ups from some really popular consoles.I also think it's a brilliant piece of tech at a pretty decent price when you think about what your getting and the equivalent pricing of vr headsets.Vr can take games to a whole new level of immersion so I hope it gets more traction this time
@get2sammyb The headline is wrong. Just saw the show on Youtube and Jim Ryan said "launch window" not launch day...
Launch window is the first 3 months from releaseday, so from 22 Feb to around 22 May.
That said, with news every other day I'm sure it will be around that anyway. But right now it's 23 titles ready for launch at releaseday.
@Yozora146_ Sony's own studios, Capcom, Bethesda etc. Though when I said major developers it's because every system needs big name system sellers to take off, not because I think these will be the best games. Whether we like or not tentpole titles like Horizon or HL:Alyx will get more people to buy a PSVR2 than Moss 2 or Beat Saber. And we need those sales to get more developers on board, it's a vicious cycle.
@get2sammyb I agree to a point, i'm not expecting TLOU3 exclusive but at the same time did PSVR really get good support after a couple of years? What were the really great tentpole games that released over the last few years? It seemed very front loaded (2016-2018) to me and my concern is PSVR2 will be the same.
Perhaps i'm wrong and missed some bangers after I returned mine but I certainly didn't hear people talking about them in the same way they did about things like Astrobot, Beat Saber, Thumper, Moss, Skyrim etc. which all launched in the first year or two.
With a new fast growing technology live VR i'd expect learning, iteration and improvement in game design to push forward quickly, yet many of the earlier games seemed to be regarded the best, the opposite of what I expected.
To be clear i'd love PSVR2 to be a huge success, just not convinced enough software is coming I want to play to justify around an £600 outlay.
@LN78 Having used the OG extensively I've never even thought of replacing the foam probably because no such official way exists as far as I'm aware so I wouldn't call that easy. You also said under £300 so I assumed around what £250 as a ballpark figure so I apologise for that. Yes its expensive but pretty fair when look elsewhere at the VR market, I mean sony are selling it for profit unlike PS5 hardware which is sold for £100-£200 loss. As far as pre orders go VR isn't a massive market at the moment (less scalpers too) anyway realistically I imagine those who have pre ordered at the moment will likely be those who already are quite invested in VR like myself. But you know its fair if that's what you want to pay.
@themightyant You make great points, admittedly I think high end software largely dried up due to hardware limitations especially with the move wands, and yeah games need to evolve past 'look you can use your hands' too. Price wise its competitive to other areas of the market but but as you said price will only drop of it gets mass market appeal but games like saints and sinners do give a lot of hope for the future as that game just wouldn't work flat.
@LN78 True! Just saying because if the market is poor than getting replacement anything becomes less viable and costly. I had a look at some second hand Quest 2 prices on CeX and ebay none on cex I saw were sub 300 and those that were on ebay are incomplete bids given that the quest 2 is a cheaper I wouldn't put too much stock in sub £300 for psvr 2 anytime soon unless its a massive bomb. Hope you don't think I'm being rude btw, this is just an interesting conversation .
You should try the likes of the Wanderer, Moss 2 and Zenith. All released last year I believe.
@LN78 Okay but your og post was you would only buy if it was under £300 which as I pointed is that it will be very very unlikely you'll find one at that price.
@LN78 I was its just that considering the OG PSVR headset launched at £350 and the new one at £530 in todays market i was just saying be realistic is all....
@LN78 you posted a comment just to get a reaction and he's giving you a reaction. You asked for it. Lol!
Also the foam on the original PSVR isn't easy to replace. I posted a breakdown on reddit a few years back that I can link you to.
@LN78 I was just saying its pretty unrealistic is all, and why you getting so heated. Even if your quoting the OG your numbers don't add up, the psvr 2 is £180 more expensive even acounting for your OG price drop was £125, point is getting VR 2 down to sub £300 is very unlikely which even you've got to admit jeez.
@LN78 Just because you claim to have seen new pads on PSVR headset doesn't mean you know the work that went into replacing them. Stop trying so hard.
@Yozora146_ Ignore this guy. You've proved him wrong & He has nothing of merit to say. He's just raging now.
@Majk_SVK Honestly I didn't have much interest in GT7, but playing in VR is very appealing. I had a lot of fun with Driveclub VR.
@LN78 That wasn't really the point though through the other messages you started talking about 1 year tbf. if you want to wait 5 years hell why not wait 30 years and get it that cheap cool you do you yeesh I'm not attacking you I was just curious why in the end why you thought so.
@LN78 you'll be waiting a long time...
@NintenGuy I'm not really bothered originally i just thought it was unrealistic and then I asked why he thought that. Are you interested in getting one?
@LN78 As I said if you get one for sub £300 cool I was originally curious as to why you thought so. It was never about being 'right'.
@Yozora146_ For sure. I'm a huge fan of PSVR. The tech leap alone has me excited for the new headset.
@LN78 Thank You 🤝. If you get anyone else replying to your first comment just ignore them or edit to say 2nd hand/pre owned because some might think your bait posting.
If I was looking to get a PSVR2, Horizon, Resident Evil Village and Gran Turismo 7 are great titles to have at launch.
I think this headset has a great future. It will still be somewhat niche compared to flatscreen gaming of course, but when people get to try it and can see how immersive it is - word will spread and more people will be interested.
I hope it will "piggyback" more flat games this time around. The audience might be too low to make many Call of the Mountain type experiences, but making official VR mods for exciting games should be a much more affordable solution. RE8 and GT7 are in this category and I hope to see more of these soon.
Another thing I hope for is crossplay between VR and flatscreen in multiplayer online. So many of the PSVR multiplayer games I tried were complete ghost towns by the time I got around to playing them.
@thefourfoldroot1 thanks for heads up, haven’t even heard of 2 of those
No problem. Zenith PSVR2 version just went on sale for £21.99 if you don’t have the original with it’s free upgrade.
With GT7 makes it tempting but Hitman will make it 100% make me get one
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